Doorn Posted June 4, 2019 Author Posted June 4, 2019 22 minutes ago, srbija do tokija said: Britanci, oni su mi rekli da je Talisker najbolji viski koji oni mogu da naprave. Talisker. Mada je slika bez veze, više kao da je čaša za cognac. Talisker je dobar, ali da je najbolji to sigurno nije. Ima poseban miris i ukus, lici na viskije sa ostrva Islay, ali nije tako jako dimljen. Ima taj "coastal" car sto se meni dopada i rado ga imam u ormaru. Casa ti moze biti bzvz, ali ona je bas izmisljena za viski. Ovo je Glencairn casa sa nozicom. Quote The Glencairn Whisky Glass is a revolutionary whisky glass that really lets one savor the taste and complexity of fine whisky. These are great to use for any of your Single Malt Whisky's, Irish Whiskey's, and also your single barrel bourbons. With the tapered mouth, you are able to really smell all of the nuances the whisky has to offer. Any malt advocate will love this glass!
... Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 27 minutes ago, srbija do tokija said: Britanci, oni su mi rekli Znaci preko 60M ljudi? Talisker je dobar ali nije najbolji. Ima i vise verzija Taliskera, pa opet neko preferira MacAllan. Talisker dosta vuce na dim i treset, moze nekome biti ostar, nije za svakoga.
Yoyogi Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 Pa dobro, kažite vi Britancima da to nije tako. Što se mene tiče, MacAllan od zapadnih viskija a Yamazaki od japanskih.
... Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 10 minutes ago, srbija do tokija said: Pa dobro, kažite vi Britancima da to nije tako. Evo, samo da kisa stane, svakako trebam do ducana. 10 minutes ago, srbija do tokija said: Što se mene tiče, MacAllan od zapadnih viskija a Yamazaki od japanskih. Slazem se.
Doorn Posted June 4, 2019 Author Posted June 4, 2019 Yamazaki i Macallan su slicni sto se mirisa i ukusa tice. Japanci su perfeksionisali zanat i svaka im cast na tome. Kao da pijes neki slatki Highland ili Speyside. Distillery Edition sam bio dobio od kolege iz Japana i bas bas je ukusan. Nemam nikakvu primjedbu. Jedino mi smjesno sto svaka flasa japanskog viskija ima plasticni cep na odvrtanje. To mi je nekako cheap. Vrijedi probati i ostale iz Suntory destilerije kao sto su Hibiki, Hakushu i Toki. 1
Doorn Posted June 9, 2019 Author Posted June 9, 2019 “Whisky’s good proofing water. Tells you who’s real and who isn’t.” Tommy Shelby
Doorn Posted June 11, 2019 Author Posted June 11, 2019 (edited) Ovo sigurno niste znali, a nisam ni ja... Edited June 11, 2019 by Doorn 1
bljax Posted June 15, 2019 Posted June 15, 2019 ...neznam jel' bas spada u ovaj topic...a nevidim da ima neki "komotniji"... ...svako dobro...
Doorn Posted June 16, 2019 Author Posted June 16, 2019 "Taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well." - Judith Hanson Lasater
mrd Posted June 16, 2019 Posted June 16, 2019 54 minutes ago, Doorn said: "Taking time out each day to relax and renew is essential to living well." - Judith Hanson Lasater Idi bre uporopasticemo se. Sad si poceo da mesas cigare i Scotch. :) 1
Doorn Posted June 18, 2019 Author Posted June 18, 2019 On this day in 1875, The Great Whiskey Fire in the Liberties caused colossal damage - none perished in the flames - 13 died of alcohol poisoning from drinking "freely of the derelict whiskey"
Doorn Posted June 19, 2019 Author Posted June 19, 2019 Quote The decision to expand the range of casks used to mature Scotch whisky has been broadly welcomed by distillers, but there’s plenty of devil in the detail. Richard Woodard reports. New wood: But the new regulations offer distillers a qualified level of freedom So strict are the rules governing the production of Scotch whisky that, when any kind of change comes, it attracts lots of attention and generates plenty of debate. That’s been the case since exclusively revealed the news of the expansion of the range of casks permitted to be used to mature Scotch, announced last week by the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA). In the days since the story broke, the reaction from the industry has been broadly positive. ‘We strongly support the industry’s decision to amend the Technical File,’ says Jean-Christophe Coutures, chairman and CEO of Chivas Brothers, the French-owned second-largest player in Scotch, behind Diageo. ‘This is a positive step which will allow producers to craft quality innovations which respond to consumer demand for new expressions of Scotch whisky, whilst respecting the long and rich traditions of the category.’ Euan Mitchell, MD of Isle of Arran Distillers, which recently opened its new distillery at Lagg, agrees. ‘In general I think this will be good for Scotch whisky as innovation can only help bring consumers to the category,’ he says. ‘We were in danger of being seen as old-fashioned by the rest of the whisky sector and spirits in general.’ The amendment is of obvious benefit to those pursuing experimental projects and techniques, such as Whyte & Mackay’s (W&M) recently announced experimental arm, called The Whisky Works. Good news: Isle of Arran’s Euan Mitchell is broadly supportive of the move W&M whisky maker Gregg Glass says: ‘For me, anything that opens up the possibilities for innovation and experimentation is a positive thing and, from my experience, some of these cask types have been used or experimented on in the past, and there’s been some really interesting results.’ Also welcoming the decision, Bruichladdich communications manager Christy McFarlane says: ‘The move shows a willingness to embrace change and evolve current legislation in a practical, non-disruptive manner while opening avenues for innovation. ‘We can only hope that this most recent development is a sign of progress which will influence other, more restricted areas of Scotch whisky regulation, particularly those we believe are not in the best interests of the consumer.’ For the moment, the changes are restricted to cask type, with the clarification announced by the SWA partly prompted by the sheer number of enquiries from distillers as to whether certain casks were permitted or not. ‘I think the changes go far enough,’ says Mitchell. ‘We don’t want to open the floodgates and sacrifice our history for short-term gains in popularity. The previous rules had a number of loopholes (yes to Australian Shiraz casks, but no to Calvados?), and these have been closed without pushing the door open too far. Great experimenter: Bruichladdich will keep pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable ‘No sign of the Irn Bru finish – for now … There will be some terrible examples of new cask finishes for sure, but it could also open a lot of new hearts and minds to Scotch.’ How will distillers respond in the short term? Arran has single malt maturing in ex-Calvados casks, while Coutures says Chivas has been ‘experimenting with different finishes and flavours, and… targeting new drinking occasions’. There are already reports from Mexico of a new Buchanan’s blended whisky finished in Don Julio Tequila casks, produced by Diageo, which owns both brands. Meanwhile, McFarlane says: ‘Since our renaissance, we’ve experimented with the weird and the wonderful and, regardless of whether we can legally label these “single malt Scotch”, we’ll continue to be driven by intrigue rather than law.’ But the SWA is keen to emphasise that the new regulation does not offer carte blanche for distillers to use whatever cask they like. For a start, casks from anything ‘produced from, or made with’ stone fruits, such as plums or cherries, are excluded. This, says the SWA, is because of the ‘particular risk their use could impart dominant flavours and aromas to the final spirit which would not be characteristic of Scotch whisky’. Future finish?: There are already rumours of a Tequila-finished Buchanan’s blend Linked to this, the organisation adds that even casks not prohibited under the new law must meet two further conditions: ‘Firstly, if there has been previous use of a cask for maturation, that maturation must have been part of the traditional process for the wine, beer/ale or spirit concerned,’ says SWA director of legal affairs Alan Park. ‘This will exclude, for example, spirits which are not matured as part of their traditional production process.’ This means that ex-cider, gin or baijiu casks are unlikely to be permitted, because cask maturation is not a ‘traditional’ part of their production. But there is a further caveat. ‘Importantly, even if a cask does meet this requirement, all casks used must still result in a spirit which has the taste, aroma and colour generally found in Scotch whisky,’ says Park. This is the reason behind the exclusion of stone fruit-related casks, and will inform decisions on the suitability of new products going forward. For instance, finishing a Scotch whisky in an ex-mezcal cask for six months might be fine, but an extended maturation for, say, 12 years in the same cask might result in a product that cannot be called Scotch whisky because of how it looks, smells or tastes. Park adds: ‘If any company is considering using a cask which could be regarded as novel in the production of Scotch whisky, it is strongly recommended to contact the SWA’s legal team. All such enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence.’ No cider: This innovative product from Glen Moray falls foul of the new rules While providing more freedom, the new rules leave, for example, Glen Moray’s recently launched Cider Cask Finish out in the cold. It is understood that it was a limited edition product that has almost sold out and will not be repeated. But distillery manager and master distiller Graham Coull has already shifted his sights. ‘We welcome the opportunity to experiment with different cask types,’ he says. ‘Calvados is especially interesting and we will be working with Distillerie Busnel in Normandy to create new Glen Moray expressions in the future.’ Generally, the perception in the Scotch whisky industry is that the change to the rules will aid innovation in a competitive world, while preserving what makes Scotch whisky special. ‘There is a huge amount of crossover in the spirits market, and this will help make and/or keep Scotch relevant,’ says Mitchell. Meanwhile, Glass adds: ‘The world’s changed, the world’s shifted with smaller start-up distilleries in countries around the world experimenting with new types of finish and new cask for full maturation. ‘I think it’s a positive step and it’s probably another sign of an evolving tradition of innovation within what we’ve done as an industry over the years. The more that that can happen the better, but at the same time protecting the quality and the integrity of the whiskies themselves.’
Yoyogi Posted June 21, 2019 Posted June 21, 2019 Reče mi neko, mislim Doorn, da najbolji japanski viski, Yamazaki, ima plastični čep, kao jeftino i trebalo bi da bude bolje. Evo ga Hibiki, sa bocom kao iz filmova gde buržuji sipaju viski svojim ljubavnicama. (cene koje vidite su kao u dinarima, obični viskiji su 920 dinara, Ballantines, Teachers, Johnny Walker) Stvar je u tome da Japanci ne podnose žestinu, kada kupe bocu to je za neki party i ona se popije, tog trenutka, od strane mnogo ljudi. Onda dolazi: Hibiki sa svojom praznom bocom ne ulazi u recycle containers. Šta će sa njome?
Doorn Posted June 21, 2019 Author Posted June 21, 2019 Da rekao sam svaka flasa japanskog viskija. Ne samo Yamazaki. Imas cak i Hibiki sa plasticnim cepom na zavrtanje. Cak i oni malo skuplji sto imaju cep od pluta imaju tu ruznu plastiku gore. Meni se to nikako ne rimuje. Vrhunski viski u lijepim flasama i cepom kao od boce 2L Jelen pivo. Interesantno za narod koji ne podnosi zestinu da je usavrsio proizvodnju viskija koji je po popularnosti na drugom mjestu odmah iza zelenog caja. Po potrosnji je jos odavno pretekao nihonshu i shochu. Potrzanja je tolika, ne samo u Japanu vec globalno, da je sve vise japanskih viskija bez age statement, a oni sa godistem su i sa paprenim cjenama. Ali nije samo Japan usavrsio zanat. Na dobrom su putu Indija, Tajvan, Juzna Afrika, Australija, Novi Zeland itd. 1
Doorn Posted June 22, 2019 Author Posted June 22, 2019 Don't drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life. Paul Jonh Indian single malt whisky & Dominican Macanudo Orange cigar 🥃💨 1
Kinik Posted July 3, 2019 Posted July 3, 2019 ... >> ... Spirits Jim Beam’s Kentucky Fire Ruins 45,000 Barrels of ‘Young Whiskey’ By Olivia Rockeman July 3, 2019, 1:25 PM GMT+2 Updated on July 3, 2019, 8:51 PM GMT+2 Company says losses are insured, no customer impact expected Loss totals just 1.4% of spirit maker’s product in the state A fire at a Jim Beam bourbon facility in Kentucky ruined about 45,000 barrels, potentially destroying hundreds of millions of dollars of alcohol. The spirits that went up in flames were “relatively young whiskey,” parent company Beam Suntory said in an email. “Given the age of the lost whiskey, this fire will not impact the availability of Jim Beam for consumers.” The company did not specify a financial loss. The spirits maker operates 126 warehouses in Kentucky that hold approximately 3.3 million barrels, meaning the loss represents about 1.4% of its product in the state. Any losses were insured, a spokeswoman for the company said. Two warehouses caught fire late Tuesday, one of which was destroyed, according to Drew Chandler, the Woodford County Emergency Management Director. Damage to the second warehouse was contained to an external structure, Chandler said. A couple of barrels were left among the rubble of the burned structure, but none will be suitable for human consumption, he said. More than 45,000 barrels of bourbon were likely destroyed after a fire broke out at a Jim Beam aging facility late last night - engulfing two storage buildings. Reports estimate the company can make between 150 and 210 standard-sized bottles per barrel. With estimated retail prices of between $15 and $35 per bottle, the destruction could result in between $90 million to nearly $300 million of lost bourbon, according to Bloomberg calculations. About 40,000 barrels of bourbon caught fire at a Jim Beam warehouse facility in Kentucky, potentially costing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages The company spokeswoman declined to give a value, but said wholesale prices would be lower, and younger whiskey means less of a financial loss. “I can guide that the low end of the estimate is still high by several factors,” she said of Bloomberg’s calculations. The fire in the first warehouse was still burning as of Wednesday morning, since putting it out with hoses could lead to contamination of a nearby river that feeds a drinking water facility, Chandler said. He estimated that the fire department would continue to let it burn for the next six to eight hours. The cause of the fire is unknown, but “weather could have been a factor,” Chandler said. An Associated Press report said it could have been caused by lightning. No one was injured in the incident, the company said, noting that it will “work with local authorities to confirm the cause and to remediate the impacts.” — With assistance by Derek Wallbank ... << ... 3
DJORDJE Posted July 5, 2019 Posted July 5, 2019 Ja se u Whiskey/Burbon slabo razumem, a najbolji je dokaz to sto ga pijem iskljucivo sa koka kolom. U Kentakiju, tacnije Luisvilleu, postoje prodavnice koje prodaju redak Burbon i cena ide od $70 do $200 za flasu.Do pre dve godine nisam znao da tako nesto i postoji, dok mi kolega Scott iz Houstona nije odrzao lekciju iz istih. Tip je totalni freak za scotch i burbon. Pije iskljucivo Oban i Talisker, a kada poruci coke je zabranjena.
Kinik Posted July 5, 2019 Posted July 5, 2019 ... Taman posla da si to plemenitp pice pokvario sa coke! Za to sluzi rum / votka, i to je mahom za decurliju sa 'drustvenih mreza'. Whisky je pice za ozbiljne cike - tu nema foliranja. Kako je rekao Churchill - 'whisky mi je vise dao nego ja njemu'. Moze da se progleda kroz prste kad trose neki 'blend' - u slucaju krize / trenutno zafalilo, ali niposto ne sa nekim nacifranim / nabildovanim blendom koji je skuplji od pristojnog malt-a. Ti su gori nego kokakolicari. Drugo, postoji zlatno pravilo - ne otvara se nova boca ako se pola stare vec potrosilo. To je siguran nacin da se upropasti dozivljaj, a ujutro sazaljivo pita: sta mi bi sinoc? >> ... E. Hemingway / IN OUR TIME / Ter three day blow - "Let's get drunk," Bill said. - "All right," Nick agreed. - "My old man won't care," Bill said. - "Are you sure?" said Nick. - "I know it," Bill said. - "I'm a little drunk now," Nick said. - "You aren't drunk," Bill said. He got up from the floor and reached for the whisky bottle. Nick held out his glass. His eyes fixed on it while Bill poured. Bill poured the glass half full of whisky. - "Put in your own water," he said. "There's just one more shot." - "Got any more?" Nick asked. - "There's plenty more but dad only likes me to drink what's open." - "Sure," said Nick. - "He says opening bottles is what makes drunkards," Bill explained. - "That's right," said Nick. He was impressed. He had never thought of that before. He had always thought it was solitary drinking that made drunkards. ... << ... 1
mrd Posted July 5, 2019 Posted July 5, 2019 Ja se u Whiskey/Burbon slabo razumem, a najbolji je dokaz to sto ga pijem iskljucivo sa koka kolom. U Kentakiju, tacnije Luisvilleu, postoje prodavnice koje prodaju redak Burbon i cena ide od $70 do $200 za flasu.Do pre dve godine nisam znao da tako nesto i postoji, dok mi kolega Scott iz Houstona nije odrzao lekciju iz istih. Tip je totalni freak za scotch i burbon. Pije iskljucivo Oban i Talisker, a kada poruci coke je zabranjena. Blended je ok sa sodom. Međutim, ako je tebi gajle, pi kako voliš. Probaj čisto, pa ga krsti, ako ti se više sviđa. [emoji14]Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk
Doorn Posted July 7, 2019 Author Posted July 7, 2019 (edited) Dobio na poklon. Popice se. Ali da ne bude da je ovo Aca LukasTM pice...da vidimo sta MoM misle o njemu. Chivas Regal 12 Year Old Meni je, pisao sam i na starom 4umu, ovaj blend jako ukusan. Edited July 7, 2019 by Doorn
mrd Posted July 7, 2019 Posted July 7, 2019 Dobio na poklon. Popice se. Ali da ne bude da je ovo Aca LukasTM pice...da vidimo sta MoM misle o njemu. Chivas Regal 12 Year Old Meni je, pisao sam i na starom 4umu, ovaj blend jako ukusan. Šta misle? Pisali mi i o CR i o JW. To je sve plemenita voda. Na vrućini s'ledom i malo sode ima da ide k'o voda.Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk
Doorn Posted July 7, 2019 Author Posted July 7, 2019 46 minutes ago, mrd said: Šta misle? Pisali mi i o CR i o JW. To je sve plemenita voda. Na vrućini s'ledom i malo sode ima da ide k'o voda. Sent from my LM-G710VM using Tapatalk this is a very refined blended whisky, with herbs, honey and fruit leaping forth on the palate. Regularly lauded by the critics, this is a superb blend in its price category, representing great value for money. 1
mrd Posted July 7, 2019 Posted July 7, 2019 31 minutes ago, Doorn said: this is a very refined blended whisky, with herbs, honey and fruit leaping forth on the palate. Regularly lauded by the critics, this is a superb blend in its price category, representing great value for money. Meni on i JW Black stoje u baru, od kako ste me vi navukli na single malt. Ja leti volim da ih pijem sa ledom i sodavodom. Odlicno osvezenje. :) 1
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