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Mercedes Formula 1 CEO, team principal and one-third owner Toto Wolff has extended his contract with them.


The new deal will see Wolff remain in his executive position until at least the end of the 2026 season. This will be the first year under F1’s next set of technical regulations, including a revised engine formula and new chassis rules which are still under discussion.


  • 4 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:

Pitanje je da li je to dobro.


Naravno, no pitanje je i sta nam je Njui pripremio za ovu godinu. Posto su svi iskopirali njegov bolid za 2023, mozda RBR za 2024. bude najoriginalniji bolid na gridu? Mozda ispadne slicniji ovom Mercedesu nego proslogodisnjem RBR?

  • Like 2




Mercedes’ innovative front wing design appears to go against the intention of Formula 1’s technical rules, says one of the key men behind the regulations.


The W15’s upper front wing flap is very thin at the point where it meets the car’s nose. This allows the design to fulfil the rule requiring the surface to be continuous.


How Formula 1’s chief technical officer Pat Symonds believes Mercedes have done this to recreate the ‘outwashing’ effect for aerodynamic gain. F1 tried to reduce this phenomenon with the rules it introduced in 2022 in order to aid overtaking.


Symonds said that while the wing may be considered legal at the moment, the FIA could take steps to clamp down on such designs.



  • 3 weeks later...

Joe Saward:



Mercedes has lost its Driver Development Director Jerome d’Ambrosio, who was in a rather bigger role than the title suggests, as he was seen as being trained up as a possible replacement for Toto Wolff. He’s gone I am told because his family was having trouble settling in England. He will now move to Ferrari. Given that Toto and Fred are best buddies, albeit with knives behind their backs when it comes to business, it would not surprise me if Toto asked Fred to find Jerome a job…



Former F1 technical director Gary Anderson has expressed his belief that Mercedes "are still fooling themselves" in 2024, with Lewis Hamilton showing no understanding of how to address the problems with the W15 car. 


Despite Mercedes being limited to just one victory across the 2022/23 seasons, they had anticipated a return to contention for victories in 2024 with the introduction of the new-look W15.


“After the race Hamilton said that big changes need to be made to the car.”


“He mentioned that the other teams around them still have different concepts, but Hamilton is talking about what you can see.”


“The critical parts on these cars is the underfloor and Hamilton does not know what the other teams are doing there. What you can see is not necessarily what makes the car work.”


“He seems to be of the frame of mind that if Mercedes make their car look like a Red Bull it will go as fast as one – it will not. The W15 needs a lot more work than the visual concept but the worry is that they still do not understand what a ground-effect car needs.”


“The fact that again, as in 2022, both drivers have diverged in their set-ups as the weekend went on is not a good sign.”


“Hamilton has gone back to his 2022 approach of trying to find the magic bullet with set-up that he hopes will find half a second out of nowhere.”


“They are clearly still experimenting with their car but I do not think the solution – and a performance leap from nowhere – is in the car any more.”




Prošle sezone su imali problema sa prednjim krajem, 2022 sa zadnjim krajem i zapravo W15 je prvi bolid koji ima izbalansirano sve što što je bilo krivo sa prošlim bolidima. Problem je taj što su kompromise u datim godinama rešavali podešavanjima koji su radili na određenim stazama i tu su bili dobri, čak su bili u miksu za pobede. 


W15 je bezobrazni rođak W14/W13 koji ima potpuno drukčiji koncept koji nevalja u mnogome ni napred a ni pozadi i sa eksperimentalnim podešavanjima kompromise sa prošlih bolida popravljaju u nadanju za poboljšanja samo da bi otkrili vozači da je isti neupravljiv. Poenta je da su trebali ostati uz zeropod ali u kontekstu da stave lažne bokove radi aerodinamičke efikasnosti, i da su eventualno uzeli pulrod/pushrod princip RB oslanjanja da iskoriste difuzor najbolje. W13 bio je promašaj ali koncept je tako dobar i W14 je sve ono što su mogli krivo uraditi sa poboljšanjem W13. Sad W15 deluje kao W13 ali sa lošijom bazom.





Mercedes still haven’t mastered the latest technical regulations despite making many changes to their car design over the last two years, says team principal Toto Wolff.


The team abandoned its previous concept soon after its 2023 car was launched and produced the extensively revised W15 for this year. However after the first three races they are fourth in the championship.


Wolff said the team’s cars have not lived up to the predictions made by their simulations under the current rules.


3 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:


Ja mislim da je prerano otišao i voleo bih da ga vidim opet, ali mnogo mladih i talentovanih dečaka nema mesto na gridu zbog matoraca i tatinih sinova.


Zato nam treba 26 bolida na stazi!

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)


2 hours ago, Radoye said:


Zato nam treba 26 bolida na stazi!



da li je 13 timova optimalno za F1 ili mozda 15?

Edited by badenac
3 hours ago, badenac said:




da li je 13 timova optimalno za F1 ili mozda 15?


Po propozicijama 26 je maksimalan dozvoljen broj bolida na startu, teoretski timova moze bili koliko hoce ali samo 26 bolida se kvalifikuje na trku. Tim moze imati 1-3 bolida s tim sto se samo dva boduju. To sto se tice FIA. Krajem 80-tih i pocetkom 90-tih je bilo uobicajeno da 30-35 (pa i do 40) bolida pokusava da se kvalifikuje za trku.

(Minimum na startu za vazecu trku je 16. Zato je Berni onomad u Indijanapolisu 2005. sve timove naterao da izadju na grid pa odustanu u krugu za zagrevanje iako je bilo jasno da ovi sa Mislenovim gumama nece voziti.)

Sto se tice FOM oni su ogranicili da mora biti dva i samo dva bolida po timu i da je maksimalno 12 timova. S tim sto ce navodno u sledecem Konkordu od 2026. da ogranice na 10 timova.

Poslednji put je Vilijams pokusao sa tri bolida na VN Evrope 1983. na Brends Hecu (Mensl, Lafit i Dzonatan Palmer)...

3 hours ago, Hertzog said:

I jos 7-8 dodatnih trka


Radije 7-8 trka manje nego danas...

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Ako ne bude Fetelovog povratka, i ako Sains zavrsi u Audiju, Red Bulu ili vec gde, Mercedes ima svog Kimija:





Mercedes junior driver Andrea Kimi Antonelli, who has been tipped as a potential replacement for Lewis Hamilton next year, has completed his first test in a Formula 1 car.


The Formula 2 driver had to wait a little longer than expected for his first run in one of the team’s cars due to snow at the Red Bull Ring in Austria this week.



Mislim da Ocon ima najveće šanse za to drugo mesto u Mercedesu. Njegovu celu karijeru vodi Toto. 


Vettel verovatno nije realna opcija, ali super izgleda kao naslov


Sainz će za parama i na mesto prvog u vozača u Audi verovatno. Mercedes mu ne nudi ništa od ovoga, a i ne izgleda kao ekipa koja može do titule brzo pored ovakvog Red Bulla. 


Antonelli godina/dve u Williamsu za početak.

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