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Everything posted by alberto.ascari

  1. Opinion: The one move that can save Ricciardo's doomed F1 career It was an announcement that caught Formula 1 off-guard when Daniel Ricciardo signed at Renault for 2019 last summer. With all indications suggesting a Red Bull renewal was all but done, the Australian threw a curveball by seeking a new challenge at Enstone and stepping out of the growing shadow of Max Verstappen. Few can argue with him for wanting to do so and Renault did appear the natural choice as a manufacturer in a manufacturer-dominated era. However, after just four races, it is already apparent that Ricciardo's dream of leading a crusade back to the top will not be happening anytime soon. Unsurprisingly, he has needed time to adjust to life after the company which he had been with for a decade, but he also hasn't helped himself by causing two of his three retirements so far in 2019. However, Renault has also fallen short of the expected level of competitiveness and that is a result of the same old problem, their bite doesn't match their bark. They talk a big game and do have the money, the resources and increasing manpower to take the French brand back at the top in F1. But, despite improvements, the engine is now the weakest on the grid, combining power and reliability, and the chassis remains well below the standard of the top three teams. The reason for that is the company is simply unwilling to make the financial commitment required to catch Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull. Instead, bosses are simply pinning their hopes on new regulations in 2021. While that might make sense for them, right now what it means is, while ever Renault continues to spend on the level of the fourth best team, that is the only position that they can realistically strive for. And that is bad news for Ricciardo, who put his faith in the team to produce the necessary improvement to compete at the front as quickly as possible. Very soon, he made be facing another tough decision as to whether he stays and on his current course with Renault or looks elsewhere? And this may happen sooner rather than later too because Ricciardo knows that his cred with the top teams is being damaged with every moment he spends in obscurity. On top of that, new names are coming through who are getting more attention and may become more appealing than the 'Honey Badger' in the driver market. There is, however, a possible way out for Danny Ric and that is Ferrari. The situation at the Italian team is becoming more delicate after the arrival of Charles Leclerc, with the status of Sebastian Vettel being called into question. Retirement is even being mentioned and if there was a sniff of an opportunity, Ricciardo would be stupid not to throw his name in the hat. Immediately, I can hear the arguments most would likely come up with against the idea. Obviously, yes, Leclerc is the driver that Ferrari see as their future but, the Aussie is a driver that you could pair with anyone and the Scuderia won't be wanting to put all their eggs into the Monegasque basket for a few years yet. Then there's Mick Schumacher, the son of a legend to whom a seat at Maranello appears his ultimate destiny. But it will still be three or four years at least, before that dream becomes a reality, mostly because the 20-year-old isn't yet showing the kind of talent that Leclerc has. Schumacher may need another year in F2 before F1 comes calling, and then there's a season or more at Alfa Romeo which would probably follow. If Vettel was to leave after 2020 then, a window is there for Ricciardo to escape the misery at Renault. And he shouldn't be shy to accept this gamble failed and move on because if he waits too long, the prospect of his career echoing Fernando Alonso grows bigger. The only difference there is Alonso got his two championships early doors. http://insideracing.com/index.php/formula-1/7069-opinion-the-one-move-that-can-save-ricciardo-s-doomed-f1-career?fbclid=IwAR0gRZUBpx3wKfec5CiOMwoGfHFG3SkgCiBk28nN6B_QFH_xmNEdAsGQW1k
  2. Zato što ti je tamo dobro, tu si kod kuće.
  3. Pa i kod nas je bila masovna gastarbeiterska motorizacija tek nedavno, posle 27 godina napolju, za ćerkicu Ingolstadt a za ženu Daimler AG.[emoji38] Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  4. A evo ga i naš mali kerić.[emoji846] Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  5. Evo ih dve lepotice, Ibanez SR 700 i SR 800. BTB 675 sam prodao pre 2 meseca. Ovu gornju, SR 700 sam malo tuningovao, počupao sam pragove, ali pošto nemam školu ostavio sam oznake gde su bili. Tj. servis, ne ja. Sve to ide napolje kroz GK MB 212 II, ali taj nije kod kuće pa zato nema slika.[emoji4][emoji450] Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  6. Ne mogu da komentarišem ovo o čemu piše Vilhelmina, jer apsolutno ne znam za takve slučajeve. Verovatno i jeste tako, ali iz mog ugla pogleda, tj. iz države u kojoj živim se to teško može proceniti, jer ČR nije ciljna zemlja za masovnu imigraciju, ovde dolaze Ukrajinci i Vijetnamci. Za sebe mogu da kažem da sam otišao krajem 1992., bez znanja jezika, bez kinte, bez veza sa "našima" ili tudjima, apsolutno u nepoznato, sa par dojčmaraka u džepu i kršom od auta, jer mi je bilo najvažnije da nestanem. Ne znam šta je bio glavni impuls, nemogućnost normalnog rada, mobilizacija, 36 sati na Jugopetrolu na Ušću da bih kupio 10l čorbe, invazija srbovanja iz BiH, HR i Kosova, TV masaža, okruženje koje je totalno puklo i živelo za SMrada, ima toga puno... I onda jednostavno naprasna bežanija, početak ne od nule, nego 100 ispod nule, nekakav smešan pokušaj sopstvenog bizMisa koji je pukao pre nego što je počeo i tek posle cca godinu i četvrt prvi posao u struci, pola stepenice iznad radnika, poslovodja na gradilištu na noćnoj smeni. Težak smor za radnu dozvolu, niko neće s tim da se zayebava, strepiš 12 meseci da li ćeš uspeti da je obnoviš jer je to za firmu pakao a za tebe duplo. E onda posle par godina dodje ono što je neko ovde napisao, radiš kao stoka na 150% i vrati se ti to, kreneš da napreduješ, budeš šef domaćim, sve, sve osim kurčenja u Srbiji na odmoru, jer tamo odem jednom u tri godina na dva dana a to sedim sa sestrom u kući.
  7. Ćerkino pseto Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  8. Milkshake. Goooood stuff[emoji41][emoji481][emoji106] https://untappd.com/b/rodinny-pivovar-zichovec-orange-milk-power-17/3180014 Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  9. Yebeš politiku, dodjite na pivo oba.
  10. Dienstwagen rodjače, već mnoooogo godina. Trenutno Peugeot 508SW, oprema Allure. Motor 2,0 160HP. Za 18 meseci 118000km, prosečna potrošnja 5,6l/100km, a to ga gazim koliko to ide. 6 meseci godišnje roof box na krovu. Ja sam stari Fordadžija, ali dizel u velikim Fordovima je decenijama bio iz Pežoa, još od vremena Granade i 604. Ako ostanem u firmi dogodine, uzimam novi 508 liftback, auto je mali, ali jebitačan. Uzeo bih konačno automat 8gang..e😎
  11. Još malo, Zichovec Nectar of Happiness, New England IPA. Ova izuva..[emoji16][emoji481] https://untappd.com/b/rodinny-pivovar-zichovec-nectare-of-happiness/3079153 Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  12. Ko se zadesi na severozapadu Nemačke toplo preporučujem riblji fastfood chain Gosch. Slično kao Nordsee (koji je sasvim solidan) ali mnoooogo bolji. https://www.gosch.de/
  13. IPA nije experiment, to pivo je nastalo tako što su Englezi tražili recepte kako održati pivo u životu na putu brodom do Indije. Zato ima više hmelja nego u lageru. A kad smo kod gorčine, pogledaj negde šta je IBU (international bitterness unit), lageri su tu oko 20, do 25, a ozbiljna IPA počinje na 45-50. Meni najviše sedi oko 70-80, ali mnogo zavisi od vrste hmelja. Pio sam i zverstva >100, može, dobro je i to. Industrijski lager, pa šta da ti kažem... Pilsner uvek može, ne znam šta ima u Srbiji, ali ako nema ništa drugo, ja mogu Amstel. Od madjarskih solidan Arany Aszok, austrijski Gösser i Schwechater, italijanska Pedavena, bavarski Paulaner. Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  14. Pa da nastavimo... Zichovec New England IPA Mosaic. Tip je vlasnik celog sela i porodične pivare + ima i pivaru u nedalekom gradiću Louny. Slabija gorčina, IBU 40, ABV 7,5%. Prolazim često pored pa svratim u shopping, cca 60km severozapadno od Praga. Sad nam je baš u poseti sestričina, pa sam spremio par flaša zetu da mu ponese. On voli Budvar, kupio sam mu i six pack, ali džabe objašnjavam, to je grozno pivo, pijem ga kad moram samo. Ovde ga zovu bolehlav, u slobodnom prevodu pivo glavobolj. Omiljeno samo kod budějických (stanovnici Čeških Budjejovica i bliske okoline) lokalpatriota. https://untappd.com/b/rodinny-pivovar-zichovec-neipa-17-mosaic/3169483 https://www.pivovarzichovec.cz Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk
  15. Velika je razlika izmedju točenog i konzerve ili flaše. A imaš i točeno i točeno, bolje je iz tanka nego iz KEG suda. Plus ga treba i umeti natočiti. A Pilsner koji popiješ u pivari u Plzenju (češki Plzni) u podzemnim tunelima (ima ih oko 9km), nefiltrirano, nepasterizovano, iz drvene bačve, nema veze sa pivom koje ide u distribuciju. Razlika k'o dupe i oko. 😁🍺
  16. Ma ja otišao u Albert da kupim litvansku IPU, nisu imali pa sam uzeo ovo, prvi i poslednji put.
  17. Pa sad, kako se uzme... Upravo pijem Adnams Ghost Ship (UK), nije zaslužio tako visoku ocenu imho. https://www.ratebeer.com/beer/adnams-ghost-ship-bottle-can/157088/ Sutra uveče idem u Malešický mikropivovar a tamo se to uvek završava čašom na stopici Kaasteel Rouge, bez obzira šta se troši pre toga. Razmatram alternativni program na poslu za petak... 🍺😑😂😂
  18. Pozz svima. Da li će biti opcija last unread post? Aha, sad vidim...
  19. Startuje iz pitlane, stići će nas 😁
  20. Jbg kume, sve i da nisam hteo, sad moram!😁 Pozz svima!
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