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  1. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    ovo se odnosi na one TUE koje su oni hakeri skinuli iz baze podataka antidoping agencije (ili gde vec), odnose se na TUE iz 2009 i 2012, ako se ne varam. Pitanje je koliko jos TUE je izdato za Nadala pre i posle 2016. Cini se puno (na sta ukazuje celavost, krte kosti, ova "mrtva" kost ili sta vec u stopalu, prekomerno znojenje...)
  2. wwww

    Izvan i iza turnira

    THIS is what real injuries look like and what happens if you play through pain. You can permanently damage your body
  3. Ruud ne sme da pobedi inace ce ga Nadal izbaciti iz njegove Akademije. Sam je rekao da je tako razmisljao kad su igrali na treningu, nije smeo da ga pobedi da se Nadal ne naljuti...
  4. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    taj tip je Fedal fan (iako mu "ime" glasi Big3), imao je vec dovoljno lupetanja kako na ovom nalogu, tako i na svom originalnom (pod imenom-i-prezimenom). inace, Nadalov menadzer nije potvrdio da Nadal ne igra Wimbldon. S druge strane, ima neki kao uslov kod TUE da onaj ko koristi nedozvoljena sredstva u terapeutske svrhe na sledecem turniru ne sme da bude pozitivan na tu supstancu. Pitanje je da li Nadal moze da se iscisti do Wimbldona i da li bi ga Britanci pustili da se izvuce iako je pozitivan. Videla sam takodje da kruzi kao i neki laboratorijski izvestaj iz doba IW, kao je Nadal testiran i imao je neku nenormalno visoku koncentraciju testosterona u krvi. E sad, od kud tom nekom takav laboratorijski izvestaj? Ili je neko samo falsifikovao nesto.
  5. wwww

    Izvan i iza turnira

    Zverev ce tek u ponedeljak znati nesto vise https://www.express.co.uk/sport/tennis/1620572/Alexander-Zverev-injury-doctor-sugery-ankle-sprain-French-Open-tennis neki lekar komentarisao na osnovu tv snimka: "What this looks like is a standard inversion, or lateral ankle sprain," he said. "This is the traditional low ankle sprain mechanism." Sutterer MD then goes into more detail on the three "key ligaments" on the outside of an ankle. He states that the ATFL ligament is the "most commonly torn with an ankle sprain" with the other two being associated with more severe types of sprain. "When the ankle is plantar flexed or pointed down and it goes into inversion, that makes it even more likely to injure that ATFL ligament that's most commonly torn as opposed to if the toes were pointed upwards," he added. "Everything about this position: plantar flexion, foot makes contact, goes into severe amount of ankle inversion - fits with the traditional low ankle sprain, likely involving that ATFL ligament." The doctor went on to explain that Zverev may not need surgery if the injury is just a ligament tear. "Even if there is a full grade three injury, we often don't need to do surgery," Sutterer MD added. "Treatment consists of rehabilitation and you only have to think about surgery if there's something else like a cartilage injury to the joint, a severe fracture or pain and symptoms just don't improve despite conservative care."
  6. Barbara Schett krenula da balavi kako Iga obozava Nadala i pita Kris Evert da li je rano da krenemo s poredjenjem s Nadalom i da li ce i ona tako da dominira i osvoji toliko RGs kao on. Na to Kris Evert je onako belo gleda, napravila pauzu i kaze: Iga prvo treba da stigne mojih 7 RGs. Barbara Ne zna se ko se vise blamira tokom ovog RG. Konkurencija je ogromna.
  7. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

    pa valjda predvidjanje smaka sveta ako se ne uradi nesto povodom klimatskih promena. Ne znam bas odakle im ova cifa od 1028 dana (je li to neki djavolji broj ili sta?).
  8. A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone. Israel health authorities and the U.S. Centers of Disease Control (CDC) have acknowledged a link between COVID vaccines and specific cardiovascular complications. The risk of myocarditis after receiving a second vaccine dose is now estimated to be between 1 in 3000 to 1 in 6000 in men aged 16 to 24. Recent articles in scientific journals, however, have sought to suggest that cardiovascular complications following COVID infection are more common than those following vaccination. This assertion is contradicted by the findings from a recent study conducted by Israeli researchers, using data from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) related to "cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population" between 2019 and 2021. This enabled them to compare baseline (pre-COVID epidemic) to COVID epidemic without vaccines, to COVID epidemic following widespread vaccine takeup. An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020. That is to say, "increased rates of vaccination ... are associated with increased number of CA [cardiac arrest] and ACS [acute coronary syndrome]." By contrast, the trial "did not detect a statistically significant association between the COVID-19 infection rates and the CA and ACS weekly call counts." While the dangers of myocarditis for young males have gained widespread attention, this study found a larger increase in CA and ACS events among females that was linked to COVID vaccination. Myocarditis is known to be a "major cause of sudden, unexpected deaths in adults less than 40 years of age and is assessed to be responsible for 12–20% of these deaths," the study's authors note. They add that their findings have been mirrored by researchers in Germany and Scotland. They caution that given these findings, "It is essential to raise awareness among patients and clinicians with respect to related symptoms (e.g., chest discomfort and shortness of breath) following vaccination or COVID-19 infection to ensure that potential harm is minimized."
  9. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

    We have 1028 days left of hearing about Rafas foot....
  10. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    pa igraju promenljivo, pa im se zbog toga posle podsmevaju... eto kako... pogotovu je grozno kad igraju na Wimbldonu, a sva odeca mora da bude bela... pored fizickog stresa imas jos i mentalni, da se ne desi "nezgoda" koju ce verno dokumentovati tv i fotoreporteri/novinari...
  11. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Stuttgart: den Bosch:
  12. So, Toni, who coaches Faa, would not let Faa to beat Rafa, but Ruud, who he isnt coaching, he would let beat him? ovaj se svakim danom blamira sve vise. Kad Srdjan izvali neku glupost o tenisu to ipak nije tako strasno jer on ne radi u tenisu, nije trener, nije vlasnik Akademije... ali ovaj sto izvaljuje gluposti... I to sve ladno prolazi, mediji padaju na nos od odusevljenja i dele komplimente sakom i kapom. (kao sto sad svrsavaju na to sto je "oh, Nadal bio tako fin i obazriv i dobar i divan prema Zverevu kad se ovaj povredio, to svet do sada nije video, niko drugi to ne radi..." )
  13. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    The cycle of an athlete makes that more difficult," says the expert, who differentiates between the PMS phase and the start of the period. "On the first day, it's not pleasant, regardless of your ability - just because of the often heavy bleeding, even if it's painless," she says Immediately after the menstrual period (..) anabolic hormones such as estrogen increase. Women are more efficient," many women feel stronger around the second day of bleeding and even have a small advantage in training/competition. If it weren't for sometimes severe pain Expert recommends exercising less during the PMSphase. Same, if possible, to the first day of bleeding in severe pain. It is important to communicate with coach and find individual solutions. A moderate sports program can also have a pain-relieving effect. But not a long promatch "If you suffer from pain during your period, it is incredibly difficult to master everyday activities," The expert refers to a law in Spain that allows women to take sick leave because of the period. " For competitive athletes, pain is three times as difficult." I asked #Swiatek, she said: "Yes, that happens. I also had my problems with PMS. She has to find a way to deal with it so that it doesn't affect her performance." Świątek was pleased that Zheng spoke out. "We have to face these problems and it's cool that she's honest about it." Swiatek said at the beginning of her career she had trouble dealing with the subject properly. "We're in a more comfortable situation these days because healthcare and technology are much more advanced and it's probably easier to find good solutions." She didnt go in to detail In 2020, the English Telegraph reported that Chelsea FC take the players' cycle into account when planning training and nutrition. Also the US football national squad and other Teams practice like that. No Infos in Tennis so far about this topic In tennis you hear that many take the pill without breaks. The Expert warns: "The pill should by no means be the first solution. Many athletes take the pill to avoid getting their periods permanently. Many see it as a blessing for their training and competitions, but it'a curse." These athletes have more disadvantages in competitive sports. The pill suppresses the anabolic hormones that are important in building strength. Also there is an increased risk of developing osteoporosis or diseases that actually start during the menopause, expert explains Female athletes should be taught how to manage their periods while exercising in tennis. "Practice should be adapted to the cycle." Expert advises federations and coaches to continue their education. Male coaches should inform themselves. They are very common in women's tennis.
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