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On 6/26/2019 at 5:54 AM, Boxy said:

izgleda da ovo zamenjuje RF logo, dobra je fora, ali i dalje ne mogu da prezalim logo :classic_sad:


Pa sta bi na kraju sa logom, bila je prica da ce uspeti da ga vrati?

1 hour ago, Milutinov Tata said:


Pa sta bi na kraju sa logom, bila je prica da ce uspeti da ga vrati?


Pa sad se pojavila informacija da se logo vratio, da nike vise nema pravo, ali sad uniqlo nece da ga koristi :classic_mellow:

Medjutim, Roger jos nista nije izjavio, tako da sve to treba uzeti sa rezervom


Nemam pojma, mozda nas iznenadi i pojavi se na prvom mecu na W sa RF znakom, kao sto se prosle godine pojavio u uniqlu, a na svim treninzima je bio u najku :classic_biggrin:


Ceo intervju za CNN, pre par meseci su davali samo delove, takodje su i Rodik i Kejhil koji pricaju o njemu :classic_smile:




Rodik o onom cuvenom finalu 2009., tj. posle njega sta se desavalo :classic_smile:



"It's not like separate locker rooms or anything else, so I walked in and I was pretty devastated," Roddick told CNN Sport. "I was in disbelief and shock and a lot of emotions, and his team comes in.

"They should have been celebrating. Absolutely. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, he kind of gave them one of these 'Be quiet' (signs) and point to me and they walked out and went about their business in another part of the All England Club.

"I thought that was considerate. I thought it was probably unnecessary given that's a whole life of work. But it was kind of a microcosm of maybe the way he thinks a little bit."



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Bas zanimljiv intervju, napravljen u privatnom avionu na putu za Madrid :classic_smile:


Roger Federer: ‘You cannot be alone at the top’


jos da je nutela, @zoe Bg bi razmislila za koga da navija :classic_biggrin:



I want to get him to review his life and career. But first the stewardess brings us mini-croissants and fruit skewers. I had wondered whether Federer would eat human food; Djokovic likes his gluten-free and raw, when he deigns to eat at all. But Federer spreads marmalade on his croissant.



Wimbledon Is Here! Roger Federer on His First Sip of Bubbly and His All-Time Favorite Suit




mislim da smo na proslom forumu o ovom raspravljali :classic_biggrin:



If you could take a road trip, where would you go?

I just bought myself a 1960s Mercedes bus, which is phenomenal. We will pack up all the kids and hopefully we will do a sick road trip one day.

Tuscany. We will, of course, drink wine. You don’t go there just to smell the flowers.








pa maltretiranje majke :lol_2:






tata pozuri :sleep_1:




i ova mi je najbolja slika

Lenny: :jumping::smiley58::smiley34:

Leo: moze to i bolje :yawn2:



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