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kad vec pominjemo Federera koji je urucio trofej u St. Moricu:



velika vest u vecerasnjem dnevniku je bila o Credit Suisse:



Credit Suisse leak unmasks criminals, fraudsters and corrupt politicians


A massive leak from one of the world’s biggest private banks, Credit Suisse, has exposed the hidden wealth of clients involved in torture, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes.

Details of accounts linked to 30,000 Credit Suisse clients all over the world are contained in the leak, which unmasks the beneficiaries of more than 100bn Swiss francs (£80bn) held in one of Switzerland’s best-known financial institutions.

The leak points to widespread failures of due diligence by Credit Suisse, despite repeated pledges over decades to weed out dubious clients and illicit funds. The Guardian is part of a consortium of media outlets given exclusive access to the data.

Suisse secrets is a global journalistic investigation into a leak of data from the Swiss bank Credit Suisse. It comprises more than 18,000 bank accounts that were leaked to Süddeutsche Zeitung by a whistleblower who said Swiss banking secrecy laws were "immoral". The data, which is only a partial capture of the bank’s 1.5 million private banking clients, is linked to more than 30,000 Credit Suisse clients. The leak includes personal, shared and corporate bank accounts – holding, on average, 7.5m Swiss francs (CHF). Almost 200 accounts in the data are worth more than 100m CHF, and more than a dozen are valued in the billions. While some accounts in the data were open as far back as the 1940s, more than two-thirds were opened since 2000. Many of those were still open well into the last decade, and a portion remain open today.

The Guardian was among more than 48 media partners around the world including journalists at Le Monde, NDR, the Miami Herald and the New York Times. They spent months using the data to investigate the bank, in a project coordinated by Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). They unearthed evidence Credit Suisse accounts had been used by clients involved in torture, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes, suggesting widespread failures of due diligence by the bank.



pitam se, pitam se, da li ce neko da pita Feda da li ce da se odrekne ovog sponzora? :smiley33:

Svojevremeno ga je Greta zbog njih prozivala jer ovi finansiraju fossil fuel companies


The Swedish teenager has criticised Federer for his sponsorship deal with Credit Suisse, saying the private bank has provided $57bn (£43.6bn) of funding to fossil fuel companies.


cekaju se teniski "novinari" da postave adekvatna pitanja, kao sto su postavljali Lacosteu, Pezou i ostalima...

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1 minute ago, Boxy said:

Pa nije Federer napravio sranje, nego njegov sponzor, kako to moze da se poredi sa situacijom sa Djokovicem? :smiley33:

Malo je naopaka logika koju pokusavas da sprovedes...


A Greta je dete debil, nezavisno od Federera...

pa Fed bi trebalo u ovom slucaju da se odrekne sponzora

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Tekst i u Gardianu. 

Oni su Rodzerovi sponzori od 2009.

Glavni donatori negovog humanitarnog fonda. 

Godinama unazad optuzivani za sve i svasta, pa naravno i za pranje para. Uprkos svemu Rodzer 2019. potpisuje sa njima novi desetogodisnji ugovor. 

Sta reci? Ne verujem da nije obavesten o svim tim opruzbama, Mirka sve to pomno prati, ne kazem da je on muljao niti bilo sta nezakonito radio ali da je mogao da se odrekne njihove prljave love to sigurno jeste. 

Zgodna prilika za raskid sponzirstva je bila ta 2019 kad mu je isticao stari ugovir da kaze hvala dovidjenja, ne trebaju mi vise vase oprane pare, a on je pored svega potpisao novi desetogodisnji ugovor. 




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Tebe zaobilazim ali moje misljenje na temu : naravno da se on ne bavi svercom droge i oruzja ali reklamira one koji se bave takvim radnjama , njihov je maneken. 

Secam se jednog od retkih Eduardovih (Novakov menadzer) intervjua gde je on pricao kako je Novak izuzetno izbirljiv u pogledu svojih sponzora, da sve gleda kada su oni u pitanju i ako nesto ne podrzava ne pristaje na njihovo sponzorstvo i ako mu predlazu ogromne sume ponekad. To se ocigledno ne odnosi na Fekija koji samo gleda koliko mu ko nudi para, sve ostalo je nevazno, uostalom to je notorna stvar a i njegovo je pravo, to stoji.


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Da pohalim Rafu : (nemam ceo tekst press konferencije u Akapulku, samo ovaj deo )


Nadal : « Si Djokovic peut jouer les Grands Chelems sans être vacciné, c’est une bonne chose »


En conférence de presse à Acapulco, il a étonnamment plaidé en faveur du Serbe, qu’il espère retrouver à Roland‐Garros puis à Wimbledon et à l’US Open.

« Qu’il soit vacciné ou non, la bonne chose serait que Novak Djokovic puisse rejouer les Grands Chelems. Si Novak peut jouer les Grands Chelems sans être vacciné, c’est une bonne chose. Cela affectera sa propre histoire s’il peut jouer ou non. Je ne sais pas si cela affectera les Grands Chelems… Chacun prend ses propres décisions et doit vivre avec », a estimé Rafa. 


U prevodu :

"Ako Djokovic bude mogao da igra GS ove nevakcinisan to je dobra stvar"


Na konferenciji za novinare u Akapulku Nadal se iznenadjujuce zalozio za srbina i nada se da ce ga naci na RG u, Wimbldonu i USO.

"Bio on vakcinisan ili ne, dobro bi bilo da Novak Djokovic ponovo igra Grend Slemove. Ako Novak bude mogao da igra GS ove bez vakcinacije, to je dobra stvar.

Mogucnost ili ne da igra ce uticati na njegovu istoriju. Ne znam da li ce to uticati na Grend Slemove. Svako donosi svoje odluke i treba sa tim da zivi" rekao je Rafa






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umpires eye socket. The umpire needed eye surgery and confirmed it left him with long-standing physical and mental issues. Shapovalov was disqualified but was fined just over £5k and had NO ban.

c) Pliskova smashed the umpires chair and even caused a hole in it, umpire was left shaken. Instead of apologising Pliskova doubled down and requested the umpire never officiate her or her sister in a match ever again. She was fined just £2500 and NO ban.


Here are three recent examples of similar unsportsmanlike conduct. So those asking Zverev to be banned for 6 months or more are not basing that request on previous cases. Historically and before TV cameras players have done similar and much worse.

Zverev has been disqualified from playing and has apologised. I'm sure a fine to follow too. But I hope punishment is in line with others.



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