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Everything posted by djura.net

  1. Valjda se trazi stokholmski sindrom od Zelenskog.
  2. cnn An adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin reacted to video of the heated Oval Office exchange between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Donald Trump with only one word. “Historic,” Kirill Dmitriev, a special envoy to Putin, wrote on X.
  3. cnn Ukrainian military officers reacted Friday to the shouting match that broke out in the Oval Office between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. One military officer, who goes by the call sign Aleks, said on Telegram he doesn’t “give a damn” about the kind of peace Trump offers. “It’s better to fight to death than to freeze the war and then be drained again in three years,” he said. “Trump understands the aggressive manner of negotiations and is trying to crush Zelensky. There would have been no heated talks if Trump had offered at least a ceasefire on the contact line with minimal amendments,” said Stanislav Buniatov, another Ukrainian military officer, in a Telegram post.
  4. Izgleda da nema nista od mineral deal. Besramno vredjanje gosta, voleo bih da vidim da ovako razgovara sa Putinom, nego tu savijaju glavu i glume nevinasca. cnn Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and President Donald Trump will no longer hold a joint news conference on Friday, a White House official confirmed. The Ukrainians are about to leave the White House. President Donald Trump said President Volodymyr Zelensky can come back to the White House “when he is ready for peace,” after the heated exchange in the Oval Office earlier on Friday. Ukrainian Ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova was seen holding her head in her hands as she watched the heated meeting between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and President Donald Trump on Friday, according to a photo taken inside the room by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.
  5. Kakav cirkus u White House, ovo je da covek zanemi bbc Donald Trump tells Volodymyr Zelensky "make a deal or we're out" during an angry meeting at the White House. The US president tells his Ukrainian counterpart to be "thankful" and accuses him of "gambling with World War Three". Zelensky says there should be "no compromises" with Vladimir Putin - but Trump says Kyiv will have to make concessions to reach a peace deal with Russia. Trump tells Zelensky: "Your country is in big trouble." The Ukrainian leader tries to interject put Trump waves his hands. "No, no, you've done a lot of talking", he says. "Your country is in big trouble," he repeats. "I know, I know," Zelensky says. "You're not winning this," says Trump. "You have a damn good chance of coming out OK because of us." The US president adds: "We gave you through this stupid president [a reference to Joe Biden] $350bn, we gave you military equipment... if you didn't have our military equipment this war would have been over in two weeks". "In three days, I heard it from Putin," Zelensky replies. "It's going to be very hard to do business like this," Trump says. "What you are doing is disrespectful to the country - this country that's backed you far more than a lot of people said they should have," Trump says. Zelensky calmly interjects: "I'm with all respect for your country". Vice-President Vance interrupts: "Have you said 'thank you' once this entire meeting?" Zelensky replies: "A lot of times". Vance again says: "No, in this entire meeting, have you said 'thank you'?" "You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the USA and the president who is trying to save your country." Zelensky tries to respond, saying: "Please, you think that if you will speak very loudly about the war..." He's cut off by Trump: "Your country is in big trouble". E da, posle ovoga treba da se potpise taj mineral deal.
  6. bbc Asked by the BBC's Chris Mason if he still thinks Ukraine's President Zelensky is a dictator, Trump replies: "Did I say that? I can't believe I said that. Next question".
  7. bbc North Korea has sent more soldiers to Russia and re-deployed others to the frontline in the western Kursk region, according to South Korea's intelligence agency. It said the exact number of extra troops sent was unknown, but military officials quoted in South Korean media have said they believed it was at least 1,000.
  8. DW The Danish Salling Group said it will be adding a black star to electronic price tags for European-made goods to allow consumers to choose them over products made in the United States. The move comes as many in Denmark want to make a protest against the policies of US President Donald Trump.
  9. To je njihova unutrasnja stvar. Vecina naroda je ocigledno odusevljena cirkuskom satrom i klovnovima u njoj i 'ludo' se zabavljaju. Platili su kartu, pa neka se i zabavljaju. To sto nisu informisani da ce im 'izlaz' biti desetostruko skuplji, to je opet njihova stvar.
  10. Trump je danas zauzet unutrasnjim pitanjima, tako da nije ni imao priliku da odvali tako nesto. Sutra mu dolazi Starmer a prekosutra Zelenski, tako da ce biti prilike za novo probijanje dna. Sutra je, mislim, i sastanak sa ruskim zvanicnicima oko razmene ambasadora.
  11. Zanimljivo da su u istom danu pali Dodik i njegova rumunska verzija. Mozda posle izbora u De stvarno ide period ciscenja u sopstvenom, evropskom dvoristu.
  12. bbc Tesla sales in January bucked European electric car sale trends, which grew by more than a third in the month, according to trade body Acea. Instead, Tesla sales across the EU, EFTA and the UK fell more than 45%, and more than 50% in the EU alone. The main factor in the January sales slump was likely to be increasing competition, AJ Bell investment director Russ Mould said. However, some car buyers may also be taking a "principled stand" on Musk's political interventions, he said. Asked if the reason for Tesla's share price slump was down to Musk being too toxic, a former senior director of the car maker's Europe, Middle East and Asia division said it was "definitely one of the reasons for the decline", but added there was a "cumulative number of things that are piling up a domino effect". Tesla shares got a big boost after the US election due to Musk's closeness to Donald Trump - Musk has described himself as "first buddy" to the US president. Investors thought this would stand his businesses in good stead. However, Trump is not a supporter of electric vehicles, and has said he will cancel efforts to boost their ownership. "How anybody thought this was going to be good for Tesla, I don't know," Mould said.
  13. Sve pet, lepe vesti, ali mene pogadja to sto se sve ove vesti prenose Muskovom mrezom. Treba je potpuno ignorisati u EU.
  14. Ne, nismo. Ne ulazim uopste u to ko sad eksploatise. Mi nista nismo dali. Mozemo da pricamo da li su oni uzeli ili oteli ili ukrali. Mi nista nismo dali.
  15. Sustinski mi nismo nista dali Amerikancima. To na Kosovu je daleko od toga da je dato, cije god da je formalno sad. Ovo sto se tice ostatka Srbije je jasno, Kinezi i Rusi su dominantno dobili rudna bogatstva Srbije, premda placaju neku rudnu rentu. Ne mozemo da kazemo da je potpuno dzabe, iako je stvar daleko od pravedne.
  16. Dobar ovaj Harvard caps Harris i najnovije istrazivanje, ipak ima onih kojima nisu potpuno isprani mozgovi: 59% of voters oppose the Trump administration leaving Ukraine’s leaders out of negotiations with Russia. 55% of voters oppose the exclusion of European leaders. 57% of voters oppose the Trump administration forcing Ukraine to make territorial concessions to end the war, and 66% of voters say Ukraine should receive security guarantees from the U.S. if it were to make concessions. 63% of voters believe Russia will continue to advance onto other countries if it successfully claims Ukrainian territory. 70% of voters believe the U.S. taking over Gaza is a bad idea. 56% of voters oppose removing Palestinians from Gaza to rebuild the territory. Support for Israel over Hamas in the conflict remains high, with 77% of voters supporting Israel. 76% of voters say Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities should be destroyed. 57% of voters say the U.S. should support Israel in airstrikes on such facilities (Democrats: 45%; Republicans: 74%; Independents: 51%). 62% of voters believe tariffs will raise prices of everyday goods (Democrats: 75%; Republicans: 50%; Independents: 62%). 49% of voters say the recent tariffs on Mexican, Canadian, and Chinese imports will harm rather than help, and 46% of voters say his tariffs on steel and aluminum imports will do harm. Velika je steta sto je istrazivanje radjeno posle glasanja u UN, bas bih voleo da vidim koliko ljudi je odusevljeno sto se njihova zemlja nasla pod ruskim krovom zajedno sa Belorusijom, Iranom i Severnom Korejom.
  17. Ne kapiram, kako i koje resurse smo mi dali Americi? Ako mislis na rudna bogatstva, njih smo dali Rusima i Kinezima. Sorry za of topic
  18. DW Trump mentioned that "some form" of peacekeeping troops will be necessary for Ukraine. Some European countries are willing to send peacekeeping forces to Ukraine. On Monday, Trump said that Moscow would agree to these peacekeepers. However, the Kremlin denied this on Tuesday.
  19. Ne ide to bas tako. Kad jedno drustvo krene u tom pravcu, raspadaju se veze i kontakti sa prijateljima i saradnicima. Pocinje da se sve gleda kroz interes i ljudi postanu neprijatelji. Obnova poverenja moze da traje decenijama, cesto i bezuspesno, dok je baciti razdor medju prijatelje i saveznike brz i lak posao, kao sto vidimo.
  20. Za samo mesec i nesto dana dovesti zemlju u drustvo Rusije, Belorusije, Irana i Severne Koreje. Stati sa njima pod jednu zastavu u UN, zaista neverovatan i mislim nezabelezen sunovrat jednog drustva za nikad krace vreme.
  21. Jel moze bez b92 linkova ovde? Hvala.
  22. Sta je demantovano i ko je demantovao? Jel tekst povucen sa sajta NYT?
  23. bbc Sir Keir Starmer suggested Trump had "created an opportunity" to end the war, in a speech to an international summit on supporting Ukraine in Kyiv. The prime minister also appeared to contradict President Trump by saying "Russia does not hold all the cards in this war". Sir Keir said the West "must increase the pressure even further" on Russia and announced the UK would impose a new round of sanctions on the country. The prime minister said more sanctions could push President Vladimir Putin "to a point where he is ready not just to talk, but to make concessions".
  24. Masku treba zabraniti ulaz u EU DW Alternative for Germany (AfD) co-leader has revealed that she took a phone call from tech billionaire Elon Musk, who congratulated her on the party's election success. Alice Weidel says that the AfD is "in communication" with the Trump administration in Washington and she had woken up to a number of missed calls from the US. Weidel - whose party secured nearly 21% of the vote - says the AfD's results in Sunday's vote was "a historic success" and a sign that "we are on the rise".
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