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Član foruma
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Everything posted by Asterion

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep6DaKTeT9M
  2. Nisi. Inače, adblocker je rešenje za tvoje muke.
  3. b: Zamisli, da ubaciš Jordana i ostale u istu crnu kutiju* kroz koju su prošli današnji top igrači.... Nekako ti je fokus na pogrešnim stvarima... sad nisam siguran dali namerno ili ne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * crna kutija ...npr onaj dril koji rade Curry i Luka zajedno na nekom videu.
  4. Ovaj video mi več nekoliko dana ne ide iz glave. U njemu ima nešto metafizičnog...nešto iznad/izvan realnosti...ne znam kako da objasnim. Nekakva vrata su se otvorila nekih drugih paralenih univerzuma za vrlo kratko vreme... nešto ovako...
  5. Kod mene što se tiče ženskih...5 najbitnijih preduslova... 1. ateistka 2. ne voli turbofolk muziku i slična sranja 3. voli decu 4. nema Instagram profila 5. voli belaj
  6. browser: Opera (ima ugrađen Ad blocker, VPN i vidi sliku u spoileru) search engine: Duck duck go itd.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2Mv6XMbVXs
  8. He used to sing the songs And the emigrant departed, He brought with himself the [food] supplies And two or three stacks of magazines. And the emigrant came [back], He came back to his village Carrying a photo of Bice, [She] was as beautiful as an actress. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside. And the mercenary departed To satisfy his son's hunger And to shoot an enemy down. And the mercenary went Towards a new crusade Fighting for an effigy And for loving Bice once more. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside. And the producer departed To shoot a [new] film And to save a company. And the producer departed, With a hurriedly written script: He was looking for some good looking actress, But Bice was the only one he loved. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside. And he sang the songs That he used to hear at the seaside.
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