alcesta Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 Ma i on je prošlu godinu bacio u vodu ja isto razmišljam da je sebi ne uračunavam u krštenicu, a možda ni ovu, videćemo. Gde si bio nigde, šta si radio ništa 1
wwww Posted March 1, 2021 Author Posted March 1, 2021 (edited) Quote Now don’t get your shorts all in a bunch. TMF (The Mighty Fed ) is the high water mark for tennis players, and likely to become the acknowledge GOAT, sooner rather than later. I won’t insult him, given the record he’s amassed, with comparisons to a raw kid who has yet to reach a major semifinal. There are things about the Djoker, though,that I think are incomparable (like his trunk rotation, but I’m getting ahead of myself), but again – the Perfect Player isn’t necessarily destined to be the greatest player, or the most successful. Quote I went out to take a close look at the Djoker today, in his match against Julian Benneteau, a Frenchman who’s been playing very well here by following a simple and often deadly formula – make few errors and force your opponent to win the match by making the shots that he knows he must in order to win. Then hope he'll go all Gasquet on you, instead of demonstrate that he's got the Wilanders. siroma Beneto Quote I arrived at Stadium Court 2 six games (at 3-all) in, while most of the fans were watching Andy Murray bang on Nikolay Davydenko in the big house. Quote Djoker is just as clean, yet he takes a bigger cut at the ball and is less disposed to counterpunching than was Mecir. So he ends up hitting a heavier, more dangerous ball. But trunk rotation only rises to maximum efficiency with great timing, and that’s the Djoker’s other deep, subtle talent. The combination of timing and rotation yield maximum oomph without maximum swing speed. This is a pretty good definition of stroking efficiency. Quote Serving for the set, Djoker fell behind love-40, at which point he let out a visceral roar and, enraged, flung his cap to the court. This gesture appeared to end the curse, for he won the next two points with fierce, inside-out, forehand winners, each of them having every mark of a go-for-broke shot, but without the desperation. This is one cool kid. vreme kada Novakov roar nije smatran necim negativnim. Quote He’s an emotional guy, but somehow it never corrupts his stroke work, or finds expression as a poor decision, a hasty decision or a puzzling decision – which is the problem faced by guys like Gasquet. Quote Often, guys who play with a great deal of emotion are perfectionists; that was John McEnroe’s lifelong mantra, as well as the convenient, all-purpose excuse for his tantrums. Andy Murray and Djokovic, among others, are like that too, and their biggest enemy is the self-same perfectionism that has brought them this far. Their challenge is to keep that perfectionism from becoming a destructive force. Djokovic seems to have a handle on this, because his game doesn’t fluctuate a great deal. Those outbursts - they're just just lip service to the perfectionism he is keeping at bay. davne 2007-me Bodo je napisao ovo: Quote The Djokovic serve is a thing of beauty, streamlined as a Brancusi sculpture, lethal as the strike of a cobra. It is a serve very much like that of Pete Sampras, although it probably is a shade slower. a ove godine neki se iznenadjuju kako Novak servira. Edited March 1, 2021 by wwww
wwww Posted March 1, 2021 Author Posted March 1, 2021 (edited) Quote It was at this point that I jotted down that most famous line in the literature of rock music, Jon Landau’s pronouncement: I have seen rock and roll (tennis) future and it is Bruce Springsteen (Novak Djokovic). Quote A lot of this was because of Djokovic’s ability to compete – to press the attack without relenting, or allowing his focus to dim. Quote I was interested in learning in a little more detail how a guy with very little access to top tennis training, and the resources it requires, ended up owning a game that’s cleaner than a child’s plate on spaghetti night. Quote He’s friendly and direct. I told him that I wasn’t there to kiss his butt but I thought he was as close to the Perfect Player as I had ever seen, and asked if that was a matter of nature or nurture. First, he laughed at my disclaimer. Then he said, “I can say in one hand that it is destiny. In Serbia, we never had a Top 15 player after Bobo (Slobodan Zivoinovic reached No. 19), so it was hard for me to develop and succeed. But it was a half-and-half thing between my talent and my first coach’s work, so I was very luck to have this coach.” That mentor was a woman, Jelena Gencic, who had also worked with Monica Seles and at one point traveled with Goran Ivanisevic (I met her briefly). Quote Pilic, who had helped Ivanisevic with his serve (“You know how he’s serving,” Djokovic asked, laughing), also fine-tuned the Djokovic delivery. Quote And what did he think about this “Perfect Player” theory? He laughed again. “I can’t say I’m the perfect tennis player. Nobody can be perfect and I think I have a lot to improve on (serve, making best use of his opportunities, attacking the net were the ones he cited).” So perhaps he isn’t perfect, but he’s a spectacularly gifted player who’s not going to be undone by his perfectionism, either. And that’s as perfect as anyone has a right to ask. Edited March 1, 2021 by wwww
Keira Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 Komentar jednog trenera juniora na Bodov repost članka iz 2007: "I remember this article back when I first started coaching. He is definitely the avatar for the new generation. The lower body mobility and balance are now staples in the modern game. I’ve seen more “mini-djokers” at the national junior level than ever before"
CheshireCat Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 (edited) Ajde, kad nije dovoljno obići Federera po nedeljama, da napišemo i ovu matematiku: 3. Serena Williams - 319 weeks - 3.5.2021 2. Martina Navratilova - 332 weeks - 2.8.2021 1. Steffi Graff - 377 weeks - 13.6.2022 Prvo je praktično ostvareno. Drugo je dostižno, ali apsolutno zavisi od Vimbldon učinka. A o trećem neka @ciao mašta . Na sezoni šljake Novak brani dosta, ali ima i Medo šta da odbrani, a poznato je da mu ona i nije jača strana. Da bi Medo bio prvi, potrebno je, uz visokog Nadala i Novaka, da ima preko 10.000 poena. To nije lako postići. Ja kontam da bi u periodu posle USO Novak mogao i da padne sa #1. Edited March 1, 2021 by CheshireCat
alcesta Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 Koliko je davno Bodo pisao ovaj članak najbolje se vidi po objašnjavanju zašto Gaske nije Fedov naslednik 1
ciao Posted March 1, 2021 Posted March 1, 2021 (edited) 2 hours ago, CheshireCat said: Ajde, kad nije dovoljno obići Federera po nedeljama, da napišemo i ovu matematiku: 3. Serena Williams - 319 weeks - 3.5.2021 2. Martina Navratilova - 332 weeks - 2.8.2021 1. Steffi Graff - 377 weeks - 13.6.2022 Prvo je praktično ostvareno. Drugo je dostižno, ali apsolutno zavisi od Vimbldon učinka. A o trećem neka @ciao mašta . Na sezoni šljake Novak brani dosta, ali ima i Medo šta da odbrani, a poznato je da mu ona i nije jača strana. Da bi Medo bio prvi, potrebno je, uz visokog Nadala i Novaka, da ima preko 10.000 poena. To nije lako postići. Ja kontam da bi u periodu posle USO Novak mogao i da padne sa #1. Ciao ne masta nego predvidja - bitna razlika ne znam da li se neko seca sem mene , u ono najcrnje vreme, lakat, Agasi, lepi Rade i ostalo Ciao je rekla da ce jednog dana Rafa, Feki i Novak imati po 20 GSova i da cemo se mi ovde prepucavati narednih desetak godina ko je GOAT Da li je neko sem mene verovao? A sada? Ali sada se vec predvidjanja dalje razvijaju, nek se prvo ostvari ovo pa cu da bacim dalju prognozu Edited March 1, 2021 by ciao 6
Old 666 Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 lepo je ovo videti, ali treba ipak staviti malo u kontekst. Nije oduvek bilo dve hiljade za osvojen slam i hiljadu za osvojen masters.
Drug Crni Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 Kad smo kod predvidjanja..moje o kombinaciji Lepi Rade & Novak..recimo samo da nikad to sebi necu oprostiti
wwww Posted March 2, 2021 Author Posted March 2, 2021 2 hours ago, We lose every week said: lepo je ovo videti, ali treba ipak staviti malo u kontekst. Nije oduvek bilo dve hiljade za osvojen slam i hiljadu za osvojen masters. pa pise u kom vremenskom periodu. a videla sam i negde ranije neku tabelu gde je neko ponovo sabrao bodove iz sezona pre toga ali po novom bodovnom sistemu, pa to uporedio. ako nadjem postavicu.
Besni lala Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 Vajda uz Đokovića u Parizu: Ovo je Novakovo vreme “Videćemo šta ćemo dalje sa kalendarom. Zabrinuli su me ti izveštaji o povredi kojoj treba vremena da zaceli. Definitivno ćemo smanjiti broj turnira ove godine. Njegovo zdravlje i porodica moraju da se uzmu u obzir. Mislim da ću, kako stvari stoje, putovati sa njim u Dubai, a siguran sam da ću biti uz njega u Parizu na Rolan Garosu”, zaključio je Vajda. - Šta će Novak tamo?
Besni lala Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 Sad sam pogledao i ne piše ništa na sajtu Da nije Vajda nešto pogrešio?
wwww Posted March 2, 2021 Author Posted March 2, 2021 ovo je originalni clanak, stvarno pise Dubai
Brian Setzer Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 (edited) 16 hours ago, CheshireCat said: Ajde, kad nije dovoljno obići Federera po nedeljama, da napišemo i ovu matematiku: 3. Serena Williams - 319 weeks - 3.5.2021 2. Martina Navratilova - 332 weeks - 2.8.2021 1. Steffi Graff - 377 weeks - 13.6.2022 Prvo je praktično ostvareno. Drugo je dostižno, ali apsolutno zavisi od Vimbldon učinka. A o trećem neka @ciao mašta . Na sezoni šljake Novak brani dosta, ali ima i Medo šta da odbrani, a poznato je da mu ona i nije jača strana. Da bi Medo bio prvi, potrebno je, uz visokog Nadala i Novaka, da ima preko 10.000 poena. To nije lako postići. Ja kontam da bi u periodu posle USO Novak mogao i da padne sa #1. Da bi neko umesto Nokse bio na prvom mestu (malo duže vreme) potrebno je (malo duže vreme) da bude konstantno među najboljima na turnirima ili da osvaja slemove + da Noksa prestane da bude konstantno među najboljima na turnirima ili da Noksa prestane da osvaja slemove (u prevodu ili da se mnogo povredi ili da omatori), znači 400 nedelja je moguća brojka. Kada i ako nekad uvedu 5. slem ili nešto urade tkd broj osvojenih slemova ne može biti merilo, broj nedelja na No1 mestu i broj godina na prvom mestu ostaju jedini za upoređivanje različitih teniskih era. Bil Tilden sa oko 380 nedelja i Pančo Gonzales sa 8 No1 godina nisu nedostižni. Edited March 2, 2021 by stray_cat
CheshireCat Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 21 minutes ago, stray_cat said: Bil Tilden sa oko 380 nedelja. Otkud se dede ovaj GOAT sa nedeljama?
wwww Posted March 2, 2021 Author Posted March 2, 2021 Novak brani puno bodova na sljaci: titule u Madridu (2019) i Rimu (2020), finale RG. Pa potom titulu na Wimbldonu. To je 5200 bodova. Plus 180 u MC. Jedini bafer mu je Majami, gde brani 90 bodova. Medvedev brani 360 u MC, 300 u Barseloni, po 10 u Madridu, Rimu i na RG, 180 u Kvinsu i 90 na Wimbldonu. Iako do sada i nije pokazao neke rezultate na sljaci i travi, verujem da ce nadmasiti ove rezultate, a to bi onda moglo da znaci dolazak na #1 posle Wimbldona. Kad im se oduzmu svi ovi bodovi Novak bi bio na 6515, a Medvedev na 8640. Razlika je 2125 bodova. Sto znaci da za ovoliko treba da nadmasi Medvedeva do kraja Wimbldona da bi zadrzao #1. Sad nesto gledam (ako nisam nesto pogresno preracunala, jer mi neke stvari oko ovog corona racunanja bodova nisu bas najjasnije): ako Medvedev osvoji Roterdam, Majami, MC i Barselonu, a Novak ne bude uopste igrao, preuzece #1 za nekih 135 bodova. Medvedev bi kao trebalo da igra i Marsej sledece sedmice, pa ako to osvoji to bi moglo da zameni 180 bodova iz Kvinsa, i u tom slucaju bi vec osvajanjem MC pretekao Novaka za 5 bodova. No, sve ovo je prilicno neverovatno. 2 2
wwww Posted March 2, 2021 Author Posted March 2, 2021 Pa sta cu kad volim brojke (kao sto ti volis slova) 3
alcesta Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 Ja mislim da ni Novakov tim ne pravi ovakve proračune 1
wwww Posted March 2, 2021 Author Posted March 2, 2021 (edited) Quote Novak Djokovic picks peRFect way to surpass Federer It’s symbolically potent and completely fitting. Djokovic passed RF at a tournament when the Serbian superstar was in pain. What is Djokovic’s career if not a testament to thriving despite discomfort? Djokovic passed Federer at a tournament when the Serbian superstar was in pain. What is Djokovic’s career if not a testament to thriving despite discomfort? Djokovic relishes each and every chance he gets to triumph over pain and adversity. He eats difficulty for breakfast. He loves tennis beyond measure… and he loves the challenge of overcoming obstacles more than he loves tennis itself. Quote In the deep background of Djokovic’s life story — the human layer which exists behind the globally known feats of remarkable tennis achievements — sits the simple but powerful reality that Djokovic grew up in a war-torn part of the world. The Balkan conflicts of the 1990s engulfed Serbia and other parts of what was previously known as Yugoslavia. Djokovic symbolically rose from the rubble of those conflicts. In real life, he had survived something far more traumatic than a five-setter. He had to overcome life-and-death obstacles — forget about sports — at an early age. Before he became a professional tennis player, he had already seen how powerful outside forces could be. Consequently, he realized how much inner work he would have to do to control the one thing he could control: his own responses. What was and is true for Novak Djokovic as a human being has become true for him as a tennis player. Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are both extraordinarily great at controlling only what they can control, but one can make the argument that as amazing as those two men are in the competitive art of mental toughness, Djokovic has been slightly better. Edited March 2, 2021 by wwww 5
Cojep Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 par dotignuca u senci osvajanja novog GS, br.1 rekorda i tako tog.. - Novak postaje prvi teniser Open ere sa dvocifrenim brojem titula na 4 razlicita kontinenta (Evropa, Amerika, Azija i Australija) cetvorica igraca imaju vise Atp pehara ukupno, ali niko tako ravnomjerno rasporedjenih po svim meridijanima. - stigao je Lendla po broju Top 10 nedelja na petoj poziciji Open ere, vrv. najboljeg igraca 80-ih, koji u vitrinama i dalje ima desetak Atp titula vise, ali i desetak mejdzora manje.. fair enough. 2 2
Drug Crni Posted March 2, 2021 Posted March 2, 2021 1 hour ago, alcesta said: Ja mislim da ni Novakov tim ne pravi ovakve proračune Zakljucak se jasno namece (jedan poziv menja sve) 1
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