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Mercedes grabs Resta from Ferrari as part of F1 staff swoop




Resta has been signed as strategic development director and will work directly with technical director James Allison to push forward with car-related projects.



Also joining Mercedes is Enrico Sampo, who is joining as head of performance software applications.




Edited by alberto.ascari
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Pa s obzirom da su to dva automobilska giganta, a kompanija koja proizvodi šećernu vodicu ih ponižava sa pola snage. Maks se više oznoji dok igra onu svoju igricu nego na pravoj stazi 😄


I kako smo to vec navikli Sultan Sulejman Mohamed Ben Sulajem Velicanstveni je istrazio sam sebe i ustanovio da nije nista kriv:





The FIA’s Ethics Committee has cleared the governing body’s president, Mohammed Ben Sulayem, of two counts of alleged interference in rounds of last year’s world championship.


...ali ne lezi vraze, evo stize i treca tuzba, ovaj put od Totove gospoDZe, i to ne tuzba pred FIA nego pred pravi pravcati sud:




Susie Wolff, the CEO of F1 Academy, is taking legal action over remarks she says the FIA made about her in December.


“I can confirm that I personally filed a criminal complaint in the French courts on the 4th of March in relation to the statements made about me by the FIA last December,” Wolff announced in a post on social media.


Pa ako nam vec na trkackoj stazi ne umeju servirati nista vredno potrosenog vremena ono bar novih zapleta u tri sapunice ne manjka. Dosuse, sve tri brzo povukose na zanr sudske drame - ili makar jeftinog rijalitija...



Zadnja sapunica koju sam gledao je bula Marisol, ali tada sam bio mlad i glup, ali moram priznati da smo oskudevali sa televizijskim kanalima, tako da je bilo opravdano da nesto takvo gledas. Sada me ovo smece uopste ne zanima, ali moram primetiti da je veliki broj lesinara namirisao kolicinu love koja se vrti u F1, pa bi da prigrabe deo kolaca. 

Za nas matorije je ovo mucno gledati, jer sve je u fokusu osim trkanja, tako da ne vredi pridavati paznju tom smecu. Ocigledno je da se ovo smece u Netflix reziji dobro prodaje, treba nam jos neki transdzender vozac od iduce sezone da upotpuni netflixovu filozofiju

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hertzog said:

Zadnja sapunica koju sam gledao je bula Marisol





Naravno da je mucno, i treba da bude mucno, treba caru u lice reci da je go. Pervertovali su F1 do maksimuma - i za to nisu krivi samo Liberti i Netflix koji je samo simptom jedne opste povrsnosti danasnje moderne civilizacije, nego je to sve pocelo jos sa Pantelijom i njegovim naci drugarom. Daleko da su pod Balestrom cvetale ruze ali Berni i Maks su definitivno sahranili F1 kao sport i zakucali ga glogovim kolcem da vise nikad ne vaskrs'o. To sto su oni stvorili je postao jedan veoma uspesan biznis i masina za pravljenje novca ali to vise nije sport. A odvojili su ga i od tradicionalnog granpri trkanja izmestajuci trke sa tradicionalnih staza po principu ko plati vise, plus su zatvorili ucesce samo za odabrane / podobne umesto za svakog ko se pojavi sa legalnim trkackim autom.


Ovo sto gledamo danas je samo logican i neminovan razvoj onog sto su njih dvojica zapoceli. Sa sve sudskim zapletima, skandalima i prozivkama u medijima.

Edited by Radoye

Inace, sveopste gadjanje blatom potkacilo i Domenikalija, cisto da se ne oseti sugav kad su vec svi ukljuceni u zabavu:





Formula 1 CEO Stefano Domenicali has been accused of “arrogance” and a “lack of professionalism” for failing to respond to questions over human rights abuses in Bahrain, scene of this year’s opening round.





“I hope that after this debate, the UK government will act to regulate their role, in regard to due diligence on human rights issues and also think through foreign ownership of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia and the McLaren F1 team by Bahrain in the new bill that is before parliament, in terms of banning foreign state ownership of clubs and teams here.”



Zek Braun javno podrzao Suzi Volf u njenom sudskom postupku protiv celnika FIA; ostali timovi dali podrsku FIA:





McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown says Susie Wolff deserves greater transparency from the FIA regarding its investigation of interference in allegations of potential conflict of interest, but multiple team bosses insist they have confidence in the governing body.



🚨 Rumor: Negotiations Between Adrian Newey and Ferrari in Advanced Stages: 


- Reports from Germany suggest negotiations between Adrian Newey and Ferrari are progressing.


- Conflict between Thai and Austrian ownership intensifies at Red Bull, potentially leading to an exodus of key figures.


- Speculation includes Max Verstappen's possible move to Mercedes and Newey's potential transfer to Ferrari.


- Despite previous rumors of Newey being sidelined due to budget cap concerns, recent reports indicate advanced negotiations with Ferrari.


- Newey, with an impressive track record of 25 titles, reportedly desires to work with Lewis Hamilton and for Ferrari.


VIA: [f1ingenerale.com]


Bila bi fora da RBR ostanu i bez Maksa i bez Njuija, mada po ovome sto sam ispratio varijante su ili - ili, u zavisnosti koja struja prevakne. Drugi problem sa "Njui u Ferari" scenariom je da on navodno ne zeli da se seli iz UK, mada za Ferari to u nekim ranijim erama nije predstavljalo problem (dok je Rori Birn radio za njih iz istog razloga su mu otvorili ispostavu u Londonu)...

U drugim sapunicama, Ben Sulajem Velicanstveni kaze da je meta "muckih i zlonamernih" ataka s ciljem da se oblate i destabilizuju kako on licno tako i FIA kao organizacija:





He believes recent events have “unfolded with one clear objective: to target the very heart of our leadership and undermine the foundation of our federation.”


"Drzava - to sam ja!"


Ce kupe i MotoGP. Navodno pokusavali su da kupe i Indikar ali ih je nakon treceg poziva Penski bukvalno iznapusavao preko telefona:



Liberty Media is reported to be closing on a €4 billion (£3.4 billion) purchase of Dorna, but may face an investigation by competition regulators if it does, the Financial Times reports.


CVC Capital Partners had to sell its rights to Moto GP in 2006 when it bought F1. Liberty Media acquired F1 from CVC in 2017 for $8 billion (£6bn).


F1 generated £2.5bn in revenue last year, an increase of 25% over the previous year.






For years the Australian GP was the first race of the year and the F1 community could get a little sunshine after the winter of meteorological discontent in Europe. The good news is that next year Melbourne will be back in the number one slot. I haven’t read the Koran and I’m not entirely sure what is wrong with motor racing during Ramadan, but it is deemed a bad idea to have an F1 race at that time of year and so in 2025 the Grands Prix in Bahrain and Jeddah are moving back in the calendar, until after Ramadan is over, and so the World Championship will start in Melbourne (probably on March 9) and will be followed a week later by the Chinese Grand Prix.


There should then be a weekend off before the Japanese Grand Prix on March 30, which will be the start of triple-header with Bahrain on April 6 and Saudi Arabia on April 13, as Ramadan 2025 ends on March 30. That would make Miami likely to take place on April 27 and the European season would start soon afterwards with rush of races before Monaco on the traditional weekend of May 23-25.  


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- Navodno matori Strol hoce da dovede Njuija u Aston Martin:




Ranije su bile glasine da hoce i Maksa, posto ce postati Hondina fabricka ekipa dalji angazman Alonsa tu postaje problematican. Mesto drugog vozaca je naravno zacementirano.


Njui ima dogogodisnji ugovor sa RBR ali u svetlu nedavnih potresa unutar tima moguce je da bi bio spreman da saslusa ponude sa strane. Mada se i serija Kasandra utihnula u poslednje vreme, deluje da su Tajlandjani i Horner odustali od izdvajanja RBR tima iz maticne kompanije pa je pritisak Austrijanaca i Dr. Marka na Hornera smanjen. Deluje da je na delu makar primirje, ako vec nisu ratne sekire potpuno zakopane...


Potvrdjena pravila o motorima za 2026:



F1’s new power units will be allowed to deliver additional boosts of energy on demand under new rules drafted by the FIA. The additional power will be available at speeds of up to 345kph, and a further boost up to 355kph. Drivers can also access an ‘override’ mode giving them an even high level of boost up to 355kph.


The FIA also revealed how it intends to avoid drivers being unable to charge their batteries sufficiently at tracks which lack sufficient opportunities for energy harvesting, a problem highlighted by some teams last year.


The maximum limit of 8.5MJ of energy harvesting per lap “may be reduced to 8MJ at competitions where the FIA determines that the maximum possible energy harvested per lap under braking and in partial load is no more than 8MJ,” states the updates rules.




On 3/26/2024 at 10:38 PM, Radoye said:




Bahrain opposition activist detained for criticising McLaren ownership (Middle East Eye)


'These accusations are absurd. No one should be arrested for freely expressing their views or questioning how the government is spending public funds. McLaren’s leadership must speak out on his arrest or else their brand will be stained by Bahrain’s abuses.'






Can Bilim Egitim Kurumlari AS has been appointed as the new operator of the Istanbul Park track which held nine grands prix between 2005 and 2021. It is part owned by Lale Cander, who is also chairman of Pirelli’s tyre operation in the country.


Haberturk reports that under the terms of its tender to operator the track, the company must agree a deal Formula One Management to bring a race back to the venue from 2026. The company bought a 30-year lease for $117.8 million (£93.6m).







"Drzava to sam ja!" rece Luj XIV, a njegove reci je prihvatio i nas Sulejman Velicanstveni Mohamed Ben Sulajem pa je tako svaki napad na njega ujedno i napad na FIA. Barem to stoji u izjavi grupe saveza clanica FIA objavljenoj juce. Vinovnici ovih kleveta protiv Sulejmana bice kaznjeni:





A group of FIA member clubs have given their support to the president of the governing body, Mohammed Ben Sulayem, following his investigation by the Ethics Committee last month.



The letter claims “accusations of impropriety and unethical practices propagated by some members of the print and digital media were intended for the sole purpose of causing harm to the FIA and its leadership, particularly the president.” It accused those who raised the allegations against him of acting “for their own self-interest.”


“We will recommend that the FIA initiate legal action against those who, without cause, slander the FIA and its leadership,” it added.



The letter was signed by clubs and federations representing Colombia, Canada, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Guatemala, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Chile, Belize, Paraguay, Honduras, Argentina, El Salvador, Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Haiti, Jamaica, Guyana, Antigua and Trinidad and Tobago. Fabiana Ecclestone, the FIA’s vice-president of sports for South America and wife of former Formula 1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone, is also among its signatories.




jbg, vreme je da se FIA rasformira. Neka misli ko sta hoce, predsednik FIA iz neke tamo pri****, a autosport videli pre 20 godina prvi put. I dalje im prazne tribine, poklanjaju ulaznice za trku. Zao mi je ali to tako ne ide. Severna Amerika, Evropa(EU + UK), Japan, Australija, nesto Juzne Amerike moze da se pita u auto sportu. Ostali ajde bre. 


Vidi se ko su podpisnice. Sve jasno. 

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Na IG neko priča, da bi mogli i Njui i Max u Aston Martin.

Kao zbog Honde.

AM postaje tvornička ekipa i ako se pokaže motor  RB/Ford truba. I Njui da bi mogao u AM, a ne u Ferrari. 

On 4/4/2024 at 11:06 AM, Radoye said:



On 4/4/2024 at 11:57 AM, Dzoni_m said:

Vidi se ko su podpisnice. Sve jasno. 


13 evropskih saveza clanica FIA (uglavnom pripadnika CEZ) dodalo potpis na podrsku Sultanu:




The FIA has published a second letter from automobile clubs pledging support for president Mohammed Ben Sulayem following an investigation into his actions by the Ethics Committee.


CEZ obuhvata srednju evropu i Balkan - Italiju, Austriju, Poljsku, Cesku, Slovacku, Madjarsku i ex-Yu...

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