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12 minutes ago, Radoye said:




Saopstenje u celosti:



Our top priority at Formula 1 is the safety and security of our drivers, employees, and fans, the statement read. Responsibility for the oversight of a Formula 1 event falls with Formula 1 as the commercial rights holder of the sport, the FIA as the regulatory body, and the local promoter, in this case the Las Vegas Grand Prix. This is important for those who are new to racing to understand.


Last night, approximately nine minutes into the first Free Practice session, a water valve cover broke on the straight on Las Vegas Boulevard. At that time the FIA, which is responsible for the safe running of the activities on the circuit, stopped the session so that we could look at the broken water valve cover and inspect the track. This has happened on occasion at other tracks at other races around the world.


The precautionary step of removing all of the water valve covers on the entire track and filling them with sand and asphalt was undertaken. The entire process, from determination of the issue to remediation, took approximately five hours. The decision to remediate in this way was taken out of an abundance of caution and because the safety of drivers, trackside marshals and officials and our fans is always our highest priority. We thank the contractors who worked expeditiously to resolve the situation so quickly.


As a result, the first Free Practice ended early. We moved ahead with the second Free Practice session at approximately 2:30 a.m. PT for 90 minutes.

The decision to run the second Free Practice session at 2:30 a.m. PT was supported by all parties to ensure the sporting integrity of the remainder of the event.


We would like to thank the drivers, mechanics and all the teams for their patience and commitment last night to ensure that we could run the session successfully.


Now, let us turn to the fan experience.


The delay in the start of the second Free Practice session from midnight to 2:30 a.m. PT created risks for our employees and our fans.

We made the decision to close the fan areas that are under LVGP’s purview at 1:30 a.m. PT and send fans home. Let us explain why.


First, we were concerned about our public safety and security officials who had been in service for a long time and who are being asked to work for the next three nights. We thank Clark County’s Metro.


Second, we were concerned about our transportation employees who are responsible for driving our fans back to hotels. By Federal law, they were bumping up against the amount of time they can legally and safely drive buses.


Finally, our hospitality staff needed the ability to clean and resupply our guest areas to ensure that the fan experience is optimal for everyone over the coming days.


We know this was disappointing. We hope our fans will understand based on this explanation that we had to balance many interests, including the safety and security of all participants and the fan experience over the whole race weekend.


We have all been to events like concerts, games and even other Formula 1 races that have been cancelled because of factors like weather or technical issues. It happens, and we hope people will understand.


So how will we address this tonight? We have worked overnight to adjust our staffing plans across security, transportation and hospitality to ensure that we can function and serve fans with the best possible experience in the event of an extended race schedule.


We are excited about the racing today and thank our entire team and our fans for their support. We know this is going to be a great event. With that, let’s get back to racing.



Meni je ovo OK, nije to ni Kina ni neke kozojebine gde rade robovi. 

2 hours ago, alberto.ascari said:

Meni je ovo OK, nije to ni Kina ni neke kozojebine gde rade robovi. 


Sure thing, ali u USA postoji i opcija prekovremenog rada samo onda gazda mora da se isprsi visestruko za satnicu. Izgleda da je gazdi bilo lakse da sa tribina rastera publiku sa uredno placenim ulaznicama nego da plati radnike ekstra.

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7 hours ago, Radoye said:


Sure thing, ali u USA postoji i opcija prekovremenog rada samo onda gazda mora da se isprsi visestruko za satnicu. Izgleda da je gazdi bilo lakse da sa tribina rastera publiku sa uredno placenim ulaznicama nego da plati radnike ekstra.


Postoji i ne postoji. Za neke profesije, npr. vozače imaš zakonske limite koje ne smeš da prekoračiš. Drugo, teško možeš da imaš 500 redara na stand by u slučaju kad bi..., treba da ih obučiš itd, itd. Nije baš sve u parama.

16 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said:

Nije baš sve u parama.


Onda neka vrate narodu pare za ulaznice.

Naravno, ne pada im napamet to da urade jer ipak je bas sve u parama narocito u Americi i narocito u Las Vegasu.


Inace staza je super, jedan krug nisu u stanju da okrenu na njoj. Dobrodosli u vrli novi svet F1.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Radoye said:


Onda neka vrate narodu pare za ulaznice.

Naravno, ne pada im napamet to da urade jer ipak je bas sve u parama narocito u Americi i narocito u Las Vegasu.


Inace staza je super, jedan krug nisu u stanju da okrenu na njoj. Dobrodosli u vrli novi svet F1.


Ne branim ja ovaj cirkus, da me razumeš ispravno. A ko ih bude tužio dobiće pare nazad sigurno, samo što će to da uradi 2% zajebanih. Inače pista je go qratz, kao i ceo ovaj event.

2 minutes ago, Maharaja said:

Dobio pet sekundi.


Jaka mooda, računaju s tim.


Trka jako uzbudljiva uz naravno srecu za red bull da izadje SC bas kad je njima odgovaralo. Nakon trke isao snimak u onim kolima koji je prevozio trojac vozaca do Beladjo hotela i Carli sa nevericom pitao ovu dvojicu "Vi ste obojica otisli u box (kad je izasao SC) ?" i oni kao u fazonu pa naravno covece.


Upside ovakve staze su dugi pravci, uske ulice sto znaci puno slip streama i uz DRS zone to je garancija konstantnog preticanja.


Downside ovakve staze hvala bogu nismo videli ove godine, ali ovde lako moze biti 4-5 SC perioda ako se namesti situacija.


I jedna velika zamerka, ili neka pomeraju kalendarski ovu trku ili nek se vozi ranije, po danu ili predvece. Ovakvo vreme uz hladne gume moglo je da napravi karambol.


Naravno da nije bilo sve gotovo, opet su kao onomad u S. Arabiji zavrsavali stazu navrat-nanos dok se timovi vec uveliko raspakuju, jer da je bila zavrsena kako treba ne bi Sainc naleteo na poklopac od sahta. Apsolutni je skandal da prvi krugovi koji se okrenu na nekoj stazi budu F1, nekad je svaka nova staza morala da prodje probu, godina-dve nizih kategorija i bar jedna nezvanicna F1 trka van sampionata da se ispeglaju sve moguce mane i nepredvidjenosti pre nego sto se proglasi spremnom za akciju. Maks je skroz u pravu kad kaze da je ovo 99% sou a 1% trka jer je sve podredjeno bilo tome da se navuce sto vise selebritija na gridvok pre trke i da se sto bolje slikaju neonska svetla hotela i kazina u pozadini staze. Zvona i praporci, to je jedino bitno.

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