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Pocetak evropske F1 sezone je tradicionalno trka gde se uvode prve novotarije na bolidima na osnovu naucenog iz zimskih testova i prvih trka sezone, i to se obicno dogadjalo u Barseloni gde se i testiralo. Vise ne testiramo u Barseloni a i prva evropska trka se vozi na Imoli, u medjuvremenu posetivsi jos par egzoticnih lokacija sirom sveta, pa su tako i vecina timova - barem oni koji pretenduju na visok plasman - vec ranije poceli sa novotarijama...




Imola se nakon duze pauze vratila na kalendar sampionata tokom Covid-19 pandemije pod firmom VN Emilija-Romanje (sto je region Italije gde je staza locirana) i do sada je u toj varijanti vozena 3 puta, jednom je pobedio Luis Hamilton a prosle i pretprosle sezone aktuelni sampion Maks Ferstapen. Inace istorija ove staze i F1 je mnogo duza, pocinje jos 1979. godine trkom za trofej Dina Ferarija koja se nije bodovala za sampionat, zatim 1980. se ovde vozi VN Italije dok se Monca renovirala a od 1981. - 2006. se vozila kao VN San Marina. Staza je za to vreme pretrpela mnoge izmene, narocito u periodu nakon tragicnog vikenda 1994. kad su ovde zivote izgubili Roland Racenberger i Aerton Sena.


U svojoj modernoj konfiguraciji staza ima 19 krivina uz duzinu kruga 4909m a rekord drzi Luis Hamilton 1:15.484s postavljen 2020. u Mercedesovom W11 bolidu. Staza je prilicno uska i preticanje na njoj nije lako, ali uz malu pomoc promenljivih vremenskih uslova trke zadnjih godina bile su prilicno zanimljive. E sad, ove sezone RBR je superdominantan a medju njihovim vozacima razlika u kvalitetu je vise nego ocigledna, tako da ako ne bude nikakvih neplaniranih dogadjaja vec sada mozemo lagano da cestitamo het-trik od tri uzastopne pobede Ferstapenu. No to je priroda danasnje F1.

Ako racunamo sve F1 trke ovde, ubedljivo najuspesniji vozac je Mihael Sumaher sa 7 pobeda; u konkurenciji timova najvise pobeda ima Ferari 9 (8 za VN San Marina + Trofej Dino Ferari) ispred Vilijamsa sa 8 i Meklarena sa 6.


Satnica vikenda ovde:



Edited by Radoye
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  • Radoye changed the title to VN Emilija-Romanje 2023, Imola, 21. maj

Vremenske (ne)prilike:





The Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix is expected to go ahead despite a severe weather warning being issued ahead of the race due to the possibility of flooding.


The area has already been hit by weeks of floods and extreme conditions. Every day this week Italy’s civil defence service has issued weather alerts for the region of northern Italy which is home to the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari.


The highest possible weather warning – a red alert – has been put out for tomorrow with “floods, landslides and instability” expected to the west and north of the town of Imola where the grand prix is held.


The heavy rain has led to warnings that rivers in the area may burst their banks. The Santerno river flows nearby the Imola track and its paddock where the Formula 1, Formula 2 and Formula 3 teams will be based.






This weekend will be the first ‘Alternative Tyre Allocation’ event. Drivers will only be allowed to use 11 sets of slick tyres rather than the usual limit of 13 at rounds that do not feature a sprint race or evaluation tyre compounds.


Each driver can use three sets of the designated hard compound, four sets of the medium and four sets of the soft. That is half the number of soft tyres available on a standard weekend, and one more set each of the hard and the medium.


Pirelli has nominated its three softest slick compounds for use at Imola, meaning the C3, C4 and C5 tyres will be available, which is one stage softer than the teams had last year.


The intermediate and wet tyre allocation remains unchanged, with four sets of the former and three of the latter for the weekend. However Pirelli is bringing a new specification of wet weather tyre this weekend, and the weather forecast indicates teams are likely to need them.



Padok Imole, trenutno...


U Italiji već nedelju dana pljušti kiša, iako se očekuje da prestane do trke,ostaje pitanje da li će se voda povući do vikenda, pa se priča i o mogućem otkazivanju trke...

  • Tuzno 1
Posted (edited)

Otkazana trka.





Following discussions between Formula 1, the President of the FIA, the competent authorities – including the relevant Ministers, the President of the Automobile Club of Italy, the President of Emilia-Romagna Region, the Mayor of the City and the promoter – the decision has been taken not to proceed with the Grand Prix weekend at Imola


Edited by John Terry
  • Radoye changed the title to VN Emilija-Romanje 2023, Imola (OTKAZANO)
Posted (edited)

Ako je ceo kanal/reka koji deli grad od staze poplavljen, nema sta da se ceka sa otkazivanjem. To je bukvalno uz samu ivicu staze, ceo pitline, ceo start cilj pravac sve to Tamburela bi bilo poplavljeno. Nisam isao na drugi kraj staze pa ne znam kako izgleda, ali i tamo prolazi reka. Za ovo sto sam licno video, to je bukvalno odmah poplavljeno cim krene izlivanje. Nema odbrane. 

Edited by Dzoni_m
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  • 2 weeks later...

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