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Nisam znao gde da ostavim post - Secanja ili Klasika?

Verovatno vise spada ovde.


Elem, '60-ih i '70-ih je jedan od mojih drugara bio mali Sever (zvali smo ga Braco, imao je starijeg brata). Isli smo u istu osnovnu, stanovali na jednu ulicu razmaka. A njegov otac je bio Vilko Sever. Za jugoslovenske tadasnje prilike, bogat covek - imao je servis za merace i benzinske pumpe. Koliko bogat? Pa, meni je otac platio da predjem sa Tomos Automatic na Tomos SL15, a Braco je dobio Kawasaki 250.

Svejedno, moji jedini placeni poslovi u SFRJ su bili kod Vilka, i to preko djackog- i student-servisa, uz skolu (nakon diplome, iselio sam). Prvo sam prao, a posle i pravio neke delove za pumpe.

Vilko je vozio trke, a posle i prepravljao Kreidler motore dovoljno da ih nazove svojim imenom.

Puno mi je pomogao kad sam poceo da se takmicim Tomosima.


Sada, bolestan i mator, malo cackam po netu. I naisao sam na stvari koje (valjda) spadaju u Klasiku.




Malo vise price o Vilku (nije sve tacno, ja ga znam intimno, ali vecina jeste) ovde: https://www.elsberg-tuning.dk/sever.html


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Pominjali smo nedavno plave i zute Ferarije, a postojao je i jedan zeleni:



U sezonama 1952. i 1953. za svetski sampionat vozaca brojale su se F2 trke, ali to ne znaci da se F1 trke nisu vozile. Upravo na jednoj takvoj trci za Kup Alstera 1952. debitovao je tim Vanvol sa svojim Tin Vol Spesl bolidom. Ovo je zapravo bio Ferari 375 F1 koji je vozen u sezonama 1950. i 1951. i sa kakvim je Askari pokusao na Indi 500 1952.

Toni Vandervol se petljao oko trkacnih automobila i motocikala jos pre drugog rata i bio je zainteresovan da se pridruzi takmicenju za prvenstvo sveta. Odnekud je trebalo poceti pa je nabavio polovni Ferari F1 bolid. Umesto originalnog motora ubacuju agregat sopstvene konstrukcije i nakon jos par sitnijih modifikacija odlucuju da se oprobaju prvo u trkama van sampionata. Za vozaca uzimaju iskusnog Pjera Tarufija, u tehnickom timu mlade talentovane inzenjere poput Kolina Cepmena (kasnije Lotus) i Frenka Kostina (kasnije Kosvort) i vec na debiju uzimaju pobedu.

Nastavljaju sa modifikovanim Ferarijem jos neko vreme da bi nakon promene pravila i povratka svetskog sampionata na F1 propozicije za sezonu 1954. spremili bolid kompletno sopstvene konstrukcije.

1957. postaju prvi britanski tim koji je pobedio na zvanicnom granpriju za prvenstvo sveta.

1958. uzimaju titulu sampiona u novoosnovanoj kategoriji konstruktora.

Nazalost, zdravstveni problemi Tonija Vandervola sprecavaju dalje aktivno ucesce u takmicenju. Tim se pojavljuje jos samo na par trka tokom naredne dve godine da bi se na pocetku 1961. ugasio.


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2 hours ago, Radoye said:

Pominjali smo nedavno plave i zute Ferarije, a postojao je i jedan zeleni:



U sezonama 1952. i 1953. za svetski sampionat vozaca brojale su se F2 trke, ali to ne znaci da se F1 trke nisu vozile. Upravo na jednoj takvoj trci za Kup Alstera 1952. debitovao je tim Vanvol sa svojim Tin Vol Spesl bolidom. Ovo je zapravo bio Ferari 375 F1 koji je vozen u sezonama 1950. i 1951. i sa kakvim je Askari pokusao na Indi 500 1952.

Toni Vandervol se petljao oko trkacnih automobila i motocikala jos pre drugog rata i bio je zainteresovan da se pridruzi takmicenju za prvenstvo sveta. Odnekud je trebalo poceti pa je nabavio polovni Ferari F1 bolid. Umesto originalnog motora ubacuju agregat sopstvene konstrukcije i nakon jos par sitnijih modifikacija odlucuju da se oprobaju prvo u trkama van sampionata. Za vozaca uzimaju iskusnog Pjera Tarufija, u tehnickom timu mlade talentovane inzenjere poput Kolina Cepmena (kasnije Lotus) i Frenka Kostina (kasnije Kosvort) i vec na debiju uzimaju pobedu.

Nastavljaju sa modifikovanim Ferarijem jos neko vreme da bi nakon promene pravila i povratka svetskog sampionata na F1 propozicije za sezonu 1954. spremili bolid kompletno sopstvene konstrukcije.

1957. postaju prvi britanski tim koji je pobedio na zvanicnom granpriju za prvenstvo sveta.

1958. uzimaju titulu sampiona u novoosnovanoj kategoriji konstruktora.

Nazalost, zdravstveni problemi Tonija Vandervola sprecavaju dalje aktivno ucesce u takmicenju. Tim se pojavljuje jos samo na par trka tokom naredne dve godine da bi se na pocetku 1961. ugasio.



Nije baš klasika, ali ima još zeleno😁



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Umro Parneli Dzons, jedan od najvecih svih vremena, nama posebno interesantan kao suvlasnik Vel's Parnelli Racing F1 tima sa nasegorelistom Veljkom Mileticem:





One of the toughest, fastest, most determined and versatile drivers to ever grace motorsport has left us, aged 90. Rufus Parnell Jones, born in Texarkana, Ark., in 1933, died of natural causes on June 4, in Torrance, Calif., the city where he had lived since he was seven years old.


How significant a figure was the man we knew as Parnelli Jones? The late, great Robin Miller said it best: U.S. motorsport’s Mount Rushmore would feature A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Dan Gurney and Parnelli. And there’s little point in disputing that because he was right.


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“There are a lot of stories about A.J. People tell me, ‘you should write a book,'” said longtime A.J. Foyt Racing PR specialist Anne Fornoro while accepting the 2024 Robin Miller Award at IMS in May. “I say, ‘He pays me not to write a book.'”


But A.J. didn’t pay Art Garner not to write a book, and the long wait for an official A.J. biography will end when the first volume of ‘A.J. Foyt: Survivor, Champion, Legend’ is officially released on October 1 though Octane Press. The book is available now for pre-order, and here’s a taste of what’s inside:


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  • 3 weeks later...



Widely regarded as one of F1's greatest ever drivers and a fiercely ruthless competitor, Ayrton Senna was also renowned as one of motorsport's most sensitive and empathetic characters outside the car. In the first of our new 'The Race Presents' series, we're delighted to bring you unedited raw footage of Senna at his most reflective, looking back on the trials and tribulations of a personally challenging 1990 F1 season.


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Bobby Allison has finally been recognized as the winner of the NASCAR Cup Series race at Bowman Gray Stadium from August 6, 1971.


NASCAR announced on Wednesday it is officially recognizing Allison  as the winner of the event, and the record books have been updated accordingly. The victory has long been a point of contention for Allison and those advocating for him to be recognized as a winner of 85 races.


Allison is now in sole possession of fourth place on the all-time wins list for the Cup Series. The updated win total for Allison puts him behind Petty, David Pearson, and Jeff Gordon.


NASCAR Chairman and CEO Jim France and senior advisor to NASCAR Mike Helton informed Allison of the news in person.


“For 53 years, the Myers Brothers Memorial was the only race run by NASCAR that did not have an official winner,” France said. “As we began preparations for the upcoming Clash at Bowman Gray Stadium, the topic of that August 6, 1971 race returned to the forefront. We felt it was the right thing to officially recognize Bobby’s win and honor him as an 85-time NASCAR Cup Series winner. We are grateful for Bobby’s lifetime contributions to NASCAR.”


The results, and official credit, had been in dispute because of the car Allison drove to the victory over Richard Petty. NASCAR ran ‘combination’ races that year featuring its Grand National cars (designated for the Cup Series) and Grand American cars. The latter were smaller cars, and that’s what Allison chose to drive at Bowman Gray Stadium. Because the cars weren’t the same, some, including Petty, said the win shouldn’t count.


Allison received the winner’s trophy and prize money for the race win at the time it was held.



Umro Bob Rajli konstruktor trkackih automobila:





Bob Riley, who left an indelible mark on IndyCar and sports car racing through cars such as Coyote Indy cars for A.J. Foyt, front-engine Mustang GTPs, the high-downforce Intrepid RM-1, the dominating Riley & Scott Trans Am cars and Mk III prototype, and the Riley Daytona Prototype chassis, has passed away at the age of 93.


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