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Everything posted by Laki21

  1. 1. da još jednom demantujemo ovaj kretenizam, antivakserski stav UGROŽAVA kompletno stanovništvo. Da je u pitanju neka neinfektivna bolest to bi pilo vodu - radi šta hoćeš, pucaj sebi u glavu, odseci kurac, skači kroz prozor, tvoj lični problem i ničiji više. U slučaju pandemije svako neimunizovan je potencijalni rezervoar virusa i potencijalni prenosioc. 2. niko nikada nije pominjao nasilno vakcinisanje ljudi koji iz dravstvenih razloga NE MOGU da se vakcinišu. 3. retardi i degenerici iz tačke 1 direktno rade o glavi ljudima iz tačke 2. Ja bih zaista najlepše zamolio da se ne vređaju bakalri i ostale plemenite životinje.
  2. Nisam pratio temu zadnjih par dana, vidim da si i ti stigla da se vakcinišeš, čestitam 🙂 Je li u Srbiji? I koja vakcina? PS Zanemari, sad videh na matičnoj temi. Čestitke ostaju!!!
  3. Nisam čuo na šta je odgovorio, zna li se ko ga je naljutio?
  4. Trener je za sada katastrofalan. No ako smo nešto naučili do sada to je da mu treba poprilično vremena da sklopi sistem pa ga ne bih otpisivao.
  5. CDC Director: Vaccinated People Don't Carry Virus, Don't Get Sick People who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are not carriers of the virus and don't have symptoms from the disease, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Monday on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show." "And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data," she said. The CDC study observed 3,950 health care workers, first responders and other essential workers who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines from December through March and found it to be 90% effective at preventing them from being infected with the virus two weeks after the second shot was administered. The study found that the first shot was 80% effective two weeks after being given. And of those who were infected, "Most of the positive tests occurred in people who had no symptoms at the time they were tested, and did not even know they were infected," Time magazine reported. The study did not look at variants of the virus, so health officials are advising vaccinated people to continue wearing masks as a precaution. President Joe Biden has urged states to reintroduce mask mandates and other preventive measures amid the CDC's growing fears of another wave of coronavirus infections. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has called such moves "theater," and argued that anyone who is fully vaccinated need not wear a mask. "You want people to get the vaccine, give them a reward instead of telling them the nanny-state’s going to be there for three more years, and you gotta wear a mask forever," he argued this month at a Senate hearing with Dr. Anthony Fauci. But the study authors said people can still be infected and get sick from variants after they have received their vaccinations, just not as seriously, and that's why the still recommend wearing masks. "The protection against infection wasn’t perfect — 80% to 90%," Dr. Carlos Del Rio, professor of medicine at Emory University, told Time. "Can I increase that to closer to 100% by wearing a mask? Yes." The United States had administered 147,602,345 doses of COVID-19 vaccines in the country as of Tuesday morning and distributed 189,451,285 doses, according to the CDC. The tally is for Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson's vaccines as of 6 a.m. ET on Tuesday, the agency said. According to the tally posted on March 29, the agency had administered 145,812,835 doses of the vaccines, and distributed 180,646,565 doses. The agency said 96,044,046 people had received at least one dose while 53,423,486 people are fully vaccinated as of Tuesday. A total of 7,719,964 vaccine doses have been administered in long-term care facilities, the agency said.
  6. Ovo je najjadnija grupa osoba pod ugovorom (nemoguće je upotrebiti pojam "igrač" za njih) koji su ikada, na moju ogromnu žalost, obukli dres kluba.
  7. Ne želimo nikome da umre jer je antivakser, antivakser sam sebi želi da umre jer je antivakser. Darvin 101.
  8. Laki21

    ABA liga

    Zna li se ko je popasao? Isto pitanje i za Cedoli?
  9. Laki21

    ABA liga

    Što je odloženo?
  10. Prvo pošalji u pizdu majčinu retarda koji ti je to rekao, a potomstvom se bavi kada ti se bude bavilo.
  11. Do jaja, konačno prilika da prespavam jednu tekmu.
  12. Malo crnog humora - to bi ekspresno rešilo problem sa antivakserima.
  13. Samo da prijavim da sam se bocnuo i drugi puta, jipi jeeeeee. Da bih dobio odgovor od Hr MUPa;
  14. Beskrajno mi je žao.. Divan čovek.
  15. Ključna stvar je da li ih je dokačio Britanac ili ne. Katastrofa kod nas je posledica njegove dominacije na prvom mestu, pa onda sve ostalo.
  16. Simonović nije košarkaš. Ostali uglavnom jesu. Dakle, Rit, MJK, Radanov, Davidovac, to su ljudi koji treba da pokrivaju tu poziciju. Tu treba da igraju košarkaši, a ne kućni prijatelji. Ne postoji jednostavnije objašnjenje.
  17. https://www.astrazeneca.com/media-centre/press-releases/2021/astrazeneca-us-vaccine-trial-met-primary-endpoint.html
  18. Pokušaj da mi objasniš, kao detetu od 8 godina, svrhovitost i učinak Marka Simonovića na sinoćnoj utakmici. Npr, čime je sve doprineo timu.
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