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Član foruma
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Everything posted by Asterion

  1. 1. K. nije veču dugo radijo u Srbiji/pred srp. publikom. 2. Jedan od krivaca za Saletov fail je i bilo to nerealno loženje (od dijela publike i dijela medija) koje u otrovalo repku i selektora. Sale to nije znao kontrolisati/blokirati adekvatno. Zato 2-step verification.
  2. Zbog specifičnosti koš. publike. 😉 Nekako imam osečaj, da nije dao kroz ceo taj tretman... ono... mora još malo ojačati.
  3. Bolje bi bilo ovako: Žoc glavni trener, a asistent Kokoškov. Posle OI i EP nastavi Kokoškov kao glavni trener i uzme još jednog mladog perspektivnog trener kao asistenta.
  4. Pita te Nicklord ako imaš nekog ljepila...puklo mu srce.
  5. The lovers In the terraces of summer at blue drinking night and happiness convinced to not die anymore in the long winters of the cities the world close with the zip credit cards at fantasy and do not care about the SIP love is also telepathy the lovers with small flights float a meter more over and of the life they eat honey and to us do not leave more maybe cry at the end of a film and then they will beat for the street in the dark struggle with the jeans playing the sex with merriment the lovers invent the sun in the cold grappa of a bar thieves shameless of kisses and words that escape from reality yet the lovers seem us strange but it we were also us white on the lawns at thousands of hands and now I don't want and you don't want the lovers without mercy as the daughter of heaven with your eyelashes turn in there behind a smile that goes away that goes away... but but but but but the great loves do not go away such as stains of eternity it believe you that you're no longer my with your eyelashes turn in there the lovers are forever and still we are you and me as poets of the end of September a little we feel Prevert... the lovers no leave shadows keep them all for herself the lovers are forever and still we are you and me you and me you and me yes you and me
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