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  1. Dnevna doza se kurčio kako preuzima Panamski kanal. Zahvaljujući tome, sada je privatnom transakcijom između Hutchinson Ports (vlasnik je Li Ka-šing, jedan od najbogatijih ljudi u Hong Kongu, a i na svijetu) i Black Rock počeo da se bavi brat Ši
  2. Poyy iz ruske baze za strateške bombardere Engels:
  3. Još malo o opkoljenim ukrajinskim vojnicima i uskislom prolivu u narandžastoj glavi: Exclusive: Intelligence shared with White House shows Ukrainians not 'encircled' in Kursk NEW YORK, March 20 (Reuters) - Ukrainian soldiers in Kursk have lost ground in recent days but are not encircled by Russian forces, contrary to recent comments by U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to three U.S. and European officials familiar with their governments' intelligence assessments. U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, have shared that assessment with the White House over the past week, a U.S. official and another person familiar with the matter said. However, Trump has continued to claim that Ukrainian troops are surrounded in western Russia's Kursk region. The U.S. and European intelligence assessments show that Ukrainian troops have faced intense pressure from Russian forces but they are not completely surrounded, the officials said. Trump has said he hopes to bring a quick end to Russia's war in Ukraine. Experts described a claim by Putin on March 13 that Ukrainian forces in Kursk were cut off and would ultimately need to “surrender or die” as misinformation intended to show that Russia is offering concessions by saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, giving Putin leverage in ceasefire negotiations. In a social media post on March 14, Trump said he had asked the Russian president to spare the lives of thousands of Ukrainians who he said were "completely surrounded" and vulnerable. Putin said that he would do so if they surrendered. Trump repeated the claim about "encircled" Ukrainian forces during a speech at Washington's Kennedy Center on Monday and in a Fox News interview on Tuesday. The U.S. National Security Council did not respond directly to questions about the intelligence assessments but referred Reuters to a joint statement from Secretary of State Marco Rubio and National Security Adviser Mike Waltz that mentioned Trump's call with Zelenskiy on Wednesday and how the two leaders agreed to continue to share intelligence on Kursk. The White House, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence all declined to comment. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has denied that Ukrainian forces are surrounded and said Putin was lying about the reality on the ground. The Ukrainian leader acknowledged his military is in a difficult position in Kursk and that he expects continued attacks from Russia as it attempts to push Ukrainian forces out of the region. Zelenskiy's office and the Russian embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Since August, when Ukrainian soldiers smashed their way across Russia's western border in Kursk, Kyiv has lost almost all of the territory it gained. It once held close to 500 square miles of land but now only holds between 20 and 30 square miles, according to open source reports. Trump spoke with Putin on Tuesday. During that call, the Russian leader said he would halt attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure for 30 days, a promise that fell short of the full 30-day ceasefire Trump has called for and that Zelenskiy has said Ukraine would be prepared to accept. "This is likely part of Putin's effort to make the point that they are winning the war and that resistance is useless and that it is inevitable that Russia's greater strength will bring victory. That resonates with Trump," said Mark Cancian, a retired Marine Corps colonel and senior adviser with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Both sides are maneuvering to get into a better position for the negotiations." Although Russian forces appear to be making incremental advances in Kursk, the officials who spoke to Reuters and experts who study the battlefield said Putin's March 13 statement was not accurate. The Institute for the Study of War, a U.S.-based conflict monitor, said on March 14 that it had "observed no geolocated evidence to indicate that Russian forces have encircled a significant number of Ukrainian forces in Kursk Oblast or elsewhere along the frontline in Ukraine."
  4. WASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will sign a long-anticipated executive order on Thursday that aims to shut down the Department of Education, acting on a key campaign pledge, according to a White House summary seen by Reuters.
  5. Nema veze, doći će to što valja iz Amerike u Evropu. Univerzitet Aix-Marseille ima već godinama program za udomljavanje stranih naučnika koji imaju problem sa svojim vladama, tipa Kinezi, Rusi, Iranci, Alžirci... Od prošle nedelje program je otvoren i za američke naučnike čiji rad ugrožavaju DOGE i trumpove reforme. Bez zajebancije.
  6. Ovo stvarno neprijatno liči na rasparčavanje Poljske: KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday that they had a constructive call about moving toward a partial ceasefire between Kyiv and Moscow, with the White House suggesting the U.S. could take control of Ukrainian power plants to ensure their security. Trump told Zelenskyy that the U.S could be “very helpful in running those plants with its electricity and utility expertise,” according to a White House statement from Secretary of State Marco Rubio and national security adviser Mike Waltz that described the call as “fantastic.” Trump added that “American ownership of those plants could be the best protection for that infrastructure.”
  7. Dobqr je dnevnq doza, za 6 sedmica na vlasti je uspio da sobali Fedovu projekciju rasta za tekuću godinu za skoro pola procenta, sa 2,1% na 1,7%. Zamislite šta će biti za 6 mjeseci.
  8. Sad kad vam dođe onaj srpsko-grčki Jeremija i podavi sve sa Diamandom Gallas...
  9. WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. lawmakers will call on President Donald Trump's administration to restore a program that helps track thousands of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia, and to use sanctions to punish those responsible for the rights violation. As it slashes a wide range of U.S. government programs and most foreign aid, the Republican president's administration has ended a government-funded initiative led by Yale University's Humanitarian Research Lab (Yale HRL) that tracked the mass deportation of children from Ukraine, the lawmakers said. Jebem im mater zločinačku i kretensku
  10. Monstruozno: WASHINGTON, March 18 (Reuters) - The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has removed an explicit ban on "segregated facilities" like waiting rooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for federal contractors, a memo issued by the U.S. General Services Administration showed.
  11. Nema to veze sa članstvom u radikalima, nego sa njegovom patologijom
  12. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed during a lengthy call Tuesday to seek a limited ceasefire against energy and infrastructure targets in the Russia-Ukraine war, according to the White House. The White House described it as the first step in a “movement to peace” it hopes will eventually include a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea and a full and lasting end to the fighting. “Both leaders agreed this conflict needs to end with a lasting peace,” the White House said in a statement. “The blood and treasure that both Ukraine and Russia have been spending in this war would be better spent on the needs of their people.” Tok razgovora, aproksimetli: dnevna doza: ljubim ruke hazjajine vladimire vladimiroviču, hau ken aj mejk majself juzful? putler: sliši krasnov, Ukrajinci mi razjebaše sve rafinerije, ostali su mi samo Komsomoslk na Amuru i Habarovsk, a ni one neće dugo kako je krenulo, nego ili daj šalji naci boja da pravi elektične motore za tenkove, ili smisli nešto! DD: ou nou mister prezident, naci boj iz maj bos! p: ja tvoj šef! dd: ju maj big bos, bat naci boj maj bos in juesovej! p: pa šta ćemo onda? dd: aj tel ivil midžet not tu target rašan rifajneriz if for pis! ic gonabi grejt! p: suka bljat! da nije to malo providno?! dd: lec traj terifs agenst ivil midžet! ic gonabi greeeeejt! p: sliši krasnov! reci da je prva faza primirja da ne gađaju više naše rafinerije... ovaj, da se ne gađa energetska infrastruktura! Mislim, neka bude infrastruktura uopšte, manje je očigledno. Bar jedno 30 dana, dok uštekamo malo dizela za tenkove! dd: tenkju vladimir vladimirovič! ic gonabi greeeeeeejt. ic gonabi fentestik. Aj vil mejk pis in tvonifor auerz!
  13. Ima li neki slučaj da je nekom radikalu bio problem da ode na kafu, sjedne na klupu ili nađe djevojku?
  14. WASHINGTON (AP) — In an extraordinary display of conflict between the executive and judiciary branches, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts rejected calls for impeaching federal judges shortly after President Donald Trump demanded the removal of a judge who ruled against his deportation plans. “For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision,” Roberts said in a rare statement. “The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.” Sudiju RoberCa je postavio George Bush Jr
  15. Rutte je od lika koji je kao premijer Holandije bio u stanju da bude vrlo tvrd prema dnevnoj dozi u njegovom prvom mandatu postao totalni kolaboracionista. Uostalom, kao što kažu same engleske novine: America’s bullied allies need to toughen up To avoid being crushed, they need a better plan than flattery and concessions
  16. Pozdravi od velikog zaštitnika slobode govora: X Suspends Dropkick Murphys After Band Calls Out Concertgoer’s MAGA Hat Nikad nisam bio oduševljen Dropkick Murphiesima, ali sad ima da ih slušam na repeat dok ne počnu da mi se sviđaju
  17. Ovo treba da stoji kao zaglavlje ove teme
  18. Boktemazo: BEIJING, March 17 (Reuters) - BYD on Monday unveiled a new platform for electric vehicles (EVs) that it said could charge EVs as quickly as it takes to pump gas and announced for the first time that it would build a charging network across China. The so-called "super e-platform" will be capable of peak charging speeds of 1,000 kilowatts (kW), enabling cars that use it to travel 400 km (249 miles) on a 5-minute charge, founder Wang Chuanfu said at an event livestreamed from the company's Shenzhen headquarters.
  19. Govnari. Doduše postoje neke nijanse, Španci kažu da su oni odlučili da ove godine bilateralno pošalju naoružanja i opreme za milijardu eura i da će to ispuniti.
  20. Nije ničemu u stanju da se posveti na iole pristojan način. John Bolton je prije neki dan rekao da su mu ljudi koji su radili za dnevnu dozu dok se bavio nekretninama pričali da nikad nije imao dnevni raspored ili plan rada, samo je blejao u kancelariji i fantazirao o projektima.
  21. Beonegro

    Bliski Istok

    Pa kad neće da se isele u Eritreju ili Južni Sudan, nego svojom bijednom egzistencijom ometaju izgradnju zlatnih statua dnevne doze.
  22. Bukvalno da se zapitaš da li je akademija za mlade lidere uvela program na engleskom.
  23. Apsolutno, to je sekta. Moja majka je u stanju da mrtva ozbiljna izgovori sad imamo sve, kad su bili žuti nismo imali ništa. Žena koja je odrasla u Beogradu, bila tinejdžerka i mlada žena tokom sedamdesetih, vrlo moguće najbolje decenije u istoriji grada.
  24. Još gore, stavite ga da moderiše feminističku temu 😬
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