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On 9/21/2021 at 11:51 AM, Kronostime said:


Gazda Kronose jel znas u cemu je fora oko ovog :


Da pitam IT-ovce u cemu je fora , ne mogu da otvorim na win7 sajt rezultati i jos neke sajtove,a na win10 (imam 2 OS na hardu) mogu. Izbrisao sam sve zive AV na WIN7 i opet ne otvara sajt, u cemu je problem ????

15 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:


Gazda Kronose jel znas u cemu je fora oko ovog :


Da pitam IT-ovce u cemu je fora , ne mogu da otvorim na win7 sajt rezultati i jos neke sajtove,a na win10 (imam 2 OS na hardu) mogu. Izbrisao sam sve zive AV na WIN7 i opet ne otvara sajt, u cemu je problem ????

U cemu otvaras?

Koji pretrazivac?


Hm, a da probas da ocistis win7 od temp fajlova i ostalog djubreta putem recimo CCcleanera (obavezno stikliraj dns cache)?

ili otvori command prompt kao administrator i ukucaj ipconfig /flushdns


23 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Hm, a da probas da ocistis win7 od temp fajlova i ostalog djubreta putem recimo CCcleanera (obavezno stikliraj dns cache)?

ili otvori command prompt kao administrator i ukucaj ipconfig /flushdns



Uradio sam ovo prvo i opet isto.



This site can’t be reached

boxrec.com took too long to respond.


Checking the connection

Checking the proxy and the firewall

Running Windows Network Diagnostics




Posted (edited)

Okusao sam da procistim preko ovoga da ne ulazim u cmd




I opet isto.

4 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Probaj u Mozili da u setovanjima pod network settings promenis u no proxy.




Vidi upalilo, jel ima negde to u hromu da se podesi. Ima open proxy setting al tamo ima sto cuda da se stiklira.

Edited by Zvezdinho
Posted (edited)

Kod Chrome to vec ide malo teze, zato sto se oslanja na Connection settings u Internet Properties stavki u Conrol panelu


Mada, probaj u win7 i ovo



Disable proxy for Chrome on Windows

Click the Chrome Menu in the browser toolbar.

Select Settings.

Click Advanced.

In the System section, click Open your computer's proxy settings. ...

Under Automatic proxy setup, toggle Automatic detect settings Off.

Under Manual proxy setup, toggle Use a proxy server Off.

Click Save.


Edited by Kronostime
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Kronostime said:

Kod Chrome to vec ide malo teze, zato sto se oslanja na Connection settings u Internet Properties stavki u Conrol panelu


Mada, probaj u win7 i ovo




Ovo prvo je vec tako postavljeno, a ovo drugo ne znam gde je auto proxy setup i manual proxy setup kad otvorim proxy settings i hromu.

Edited by Zvezdinho
1 minute ago, Zvezdinho said:


Jel mozes da citiras ovde, posto kad otvorim sajt ne pokazuje mi dao levi deo ekrana, pa mi umesto step 1, pise ep 1.

Odma dodje:



How to Disable a Proxy Server in Google Chrome

By C. Taylor

Proxies conceal your actual IP address by making websites see the proxy's address instead. Windows 7 allows you to configure a proxy address for use when browsing websites or performing other online activities. Although some browsers override this proxy setting with their own, Google Chrome relies on the Windows proxy settings. Disabling a proxy server in the Windows proxy settings disables it for your entire system. If you only need to disable the proxy in Google Chrome, there is a better solution.

Step 1

Click the "Start" button and type "Google Chrome" into the search field.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Right-click "Google Chrome" in the search results and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu.

Step 3

Type " --no-proxy-server" without quotes at the very end of the "Target" field in the "Google Chrome Properties" window. Place the text outside the closing quotation marks in the target field, and type a space before the dashes. For example, the complete text in the target field might be:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --no-proxy-server

The text encased in quotation marks may differ on your system, depending on where you installed Google Chrome and if you are running a 64-bit system.

Step 4

Click "OK," then "Continue" in the confirmation window. If you are not currently logged in as an administrator, enter the administrator password.

Step 5

Click the Google Chrome shortcut again to run Google Chrome with proxies disabled.


11 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:

Nece Hrom pa to ti je. Jel moguce da se to samo od sebe oporavi ?

Win7 nece, zato sto ne postoji opcija no proxy u internet podesavanjima sistema, a Chrome se na njih oslanja u radu.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, freethrow said:

Je l možete da mi preporučite neki dobar program za konverziju pdfa u word (doc ili docx) da je besplatan i neograničen?




Pokusaj ovde da pronađeš nesto


https://filehippo.com/ ( imas pun qfer)

Edited by John Dies at the End

Ako je u PDF slika tu ćeš uvek imati problema kod konverzije. A ako je PDF pravi tekst (možeš da selektuješ reči) onda će svaki odraditi dobar posao sa njim. U ovom drugom slučaju ti ne treba ništa bolje od tih online.


Ako hoćeš da instaliraš drugar koji koristi kaže da mu ovaj odrađuje ok posao :



5 hours ago, realno *w said:

Prebacih računar na Win11 i prvi utisci su mi skroz ok. Vizuelno mnogo bolji, deluje fluidniji, al videćemo nakon nekog vremena.

Javljaju li se problemi sa radom aplikacija koje si koristio na Win10?

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