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The rise of Filip Petrusev under Dusko Ivanovic


While coach Dusko Ivanovic is getting credited for the huge turnaround of Zvezda’s season, and rightfully so, he is a coach who liked to develop talent even at the highest level and Petrusev seems to be the latest front-line revelation of Ivanovic’s work.

After all, good old Dusko is all about work. His practices are notoriously demanding, he doesn’t like cutting corners and he is currently probably the most old-school coach in the EuroLeague, a stubborn Montenegrin student of the ex-Yugoslav ways.

However, this isn’t bad at all. Under Ivanovic, Luis Scola and Tiago Splitter became international stars, reaching the final of the 2005 EuroLeague in Moscow and then emerging as international basketball icons and legends in Argentina and Brazil, making it all the way to the NBA.

Enter, Petrusev, an NBA prospect since his early years with undeniable potential, who until recently seemed lost. It’s not that he didn’t have his share of success in every level he played so far, but at 22 years of age, there were already doubts about him delivering what he was expected to.

Coming from a season in Anadolu Efes, where he averaged just nine minutes of play in 22 EuroLeague games, never really getting a regular spot in the rotation of the back-to-back EuroLeague champions, Petrusev returned to Serbia for Crvena Zvezda and the start of the season was not encouraging either for him or the team.

Despite some flashes of his talent, including a double-double (16 p. 12 r.) against Monaco in the sixth round, Petrusev once again, despite getting more minutes, was not making a difference. Zvezda started the season with a 1-6 record and Dusko Ivanovic was brought in to turn things around.

Nobody could expect what happened after that.

With a 9-8 total record, Zvezda is not a playoffs contender and Petrusev has emerged as one of the top young players of the league, averaging 27 index points in the last four contests while scoring 20,75 points per game. Getting the MVP award of Round 17 was the icing on the cake, as both he and Dusko Ivanovic can be proud.

This is not the first time that he is responsible for a huge player transformation and Splitter and Scola are prime examples. Just look at the improvement of the numbers of those players between their first and second seasons under Ivanovic.

Louis Scola

2000-01: 8,7 points – 4,4 rebounds – 54% FG – 7 PIR
2001-02: 15,9 points – 4,6 rebounds – 68% FG – 16,8 PIR

Tiago Splitter

2003-04: 4 points – 2,4 rebounds – 61% FG – 3,9 PIR
2004-05: 7 points – 4,5 rebounds – 54% FG – 7,6 PIR

Ivanovic pretty much doubles the production of his players and if they are ready to put in the extra work, he is there to push them, maybe sometimes even if they don’t want to put in the extra work, but that’s another story.

Just look at the numbers of Petrusev this season before and after Dusko

Filip Petrusev 

Round 1-7: 7,2 points – 5 rebounds – 50% FG  -9,5 PIR
Round 7-17: 11,7 points -5,1 rebounds – 68%  FG – 15 PIR

Considering Petrusev’s impressive performances in the last four games, the indications that the improvement at the end of the season will be even more spectacular is more than expected.


EL sajt

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Čović u ulozi Sheldona dodao i Valensiju na el listu neprijatelja:





to be continued

Kad smo već kod španaca, treba dodati i Nadala jer Djoković, ali ko sam ja da se mešam čoveku koji je 40 godina u košarci.


A i excel tabela staje na floppy disk bez problema.



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1 hour ago, Pero said:

Covic je usrao onog iz Cibone da ima imanje i vilu na primorju, a nece nekog iz EL/Partizana. Daj molim vas, opasan je to igrac, bolje da su se zamerili licno Luciferu nego Covicu.


kog iz cibone i kad?


1 hour ago, drperce said:

Jedino sto ce iz ovoga da bude je to da Valensija upada na prvo mesto najpickastijih klubova. Aj da se zalis kad igra nego ko nije smeo pa te natrpao, a ovi pacenici se zale na dete koje nije bilo ni sekund na parketu. Pisi Zvezda-Valensija 20+ razlike kad budemo domacini


pa nemoj tako, ajmo jos malo da pljujemo covica i vrtimo pricu u krug.

sramota da se krivi valensija a ne covic i daj da jos pricamo o topu.

da je neko opasno zajebao, zajebao je. a i pitanje je kako se to uopste desilo, kao da neko radi protiv kluba + misko menadzer ne bi on to dozvolio.

sve u svemu sredilo se i to je to.


igramo sa realom, imamo 9-8, puni smo samopouzdanja i sa svakom pobedom smo sve blizi top 8... 

bez dva od tri najbolja igraca smo i opet cemo dobiti i real i monako i idemo na 11-8.

ostali nek se poredjaju kako hoce.


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25 minutes ago, Clash said:

Kao i svakom poslu, svi muljaju, vise ili manje, ali kad se slome kola na nekome on postaje obelezen.

Ne bi me cudili da nam sad pocnu u sitna crevca prevrtati ugovore svih igraca.

Ocito da se ne moze preneti nacin vojevanja sa Vujosevicem i Bokanom na EL nivo pa smo izgleda malo pogubljeni. 


evo i ovo sa topicem; svi to rade ali nas hoce da kazne 😐

što se evrolige tiče, igramo je 10ak godina ali smo izgleda i dalje malo pogubljeni.

kada čova bude slavio 20 godina u euroleague i 130 godina ukupno u košarci, biće bolje

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4 minutes ago, Problem sa licnim greskama said:

Urbonasov podcast (gosti Motiejunas i Mike James):

-> James i Motiejunas se cude odakle nam pare usred sezone za Vildozu i Campazza kada imamo dugove prema igracima

-> smatraju kaznu ispravnom jer ne placamo igrace

-> Zao im je Fakua



Jest vala samo šta nisu suzu pustili. 

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2 minutes ago, Zvezdan said:

Majk Dzejms kao retko odvratna njuska..


Dobro, treba biti posten prema njemu i reci da je oduvek bio odvratan, a ne sam sad kad je protiv nas. 🙃

Edited by Firga
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Just now, Nini3112 said:

Meni su svakako odvratne obe njuskice ali nista nisu rekli sto se do sada vec reklo nije,svi podrzavaju Facua i traze da se smanji kazna ili registruje on a da klub snosi posledice(sto i treba)

Zapravo se vidi da nisu obavesteni jer je sam Motiejunas rekao da ne treba dozvoliti registraciju Kampaca sve dok se jos duguje nekom igracu, a sama Evroliga je objavila da su dugovanja izmirena.

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Pred Valensiju sam vam tacno prognozirao pobednika, razliku i poene najboljih aktera (vise nego solidna predikcija je bila), ali veceras zaista ne vidim nasu pobedu. Naravno puna podrska i od prvog minuta kidanje pa sta bude! 

U cetvrtak vec vidim +5 za nas i Petruseva opet na 20+

i Sasvim je jasno sledece: ako veceras nema prostora za Kuzmicevih 15ak minuta i njegovog doprinosa za to vreme, slobodno moze sa Miroslavom da odjase u penziju

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Ako može bez sranja koja će isprazniti halu za naredne mečeve i zapečatiti bilo kakvu šansu za smanjenje kazne, to me mnogo više brine od rezultatskog ishoda.


Monaco je naša šansa a za Kaunas ćemo valjda imati Vildozu i Dzonija. 

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2 minutes ago, Sector said:

Ako može bez sranja koja će isprazniti halu za naredne mečeve i zapečatiti bilo kakvu šansu za smanjenje kazne, to me mnogo više brine od rezultatskog ishoda.


Monaco je naša šansa a za Kaunas ćemo valjda imati Vildozu i Dzonija. 

U Kaunasu +14 za nas

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5 minutes ago, Sector said:

Ako može bez sranja koja će isprazniti halu za naredne mečeve i zapečatiti bilo kakvu šansu za smanjenje kazne, to me mnogo više brine od rezultatskog ishoda.


Ja se vise bojim raznih "prijatelja kluba" koji sede pored terena nego ljudi sa tribina


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