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14 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said:

Jedan od najmoćnijih atleta u istoriji sporta. Čitao sam jednom u Edinovoj kolumni kakve je imao fizičke i atletske kapacitete, impresivno zaista.

Jel pise Edin i dalje kolumne?

Just now, Miki28 said:

Jel pise Edin i dalje kolumne?

Mislim da ne. Jedno vrijeme sam jedva čekao utorak da izbaci kolumnu na Mondu, kao omamljen sam ulazio po 10 puta na sajt da vidim je li izbacio. Dugo vremena je pisao vrhunske stvari, onda je nekako opao kvalitet pisanja i ubrzo je batalio. Mnogo dobrih priča je tu bilo, Edin je enciklopedija. 

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2 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said:

Mislim da ne. Jedno vrijeme sam jedva čekao utorak da izbaci kolumnu na Mondu, kao omamljen sam ulazio po 10 puta na sajt da vidim je li izbacio. Dugo vremena je pisao vrhunske stvari, onda je nekako opao kvalitet pisanja i ubrzo je batalio. Mnogo dobrih priča je tu bilo, Edin je enciklopedija. 

Slazem se, to na Mondo sam citao iako sam dosta od toga znao i sam ali sam mislio da mozda je pise negdje drugdje. Steta.


Ae da iskoristim priliku, gdje je sa Sofro? Uzelio sam se njegovih prenosa, odrastao sam uz njih u Cg

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Miki28 said:

Slazem se, to na Mondo sam citao iako sam dosta od toga znao i sam ali sam mislio da mozda je pise negdje drugdje. Steta.


Ae da iskoristim priliku, gdje je sa Sofro? Uzelio sam se njegovih prenosa, odrastao sam uz njih u Cg

Na RTCG valjda. Kakva je IN bio televizija, sve su živo prenosili. Španci, Italijani, EL, LŠ nekada, razna prvenstva. Šofro sve stizao. Pogotovo je to tada bilo impresivno, jer smo u CG imali praktično 7 kanala u to vrijeme, i to sve bezvezni kanali, znaš i sam.



Edited by Betolingar Misdongard
  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Betolingar Misdongard said:

Na RTCG valjda. Kakva je IN bio televizija, sve su živo prenosili. Španci, Italijani, EL, LŠ nekada, razna prvenstva. Šofro sve stizao. Pogotovo je to tada bilo impresivno, jer smo u CG imali praktično 7 kanala u to vrijeme, i to sve bezvezni kanali, znaš i sam.



Naravno, jeste da me ubijao u pojam sa Milanom ali tek sad vidim koliko je to bilo dobro, uz multiprenose i sportske emisije kasnije.

Sjedio sam kasnije par puta sa njim kad sam dolazio u Pg na stadionu Buducnosti, u Urban, covjek je bas enciklopedija👍

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  • 2 weeks later...



The Knicks took a break from participating in the 1988 Dunk Contest after sending Gerald Wilkins in the 1986 and 1987 Dunk Contests. I don’t blame them one bit as Jordan had another historical victory against older brother Dominique Wilkins.


Kenny “Sky” Walker, a player Obi is lazily compared to, participated in his first Slam Dunk Contest in 1989 at the Summit in Houston. The crazy part is that his participation almost didn’t happen for two reasons. One, Walker was a last-minute replacement, as Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins both dropped out due to injuries. Furthermore, Sky Walker also was mourning the death of his father three days earlier.


Walker breezed his way through to the final round with several jaw-dropping dunks to face hometown superstar (and future Rocket) Clyde Drexler. With All-Stars Patrick Ewing and Mark Jackson courtside, Walker scored a 48.9 and 49.6 on his two dunks. Drexler missed his first two dunks and didn’t even bother to attempt a third as “Sky” Walker was crowned champion of the Dunk Contest. Perhaps it was fitting for “Sky” Walker to win in Houston for multiple reasons (not a coincidence the NASA Space Center is located in Houston).


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@đubrivo. na 2:51 u ovom videu se vidi Klajd Dreksler kako kuca sa penala, a zapravo gazi liniju gotovo u dlaku isto kao Džordan. Njegov let traje identično kao i Džordanov (jako kratko). Šta nam rade.

  • WOW 1



The Strickland is proud to publish a second excerpt from its first book, “Fred From Fresh Meadows: A Knicks Memoir” by Fred Cantor. Again, we’re pleased to say that all of the royalties are going to the John Starks Foundation, whose mission is to provide “monetary grants to NY tri-state and Tulsa area college bound high school seniors who demonstrate academic excellence, financial need and a commitment to community service.”



I fully admit to being a big Pat Riley fan long before he became the Knicks’ head coach in May of 1991. That’s largely due to the Showtime Lakers’ style of play, which I very much enjoyed tuning into when I wasn’t watching the Knicks play.


Yes, I realize, Riley had a star-studded roster but, still, he got them to maximize their potential as a team—and that’s a real skill, especially when you have to handle superstar egos.


But I was a fan of his also because his teams beat the Celtics in two out of three NBA Finals matchups. OK, it really should have been three out of three but I can’t put the blame primarily on Pat for the Lakers, in essence, giving away the title to the Celtics in 1984. And, the bottom line: after that potentially psychologically devastating 1984 Finals and a humiliating Game 1 loss to the Celtics in 1985—the infamous “Memorial Day Massacre”—the Lakers rebounded not only to win the series that year, but they did it in style by closing it out on the parquet floor of Boston Garden.


And then, in 1987, the Lakers provided one of the great moments in both Boston Garden and NBA Finals history with Magic Johnson’s junior, junior sky hook en route to another NBA title. That too was incredibly satisfying.


So naturally I was thrilled when Riley was named the Knicks’ head coach in May of 1991. And, even though Pat’s teams didn’t win a championship during his time in New York, I think his combined record in LA and New York compares favorably with the coaching record of the man who was long considered the greatest coach in league history, Red Auerbach. And that’s primarily because Pat did something I don’t think Auerbach ever demonstrated: as Bum Phillips once said about Bear Bryant, “He can take his’n and beat your’n and then take your’n and beat his’n.”


Could two teams be more different in style of play than the 1980s Lakers and the Knicks from the years 1991-95? With different personnel, Riley adapted his coaching strategy in certain respects and yet still had great success—coming this-close to the mountaintop.


And if you take a close look at Auerbach’s record including his time with the Celtics pre-Bill Russell and do the same with Pat Riley’s record to include his post-Showtime experience in New York, I think you will get a better sense of what I’m talking about. (And this is probably the best way to make the comparison because Auerbach retired after the 1965-66 season and Riley had no head coaching stint prior to taking over the Lakers.)


For starters, I will of course concede that Auerbach’s teams winning eight consecutive NBA titles and nine out of ten was a run second to none in NBA history. It will in all likelihood never be matched. And part of the reason it will never be equaled is because there is—and has been for decades—more balance in the league than in the early years.

When Pat Riley’s Lakers teams won four NBA championships in seven years (including the first repeat title in almost 20 years), there were clearly more competitive challenges than Auerbach’s Celtics had to face. Did any of Auerbach’s teams have to face the types of formidable opponents with the depth of talent that the Lakers had to battle? During the Celtics’ streak of nine titles in ten years, they had seven or eight future Hall of Famers virtually every season, which was a real edge in talent over opposing teams of that era.


Plus, there were far more rounds of playoffs in the 1980s than during the great run by Auerbach’s teams and thus, more opportunities for an upset by a lesser opponent. One could make a strong argument that it was a tougher playoff gauntlet in the 1980s than the late 1950s into the first half of the 1960s, when Auerbach’s Celtics reigned.


But where the comparison gets really interesting is when you look closely at Auerbach’s time with the Celtics pre-Russell (six years) and Riley’s time in New York post-Magic Johnson (four years).


In those six years, even though Auerbach’s teams featured the premier guard of that era (and one of the all-time legends of the game), Bob Cousy, their best regular-season finish in the Eastern Division— which typically consisted of five teams during that time—was only second place. The Celtics had three 2nd-place finishes and three 3rd- place finishes.


Perhaps more significantly, the Celtics lost three times in the first round of the playoffs during that time and their best success was merely advancing to the next round before being eliminated in the other three years of the pre-Russell era.


By way of contrast, Riley’s Knicks won the Atlantic Division title twice in four years and finished in second place the other two seasons. In four postseasons: his teams won three playoff series in 1994, two playoff series in 1993, and one playoff series in both 1992 and 1995.


It would seem Riley demonstrated greater coaching success than Auerbach in the absence of his greatest star or stars.

Riley’s first season in New York provided unequivocal evidence of his ability to transform his customary ways and to immediately make the most of very different personnel; this was perhaps best exemplified in Game 5 of the opening-round best-of-five series against the Detroit Pistons.


I have been to physical games before but, in the opening minutes of Game 5, the Knicks made clear that they were not going to be intimidated by the Pistons and they showed that they could out-Bad-Boy the Bad Boys if need be. The Knicks even succeeded in making an impression on Bill Laimbeer, who was quoted in the next day’s edition of The New York Times: “Hopefully, the league will let them be physical with Chicago.”

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Posted (edited)

World Championship u Torontu 1994, (umesto u Beogradu zbog znamo čega). Najjači USA sastav na SP sve do 2014. Samo te '94-te i 20g kasnije u Španiji, uprkos oba puta brojnim odsustvima superzvezda, je "to bilo to" što se sastava amera na svetskim tiče. Jer, kad se pogleda ovo prvenstvo, dva bitna preduslova su im bila tu, prvo je to da nema govora o nekim 2nd/3rd tier igračima, i drugo, nije bilo matorih odnosno premladih igrača u ekipi. Iako ne može da se poredi sa originalnim Dream Teamom, "Dream Team II" je dominirao lagano do zlata u sastavu: Shaquille O'Neal, Kenny Johnson, Shawn Kemp, Reggie Miller, Steve Smith, Larry Johnson, Joe Dumars, Mark Price, Alonzo Mourning, Dan Majerle, Derrick Coleman i Dominique Wilkins. Grke su dobili sa 40 razlike u polufinalu, dok je Rusija dobila Hrvate u drugom, mnogo interesantnijem sf. Hrvatska je došla do treće uzastopne medalje za 3god na velikim takmičenjima, (nakon srebra u Barseloni i bronze na EP u Nemačkoj), i druge bronzane za 2 god, oba puta porazivši Grke za treće mesto, (i oba puta bronza je došla bez Dražena koji je tragično završio u leto '93), reprezentacija im je bez medalje nakon ovog svetskog u Kanadi. Rusi su nakon ovog, uzeli jos jedno srebro na narednom svetskom u Atini, dok je Jugoslaviji je ovo bilo poslednje propušteno veliko takmičenje, nakon čega je usledio niz velikih uspeha u narednih 8 god, (tokom kojih samo na OI 2000 nije osvojena medalja).


Edit: Poslednja medalja Hrvatske je sa evropskog '95 u Atini, što znači da su im sve tri bronze, došle posle pobede nad Grcima za treće mesto.




Edited by Marko
1 hour ago, Marko said:

World Championship u Torontu 1994, (umesto u Beogradu zbog znamo čega). Najjači USA sastav na SP sve do 2014. Samo te '94-te i 20g kasnije u Španiji, uprkos oba puta brojnim odsustvima superzvezda, je "to bilo to" što se sastava amera na svetskim tiče. Jer, kad se pogleda ovo prvenstvo, dva bitna preduslova su im bila tu, prvo je to da nema govora o nekim 2nd/3rd tier igračima, i drugo, nije bilo matorih odnosno premladih igrača u ekipi. Iako ne može da se poredi sa originalnim Dream Teamom, "Dream Team II" je dominirao lagano do zlata u sastavu: Shaquille O'Neal, Kenny Johnson, Shawn Kemp, Reggie Miller, Steve Smith, Larry Johnson, Joe Dumars, Mark Price, Alonzo Mourning, Dan Majerle, Derrick Coleman i Dominique Wilkins. Grke su dobili sa 40 razlike u polufinalu, dok je Rusija dobila Hrvate u drugom, mnogo interesantnijem sf. Hrvatska je došla do treće uzastopne medalje za 3god na velikim takmičenjima, (nakon srebra u Barseloni i bronze na EP u Nemačkoj), i druge bronzane za 2 god, oba puta porazivši Grke za treće mesto, (i oba puta bronza je došla bez Dražena koji je tragično završio u leto '93), reprezentacija im je bez medalje nakon ovog svetskog u Kanadi. Rusi su nakon ovog, uzeli jos jedno srebro na narednom svetskom u Atini, dok je Jugoslaviji je ovo bilo poslednje propušteno veliko takmičenje, nakon čega je usledio niz velikih uspeha u narednih 8 god, (tokom kojih samo na OI 2000 nije osvojena medalja).




Drazen je poginuo u proljece, ne na ljeto.


Troluješ malo ili malo više? 😂

Nisam stvarno cepidlačio oko toga kada tačno kalendarski se završava proleće a kad počinje leto. U mom kalendaru jun je uvek leto  

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Marko said:

World Championship u Torontu 1994, (umesto u Beogradu zbog znamo čega). Najjači USA sastav na SP sve do 2014. Samo te '94-te i 20g kasnije u Španiji, uprkos oba puta brojnim odsustvima superzvezda, je "to bilo to" što se sastava amera na svetskim tiče. Jer, kad se pogleda ovo prvenstvo, dva bitna preduslova su im bila tu, prvo je to da nema govora o nekim 2nd/3rd tier igračima, i drugo, nije bilo matorih odnosno premladih igrača u ekipi. Iako ne može da se poredi sa originalnim Dream Teamom, "Dream Team II" je dominirao lagano do zlata u sastavu: Shaquille O'Neal, Kenny Johnson, Shawn Kemp, Reggie Miller, Steve Smith, Larry Johnson, Joe Dumars, Mark Price, Alonzo Mourning, Dan Majerle, Derrick Coleman i Dominique Wilkins. Grke su dobili sa 40 razlike u polufinalu, dok je Rusija dobila Hrvate u drugom, mnogo interesantnijem sf. Hrvatska je došla do treće uzastopne medalje za 3god na velikim takmičenjima, (nakon srebra u Barseloni i bronze na EP u Nemačkoj), i druge bronzane za 2 god, oba puta porazivši Grke za treće mesto, (i oba puta bronza je došla bez Dražena koji je tragično završio u leto '93), reprezentacija im je bez medalje nakon ovog svetskog u Kanadi. Rusi su nakon ovog, uzeli jos jedno srebro na narednom svetskom u Atini, dok je Jugoslaviji je ovo bilo poslednje propušteno veliko takmičenje, nakon čega je usledio niz velikih uspeha u narednih 8 god, (tokom kojih samo na OI 2000 nije osvojena medalja).





Bold: Osvojili su bronzu na EP u Grčkoj godinu dana posle, pa pobegli s postolja. Od tada nemaju ni jednu medalju.

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