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Vrlo zanimljive stvari danas na testiranjima. Podužnim pomeranjem volana očigledno se menja nagib točkova, koji utiče na površinu prianjanja a samim tim i na način na koji bolid prolazi/ prilazi krivini.

Mislim da su našli pogolemu rupu u pravilima, jer se zabranjuje karakteristika oslanjanja, ali ne i upravljanja koje može dovesti do promene nagiba točka.


Da ti krene voda na usta. F1 u svom punom sjaju.



Ola Kalenius, jbm ti sve po katastru i rodoslovu ako rasformiraš ovaj tim!

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The innovative Mercedes Dual Axis Steering (DAS) has already been banned from Formula 1 under the 2021 technical regulations, although it is set to remain eligible for the coming season.



Posted (edited)

Ovo sam ja testirao na simulatoru pre desetak godina jer sam imao volan koji se pomera po dubini sa senzorom. :lol_2: Ovakav mehanizam moze da se koristi za milion stvari, ne samo za menjanje nagiba tockova.


Gledajuci iz ugla tehnicke izvedbe, nije nista egzoticno. Niti su se oni prvi setili toga, niti sam se ja prvi setio toga. Gledajuci iz ugla trazenja rupa u pravilima je impresivno.

Edited by momohyoideus
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...


Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff says he has no concerns over any examination of Mercedes’ role in the Racing Point legality row.


However other team principals have called for the FIA to look into whether Mercedes broke the rules by supplying parts to Racing Point.


On Friday the FIA stewards fined Racing Point €400,000 and deducted 15 points from their constructors’ championship total for using rear brake ducts which were designed illegally. The ducts were based on parts obtained from Mercedes.


The decision has raised questions over how far technical co-operation between competing teams is permissible. Red Bull team principal Christian Horner said his team “want absolute clarity as to what is and what isn’t permissible moving forward.”


“Obviously Red Bull are in the unique position that they own 100% of two grand prix teams,” he said. “We’ve always complied stringently with the regulations since the constructor rules within the last Concorde were made very clear.


“So for us there is a bigger picture. This is not just about brake ducts, it’s about what is philosophically allowed and what isn’t.


“Regarding Mercedes I’m sure questions will get asked, because if if the team in question are guilty of receiving, surely the team that has provided has been also in breach of those regulations? And that’s something for the FIA to look into.”


The row is expected to drag on as five teams, including Racing Point, have given notice of their intention to appeal Friday’s decision. Wolff is confident any further examination of the matter will find no wrongdoing on Mercedes’ part.


“We have not been protested, we have done nothing wrong, I strongly believe that Racing Point has done nothing wrong,” he said in response to a question from RaceFans. “I believe that if this goes to the International Court of Appeal, the lawyers and the barristers have a strong opinion that this is a case that has very, very solid pillars and therefore everybody’s in a good place about that.”


“Obviously our reputation is very important,” he added. “But it is intact. And if someone thinks that we have done something wrong they should protest and we’re happy to go to court.”



  • 1 month later...

Krenule su glasine da Mercedes prodaje F1 tim na kraju sezone i ostaju samo kao snabdevac motorima. Ako se ispostavi da je istina, odjednom manevri sa buducim Aston Martinom / danasnjim Pink Mercedesom postaju jasniji...

Posted (edited)

[URL="http://www.gptoday.com/full_story/view/735952/Wolff_To_Leave_Mercedes_After_700mn_Ineos_Takeover_038_Rebrand__Reports/"]Wolff To Leave Mercedes After £700mn Ineos Takeover & Rebrand[/URL]


Izgleda da ne radi linkovanje kako treba.



Edited by 033zero330

Nebi da budem "Taj lik" ali čitajte ovo...


"The ownership of the team is going to be taken over by Sir Jim Ratcliffe and Ineos,” Jordan told the Daily Mail on Sunday."


Edi Džordan je kao pijani čovek koji gađa pikado, ponekad pogodi tablu, ponekad zid ili prozor. Ali kad njega spojimo s ultraglupim DM dobijemo Hiperpatku. Otprilike 50% njegovih nagađanja su tačna, postao je kao Roska F1, a novinarčići Šoić.


Uzimajte s ogromnom doze opreza tračeve u vezi Ineos GPa. Koliko sam skontao sve je počelo od DMa, a ovi "ozbiljniji" "novinari" su se upecali.


Moje neko ludo predviđanje, Ineos kupuje Mečku na kraju 2021, Mečka uzme još jedan naslov s Luisom 2021 i kreće ludnica s Ineos GP a Fetlom kao No1 bivše/nove Mečke. Ne mora ovo nužno biti istina, ali videćemo.

  • 1 month later...

Mercedes owner Daimler is committed to Formula One but is working to slash costs and cut the environmental impact of motor racing, CEO Ola Kaellenius has said.

"We have as little reason to step out of Formula One as Bayern Munich has to step out of football," he said during a virtual roundtable discussion with journalists on Wednesday.


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Chemicals company INEOS has become a one-third shareholder in the Mercedes Formula 1 squad as part of a new deal that commits Toto Wolff to remaining as team principal.


On Friday it was confirmed that ownership of the team would now be split three ways, with equal parts taken by Mercedes, INEOS and Wolff.

The deal means that Mercedes has diluted its previous 60% ownership of the team, while Wolff has increased his share up from 30%.

Glavna delatnost im je petrohemija, stižu nova pravila o gorivo... Logičan brak

Edited by alpiner
Posted (edited)

Pobrkao si. Ovaj lik se ozbiljno qrči pun je para i gleda samo najskuplje. Pričalo se da će kupiti FC Chelsea..


Ovo je možda početak kraja za fabrički Mercedes...ostalo im 30%. Ne izgleda dobro..

Edited by alpiner
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Zapravo se pominjalo da ce kupiti Mercedes pre nekoliko meseci, sad sam proverio, pa je tada demantovano. Znam da sam vec cuo ime i da je bilo povezivano s nekakvom kupovinom 🙂

Posted (edited)

Pričao Eddie Jordan pre par meseci da će Ratcliffe kupiti ceo Mercedes pa mu se svi smejali. Ineos je jesenas uzeo Mercedesovu fabriku Smarta u Francuskoj da bi pravio džipove bazirane na Land Roveru


Lik radi hemiju za petro industriju. Top 10 najbogatijih Britanaca


Jak brak obzirom da se prelazi na ova nova goriva


Pitanje je koliko će tu još Mercedesa da ostane... ili je ovo najava braka dve kompanije..

Edited by alpiner

Davor je jos onomad pricao da je Mercedes siguran do 2020 a za posle ce da vidimo. Vidis da su svi kljucni igraci napravili sebi odstupnice, moguce je da je stvarno bilo planirano povlacenje ali nakon ovoliko uspeha i bez naznaka da bi ih u dogledno vreme iko mogao zaustaviti bilo bi glupo odreci se toliko pozitivnog publiciteta. Moguce da ce da gledaju da maksimalno smanje sebi troskove a da nastave da muzu uspehe pa dok ide ide, a kad ne bude vise islo da samo otkace ekipu i uvale je nekom.

Mada ako je ovo zaista najava braka izmedju ovakve dve kompanije to bi bili pokreti tektonskih razmera.

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