alberto.ascari Posted June 15, 2019 Posted June 15, 2019 Pa bila je serija A1, nije bila ni za qratz, ugasila se pre nego nego što je i počela. 2-3 sezone, ako i toliko.
alpiner Posted June 27, 2019 Posted June 27, 2019 F1 to discuss bringing 2018-spec tyres back after summer break F1 teams will meet with the FIA and Pirelli to formally discuss the idea of going back to the thicker tread 2018 tyre construction after the summer break, has learned. The meeting has been called by the governing body amid concerns from a number of outfits that the move to a thinner tread this season has hurt their campaign, while it has played a part in Mercedes being able to stretch its advantage at the front of the field. While discussions have taken place among teams in private, the dull French Grand Prix has further increased the conviction of a number of outfits that something needs to change if the season is not going to be a turn off for fans. Read Also: Push for 2018-spec tyres continues despite limited support Pirelli: 2018-spec tyres wouldn't help F1 teams The situation has prompted the FIA's head of single-seater technical matters Nikolas Tombazis to call a meeting before the opening practice session in Austria to see whether there is the majority support required to make a change for after the summer break. Pirelli reduced the thickness of the tread this season by 0.4mm in a bid to rid the tyres of the overheating and blistering issues that teams were so unhappy about last year. In making that change, however, Pirelli has changed the tyre temperature operating window, raising it higher and leaving some teams – like Ferrari and Haas – struggling to get their rubber working properly. Several teams believe that the change in operating temperature has been perfect for Mercedes, because it has historically struggled to not overheat its tyres. While Pirelli has so far been aware of a number of teams being eager for change, it has repeatedly said that until there is a formal request for the tyres to revert to the 2018 spec it cannot do anything. Under F1's rules, a change of specification of tyres will require support from seven of the 10 teams – and it is not automatic that that level of support will be reached. While Ferrari, Red Bull, Toro Rosso and Haas are eager for change, both Alfa Romeo and Renault have expressed reservations about a mid-season swap. However, they may be won over. Mercedes will obviously be against the switch, and McLaren is also understood to not support the change since its car works well with the 2019 tyres. It is probable also that Williams will align itself with Mercedes, since it has close ties to the German car manufacturer. It means that the key vote to get seven in favour could come down to Racing Point which, while being a customer of Mercedes, has faced its own headaches getting on top of the tyres for qualifying. Should the meeting conclude that seven teams are in favour, then it is understood that Pirelli has said it could be ready to bring the new specification tyres to the Belgian Grand Prix. Speaking at the French Grand Prix, Mercedes motorsport boss Toto Wolff said that he felt it was wrong that teams were trying to change the rules to slow his outfit down. "It's pretty logical that the ones that will feel that they haven't understood the tyre properly will try to trigger change in the tyre," he said when asked by "My sportsman approach is that I don't think F1 should change the rules because some are doing better than others. "I don't mean in an arrogant way. But on the contrary, this is an unforgiving high-tech sport. We have given it a big push over the winter to get on top of our set-up issues, and understand how the tyres functioned last year."
Radoye Posted June 27, 2019 Posted June 27, 2019 F1 timovi su kao mala deca, 'oce kaki nece kaki. Ja se cudim sto uopste bilo ko i hoce da radi gume za F1.
alpiner Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Moji nisu za menjanje. Slažem se sa Cyrilom kada kaže da se kažnjava Mercedes za odlično urađen posao. 1
Radoye Posted June 28, 2019 Posted June 28, 2019 Quote The Formula 1 have discussed the proposal that they should switch back to 2018 Pirelli tyres, in order to get tyres that are easier to use, in theory this might improve the racing. However, many saw this as an attempt to allow rival teams to close the gap to Mercedes, which has mastered the tyres better than its opposition. In order for the change to go ahead the teams would need to have 70 percent agreement (ie seven of the 10 teams). A meeting took place on Friday morning in Austria at which the matter was discussed, those wanting the change were Red Bull and its sister team Scuderia Toro Rosso and Ferrari and its customers Haas and Alfa Romeo. Those against were Mercedes, Renault, McLaren, Racing Point and Williams.
033zero330 Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 (edited) TCR Europe bans Dušan Borković after paddock incident Quote Following the events in the paddock at the end of the 2019 TCR Europe round 8 at the Red Bull Ring, the series promoter has sent a notice to the driver Dušan Borković to inform him that he is no longer welcome to the TCR Europe events during the current season. The Stewards excluded Borković because of ‘inadmissible behaviour in the parc fermé after Race 2, pushing a woman on a car, trying to tear off the front left door in order to reach the driver of car #25’. Due to the fact that he has again lapsed into this behaviour after the events that occurred at the 2018 TCR Europe event at Monza, he will be also reported to the relevant National Sporting Authorities and the FIA. The series promoter Paulo Ferreira stated: “We took this action with regret, but had no other choice. As the Series Promoter, we cannot remain as mere spectators of this unfortunate event. Violence cannot go unpunished in an event that is open to the fans and covered by the media. Very often the drivers are the models for young people who wish to enter the world of motorsport and it is precisely because of this philosophy that we can no longer tolerate aggressive behaviour. We tolerated what happened in Monza last year, with the aim of giving a second chance that in our ethical code is worthy of being given to those who repent and apologize for their mistakes. But now the time for tolerance is over.” The TCR Europe promoter has already informed Target Competition, the FIA and Hyundai Motorsport about the decision. Edited July 16, 2019 by 033zero330
DASUBO Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 E ovako izgleda kad se sam sebi usereš u život. A bio je kul lik. Nažalost, vrlo jasno je pokazao da je ... Jedva se uzdržah da ne napišem nešto spicy. Jeeeedvaaa.
fancy Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 Pa da... Zasrao je s trkama, i sad gleda da se udomi kako god može...Fuj. Sent from my SM-N950F using...
Radoye Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 Ma nije njemu ovo od juce, vec par godina on to fura, jos mu samo pertle vire iz Vodjinog cmara. Sta mislite otkud mu sponzorstvo od "podobnih" firmi ako i sam nije podoban? Uostalom i mnogo jace face od njega su se prodale za uhlebljenje na budzet, mnoge nekadasnje perjanice tzv. Druge Srbije, kulturne ikone i moralne gromade sada su samo Vodjine pudlice, pa kako nece i ovaj nesretnik?
DASUBO Posted July 20, 2019 Posted July 20, 2019 Duca je zaista nekada bio cool lik, znam čoveka. Činjenica da se dugo nismo videli ni čuli, ali mi je bilo neverovatno kada sam čuo da je ušao na listu ovih rahmetli radikala. Nije mi to nekako išlo sa njim, jbg. Svako ima pravo na svoje političko ubeđenje i na njegovo slobodno izražavanje (do god to nije neki nacizam, fašizam, nasilje i sl.), ali podržavati ovakvu bagru i šlam je zaista odlika ili lošeg karaktera i/ili inteligencije. Cela ta priča oko domaćeg auto sporta je kancerogena. Nema tu ni pomena od toga da se bar delić uloženog novca vrati čak i ako su rezultati vrhunski. I onda su ljudi prinuđeni da se dovijaju na različite načine. Ovo što Duca radi je jedan od načina i to nikako nije usamljena praksa. Bez namere da branim njegov potez, naprotiv, to je reuglarna praksa po svetu, samo što se vozači prodaju velikim kompanijama za sponzorstvo, a ne krimi džimi političkoj družini. To je razlika. 1
Borko Posted July 22, 2019 Author Posted July 22, 2019 Alonso je neverovatan. Ja mislim da je doslo do te faze da ne moze da da jednu izjavu a da u njoj nesto ne laže. Formula 1 mu nije zanimljiva. I on ocekuje da u to neko poveruje? Da dobije poziv iz Mercedesa ili Ferarija, garantijem da bi peske otisao iz Ovijeda u Stutgart/Maranelo i da bi on jos njima ponudio desetak miliona da bude sponzor tima, samo da mu daju mesto.
MetalHead Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 @Dusan Borkovic > prava steta u sta se pretvorio, a sa njim i njegova karijera... Lepo kaze izreka "ispruzi se koliko ti je cebe dugacko" ali on je (sa onom visinom) hteo previse pa je prodao guzicu... Imao sam prilike da se vozim sa njim dok jos nije napustio kruzne trke, prelazio je tada na brdske trke pa smo zajedno bili na nekom oklupljanju vozaca gde ja umalo nisam postao suvozac u reliju - odustao sam zbog promene posla u tom trenutku. Bas mi je ostavio utisak super lika tada, veseo, spreman za salu... vozio me kuci (vracali smo se iz BGD u Pancevo) u nekom poluraspalom Jugicu. Posto jos uvek imam PA tablice, a svi znamo kakve su predrasude prema Pancevcima vozacima, cesto se salim da samo Duca i ja znamo da dobro vozimo u celom Pancevu 🙂 E onda je doslo do toga da Duca hoce mnogo vise, duze od svog cebeta, a posto izgleda da nema druge kvalitete osim talenta za trkanje, jedini nacin je bio da radi ovo sto radi. Verovatno to sve i pravi frustracije kod njega pa u sprezi sa losijim rezultatima dovodi i do ovakvih nemilih scena. Da se razumemo, ja sam i dalje njegov navijac, i dalje ga gotivim, iako je sa ovom SNS pricom debelo pao u mojim ocima. Zelim mu da izadje iz tih kandzi, tek tada ce biti onaj stari. Poredjenja radi, kad pricam o "drugim kvalitetima" uzmite za primer Milosa Pavlovica (koga smatram da je i dalje nas najbolji i najuspesniji automobilista). Imao sam priliku i njega da upoznam. Elokventan, obrazovan, imao je priliku da se odrekne Srbije a nije, Srbija mu to nije vratila (u onolikoj meri koliko je, verujem, pruzila Dusanu Borkovicu). Novinar, instruktor voznje, pa cak i glumac 🙂
Radoye Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019
Hertzog Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 Ovo kod Williamsa je bas bedak, kubica konstantno losiji a osvojio bod
Borko Posted August 27, 2019 Author Posted August 27, 2019 Katalunja ostaje u kalendaru i 2020, zvanično. Imacemo 22 trke. 1
Radoye Posted September 10, 2019 Posted September 10, 2019 Quote Former Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher has been admitted to a Paris hospital for "secret treatment," according to French daily Le Parisien. Le Parisien reported that Schumacher would receive cell therapy surgery at the cardiovascular department of Georges-Pompidou hospital from French surgeon Philippe Menasche. The French paper described the doctor as a "pioneer in cell surgery against heart failure."
Hertzog Posted September 11, 2019 Posted September 11, 2019 PREKJUČER je Le Parisien objavio da je Michael Schumacher u ponedjeljak poslijepodne stigao iz Ženeve u europsku bolnicu Georges-Pompidou u Parizu na tajni tretman primanja matičnih stanica. Nijemci pišu kako to nije prvi put da je slavni Nijemac došao na tretman u tu parišku kliniku. Dolazio je dosad najmanje dvaput, i to helikopterom, te je u bolnici bio prijavljen pod lažnim imenom. Le Parisien danas piše kako je Schumacher bio pri svijesti tijekom tih tretmana, a citira i riječi neimenovane medicinske sestre iz bolnice. "Da, u mojoj je skrbi i uvjeravam vas da je pri svijesti", navodno je rekla. Francuski list dodaje da je Schumachera posjetio njegov šef iz Ferrarija Jean Todt koji je nakon 45 minuta izašao iz bolnice. Glavni čovjek za njegov tretman u pariškoj bolnici je Philippe Menasché, 50-godišnji profesor iz njemačke.
alpiner Posted October 4, 2019 Posted October 4, 2019 (edited) Francuska štampa piše da je Campos zainteresovan za ulazak u F1 2021. Moguća saradnja sa Rendžom poput Haas- Ferrari Edited October 4, 2019 by alpiner
Radoye Posted October 4, 2019 Posted October 4, 2019 Quote There have been rumours for several weeks about potential new teams in Formula 1, with a couple of projects being floated in the media, clearly because those involved want to have their names out there in an effort to attract attention, presumably as they wish to raise money. This has obviously irked the Formula One Group (for some reason) and it issued a statement yesterday saying that "following publicity in recent days from several entities that have indicated their ambition to participate in the FIA Formula One World Championship from 2021, while Formula 1 appreciates their interest, we can confirm that there are no serious discussions with any persons or companies about the admission of a new team". It is clear that the Formula One company in its modern form is not given to feeding out lots of rumours about what it is doing and prefers to keep things quiet until they are done. This is probably related to the fact that it is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchance and has to follow the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and regulations, which aim to stop all kinds of market manipulation. Companies cannot stop rumours about their activities - but they can deny stories which are not true. There have been rumours for some time that there are plans for a $200 million entry fee for the future. This may sound like a great deal of money, but it makes sense as new entrants are effectively going to be buying prize money if they are accepted as Liberty wants all those involved to have the same basic rewards, rather than the top 10 getting all the money and the others being unable to compete. The reason that there is such a high limit being proposed is because the teams are being asked to share the available money between 12 (or even 13 entrants) and that would obviously mean a reduction in what they would be getting, so the fees would be split between the teams to offset the losses. In exchange new teams (if there are any) would get instant payments from both Column 1 and Column 2, rather than having to wait to start receiving money. Thus, a new team would be able to earn about $40 million in its first season (for finishing last).
MetalHead Posted October 4, 2019 Posted October 4, 2019 Vreme je da Stefan GP ponese srpsku trobojku do najviseg stepenika podijuma... Milos Pavlovic (mora neko i da vozi kako valja) i Duca Borkovic (mora neko i da se bije a i da Srbija bude zapamcena kao zemlja sa najvisim vozacem u F1).
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