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  On 1/27/2021 at 8:54 PM, Drago said:

Da se vrate slavni dani naše prošlosti. 💪



Jbg za to prvo Mercedes treba da ugasi fabricku ekipu. A i onda bismo im bili samo druga violina nakon Aston-Martina. 😐

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2021 at 10:10 PM, Hertzog said:

DF, samo ne hvali nase kljuse kada se pojavi, jer iz godine u godinu budu u kanalu bolidi prema kojima ti iskazes simpatije 😄


Jedno je kada bolid izgleda odlicno po pitanju pakovanja, a potpuno drugo kada zbog sopstvenog zajeba i muljanja zavrsis sa 50 konja slabijim motorom i menjacem koji se ugiba. Tu nikakva aerodinamika ne pomaze. 


Plus, ne verujem da ce ove godine bilo sta promeniti kljusici. Kakvi su kraljevi samo ce da isteraju proslogodisnji bolid i ispiju espreso potom...

  • 4 weeks later...

Lando nije optimista u vezi Meklarenovih sansi za vikend:


Lando Norris lacked confidence in the balance of his McLaren despite ending Friday practice less than a tenth of a second behind pace-setter Max Verstappen.


He suspects McLaren’s strong showing on Friday came about because other teams did not push their cars as hard as early in the weekend. Norris expects Red Bull and Mercedes will end up ahead of them in qualifying on Saturday.


“We look quick today, but I think it’s fairly obvious what’s going to happen tomorrow,” he said. “It’s going to be the usual front four cars ahead of us.


“Behind, everything’s very close. Even if today we are a little bit ahead, I think it’s because we just showed a bit more. We’ll go in tomorrow and be a little bit more where we should be.


“I feel good in the car, the car does feel good in some areas. In some areas also it doesn’t feel that good and we need to improve, and if we can improve it tomorrow, then I’ll be happier.”


Norris said he isn’t as comfortable yet with the MCL35M’s handling as he was with last year’s car.


“I don’t have the confidence that I want, especially in the medium and high speed corners,” he explained. “So corners like turn six, seven. I made a mistake there on my first lap and I had to abort because I turned in and just complete lost the rear.


“My confidence in the car is where I want it to be, isn’t where we had it last year. But there’s also improvements in other places compared to last year. So it’s not necessarily that everything has to be better, there’s just areas to work on.”



Ovo ostalo u vezi stabilnosti zadnjeg kraja, izgleda da je FIA pogodila sa promenom pravila jer svi se zale na to - a to je i bio cilj, da se znacajno smanji prianjanje pozadi i bolidi ucine "nervoznijima". Tako da o tome ne bih previse brinuo, kako nama tako i ostalima. Videcemo sutra da li su Landove procene tacne i da li su pojedini timovi zaista namerno isli sporije od maksimuma danas.

  On 3/26/2021 at 6:17 PM, Radoye said:
Lando nije optimista u vezi Meklarenovih sansi za vikend:
Lando Norris lacked confidence in the balance of his McLaren despite ending Friday practice less than a tenth of a second behind pace-setter Max Verstappen.
He suspects McLaren’s strong showing on Friday came about because other teams did not push their cars as hard as early in the weekend. Norris expects Red Bull and Mercedes will end up ahead of them in qualifying on Saturday.
“We look quick today, but I think it’s fairly obvious what’s going to happen tomorrow,” he said. “It’s going to be the usual front four cars ahead of us.
“Behind, everything’s very close. Even if today we are a little bit ahead, I think it’s because we just showed a bit more. We’ll go in tomorrow and be a little bit more where we should be.
“I feel good in the car, the car does feel good in some areas. In some areas also it doesn’t feel that good and we need to improve, and if we can improve it tomorrow, then I’ll be happier.”
Norris said he isn’t as comfortable yet with the MCL35M’s handling as he was with last year’s car.
“I don’t have the confidence that I want, especially in the medium and high speed corners,” he explained. “So corners like turn six, seven. I made a mistake there on my first lap and I had to abort because I turned in and just complete lost the rear.
“My confidence in the car is where I want it to be, isn’t where we had it last year. But there’s also improvements in other places compared to last year. So it’s not necessarily that everything has to be better, there’s just areas to work on.”
Ovo ostalo u vezi stabilnosti zadnjeg kraja, izgleda da je FIA pogodila sa promenom pravila jer svi se zale na to - a to je i bio cilj, da se znacajno smanji prianjanje pozadi i bolidi ucine "nervoznijima". Tako da o tome ne bih previse brinuo, kako nama tako i ostalima. Videcemo sutra da li su Landove procene tacne i da li su pojedini timovi zaista namerno isli sporije od maksimuma danas.
Verovatno si u pravu. Mislim da se dobro videlo kad je Kime skršio Alfu, ako se ne varam, bio je u četvrtoj brzini, gas na izlasku iz krivine i spin.

Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk

  • 4 weeks later...

Na trci u Portugaliji smo dobili novog sponzora na sidepod, nosu i prednjem grilu umesto brenda Velo. Sponzor je Autogrill, italijanski lanac brze hrane. 

Ne znam da li je ova promena za ovu trku ili za ostatak sezone. Nisam našao zvaničnu vest o ovome.


  • Like 1

Inace, jedna krosover vest iz Indikara - Zek Braun je obecao da ce Meklarenov Indikar vozac Patricio O'Vord dobiti dan testiranja F1 bolida na ruki testu na kraju sezone ako pobedi na nekoj od trka ove sezone.

O'Vord je bilo vec blizu pobede prosle godine (tri druga mesta) a i na premijeri ove sezone je vodio dobar deo trke da bi na kraju bio cetvrti zbog drugacije taktike.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Dzo Savard pominje glasine o ulasku Audija u F1 putem kupovine Meklarenovog F1 tima (celog ili delimicno). Meklaren bi tako postao fabricka ekipa Audija, ili 100% u vlasnistvu ili u formi ekskluzivnog partnerstva / ono sto je krajem proslog i pocetkom ovog veka bilo sa Mercedesom.

  • Like 2
  On 10/13/2021 at 3:50 PM, Radoye said:

Dzo Savard pominje glasine o ulasku Audija u F1 putem kupovine Meklarenovog F1 tima (celog ili delimicno). Meklaren bi tako postao fabricka ekipa Audija, ili 100% u vlasnistvu ili u formi ekskluzivnog partnerstva / ono sto je krajem proslog i pocetkom ovog veka bilo sa Mercedesom.


Ne daj Bože!

Čitav život ili aktivno navijam za Meklaren ili su mi bliski srcu i sad da ih kupi "evil empire"...

A u q...

  • Like 1
  • Ha-ha 1

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