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Maks Ferstapen je u Kataru krunisan u trostrukog svetskog sampiona - cestitke. Ipak, treba jos odraditi preostale trke u sezoni pocevsi ovog vikenda u Ostinu na jednom od uspelijih i atraktivnijih tilkedroma. Obicno ovde navijaci naprave dobru atmosferu - narocito Cekovi Meksikanci - ali videcemo koliko ce biti entuzijazma medju njima sad kad je sve reseno i uz to Ceku bas i ne ide najbolje u zadnje vreme.

I ovog vikenda kao u Kataru vozice se sprint. Po najavama u medijima trebalo bi da vidimo povratak Rikarda u AlfaTauri nakon loma ruke na Zandvortu. Meklaren ce da eksperimentise sa komponentama bolida konstruisanim od recikliranih ugljenicnih vlakana. Pireli donosi C2, C3, C4 kombinaciju.

Satnica vikenda ovde: https://www.formula1.com/en/racing/2023/United_States.html


Manje-vise to bi bilo to...


- Has ce da vozi specijalne "patriotske" boje:




Takodje, RBR ce imati specijalnu semu bojenja na bolidima u slicnom fazonu - jos uvek cekamo da vidimo prve slike...

  • Ha-ha 1

U medjuvremenu promenili su konfiguraciju staze, prosirili u krivini 19 belom bojom ivicu staze tako da bi jucerasnji ponisten krug za pol Ferstapena danas bio legalan.

Ono, kao kad bi na poluvremenu fudbalske utakmice promenili dimenzije kaznenog prostora sa 16 na 18 metara...

6 minutes ago, Maharaja said:

Red Bul ako ne izdominira na stazi, izdominira strategijom


Videcemo. Obavezali su se na dva stopa, prvi stint nije obecavao po brzini. Meklaren i Mercedes imaju otvorene opcije da biraju strategiju, Lekler ocigledno jedan stop. Moze tu jos svasta biti. Doduse, RBR ima keca u rukavu kojeg nema nijedan drugi tim - Ferstapena...


Ispade solidna trka. Čim je malo izjednačije, odmah ima smisla gledati, iako je šampionat rešen pre sto meseci.

Ferari je opet uspeo da uprska strategiju, legende

4 minutes ago, Maharaja said:

Ispade solidna trka. Čim je malo izjednačije, odmah ima smisla gledati, iako je šampionat rešen pre sto meseci.

Ferari je opet uspeo da uprska strategiju, legende


Rekao bih da je u ovom momentu Meklaren najbrzi bolid na stazi, Maks pravi razliku...





Hamilton originally finished second and Leclerc sixth at Circuit of The Americas, but both Mercedes and Ferrari were then summoned to the stewards due to the level of wear found on their planks that are within the floor of the car to ensure teams do not run their cars too low. The rear skids on both cars were outside the threshold permitted in the technical regulations and led to the usual penalty of disqualification for non-compliance.


“During the hearing the team acknowledged that the measurement performed by the FIA Technical Team was correct and stated that the high wear on the skid pads was probably a result of the unique combination of the bumpy track and the sprint race schedule that minimized the time to set up and check the car before the race,” the stewards’ decision read for both disqualifications.


“The stewards note that the onus is on the competitor to ensure that the car is in compliance with the regulations at all times during an event. In this particular case, the rear skid in the area defined in the Technical Delegate’s report was outside of the thresholds outlined in Article 3.5.9 e) of the FIA Formula One Technical Regulations, which includes a tolerance for wear. Therefore, the standard penalty for a breach of the Technical Regulations is imposed.”


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