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The Tennis Podcast




Annabel Croft, who says she spoke to the Tsitsipas team today, mentions twice that Tsitsipas learned the value of a bathroom break from the one Novak Djokovic took during the French Open final. Catherine just superbly deployed the word 'hoo-ha'. Loo-ha, surely?


1 hour ago, vanjabarsa said:


Sutra da Cicipasu upadne u WC kontrola i da mu nađu telefon s tatinim savetima, nekako bi i za to Novak ispao kriv :lol_2:

  • Like 1
  • Ha-ha 1


9 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Dobro je Opelki ovo o medijima :classic_biggrin:

Ali kakvo je ovo prvo pitanje Zverevu, kakav mesec se tu umešao, ništa mi nije jasno :smiley5:


pretpostavljam da je to bilo deo nekog prethodnog odgovra:


Opelka ocigledno nije imao iskustva s Tsitsipasem (kaze da ne zna njegovu situaciju). A mislim da komentarise hajp u medijima oko toalet brejka i pauze za presvlacenje. Umesto da pisu o tenisu.

6 hours ago, alcesta said:

Kao samoproklamovani kovid-policajac na turu, morao bi da ima više pojma o elementarnoj higijeni :classic_rolleyes:


Kako deluje prljavo, odvratno...fuj:thumbdown:


Nadam se da nekom genijalcu neće pasti na pamet da zbog ovoga ukida 10 minuta pauze kad je extreme heat rule. Ionako su se jedva smilovali i to da dozvole.


Moratoglu :puke:





“The first two sets of the Roland-Garros final against Stefanos Tsitsipas, I felt he was super nervous, much more than usual (Djokovic recovered to win in five sets). At the Olympics, he kind of lost it a little bit, he got crazy angry and he lost. I can feel it building.

“This moment for him is a lot about dealing with his nerves. In the last tournament he played (the Olympics) he lost in a semi-final against Alex Zverev when he got crazy nervous, so he has a bad taste in his mouth and he needs to get rid of it.”

kakav majmun! ako se ne varam, Novak je u mecu s Zverevim bio sasvim smiren, lomljenje reketa itd. se desilo u mecu s PCB.

kakvo djubre!



As a coach, Mouratoglou said it can be difficult to help a player when they’re trying to create a piece of history as significant as the ones Djokovic – and Williams – are chasing.

“If I knew the secret, I would make it a lot easier for Serena,” he said.

pa kad ne znas onda cuti.



“But playing for a 24th title like Serena has been is a new pressure altogether, it is one match for history. Sometimes, it is one set for history. This is the highest pressure possible. Even though these guys are the best in the world to deal with pressure, sometimes it is too much, sometimes it catches you, sometimes you get too nervous or too angry because the emotion is too difficult to control.

onda krivis sudiju da je seksista...



“When it comes to Serena, I think there have been some traumas in the last years – maybe she feels like she cannot express herself any more and I don’t think it’s good for her. I think she is good when she is herself. I don’t feel like she is authorising herself to be herself in several moments in big finals and I think this hurt her.”

Ajde! sad je problem sto ne moze da se "izrazi", a ovamo pljuvanje po Novaku kad se on "izrazi".


Zato ja to ne čitam, tj. izbegavam koliko mogu i mnogo se bolje osećam :classic_biggrin:

Kakvo će tek kolektivno seirenje da bude kad izgubi ili daleko bilo ako bude nešto oko korone, ne želim ni da zamišljam.


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