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Član foruma
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Everything posted by Dragan

  1. Russians Spend Record $211 Mln on Contraceptives in First Half of 2024
  2. Vidi kako to izgleda kod "Mene podseca na manijaka iz komsiluka...nasmejani cikica sa sekirom. Davitelj. Siluje po kucama".
  3. United States Announces Significant New Military Assistance for Ukraine This additional assistance, provided under a drawdown from Department of Defense stocks, includes: counter-unmanned aerial systems equipment and munitions, additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds, Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor missiles, Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles, small arms ammunition, ambulances, demolition equipment and munitions, and spare parts, medical equipment, ancillary equipment, services, training, and transportation. Ukraine to Start 155-mm Shell Production with Norwegian Technology Ukraine will launch the production of 155-mm shells using the technology of the Norwegian company Nammo. The Norwegian government stated that it had opened the way for the transfer of Norwegian defense technologies to Ukraine. Nammo is one of the largest ammunition producers in Europe. “Our government has taken several steps to increase the production of artillery ammunition in Norway. At the same time, we recognize the importance of strengthening the capacity of Ukrainians to produce modern ammunition in Ukraine,” said Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Nammo has signed an agreement with the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency to significantly increase the production of artillery ammunition and missiles. ...
  4. RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets. After initially denouncing his candidacy last summer, most of the 105 Kennedy relatives —including Bobby’s eight siblings, the largest branch of the family—had hoped his campaign would collapse under the weight of his many bizarre claims and alliances with anti-vax cranks and Trumpworld figures like Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. Instead the family has played defense, going public only when Kennedy’s statements went so far out of bounds they had no choice, like when he suggested COVID was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jewish and Chinese people; or his claim that anti-vaxxers suffered worse oppression than Anne Frank (a statement sister Kerry called “sickening and destructive”)
  5. Russi ne idu dalje zahvaljujuci herojskom otporu Ukrajinaca. Da su uspeli pokoriti Ukrajinu, dalji napadi u pravcu Zapada bi bili sigurni, ne odmah, ali za par godina, kada bi se jos vise naoruzali i koristili ukrajinske resurse. Uz to bi imali jos vecu podrsku pete kolone u Madjarskoj, Slovackoj, Istocnoj Nemackoj ... i jos vise mogucnosti za dezinformisanje.
  6. Jedina sansa da stabilna budala pobedi je da kod vecine prevlada "secanje na stara dobra vremena", kada su kamate, inflacija i cene goriva bili niski (kao da je on imao neki uticaj na to).
  7. The Kursk Offensive Dilemma
  8. FSB Gamekeepers Turn Poachers in Putin’s Crime-Riddled State
  9. Pomislimo sta se ne bi desilo u ove dve i po godine, da zli gnom nije odlucio zapoceti rat: - milion ljudi ne bi poginulo, ili bilo ranjeno - vise miliona ljudi ne bi bilo u izbeglistvu - stotine hiljada kuca, skola, bolnica, citavih naselja, puteva, mostova, elektrana, brana, suma... ne bi bili unisteni - stotine milijardi dolara su mogle biti upotrebljene za dobrobit stanovnistva, umesto za oruzje i razaranje - inflacija u svetu bi bila niza, energetska situacija za sve bolja - niko ne bi napao russiju
  10. Zaklele se kurske guske Neće više biti ruske Marširaju u množini Gaču “Slava Ukrajini!”
  11. "Hriscanske katodne cevi" Novi nivo debilizma. Porazno je sto je jos na javnoj sceni, sto dobija aplauz i sto su to mladi ljudi. Nije cudno opste stanje u Srbiji kada takva maloumnica ima 100k pratioca. 😞 Uopste, to slaganje o "dekadentnim zapadnim vrednostima" i "zlom Zapadu" je neopisani kretenizam i Srbija se nece ni korak pribliziti civilizaciji dok taj plemenski mit i grupni pritisak ne oslabe.
  12. Putin, after 10 days of Kursk catastrophe, summons Stalin’s ghost : Stalin: “What’s happened?” Putin: “Nazis are at Kursk! My army is beaten! What should I do?” Stalin: “Do like me 1943. Send best Ukrainian tropps to the front, and ask the US for arms!”
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