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Nastavimo ovdje sa uisge-beatha.


Whether it is whisky or whiskey has been the basis of many arguments over many years. The Scots spell it whisky and the Irish spell it whiskey, with an extra 'e'. This difference in the spelling comes from the translations of the word from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic forms. Whiskey with the extra 'e' is also used when referring to American whiskies. This 'e' was taken to the United States by the Irish immigrants in the 1700s and has been used ever since. Scotland, Ireland and America all have a rich heritage in the whisky industry. So what are the differences between the whiskies from these three nations?

The distillation process
It is here that one of the main differences occurs. generally, Scottish and American whiskies are distilled twice and Irish whiskey is distilled three times (there are exceptions to the rule, in all cases). Distilling three times produces a lighter and smoother spirit.

The stills
The size and shape of the stills used in the distillation process are different. In Ireland and much of America, pot stills are frequently used. These are short, fat, large stills with a round base that produce softer and more rounded spirits. In Scotland, distilleries use a wide variety of shapes and size of still and this gives wider diversity of characters and flavours.

The use of peat
In Scotland it is common to use peat to dry the malted barley so that it is ready for milling and mashing. The type of peat used and the length of time the barley is drying in the peat smoke will influence the flavour in the final spirit. This gives Scottish whisky its fullness and traditional smokiness. In Ireland and America, they use wood or other fuels in this process and this makes the spirit less smoky and lighter. Again, there are exceptions. For example, in Ireland Connemara use peat and produce a very smoky range of whiskies.

The use of grains
The Scots use malted barley in most whisky that is produced, however this is not the case in Ireland. They also use malted barley, but may mix other grains in with it. Traditionally Ireland has had a poorer economy than Scotland and barley is expensive to buy. Therefore, it is cheaper to use other grain to produce whiskey. This grain whiskey lends itself to blending and historically it has been used to make cheap blends. In America, the new settlers were forced to use different raw materials to produce their whiskey due to the different climate and soil conditions. This included mixing different grains together during the mashing process depending on what was available. Over time, these different recipes of grain mixtures have evolved so that now, American whiskey bears very little similarity to Scottish or Irish whiskies.

The distilleries
The oldest registered distillery in Ireland is Bushmills, which has been in production since 1608. In Scotland, the oldest one opened in 1772 (Littlemill, which has now closed down). Glenturret is the oldest current distillery in operation, opening in 1775. In Scotland there are currently over 80 distilleries in production but in Ireland there are only three. These three are the result of smaller distilleries joining together. The current distillers adher to the traditional recipes and techniques from each of the original distilleries. This gives the resulting whiskies their own individual characteristics. The three distilleries are Bushmills, Midleton (which produce Jameson's, Powers, Paddy, Tullamore Dew and Midleton) and Cooley (Connemara, Kilbeggan, Locke's and Tyrconnell). The first American distilleries were set up in the late 18th century in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Nowadays, only seven of these are still in operation in Kentucky, with none actually in Bourbon County These seven distilleries are Bernheim, Buffalo Trace, Four Roses, Jim Beam, Maker's Mark, Wild Turkey and Woodford Reserve and they produce many different whiskies using a unique, traditional recipe for each. The other major production area in America is in the neighbouring state of Tennessee, although only two distilleries remain in operation − George Dickel and Jack Daniels.


Slainthe Mhath i samo umjereno trositi.🥃




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Posted (edited)


Bilo je na drugom topicu, ali ne ovakav.

Da počnem sa ovim. 51.2%

Žurka može da pocne.



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Edited by mrd
Posted (edited)

Whisk(e)y topik je na gastronomiji. Komora neka odluci koji da ostane ili da se merge. 

Edited by Doorn
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Doorn said:

Whisk(e)y topik je na gastronomiji. Komora neka odluci koji da ostane ili da se merge. 

Sorry, nisam video. Treba da se spoje.




Sta nisam video, kad sam ja prvi pogresio. :P

Edited by mrd
6 minutes ago, Doorn said:

Spojite ovaj u onaj na gastronomiji


Ok. Moram da nadjem nekog da to uradi, nemam ovlascenja van ovog podforuma. Ali resicemo brzo. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Uti said:

Dobar ukus,miris nije nesto ☺️



Meni je obrnuto. Miris je bolji od ukusa. 

Inace mlad viski. Neke 4 godine. U kontaktu sam sa vlasnikom i bice ga od 6 godina. 

Moja preporuka bi bila 8. To bi bio pun pogodak. Pored duzeg cuvanja u bacvi bilo bi dobro da na etiketi stavi koliko je star i da ima cep od pluta. Sama flasa je moderna i lici na onu od Bowmore. 

Edited by Doorn

Jel ima ovde ljubitelja burbona? Ja recimo viski maltene da ne pijem, ali zato burbon... Nekako sam stekao utisak da se burbon vodi kao seljacka varijanta viskija (sto ga ne cini losim :))


Ja bi trebao malo da provirim i u taj svijet, ali uvjek kad kupujem viski odlucim se za single malt. 

Koji bourbon je dobar i sta bi vi preporucili?



Bourbon can be produced anywhere in the United States, but most bourbons are produced in Kentucky. An exception is the state of Tennessee, which could establish the category "Tennessee Whiskey". There are different types of bourbon with regard to the production process.


Bourbon must contain at least 51% corn. The rest is a mixture of some barley for the fermentation process, as well as rye and/or wheat. Today many bourbons are produced using the sour mash process. American whiskey is mainly distilled in column stills.


According to U.S. law, a no age statement bourbon must be aged for at least 4 years in fresh, toasted casks made from American white oak. A finish or extra maturation similar to Scotch whisky is not allowed. If the whiskey is not blended, it may be called 'straight bourbon'. 


Tennessee Whiskey differs from bourbon in that it is additionally charcoal-filtered before it is filled into casks.



1 minute ago, Doorn said:

Ja bi trebao malo da provirim i u taj svijet, ali uvjek kad kupujem viski odlucim se za single malt. 

Koji bourbon je dobar i sta bi vi preporucili?





Probaj Maker's Mark, Buffalo Trace i Bulleit. Ni Jim Beam meni nije los ali to je standard. Meni su burboni super, jos nisam naletio na neki da ne valja. Cak i najjeftiniji kao sto je npr Jim Beam su daleko superiorniji od jeftinih skotskih viskija, a dobar burbon je dobar kao i dobar whisk(e)y.


Mislim da burboni ne leze u buradima duze od 5 godina jer nema potrebe. Burbon uvijek ide u novo, oprljeno hrastovo bure i ne treba mu 20 godina da primi osobine drveta (tanine, boju, aromu, ukus, itd). Za whisky to ne vazi, bure se nanovo koristi pa je i duzi proces zrijenja u buretu jer je bure vec, za nedostatak boljeg izraza, isprano prethodnim turama whisky-ja.




Ja sam probao nekoliko bourbona koji su mi blow mind:

- Woodford reserve. Ovo je sjajan burbon a i relativno lak za naci. Meni je on vrlo pitak tako da moze da se zove konjakom medju burbonima; Definitivno najbolje mesto za pocetak

- Blantons. Sjajan burbon sa sjajnom pricom. kompleksan ukus. 

- Makers mark je meni favorit bio od kad sam gledao neki film sad se vec i ne secam koji. Imas posebnu ediciju makers Mark 46 koja je malo jaca. 

- Bookers je ubica. Nekada sam citao da on maltene ima random procenat alkohola od bureta do bureta. Ja sam pio nesto sa 60%+... sta znam interesantno za pohvaliti se, ali mator sam vec da nalazim uzivanje u tome. 


Ima toga jos, ali vise se ni nesecam nekih knobbs creeka, nekih retkih 4 rousesa, JBa, itd... Ono sto mi stoji na listi je moonshine i Jack daniels sinatra select (mada ovde uvek mozemo da pokrenemo raspravu da li je JD bourbon ili wiskey :D). 

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Imas negde to sigurno... ja sam se tamo 2010 prijavio za njihovog ambasadora i poslali su mi neki materijal gde je to objasnjeno. Ne secam se vise, recimo da je tip koji je osnovao distileriju bio Skot ili Irac i otuda Whisky.

  • 3 weeks later...








The announcement was made by Young Pioneer Tours (YPT), a China-based adventure travel operator that organises trips to North Korea.

The company said it was given access to the first batch of the whisky, the release of which does not appear to have been reported by North Korea’s media channels so far.


YPT stated the whisky was locally distilled in the Samilpo region, near Mount Kumgang, which is a popular holiday destination in North Korea.

In its blog post, the tour operator described Samilpo’s design as ‘closely resembling’ that of Scotch blend Johnnie Walker, a ‘well-recognised whisky in North Korea’.

Johnnie Walker’s whiskies are traditionally presented in square bottles with colour-coded labels, with expressions including Red Label and Black Label.

According to YPT, Samilpo will launch three expressions: ‘40% (black label), 42% (red label) and 45%’, the latter of which has not been bottled yet.

Samilpo’s director is reported to have said the whisky will have ‘15 types of amino acids, including eight types of essential amino acids present’, which are said to reduce ‘harm to your liver’ and the ‘negative side effects of alcohol abuse’.


Further information about Samilpo whisky, including the type of grain used – if grain has been used at all, the casks chosen to mature the spirit, age and tasting notes, has not been disclosed.


Samilpo whisky will be available later this year for USD$15 a bottle in stores in Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, according to the travel company.

The blog post also reported that the owner of Samilpo hopes to export the whisky to other countries once North Korea’s ‘political situation’ improves.

YPT was contacted for further comment.


The most popular alcoholic beverage produced in North Korea is soju, a spirit distilled from a mash of fermented rice, wheat or barley. 

However beer is also popular, with at least 10 breweries operating in the country, the largest brand of which is the state-owned Taedonggang.



After all that time spent gently maturing in cask, whisky deserves more consideration and respect than being swiftly shot back, says Richard Paterson, blender for Whyte & Mackay, Dalmore and Jura. Slow down and take your time.



Probably my biggest pet hate is seeing people drinking whisky like a bunch of cowboys in a saloon. They are completely missing the quality by just swallowing it back and not taking the time to hold the whisky on their tongue and revere what it is they are actually drinking.


It happens all the time at whisky festivals. There was one that I remember in New York, where this guy came up to me and asked: ‘What’s your most expensive whisky?’ He went straight for a Dalmore 25-year-old and knocked it back.


‘What d’you think you’re doing?’ I asked.


‘What d’you mean?’ he replied, so I slapped him on the face. It wasn’t hard and it was almost comic, but I had a serious point to make about showing some respect for the product.


My basic rule of thumb is to give a whisky at least the same amount of time on the tongue in seconds as its age in years on the label. There was another festival in South Africa I went to, where I eventually persuaded this guy to hold a 22-year-old whisky in his mouth for 22 seconds.


‘Now I understand what you mean,’ he said, and then burst into tears.


‘Why are you crying?’ I asked.


‘Because I’m thinking of all those whiskies that I’ve been knocking back that I never gave the time to.’


I have seen it at private dinners on many occasions. Instead of savouring whiskies, especially if they are old and rare, people are swallowing them straight down as though they were drinking a shot of Tequila.


It may be ok for an unaged white spirit like gin, but when it comes to a whisky that is 15, 20 or more years old, you would think that the packaging and price would say to people: ‘Come on guys, you’re paying all this money, really savour every moment of it.’


While in bars, how many people have you ever seen take their first drink and actually hold it in their mouth? Practically no-one. It is the same with good food and wine or a fine cigar. We need to slow down, relax and appreciate what we’re eating, drinking or smoking.


After a day’s work, however hard it has been, I want to come home and pour myself a dram to savour and relax over. But on TV shows like Coronation Street, you will invariably see people in pubs knocking back Scotch whisky as if they were in those cowboy films where ‘real men’ toss down their drinks in a shot.


You could also blame the tradition of having a whisky chaser in the pub. Quite often, especially in Glasgow, you would hear people saying: ‘Let’s have a pint of beer and a chaser to put the icing on the cake.’ Clearly, they’re going to be downing the Scotch in one.


Today there are bars like the Bon Accord or The Pot Still in Glasgow, whose customers do like to linger over their whiskies. Of course, there are rougher pubs where I probably wouldn’t sit swirling a glass and nosing a dram, but once it is in your mouth no-one can see what you’re doing, so it’s not about showing off to anyone.


If I saw a stranger in a bar who was knocking back a whisky that deserved time, I would introduce myself and then ask them about it: ‘Did you get this? Or did you get that?’ Obviously, you have to judge their body language, and I would do it discreetly and respectfully.


If you knock it back, you just get the effect of the alcohol. What you are missing is an appreciation of the age of the whisky, and all those different notes of vanilla, honey, spice and so on, that have been meticulously blended together.


Then there are all those other flavours in the background. It is not just about that initial hit, it is the second taste that is the most important thing. There is also the texture and body of the whisky to assess, and the aftertaste as you finally swallow it down the throat.


The trick is to hold the whisky in the middle of the tongue and then let it slip to the sides and underneath before bringing it back up. By now the whisky will have warmed up and settled down and the tongue will be really saturated with the taste of the whisky.


I always urge people to be inquisitive and ask questions of a single malt while it is still in their mouth, such as: ‘Can you really taste whether it’s a Highland or an Islay?’, ‘can you taste all those Sherry notes that it claims to have?’ and ‘would a little water help to open it up?’


But an expensive whisky will also ask questions of you. Have you really bought it to appreciate its flavours? Or is it more about showing off to people, and saying: ‘Look what I’ve got?’


If you do want to get the most out of a dram, remember to give it a second for every year – and then a moment longer – before swallowing it. It takes time to produce good whisky, so take the time to enjoy it.



Meni je uvek najbolji viski bio MacAllan.  Sve dok ne videh ovu reklamu na New York Times Square, verovatno najskuplji reklamni prostor na planeti. Suntory whisky.




To je on, od iste firme, nagrađivan medaljama, Yamazaki Whisky






Što ga ne pijem? Kupovao sam ga jednom mesečno, na dan plate ali ga više nema. Izvoznici kupili celu proizvodnju. Našao sam ga 2 puta u 6 meseci da ga nosim na poklon.

Ove slike su pokloni, stoje boce spremne, gore, u koferu za Thai. 

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On 5/11/2019 at 5:53 AM, Doorn said:





Britanci, oni su mi rekli da je Talisker najbolji viski koji oni mogu da naprave.  Talisker. Mada je slika bez veze, više kao da je čaša za cognac.

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