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Nije mi jasan taj Sajnz mlađi, koji će k... ikome. Hulk je njime obrisao pod u Renou. Za Hulka nema mesta, a za Sajnca mlađeg se otimaju. I koji če moj, Rikardu Meklaren? Kakav god da je reno, veće šanse da nešto uradi ima u njemu nego sa meklarenom.

On 5/13/2020 at 7:05 AM, alberto.ascari said:

A gde se to ne radi? (Ne kupuje dvojka)

Znam da se radi, ali ta činjenica ne čini kupovanje dvojke ništa manje odvratnim činom. To je skoro pola puta ka excel ekipi...

5 minutes ago, Stevapn said:

Vetel je imao strašnih brljki u Ferariju. Da je neko drugi bio umesto njega, bilo bi više poena, ako ne i titula.

Ma, samo da su 2018. od starta podržali Kimija uzeli bi titulu...



MEDLAND: Good moves for F1... what about those involved?


Mark Sutton/Motorsport Images


By Chris Medland | 17 minutes ago



Isn’t the Formula 1 shutdown so boring and quiet? As weeks go, this has been a big one, with a short, sharp, stunning burst of silly season.


But as the dust starts to settle, there are definite winners and losers, from a number of perspectives.


Firstly, let’s deal with the man who kicked it all off: Sebastian Vettel.


As it stands, he’s very much in the loser category. Vettel wanted to stay at Ferrari, because his dream has been to emulate Michael Schumacher and win in red. Both sides said their preference was to continue together earlier this year, so for Vettel to step away shows he was not happy with the terms he was being offered.


Ferrari has moved quickly to announce his replacement, meaning Lewis Hamilton isn’t switching Brackley for Maranello, so you can’t see Vettel ending up at Mercedes. If he retires and that’s the decision he wanted to make then it would be unfair to say Vettel has lost out after a hugely impressive career, but until his next move is clear then he’s in the cold.


Now I want to take a look at the other two drivers who have had their futures confirmed today.


I must admit, if I was in charge of Ferrari, I’d have been hiring Daniel Ricciardo. That’s not intended as a slight on Carlos Sainz in any way, but this is a team that has been winning races on a regular basis over the past three seasons (even if it took a while to start last year) and has released a driver who is third on the all-time winners list and has four titles to his name.


To replace that with a driver who has just one podium in his career so far, and has yet to complete two consecutive seasons at a senior team is a big step. Sainz was massively impressive last season, but alongside a driver with just two seasons under his belt — and also yet to do back-to-back years with the same team — there’s now a real lack of regular winning experience.


That doesn’t make it the wrong move, but it does make it a bigger gamble.


Ricciardo would have brought solid experience, race-winning pedigree but also a very different atmosphere than Vettel as part of a fresh start for Ferrari. He also would have taken the pressure off Charles Leclerc. Either Sainz is going to need to prove himself capable of leading Ferrari, or more likely be expected to slot into a number two role, but both put eyes firmly on Leclerc. He has been outstanding so far, but still needs time to develop into the role of leading such a massive team.


Don’t get angry with me, though, because the fan in me is really excited by the way things have played out. While my head would have taken me in a different direction in charge of Ferrari, seeing Sainz getting his shot to really prove Red Bull wrong, and likewise Ricciardo pairing with Lando Norris at an improving and exciting McLaren, are great outcomes for the sport.



By moving from Renault into Sainz’s place at McLaren, Ricciardo puts a number of intriguing things in play. Image by Mark Sutton/Motorsport Images


And now the focus shifts on to how this could play out for Renault. Right now, the Enstone-based team is definitely the biggest loser in the situation.


Managing director Cyril Abiteboul felt the need to criticize a lack of commitment from Ricciardo in a short press release confirming the team had failed to reach an agreement to keep him. But in understanding why Ricciardo opted to move to McLaren, Renault needs to look inwardly, because it’s not like he got the dream call from Maranello.


Given the momentum of the last 18 months, you’d have to say Ricciardo has upgraded, but only slightly. Mercedes or Ferrari were the seats he really wanted, but being overlooked for the latter meant McLaren was the next best thing. Add in a Mercedes power unit next year and it’s going in the right direction, but it is still a midfield team.


So a switch says as much about his faith in Renault turning matters around than anything else, because he can only judge McLaren from the outside.

And that makes Abiteboul’s reaction more understandable, even if it appeared to lack the class Ricciardo showed in not mentioning McLaren at all in any public posts, instead thanking Renault for their time together so far. By contrast, on Abiteboul’s side, he didn’t even mention Ricciardo’s name in his comments.

Once that anger subsides, Abiteboul has to set about securing a replacement that stops the alarm bells ringing at Renault. Nico Hulkenberg is available and a known quantity but uninspiring given his departure from the team last year to allow for a Ricciardo-Esteban Ocon partnership.


Valtteri Bottas would be a race winner who has the temperament to work well with Ocon — something that shouldn’t be totally overlooked given what happened at Force India — but is only likely to be open to a move if dropped by Mercedes, rather than enticed away. (If George Russell got the nod to replace Bottas though, that would at least increase Renault’s chances of keeping Ocon longer term).


Neither of the above would generate the same fanfare of Sainz joining Ferrari or Ricciardo signing for McLaren. But two drivers currently on the market certainly would: Vettel and Fernando Alonso.



Could Fernando Alonso party like it was 2005 in a return to Renault? Motorsport Images


Vettel appears to be a long shot given the manner of his Ferrari departure, because it feels like time off is more likely than a move to a midfield team for the four-time world champion. But it would be a show of faith in the Renault project if he were interested, and Renault did power Vettel to his championships.


If that’s a non-starter, then Alonso fits the bill. As a double world champion, his return would trump Ricciardo’s departure, and be a reminder of Renault’s past successes as the team that took Alonso to those titles. It is also looking increasingly like the most attractive seat that will be available to the 38-year-old in the next two years, and the window for a return is closing.


There could still be a win on the table for Renault, and a past world champion on the grid is always going to be another win for F1.



3 hours ago, Stevapn said:

Vetel je imao strašnih brljki u Ferariju.


Sto bi nas narod rekao - dzigericu mi je pojeo :ranting:


E sad...nije bio sam u toj prici. Magareca brigada je i dalje na okupu :classic_ninja:


Videcemo na sta ce sve to da lici u kombinaciji LEC-SAI...prilicno je to slabo protiv... 




...Hamiltona. :classic_rolleyes:

  • Ha-ha 2

Ne znam zasto Toto ne bi hteo, dobija maximalnu medijsku izlozenost, a s druge strane Hamilton ce da ga pojede za dorucak pa nece biti u poziciji da  donosi teske odluke jer ce od starta biti jasno gde je cija pozicija. Jedino sto ovo ne ide Vettelu u prilog, jer bi time tek unistio svoj legacy. E sad ako je spreman na to za saku dolara, onda je moguce da zavrsi u srebrenom bolidu.

  • Like 1
  • Ha-ha 1
53 minutes ago, Romantik said:

 Jedino sto ovo ne ide Vettelu u prilog, jer bi time tek unistio svoj legacy. E sad ako je spreman na to za saku dolara, onda je moguce da zavrsi u srebrenom bolidu.


Mislim da Fetel nema drugih opcija ako zeli da ostane u F1, naravno ako je ovo uopste i opcija a ne medijske spekulacije. Nogiran iz Ferarija, u RBR/STR ga ne zele nazad, Meklaren optirao za Denija Rika a Reno sva je prilika za Alonsa. Mozda ako se Kime penzionise pa se otvori mesto u Alfi (ali zasto u Ferari B-tim? isto vazi i za Has), ili ako kupi mesto u RP ili Vilijamsu (zasto bi kupovao?) - prakticno mu je Mercedes najcistija opcija.


To pod uslovom da ga u Mercedesu hoce (a pitanje je da li ga hoce), i da Hamilton ne bude pravio problema.

Mislim da Fetel nema drugih opcija ako zeli da ostane u F1, naravno ako je ovo uopste i opcija a ne medijske spekulacije. Nogiran iz Ferarija, u RBR/STR ga ne zele nazad, Meklaren optirao za Denija Rika a Reno sva je prilika za Alonsa. Mozda ako se Kime penzionise pa se otvori mesto u Alfi (ali zasto u Ferari B-tim? isto vazi i za Has), ili ako kupi mesto u RP ili Vilijamsu (zasto bi kupovao?) - prakticno mu je Mercedes najcistija opcija.
To pod uslovom da ga u Mercedesu hoce (a pitanje je da li ga hoce), i da Hamilton ne bude pravio problema.
Jedina šansa mu je MGP. A to vidim negde oko 5%.

Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk

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Cisto sumnjam iako bih jaaako voleo da se to desi. Nije Vettel covek za ‘sardnju’ kao sto nije ni Lewis. Jedino da ga u startu obaveste da je nominalno broj 2 u timu, a u slucaju da bljesne lako ce se to promeniti. 

Ne znam, ne znam...mislim da od toga nema nista. Ostaje mu ili Renault ili penzija (penzija verovatno). 

1 hour ago, Hamilton said:

 Ostaje mu ili Renault ili penzija (penzija verovatno). 


Pa fora je upravo u tome da ce u Reno po svemu sudeci Alonso pre nego Fetel, tako da mu je cak i Mercedes (uz sve opaske koje si izneo) trenutno realnija opcija nego Reno.

Dakle penzija.


Sto nas dovodi do bizarne situacije da za statisticki drugog najuspesnijeg vozaca na gridu trenutno, visestrukog sampiona i nosioca mnogih F1 rekorda i jos uvek relativno mladog nema mesta u F1, ali zato ima za Strola, Latifija i slicne placenike. Voleli mi Fetela ili ne to je ipak jedna tuzna situacija i F1 a i svi mi gledaoci smo tu na gubitku.

  • Like 5

Sve potpisujem. 
Na tu sramnu listu bih dodao i Grozana mucenog npr. 

Zbog ‘1-2’ filozofije grida ocigledno trpe pojedini karakterni vozaci. Svakako da je Vetel bolji vozac od Botasa, ali Vetel ima istoriju sukoba, incidenata na stazi izazvanih svojom krivicom te  upada u tu matematiku ‘1-2’ vozaca. 


Nemoj mi u Grožana ako boga znaš! Dečko nikad nije dobio šansu u velikoj ekipi a trebao je. Ja shvatam zašto ga mnogi ovde ne vole, ali kad tako dominantno pokoriš niže serije a onda ne dobiješ pravu priliku u F1 frustracija je logična, a sa njom i brljotine.

  • 1 month later...

Izgleda Alonso u Renou dogodine, jos nista zvanicno nije javljeno ali se zakuvavaju glasine i u Spaniji i u Francuskoj.


Sto znaci ako Mercedes ne nogira Botasa ode Fetel u penziju...

Izgleda Alonso u Renou dogodine, jos nista zvanicno nije javljeno ali se zakuvavaju glasine i u Spaniji i u Francuskoj.
Sto znaci ako Mercedes ne nogira Botasa ode Fetel u penziju...
Što mi je ipak žao, ali nije prvi put da WDC završi na ulici kao nekakav bezprizornik.

A povratak Alonsa u tim koji realno nema šanse za podijum 20+21, osim ako ne bude trka kao Panis u Monaku, missim, koji će qratz tamo, da razjebe i ono malo što drži Abiteboul u celini. Da se ne misli da sam neki Cyrilov fan, samo konstatujem.

Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk

19 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:

...koji će qratz tamo, da razjebe i ono malo što drži Abiteboul u celini. Da se ne misli da sam neki Cyrilov fan, samo konstatujem.

Saward kojeg smatram ubedljivo najinteligentnijim novinarom u F1 kaže istu stvar. On je Cyrilov fan

  • 2 weeks later...

Jebeš ti situaciju u kojoj ima mesta za Grožana i Latifija, a za Vetela je frka.


Znam da je logičan potez što ga nije uzeo MGP, ali mi je ipak malo krivo.


Jezivo me je nervirao Vetel svojim pederlucima kroz karijeru (npr. "multi 21") ali ne mogu da se otmem utisku da je ipak ok lik generalno.


Loša je stvar za F1 da 4-struki šampion nema mesta u normalnom bolidu.

Kakav crni Aston Martin, to je sada sprdnja od kompanije. U svoja serijska vozila stavljaju motore kupljene u AMG-u, šasije su lošije od božane, enterijer takođe, servisna mreža je užasna, a cene prenaduvane.

Samo ozbiljan retard iz City-ja može da sprži svoje bonuse sa berze na taj krš.

Greota para.

  • Like 2

To sto Borko kaze, taj Aston Martin je Totova odstupnica u slucaju da Mercedes bosovi odluce da se povuku iz F1. Strol daje lovu, Toto daje know-how, i uz nacrte Mercedesovih bolida imas instant ekipu za podijume.

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