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Sunshine State

Član foruma
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Everything posted by Sunshine State

  1. Podseti me na onu:"Niko nije beskoristan - svako moze da posluzi, pa makar kao los primer"
  2. Vrlo lep i prilicno razumljiv prikaz kako se razvija vakcina:
  3. Koliko pricam s mojim kolegama po Evropi, tako je manje-vise svugde. Koleginicin muz vec par dana temperaturu preko 39 C i jos neke simptome, pitam da li je pozitivan, kaze da ne znaju, nece da ga testiraju....pitam je zasto, kaze:"That's Poland!" Jedna PM u UK prelezala 3 nedelje, ozbiljno bolesna, kaze nisu hteli da je testiraju, vec su po simptomima koje je iznela svom lekaru preko telefona zakljucili da je pozitivna i da lezi kuci, nema potrebe za testiranjem
  4. I have to brag about this - email od direktorice naseg office-a: "Dear all, You may have noticed the amazing Pfizer announcement released earlier today. This is in direct relation to the German team, because as I write this email, there are many of our local colleagues working on this trial and, so to say, “on barricades “ for this study. It is very dynamic project, whose processes, which normally take months, are done within couple of hours. It is as exciting as it can be tiring for all who are directly involved. Yet, it is such an amazing example of what we can achieve with our work and why our work matters. I am so very proud to see our excellent team going beyond and above the norm not only for the study, but for us all regular human beings who are in desperate need of finding solution for the current covid crisis. I hope you will join me in congratulating the DACH assigned team for their achievement!!"
  5. Da ne sirim sad i na onu ekonomsku temu, stavicu ovde - znaci, pozivamo se svi na kolektivnu odgovornost (zdravstvenu, opravdano!), ali kad topic "pare" dodju na red, nigde empatije, profit margins su najbitnije, f*ck people i njihovo prezivljavanje...ne moze se jedna godina prihvatiti da nece biti rasta od 10 %, vec samo 5% (lupam cifre) https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/11/dairy-giant-frieslandcampina-to-cut-1000-jobs-in-nl-belgium-and-germany/ " Dairy giant FrieslandCampina said on Tuesday it will cut 1,000 jobs by the end of next year, blaming the direct and indirect impact of coronavirus and pressure on profit margins in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany."
  6. Padaju i u Holandiji, u kojoj nema takvih mera kao u Nemackoj i Francuskoj "Last Tuesday the government announced a two-week period of extra measures, including museum and amusement park closures, in an effort to give the drop in reported cases a further impulse. In mid October, when the number of new cases were nearing 10,000 a day, the government introduced what it called a ‘partial lockdown’, closing cafes and restaurants until mid December, cutting group sizes and upping hygiene regulations in shops." Nosenje maski u NL nije ozakonjeno (jos), vec samo "strongly advised"
  7. Gore navedeni nisu ucestvovali u klinickom ispitivanju (navedeno u kojoj fazi ne), te stoga nije moguce ni oceniti safety kod takvih pacijenata. Na kraju, sve se svodi na risk/benefit - mozda ce lekar proceniti da je za onkoloskog pacijenta veci benefit da dobije vakcinu, nego sto je rizik od same vakcine
  8. Po protokolu, exclusion criteria: Other medical or psychiatric condition including recent (within the past year) or active suicidal ideation/behavior or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk of study participation or, in the investigator's judgment, make the participant inappropriate for the study. Phases 1 and 2 only: Known infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), or hepatitis B virus (HBV). History of severe adverse reaction associated with a vaccine and/or severe allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) to any component of the study intervention(s). Receipt of medications intended to prevent COVID 19. Previous clinical (based on COVID-19 symptoms/signs alone, if a SARS-CoV-2 NAAT result was not available) or microbiological (based on COVID-19 symptoms/signs and a positive SARS-CoV-2 NAAT result) diagnosis of COVID 19. Phase 1 only: Individuals at high risk for severe COVID-19, including those with any of the following risk factors: Hypertension Diabetes mellitus Chronic pulmonary disease Asthma Current vaping or smoking History of chronic smoking within the prior year BMI >30 kg/m2 Anticipating the need for immunosuppressive treatment within the next 6 months Phase 1 only: Individuals currently working in occupations with high risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (eg, healthcare worker, emergency response personnel). Immunocompromised individuals with known or suspected immunodeficiency, as determined by history and/or laboratory/physical examination. Phase 1 only: Individuals with a history of autoimmune disease or an active autoimmune disease requiring therapeutic intervention. Bleeding diathesis or condition associated with prolonged bleeding that would, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicate intramuscular injection. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Previous vaccination with any coronavirus vaccine. Individuals who receive treatment with immunosuppressive therapy, including cytotoxic agents or systemic corticosteroids, eg, for cancer or an autoimmune disease, or planned receipt throughout the study. Phase 1 only: Regular receipt of inhaled/nebulized corticosteroids. Receipt of blood/plasma products or immunoglobulin, from 60 days before study intervention administration or planned receipt throughout the study. Participation in other studies involving study intervention within 28 days prior to study entry and/or during study participation. Previous participation in other studies involving study intervention containing lipid nanoparticles. Phase 1 only: Positive serological test for SARS-CoV-2 IgM and/or IgG antibodies at the screening visit. Phase 1 only: Any screening hematology and/or blood chemistry laboratory value that meets the definition of a ≥ Grade 1 abnormality. Phase 1 only: Positive test for HIV, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B core antibodies (HBc Abs), or hepatitis C virus antibodies (HCV Abs) at the screening visit. Phase 1 only: SARS-CoV-2 NAAT-positive nasal swab within 24 hours before receipt of study intervention. Investigator site staff or Pfizer employees directly involved in the conduct of the study, site staff otherwise supervised by the investigator, and their respective family members
  9. "With research laboratories around the world racing to develop a coronavirus vaccine, a unique challenge has emerged: how to balance intellectual property rights with serving the public good. Questions of patent protection and access to those patents has prompted an international group of scientists and lawyers to establish the Open COVID Pledge. This movement calls on organisations to freely make available their existing patents and copyrights associated with vaccine research to create an open patent pool to solve a global problem. The EU is leading the charge to create such a pool by drafting a resolution at the World Health Organisation. The US, UK and a few others have been opposed to this idea."
  10. Pa lepo bi bilo videti neki joint effort medju pharma kompanijama da se udruze i proizvedu sto je vise moguce vakcina koje rade posao. Sigurno da Pfizer nema tolike kapacitete
  11. Ako je kapacitet 1.3 milijardi u 2021. i da su potrebne dve doze za uspesno vakcinisanje jedne osobe, bice i dalje guravo
  12. I da ljudi u Srbiji nauce da za razdaljinu od 3-4 km treba oko 35-45 min i da, ako nije neka salauka napolju, mogu i da prosetaju. Nema potrebe guzvati se u javnom prevozu za 3-4 stanice
  13. Tako je! Drugi svet! Kad sam se doselila u Suboticu, imala osecaj kao da sam se odselila iz Srbije!
  14. Breaking news: https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/09/covid-19-vaccine-from-pfizer-and-biontech-is-strongly-effective-early-data-from-large-trial-indicate/
  15. @Don Juan Joj, sto? 😮 Vidi kako me Lukina devojka veselo dozivljava! @urosg3 - Jim Carrey (asocijacija na njegov film : D )
  16. Pa trebalo bi sad, na pocetku PCR; ne znam da li tamo odmah rade i rtg pluca i krvnu sliku, ako je PCR pozitivan?
  17. Ako se i @Akirorazboli, onda niko nije siguran! @sreta-stetajesi se i ti testirai?
  18. @implant Sve 5! Mene zanima taj (ocito) sporni detalj u tumacenju nas ovde, a i ti pises: "Steta je što dobar deo ljudi ne može da sam skapira da je, u ovoj situaciji, preče pravo na život, lečenje, školovanje i kretanje od prava na kupanje i ručak u restoranu" O tome i ja drobim sve vreme, (a onaj Wooki me proziva da idem u disko i da sam sebicna!) - pravo na lecenje je mnogima trenutno uskraceno. Razumem zbog cega, ali se pitam kako ti ljudi, kojima je uskraceno, da ostvare to svoje pravo na lecenje u trenutnoj situaciji? Koliko njih moze da ode u Bel Medic, Medi group, etc...? Ne vidim da ovde iko insistira na odlasku u restoran na rucak, radi samog jedenja u restoranu; ja mislim da se tu brani pravo kuvara/konobara da radi i prehrani porodicu - akcenat nije na zadovoljstvu odlazaca na veceru, mislim da o tome Angelia pise - nek me ispravi, da ne tumacim pogresno.
  19. Imas izuzetno nespimatican i arogantan nacin na koji izlazes svoje stavove - mnogo je lepse citati kako slicne stavove iznose @Pletilja @zoran59 @Akiro Ja te vise necu zadrzavati, cuvaj se, svako dobro!
  20. Samo ti nastavi da guras neku svoju pricu, nevezano za to kome i na sta odgovaras. Svako dobro!
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