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Roger Federer


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Izgleda da je  veoma zanimljiv intervju, ali ne samo sto je na nemackom, nego se i placa, tako da su ovo samo delovi





When I visited our first project in Port Elizabeth, it was a culture shock. They also had projects for children with cancer. I can remember seeing terminally ill children lying in their beds. I wasn't prepared for that. That shook me up. Today I see it differently.I keep meeting people whose last wish is to meet me. I find it important for those who have this desire. But also for their environment. I'm not so shocked anymore. I know: I'm trying to help. That is all I can do. Like with the foundation.I only get emotional when I look back and think about how much more difficult it is for children in Africa, for example. It only has to do with where you were born. It is pure luck that we grew up in Switzerland. That's why I think you should help each other.


I am sometimes misused for certain purposes. When I help one person, I am criticized for not doing it with others. I have reached a point where I have to think carefully about what I am doing. But I also have to be able to overlook criticism. I can't be everywhere.I am aware that I can make a difference, take the microphone and address certain things. But I can't do that all the time. It is important that you choose the right things at the right time and get your message across in a fair way. Not by attacking others.


I know I can make a difference with my popularity. For others, for the planet, for the animals. And I think it's good what has been triggered recently regarding collective consciousness.If I had listened to everyone who had something to criticize, I would not have gone to South America. I would no longer travel to half of the countries. I would have stopped long ago. In South America it was about making people happy who hardly see tennis.I am in the entertainment business. It was a magical trip for me. It was emotional, exhausting, but beautiful. I have to be able to deal with critics. Sometimes I have to be able to say: Sorry, I don't care what they say. I was not on a political trip.


It's very stimulating to spend time with people as brilliant as Bill Gates. I feel very small next to Gates, but I can learn a lot. Such encounters take me further. But you have to listen carefully, be very attentive, understand quickly.I'm always happy to go to Africa because I haven't spent enough time there in the past 20, 25 years. But I can't be anywhere. When I arrive in South Africa, there is great anticipation. It is a special feeling that I cannot describe exactly.



Edited by Boxy
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Kuku, ja sam prvo mislila da mu je pitanje postavljeno na afrikansu koliko se razume :ajme:

Ali taj njihov engleski stvarno :classic_laugh: slušala sam jednom predavanje čoveka iz Johanesburga ili Kejp Tauna, ne sećam se sad... trebalo mi je desetak minuta da počnem da nazirem otprilike o čemu on tu priča, a ostatak je bio nagađanje na šta li me ova rečenica podseća :reading:

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