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Dobar je bio Sobin, jako koristan igrač. Često ljudi svode GOAT Jugoplastiku na Tonija i Dina (Toni nije ni bio tu kod poslednje titule), a igrači poput Sretenovića, Perasovića, Sobina, Tabaka su bili jaki kao beton. Naravno i Boža, dok je bio još trener a ne naprednjak.



Nego, evo prilog za večitu debatu Chicago 90te, protiv GSW 201516 ili bilo koje prejake šampionske ekipe iz poslednjeg desetljeća:




Ništa ne dokazuje, naravno, Bler je bio gotivac i jednom ga je usralo da da 25 poena, ali je simptomatična odbrana Chicaga na centru koji šutira sa više od 5m... Neverovatno je evoluirao basket.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, freethrow said:

Ništa ne dokazuje, naravno, 


naravno da ne dokazuje ništa. ko je gledao luku garzu za vikend, razumeće. pametnom dosta.

Edited by uini
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Ne zezaj. Pošto sam mator stižu mi sadžešćns na jutjubu kako se igralo kasnih 80tih i do sredine 90tih (moj omiljeni basket) i zaista je skandal koliko je drugačija odbrana bila. Blera sam uzeo kao primer mučenika iz tog perioda, ali naravno - uzročno posledična veza. Da je bilo par Porzingisa tada i igra bi bila osetno drugačija. 





nije sporno da se odbrana igra na pola terena danas i da je kosarka napredovala 


samo treba imati i nekakav kontekst tekme kada se pokazuje odbrana 

-sta je ta tekma u xy delu sezone znacila za obe ekipe, kakve su bile te ekipe, kakva je uloga tog igraca koji je natrpao npr bullse 


hocu da kazem, da ako znamo te parametre - lako mozemo da nadjemo slicne primere u aktuelnih 5 godina, u kojima jedna ekipa ima slican odnos prema protivnickom and igracu ili su na vi sa odbranom celu tekmu 


odbrana je danas super kada se igra, kao sto je i tada bila super kada je vazno 


razlika je "povrsini" na kojoj se odbrana igra danas, zbog suta. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Nisam možda tu pažnju posvećenu takvim detaljima dovoljno dobro razumeo dok Amerikanci nisu došli da igraju prijateljsku utakmicu sa nama 2004. godine. Mi na nekom prijemu i Greg me čukne laktom i šapne: “Je l’ vidiš sad zašto sam ti rekao da je Tim Dankan najvažniji čovek mog tima?” Pogledam, svi Amerikanci u trenerkama, samo Dankan u odelu i kravati.


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The image on the cover, Pat Riley picking at his lip, throwing side eye in terse concentration, John Starks checking in with his coach, looking annoyed, Patrick Ewing sneering incredulously, Charles Oakley looking like Luca Brasi en route to a hit, and Anthony Mason staring someone down just off camera, could be the poster for a 90s Scorsese film, or an album with a parental advisory sticker affixed to its jewel case, and the content within is just as confrontational.


It’s a 300-page tone poem, and that tone is aggrieved, annoyed, and aggressive. Herring’s work is populated by construction workers telling Phil Jackson to fuck off during a playoff walk through, Xavier McDaniel brandishing erections in the locker room like a firearm, and fines issued to Knicks that help fallen opposing players to their feet. To call Blood In The Garden microscopically detailed would be an understatement. It’s a book that has spoken to Starks’ CBA Cedar Rapids Silver Bullets coach, that knows the color of former GM Dave Checkett’s wife’s Chevy Suburban, that knows precisely what profanities Anthony Mason hurled at his coach on Senior night in 1988 at Tennessee State, and the DeBarge song he played for his girlfriend when he proposed outside their crib on 99th Avenue in 1994.




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pošto je jedino @Ne sam Safete pročitao pejst a kapiram x niko živ kliknuo na link od utorka, mislim da je vreme da pejstujem i intro deo intervjua o masivnim erekcijama xavier mcdaniela po svlačionicama  : /




Chris, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out to talk to me. As a lifelong Knicks fan, I thought the book was absolutely incredible, so we have to start at the obvious place, with your most remarkable piece of research, the item that literally pops out at the reader at the beginning of the book. Of course, I’m referring to Xavier McDaniel’s performative locker room boners.


(Laughing) I keep getting responses to that, which is so funny because it was maybe one of the last 5-10 details I got in the two years I worked on this thing. As I’ve worked on it you realize…. I had plenty of stuff on McDaniel, but I thought about it and I realized I don’t have much on him besides he gets in a lot of fights. So for anyone that was really the case with I wanted to go back and basically whitepage the crap out of everybody to figure out who I could call or talk to that was connected to him. Former teammates, former coaches, former high school coaches, relatives, spouses, anybody.


But you start at the most basic level, you start with teammates from other teams, so I called Frank Brickowski, who was one of the first guys Xavier McDaniel punched, a teammate of his in a practice, and he only had good things to say. You know, he said, “He had a pretty hot temper, he wanted to fight everybody, myself included” but then he said, “you know the other weird thing about him though, he would wrap a towel around his dick, and he would have the biggest hard-on, and just wrap a towel around his dick and walk around the locker room that way everyday! Every game!”


So I was like, “What?” I had to ask him a follow up cause like, I just needed to make sure, “You’re being completely serious?” And he said, “I’m completely serious.” That was such a wild and out of nowhere detail but also, I couldn’t think of anything else to attach it to the way this dude thought about manhood. It might’ve been a really stupid way to think about it, a weird way, but that’s the way this team was wired, just a lot of weird stuff like that, and that one was certainly the weirdest.

The way it was on page four, I kinda felt like, at least I’m opening this and I’m opening this with a bang. People will see that I’m not going to pull punches with the details when I’ve got them, but I’m also not going to introduce them for no reason at all, I want them to make a point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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