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Everything posted by fancy

  1. Opa razmahala se nova avaxerka da pojača posustali lobi, lepo, lepo...
  2. Nisam to radio ali je prilično straightforward, ima uputstvo step by step ovde Nek za svaki slučaj i bekapuje sajt Updraftom (free plugin)... Just in case. Mislim da i sa tog bekapa može da ga vrati na novi .org sajt. Sent from my phone using their app
  3. Al niko nije znao otkrit suze kao Tima... Sent from my phone using their app
  4. Kako kome. To bi pre svega dovelo do bolje pripreme i samim tim veće upotrebe mozga pre postovanja. Mislim, ajde ne mora 2, ... 3, 4...šta ja znam. Ma dobro, kakogod. Ignore rešava te izlive, a opet imaš ljudi koji imaju blokadu u upotrebi ignora, suviše su fini, itd.. Pravi primer te priče su @Markovi postovi u kafani o slikarima sa sve njihovim slikama, plus lepo upakovani u spojlere pa ko želi da gleda, otvara i gleda.
  5. Pa pazi... nek neko napiše i 14 postova za sat vremena, ali u nekoj diskusiji, zezanju sa drugima, play by play situaciji, pa i u flameovanju sa ekipom, pičkaranju, štagod, disusija je diskusija... ali ne brate sâm da sipa poruku za porukom, pa makar i sa 5-10 min. razmaka... i tako od sumraka do svitanja.
  6. Predlog - da se korisnicima ograniči maksimalno 2 posta za redom u nekom vremenskom periodu od, recimo, 8h (taman da se pregura noć) da bi se izbegle ovakvo spamovanje:
  7. Nisu to reptilijanci to je stoka. Nego... Uvek kad vidim ovako nešto pomislim... hm, evo, sad će... ...i budem u pravu.
  8. I, evo celog teksta na engleskom, sa odgovarajućim linkovima: ‎RKI reports almost 31,000 cases in fully vaccinated people‎‎ The number of vaccination breakthroughs has risen to several tens of thousands of cases since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, according to the RKI's weekly report. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the vaccines remains very high.‎ ‎The very majority of people who contract Covid-19 are not vaccinated. This is also shown by the ‎‎new weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute,‎‎which the authority published on Thursday. It also quantifies the total number of so-called probable ‎‎vaccination breakthroughs:‎‎ Since the first of February, 30,880 people in Germany have been demonstrably infected with ‎‎Sars-CoV-2‎‎ despite full vaccination protection – this results in a share of 0.05 percent for all people who have been vaccinated so far.‎ ‎The date from 1 February is calculated as follows: The first vaccinations were administered in Germany at the end of December 2020. With a minimum interval of three weeks between the first and second doses of vaccine recommended at that time and a waiting period of at least two weeks until full protection is achieved after the second dose, 1 February marks the date from which vaccination breakthroughs are possible at the earliest, according to RKI.‎ ‎The RKI defines a Sars-CoV-2 infection with clinical symptoms as a probable vaccine breakthrough that has been diagnosed in a fully vaccinated person using PCR analysis or pathogen isolation.‎ ‎Young people are also protected from severe courses in the event of vaccination breakthroughs‎ ‎Broken down by age group, 237 likely vaccination breakthroughs have been recorded in the 12- to 17-year-old group since February. In the case of 18- to 59-year-olds, there were 23,834 cases, in people aged 60 and over, there were a total of 6809 times to probable vaccination breakthroughs. This means that vaccine breakthroughs – depending on the age group – account for a share of 0.3 to a maximum of 3.8 percent of all Covid cases.‎ ‎What about ‎‎hospitals?‎‎ Since February, two cases with likely vaccine breakthroughs from the 12- to 17-year-old age group have had to be hospitalized, 446 people between the ages of 18 and 59 and 1314 people aged 60 and over. During the entire study period, 27 fully vaccinated people between the ages of 18 and 59 and 145 people aged 60 and over had to be treated in an intensive care unit – among 12- to 17-year-olds, there was not a single course that would have required intensive care.‎ ‎And even a fatal course of the disease is obviously unlikely with a vaccine breakthrough: Among the adolescents, there was no death in vaccinated people, in the age group of 18 to 59-year-olds, a person died with a probable vaccine breakthrough. For patients aged 60 and over, the RKI reported a total of 448 deaths in fully vaccinated people – a share of 2.2 percent of the total number of deaths.‎ ‎By comparing the proportion of fully vaccinated among the cases of infection with the proportion of fully vaccinated in the population, the ‎‎effectiveness‎‎ of the vaccination can be roughly estimated, the RKI continues. The estimated vaccination effectiveness for the observation period is about 87 percent in the age group of 18 to 59-year-olds, in the age group from 60 years at around 86 percent.‎ ‎A protection against hospitalization offers the complete vaccination to 94 percent for over 60-year-olds, in younger people the protective effect is even higher.‎ ‎Unvaccinated people are in intensive care units‎ ‎So far, 62 percent of the population in Germany has been fully vaccinated. This vaccination rate is considered insufficient. According to the RKI, between mid-August and early September, more people between the age of 18 and 59 were cared for in an intensive care unit than people aged 60 and over. This could be interpreted as an effect of the not yet sufficiently high vaccination rates among 18- to 59-year-olds.‎ ‎According to RKI information, the proportion of Covid patients in intensive care units increased again. With almost 1,400 cases, the number has risen by 22 percent compared to the previous week.‎
  9. Evo javljaju se odmah kao po komandi stručnjaci za verovatnoću i statistiku, "željni činjenica i podataka" a ustvari samo da relativizuju značaj vakcina. Sent from my phone using their app
  10. 1. Ver 2. Ham 3. Nor 4. Ric 5. Lec 6. Per 7. Sai 8. Str 9. Gas 10. Alo Fl. Ham Sent from my phone using their app
  11. Ah... pa mi to imamo pravi mali antivaxerski lobi na forumu sa sve manifestom i textbookom delovanja: A onda samo vidiš kako postoji pattern uvek istih koji se ozbiljno slažu jedni s drugima, sve kao zabrinuti kako "ta nauka" "postaje sve agresivnija u nastupu", kako je "red da se čuje i drugačije mišljenje", "evo uvaženi prof. kaže da...." (kaže i Nestorović - moj komentar - a potpuno se ignoriše mišljenje drugih 1000 profesora koji SAMO jednu stvar govore od početka...) a zapravo jedina ideja iza sve te šarade je da se posadi sumnja da "mora da tu ima nešto pogrešno s vakcinama" Jer, vakcine... Klasični narativ: 1. Zabrinutost za slobodu mišljenja: "cenzurišu, ućutkuju, napadaju i blate [se] stručni ljudi koji imaju mišljenje van trenutno vladajućeg. " 2. Poricanje svrstavanja: "Nisam ja ni za ni protiv, samo kažem..." 3. Napad na nauku kroz "odbranu" iste: "Kakva je to nauka koja nameće ..." ---- Naravno ignoriše se to da - Postoji razlog zašto je neko mišljenje "trenutno vladajuće" i dobra stvar kod nauke je da su parametri toga javni, znaju se tačno procedure i putevi saznanja. ---- Ali - ide se na neukost mase, uvek zapaljivu tzv. "borbu protiv sistema", želju ignoranata da se njihovo mišljenje vrednuje isto kao superiorno mišljenje stručnjaka, večitu težnju da se sroza pametniji od sebe. Inteligentna manjina tu, usput, gleda i da poturi neki vešto skriven lični interes... dok pajaci zabavljaju publiku. Malo analize i vidimo da stalno isti vrte "nedoumice", podmeću, kao prekrivaju to glazurom nekakvog humora (u pokušaju), podjebavaju, šire dezinformacije etc... Pajtos iz kraja, zajebant u pokušaju, ideolog i klovn zajedno kidaju u misiji relativizacije i sluđivanja Ima tu još par mustri u ekipi, samo gledajte u palčeve :) Lepo nedeljno jutro ovde kod mene a kod vas? Sent from my phone using their app
  12. 1. Ham 2. Ver 3. Bot Sent from my phone using their app
  13. Ovde: Balkan Ekspres Zovi i rezerviši, ako te mrzi (a prelepo je!) Onda nešto pored reke, Šaran, Reka, Tricolore, Sent Andrea... Nisam iz Zemuna ali volim ga ko da jesam [emoji106] i u njemu provodim više vremena nego kod kuće. Sent from my phone using their app
  14. Iz grupe moje stare ekipe, uglavnom ETF / IT provinijencije: Sent from my phone using their app
  15. fancy

    US Open 2021

    Meanwhile in Switzerland... Mirka gasi TV i budi Rođu u crnom čipkastom donjem vešu i sa šampanjcem u ruci... Sent from my phone using their app
  16. fancy

    US Open 2021

    Ko će sad da spava... (Osim Medvedeva naravno [emoji38] ) Sent from my phone using their app
  17. fancy

    US Open 2021

    Zveki otišao što bi oni ostali... Sent from my phone using their app
  18. fancy

    US Open 2021

    Tačno se vidi da je od početka seta pripremao igru za ovaj zadnji gem... Sent from my phone using their app
  19. U kafani večeras atmosfera be like Sent from my phone using their app
  20. fancy

    Novak Djokovic

    Dobar je link. Copy/paste u browser Et Voila!
  21. Nisam neki reklamo-fan, retko ih pamtim ali ova je efektna, znam za nju bezmalo 20 godina...
  22. Classic Kimi: Raikkonen lawnmower racing The Ultimate Kimi Raikkonen Team Radio Collection
  23. Apsolutno pogledaj. Priznajem, to mi je baš bio guilty pleasure, pri čemu sam bio potpuno šokiran da posle, tipa, 15 godina i Un Paso Adelante gledam - špansku seriju
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