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Posts posted by momohyoideus

  1. 52 minutes ago, Radoye said:


    Mercedes je podesen sa vise krila, racunali su da ce biti napred sve vreme, bice tesko preticati i njemu i Hamiltonu (kad Hamilton prodje buraniju na zacelju i stigne do malo ozbiljnjijih protivnika)


    Meni ne deluje da je Hamilton imao nekih teskoca da pretice. Otresao Red Bull i Racing point bez problema. Da je bilo jos 10 krugova obisao bi i Bottasa lagano.





  2. 4 minutes ago, Alek The Great said:

    Ma hteo sam reci da se tek posle sutrasnje trke i performansa moze doneti konacni zakljucak. Sta ako su merdze odlucile da odvrnu vise zarad dobrim kvalama, a sutra im se na tom setapu npr dogodi neki kvar usled toga?

    Pricamo o Mercedesu, ne o Ferariju :lol_2:

    • Ha-ha 2
  3. 32 minutes ago, Alek The Great said:

    A kako znaju ovi sa SK-a koji mod koriste Merdze? Sta ako su odlucili da koriste party mode i na trci ili neki blizi istom?

    Pa modovi sluze da se upravlja zivotnim vekom motora putem ogranicavanja performansi. Ako podjemo od pretpostavke da su standardni modovi vec podeseni tako da maksimalno iskoriste broj dozvoljenih pojedinacnih komponenti pogonske jedinice, znaci da bi svako dalje povecanje performansi dovelo do prekoracenja tog broja i kazne.


    E sad, sasvim je moguce da se na racun ukidanja povecanog stresa koji party mode ostavlja na komponentama pogonske jedinice, mogu povecati performanse mape za trku za neki procenat, tako da ukupan stres ostane isti. 

  4. 2 hours ago, NMX said:

    Evo i verzije koju smo mi potpisali





    Ipak je malo drugacija ona sa Kosovom. Tamo je deo za priznanje od strane IZraela.

    Sta je ovo? Kakav je ovo dokument bez numerisanih stranica i numerisanih clanova spojen spajalicom? Gde su potpisi ostalih strana? Gde je memorandum? Ovo su mogli da ostampaju u bilo kojoj kopirnici ovako...

    • Like 1
  5. Dodjoh da pitam ko je ovaj strucnjak sto radi sa Pesikanom, reko samo da nije Srki...


    Ovo je spektakl, dugo ce se prepricavati :lol_2:

    • Ha-ha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Ruby Rhod (koji lebdi) said:


    Sad kad opozicija u Srbiji iskopira i nadje nekog profu sa Masinca...A imamo kandidata spram sebe, nije da nemamo...Profesor Momcilo "Raketica" Milinovic 🙂

    Može Čović? :lol_2:

    • Ha-ha 1
  7. To je iz tehnickog pravilnika, a ima i sportski pravilnik koji kaze:




    c) The relevant car may be disqualified should its weight be less than that specified in Article 4.1 of the Technical Regulations when weighed under a) or b) above, save where the deficiency in weight results from the accidental loss of a component of the car

    Gde je a) merenje na FP i Q, a b) merenje posle trke.

  8. Pravila su:



    ARTICLE 4 :

    WEIGHT 4.1 Minimum weight :

    The weight of the car, without fuel, must not be less than 745kg at all times during the Event. If, when required for checking, a car is not already fitted with dry‐weather tyres, it will be weighed on a set of dry‐weather tyres selected by the FIA technical delegate.


    4.2 Weight distribution :

    The weight applied on the front and rear wheels must not be less than the weight specified in Article 4.1 factored by 0.455 and 0.535 respectively at all times during the qualifying practice session. Rounding will be to nearest 0.5kg. If, when required for checking, a car is not already fitted with dry‐weather tyres, it will be weighed on a set of dry‐weather tyres selected by the FIA technical delegate.


    4.3 Weight of tyres

    The weight limit specified in Article 4.1 and the factors specified in Article 4.2 will be adjusted up or down according to any differences (rounded up to the nearest 1kg for Article 4.1) between the total set and individual axle set weights respectively of the dry‐weather tyres used in the Championship taking place in the calendar year referred to in the title and the preceding year’s Championship.


    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Radoye said:

    Sto se tice Botasa, po meni je stvar crno-bela, ako se kreces pre znaka za start to je automatska kazna, no sad su na Sky objasnjavali da ima tolerancija od 0.2 sekunde (kao, toliko je dozvoljeno da ranije krenes) pod uslovom da ne izadjes iz gridboksa do samog momenta starta. Po tom arsinu Botas je taman bio dobar. Tipicna F1, nadju nacina da zakomplikuju i sustinski veoma proste stvari.


    Ja ne znam gde iskopaju te gluposti. Pravilnik je vrlo jasan i nedvosmislen:


    36.14 Any of the penalties under Articles 38.3 a), b), or c) will be imposed on any driver who is judged to have:

    a) Moved before the start signal is given, such judgement being made by an FIA approved and supplied transponder fitted to each car, or;

    b) Positioned his car on the starting grid in such a way that the transponder is unable to detect the moment at which the car first moved from its grid position after the start signal is given


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