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Odlična verzija, peva verziju teksta u drugoj strofi ("I passed out hours to go, I'm sadder than you'll ever know...") koja je odštampana na albumu 77 ali na snimanju u zadnjem momentu promenjena u opštepoznato: "You start a conversation you can't even finish it, you're talking a lot but you're not saying anything..."


Moja omiljena verzija, sa b strane Psycho Killer 12" maxija ima i violončelo, i ona je sa originalnom 2. strofom:




I tu nije kraj verzijama 2. strofe, Byrne očigledno nikako nije mogao da se dogovori sa sobom


prva, demo verzija (može da se nađe na netu), išla je ovako:

"Listen to me, now I’ve passed the test
I think I’m cute, I think I’m the best
Skirt tight, don't like that style
Don’t criticize what I know is worthwhile


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