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1 hour ago, Boxy said:






According to a broadcast, the decision had nothing to do with the athletic performance of the US Open winner, but had been discussed for a long time and “happened on the best of terms”. In addition, the decision was made by Straka himself.

The 55-year-old Styrian explains the end of the collaboration with his many different commitments, which was sealed at the end of May. “The different activities of my person are certainly an advantage in many areas, but in the end it was difficult to manage all activities such as Dominic's full-time management, the organization of the ATP tournaments, my position on the ATP Board of Directors - or even the Davis Cup - Bringing events under one roof in terms of time and to the full satisfaction of everyone, ”Straka explained in a broadcast. “I hand over my agendas to Dominic's family, who have created an environment that is well positioned in all areas. Of course, I will continue to be happy to advise you. " But Straka did not want to say more about this when asked by the APA.

ovaj upetljan u sve zivo.


Whether this means that father Wolfgang Thiem will take over the management was not yet clear. For the time being, Father Thiem was not available for the APA. However, there was a statement from the son about the end of the collaboration. "I can only thank Herwig for the work and commitment over the past two years and of course I accept his decision," said Dominic Thiem. "We were able to celebrate great successes together and stay in good contact."


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ovo je onaj iz Jorksira, cini mi se, koji postavlja "smesna" :classic_rolleyes: pitanja Zverevu.


valjda prica o ovome:


meni sad nista nije jasno. Tip u UK ne sme da ide u supermarket pa je time prekrsio protokol RG :smiley24:, ili je pitanje okarakterisano kao neozbiljno , tj. atak na mentalno zdravlje Zvereva :smiley33: , ili nesto sasvim deseto?

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Ja sam razumela da se on zezao da je u supermarketu (a na kraju krajeva sta i da je bio u supermarketu, ako je kvalitet zvuka bio kako treba i nije bilo drugih ometanja). treba sada da se definise i gde treba da sede dok postavljaju pitanja online? mozda da obuku smoking i stave leptir masnu? ovde uteruju kao neku disciplinu, a mnogo gore stvari pustaju nekaznjene.



(ne kazem da je ovaj tip neki veliki doprinos teniskom novinarsvu, ali makar ne maltretira igrace, pre je neki dobrocudni 🤡 )

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Kakav cirkus :smiley5:

Ali neverovatno za kakve se gluposti hvataju, a onima koji namerno postavljaju besmislena ili tabloidne pitanja niko ne prigovara. Ja bih uzela akreditacije ovima što ne znaju na čiju su konferenciju došli i je li taj pobedio ili izgubio :ajme:

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jos malo zanimljivosti na ovom RG:


Coming back to what Novak said during the match about the changeover.

TV changeover is normally 90 seconds.

This time, it was not considered to be TV changeover and was only 60 seconds.


bog sveti zna sta oni rade.

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Nadal: “I have never hidden the fact that I would like to retire as the best in history and as the player with the most Grand Slams,” he told El Pais.


"But I’m not going to lose sleep over it."






“I have never hidden the fact that I would like to retire as the best in history and as the player with the most Grand Slams,” he told El Pais.

“But I’m not going to lose sleep over it. It’s not that I don’t want to put pressure on myself, I say what I feel, I would love to end my career this way.

“Of course, it’s a goal for me, but I’m not obsessed with it.

“My principal goal is to be happy with what I do. I have not taken 13 titles in Paris or won 20 Grand Slam titles without being ambitious.  (ma nije valjda!)

“Ambition is good, but you have to be healthy and not excessive. :lol_2:In every case, I set out the objectives.

“If I meet them, great, but if not, I am not going to get frustrated or stop enjoying being happy. I have a very calm life now, calmer even than in earlier years.”


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ta sad pa ovo znaci da ce da zamrzne svoj renking?



It is also reported that the WTA would let her freeze her No 2 world ranking position if she could not play for over eight weeks.  

kakav je sad ovo "lex specialis" za Osaku? :twak:


a pazi ove:


In a boost to Osaka, the International Olympic Committee has insisted no athlete will be forced to attend a press conference at this summer's Tokyo 2020 Games.




Her decision to withdraw from the French Open has polarised opinion with Eurosport presenter and Sportsmail columnist Boris Becker left wondering if the extra-curricular demands on Osaka might even force her out of the game.

‘She couldn’t cope with the pressures of facing the media, especially after losing a match,’ he said.

‘And you don’t get half the cake. I hated the media, I didn’t like to speak to journalists, but I had to do it.

‘She has cited that she is pulling out of the tournament altogether because she can’t cope with it.

That raises much bigger questions for me because if she can’t cope with the media in Paris, she can’t cope with the media at Wimbledon, she can’t cope with the media at the US Open.

'I almost feel like her career is in danger because of mental health issues — and we should take that very seriously.’




Judy Murray also sympathised with Osaka, saying she completely understands her anxiety about facing the media.

She revealed son Andy received media training at the age of 19 to learn how to handle with the press conference environment but this was beyond the financial means of most players.

'Almost all of those [athletes] who had struggled with depression or anxiety said it was brought on by being thrown into then spotlight when they reached the top,' Murray wrote in the Daily Telegraph.

'They were totally afraid of it, even though it is part and parcel of being a top sportsperson.

'Being afraid of the facing the press, being tripped up by a curveball question, being trolled on social media, the loss of privacy; these public-facing elements of the job are an underestimated source of stress.

'How many young people do you know who would be comfortable addressing or being questioned by a roomful of very much older strangers?

'It's hard for any young athlete, but especially so for girls. They look up and see dozens of middle-aged men, people they can't easily relate to and who lack experience of playing the game.

'When you step into an interview room, there are so many potential pitfalls. If you've won, you're excited and in danger of feeling so relaxed and happy that something slips and gets you into trouble.

'It's tougher, though, when you've lost. You're much more likely to become upset or to bristle at a provocative question - and we all know that anger, fears, feuds and gossip make for good stories.'


kako li im nista od ovog ne pade na pamet kad su maltretirali Novaka svakojakim glupostima, tracevima, razvalcenjima po novinama (od magareceg sira, do bracnih problema i ostalih gluposti)!





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1 minute ago, Petar 91 said:

Kako im zamrzavanje renkinga nije palo na pamet kada je Monika izbodena?
LOL , para vrti svuda ocigledno

Tačno sam to htela da napišem. Biće neviđena sramota ako joj zamrznu renking. Zašto to ne tretiraju kao svako drugo odsustvo zbog povrede? Ni trudne igračice nemaju takve benefite.

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Oni su suspendovali Troickog jer je odlozio davanje uzorka za antidoping test zbog straha od igle (i nesporazuma s doktorkom na licu mesta), pa sve citirajuci u "presudi" istoriju njegovog ponasanja (bila je i neka formulacija u stilu da on nije bas najbistriji) itd., a Osaki ce sad da dozvole da ne samo izbegava obaveze prema medijima, vec ce i da joj zamrznu renking! :twak: 

Malo li je ona glupost sto je Barti nakupila silne sedmice kao #1 uopste ne igrajuci turnire (ako se ne varam prosle godine je Kenin zapravo nakupila najvise poena, znaci da je trebalo da bude #1 na kraju godine). Barti je sad s 78 sedmica na 9.mestu vecite liste, ispred mnogih legendarnih teniserki (Venus, Kim, Sharapova...)


zanima me hoce li se naci neki novinar da malo popljuje ceo teniski establisment zbog ovog? naravno, to ne moze biti neko od teniskih novinara (jer bi im odmah oduzeli akreditacije), vec samo neko van tenisa.

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evo ga jedan tekst:




Had this been a private conversation with tournament organisers where she told them she was struggling with her mental health and felt unable to fulfil her media duties, then perhaps a more collaborative, amicable solution could have been worked towards. It also didn’t help that she didn’t respond to organisers when they approached her privately before taking their hardline stance.



This was never a straightforward case but a delicate, complex issue. It’s understandable that tennis organisers want the most exposure for their tournament and the Slams do pay players handsomely. First-round losers at the French Open take home more than £50,000, five times the amount Osaka was actually fined. Would players flippantly skip press conferences if they became more optional in nature?


dalje u tekstu pominje kako je Osaka mlada (23 godine). KOliko ono bese imao Novak kad ga je Rodik izprozivao oko povreda?



Approaching these discussions with compassion rather than an accusatory tone is really the baseline we should be aiming for.

ah, samo kad bi anglo mediji primenili ovo i na Novaka, umesto sto ga i dalje prozivaju za Adria tur, odbijanje da primi vakcinu, diskvalifikaciju na USO i milion drugih stvari. Nikog od njih nije briga za mentalno zdravlje Novaka Djokovica.

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I naravno, budale se odmah jave da popljuju Novaka pisuci o Osaki:




You do have to admire tennis’s position on health. The women’s No 2 has been pushed into withdrawing from a grand slam for having the temerity to take a small step to protect her own mental equilibrium, while the men’s No 1 has spent the past 14 months continually honking out anti-Covid vaccine messages . Novak Djokovic has not been officially censured for that, nor for the ridiculous super-spreader tournament he hosted across the Balkans last summer against all advice, which saw several players (including him) catch Covid.

uvazena gospodja ne rece nista o turniru na kome je njen sunarodnik dobio covid-19 (Endi na turniru koji je njegov rodjeni brat organizovao). a fascinantan je i njena briga za narod Balkana. :classic_dry:


kakva curka! :puke:

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Ne stigoh ranije da napišem za Osaku. Elem, meni ona generalno nije antipatična sama po sebi, mnogo volim da je gledam kako igra, više mi je žao što mi više nije simpatična kao na početku :classic_biggrin: ali devojka živi očigledno u svom svetu, nikakvu perspektivu nema i potpuno je što bi se reklo tone deaf za reakcije na svoje postupke i moguće posledice istih. Ajde da joj se i otpiše na godine i neiskustvo, neko ko toliko zarađuje morao bi da ima timove stručnjaka kojima je posao da je savetuju baš u ovako škakljivim situacijama pre nego što napravi nešto što će posle zažaliti.


Mislim da je pošteno uradila što je odustala od RG (verovatno i W), za razliku od onoga što je uradila u Sinsinatiju, a ne bi me iznenadilo da odustane i od OI jer će tek sad svi mogući pritisci postati još gori kad donose i nova pravila tamo samo zbog nje, što sigurno ne pomaže kad će ionako celom Japanu da bude glavna uzdanica za zlato. Ali ne mislim da je napravila neku strašnu žrtvu i da je za neku ogromnu pohvalu što je odustala od turnira na kome nema šansu za titulu ili neki ekstra plasman. A pogotovo neće biti žrtva ako joj se stvarno zamrzne renking, ne sećam se da je to za bilo koga urađeno i tek to bi bilo katastrofalno favorizovanje na štetu fer pleja i drugih igračica.


Jasno je da je introvertna, da ima tremu u javnim nastupima i da ne može uvek to da sakrije pa joj se potkradaju gafovi kao ono obraćanje Brejdi na AO. Ali onda se svede na minimum broj javnih nastupa a ne ide se okolo da se vode gala večeri i slične manifestacije na koje je niko ne tera da ide. Možda bi tako bilo manje para od sponzora, ali tu je već pitanje i koliko joj je familija alava na pare i koliko je oni pritiskaju za te neke neobavezne stvari. (Sestra joj je očigledno ćurka prve klase). Osim toga, za mentalno zdravlje introvertnih osoba sigurno nije dobro da se svađaju s navijačima po društvenim mrežama, nego se lepo unajmi neko ko sve to za nju vodi kao i za druge velike zvezde.


Verujem da ima probleme koji njoj izgledaju veliki (na kraju krajeva svakom je svoja muka najveća, a ni ona nije imala lako detinjstvo i porodičnu situaciju) ali to u njenoj današnjoj situaciji stvarno ide pod "i bogati plaču" kategoriju. Mediji nisu neprijateljski nastrojeni prema njoj nikad bili. Nebrojene njene kolege i koleginice imali su iste i mnogo veće psihičke (i druge) probleme, i na terenu i van njega pa niti je ikog bilo briga niti su mogli da prave od toga svetsku tragediju. Ko je imao mentalnih problema na terenu ako nije Ana Ivanović, kojoj je glava direktno unazadila karijeru otkako je stigla na prvo mesto? Devojka je imala svakovrsne slomove na mečevima da je mučno bilo i gledati je godinama. Pa je opet igrala, menjala trenere, uglavnom sebi odmagala, ali nije joj padalo na pamet da se žali javno na mentalne probleme i pravi od svoje treme svetsko pitanje, a sigurna sam da nije ništa manje introvertna od Osake. Pa kakvo je razumevanje dobila? U najboljem slučaju su je sažaljevali, a u većini slučajeva su je ismevali, uključujući i bivšeg trenera. A još je i bila omiljena generalno pa opet joj nije na pamet padalo da traži nekakav poseban tretman.


Jedino što može iz ovoga dobro da izađe je da ako njoj popuste isto toliko popuste i svima ostalima, kao u Japanu. Inače će se opet pokazati da ima jednakih i jednakijih i da je fer plej samo lepa reč za zvanična saopštenja. Lepo bi bilo da se makar podigne malo standard na pres konferencijama ubuduće.


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