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Sibirski tigar jeste veΔ‡i od Bengalskog ali za nijansu. Ovo na videu su sve sibirski tigrovi tako da taj kanal samo pravi click bait predstavu sa netačnim opisom video klipa.

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On 8/13/2023 at 12:51 AM, 𝓑π“ͺ𝓫𝔂 said:

Ja prosto ne verujem da je ovo moguce πŸ˜„Β 











Jeste da macke imaju nenadmasne reflekse ali ne bas da igraju ovako badminton, rukomet & basket.Β :wink2:


A ovi Diznijevi (i drugi) crtači crtaΔ‡a su prvo jako dobro proucili ponasanje zivotinja koje crtaju/animiraju.

100% su im "skinuli" gestove, ponasanje, karaktere.Β Β 



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9 hours ago, Kronostime said:



Uzas. Kada je dosla, par narednih godina je bila sa drugom orkom i onda je ta druga uginula. Od tada (40 godina) tumara u tom malom bazenu (ceo park je mali, bazen premali za orku) sama, ponekad uz drustvo delfina. Krenuli su da planiraju da je oslobode i puste u okean pre par meseci, ne znam sto su ovoliko teglili. Uspeli su ceo film da naprave o planu kako da je transportuju, a nisu uspeli da organizuju. I ne znam zasto im je plan bio da je cimaju u kamion sa akvarijumom, pa u avion, pa u Sijetl, kada eno orke plivaju oko Key Larga, na 50 milja od nje. Mogli su jednostavno da je prebace tih 50 metara do mora i puste da zivi u slobodi.Β 



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Posted (edited)


"Aliens? Vegetables? Nope, vegetable and animal bridge mushrooms. They're the myxomycetes, and they can move and hunt for prey or look for the best environment for them. They are born from spores, like mushrooms.
Myxomycetes move like huge amoebas, like pulsating masses; their movements seem to be dependent on microfibrils that remember the fibers of the muscles. These "blobsβ€²β€² crawl (at a speed of 1 cm per hour) phagocusing bacteria, algae, yeasts, protozoa and other organic material as they go; they digest them and expel the remains outside. Not randomly, mixomycetes proliferate where there are plenty of prey - on decomposing logs or on carpets of dead, wet leaves. And so they're often found in the woods, yellow, purple, blue, red, thanks to the pigments they contain."Β 


Edited by Pletilja
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