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Everything posted by Boxy

  1. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Treba obratiti paznju i na ovog Ruusuvuo...zvacemo ga Emil trenutno igra protiv Pospisila i vodi 3:0
  2. Boxy

    Opšte diskusije

    Rios dao skroz zanimljiv intervju, napao ATP da su pokrivali Agasija i da su ga vise puta uhvatili da je dopingovan http://www.puntodebreak.com/2020/02/17/rios-atp-tapo-doping-agassi-tenis-iba-mierda
  3. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    vec vidim, Toni u kolima a on pesaci 50km dnevno , sa Nadalom se presao i terao ga samo na 40km, sad ispravlja gresku
  4. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Auuu kakav haos je bio onaj klinac sto sam ga spominjala, prvi igrac 2003. godiste koji je ostvario ATP pobedu
  5. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Krajinovic se povukao, kao razlog stoji left foot
  6. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Ruud presrecan sto je bas ovde osvojio prvu titulu
  7. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Intervju za svajcarske novine jedan deo je i b92 preuzeo, normalno nisu mogli bas sve tacno da prevedu «As a student I was mediocre» He has loved southern Africa since childhood. And wants to contribute to a better future for the continent. Roger Federer on children's songs, safari, pioneering people - and the hope for his own kids. 51,954 fans, new world record for a tennis match, $ 3.5 million in revenue for the Roger Federer Foundation: As its 6th edition the charity tennis event “Match for Africa” between Federer and a world-class opponent was a “Match in Africa“ for the first time. The match in Cape Town against Rafael Nadal is a complete success for the Swiss tennis star and his foundation, which has been running and supporting educational programs in southern Africa for 16 years. The day after the match, the happy, but also exhausted Maestro - "everything hurts and I also got a sunburn " - meets the „Schweizer Illustrierte“ for a talk at the Cape. Roger Federer, you seem agitated after the match and all the activities around it. How did you sleep, so full of adrenaline? Short but good. I can't even remember turning back in bed. I was actually very moved. I don't know anything that could have gone better. And when my mom came on the court here in her home country, I had to fight that the emotions didn't overwhelm me. Has this been a new highlight in the relationship between you and your second home South Africa? For me, little will change in the relationship with Africa. But I think for the people here with me for sure. I always used to hear before that I was “one of them”. And now that I've been here for this event, they've gotten confirmation of it. For me it was above all a moment that is extremely important in my life. Also because a lot came back from my childhood, in which I spent a lot of time down here with my parents and my sister. Have you been here regularly in adulthood? Not anymore. Tour life just didn't allow it. On the one hand, I often regretted this. On the other hand, it is now even nicer that my appearance at the “Match in Africa” was so special for everyone. Otherwise 52,000 people would not have come to the stadium. During the afternoon game session with children from the townships, we noticed how naturally you moved among them and how relaxed you allowed physical closeness. A result of your own life as a dad? I would think so. When professional colleagues take photos with children, those without their own children are often a little stiff. Although I have to say that Rafa treated the little ones very warmly yesterday. He is used to it from his own foundation. And it's really very easy for me. Instead of my four kids there is now a group of hundred, no problem. My two boys will be six in May, so they are exactly the same age as the children who played with Rafa and me. I know very well how they react when they fall on their knees or do not immediately understand an exercise. I would have been more clumsy in the past You even sang a song to the kids … … O yes, even over the microphone. That was not planned. But when they sang along with their nice voices, I quickly calmed down. But it sounded really good, your solo. Is the good-night-song at home your job too? Thanks, that calms me down, I hit the notes (laughs). But no, I don't really sing very often at home with the little ones. We prefer to listen to music from the radio or something and then dance to it together. I'm more of a bedtime stories reader. How much influence did your mother Lynette have on the fact that you run your projects in Africa? I can't really say that anymore. But it is logical that we went to this continent with the Foundation because of her South African origin. During the transition from junior age to touring life I was very lucky to be surrounded by the right people who showed me the direction: Marc Rosset, the trainers Peter Lundgren and Peter Carter, who helped me like a little brother , but of course my parents too. At some point, the commitment to Africa was simply obvious. How is it with the language? Your mother answered Afrikaans effortlessly at the stadium. Do you master that too? I understand it a little bit and also talk a little bit. It is related to German. But I could never really come through with that. Interestingly, my grandfather sent my mother to an English-language school in Johannesburg back then, which was quite unusual for Afrikaans-speaking South Africans at that time. So your children probably have little relation to their grandmother's roots in this regard. Are they familiar with the work of the Foundation thpugh? They know why mom and dad can't be with them for a few days at the moment. They asked, and then I told them about what we're doing with the Foundation down here. They understand that well. It is my dream that they will later give back some of their happiness with something that their heart advises them then to do. Nevertheless, the Foundation is also active in Switzerland. That was also important to me. It's just not how many think that we are all just fine here. Children from difficult backgrounds should not be forgotten. The fact that we concentrated on southern Africa also has to do with financial reasons. Because all project countries are close together, the Foundation does not lose money unnecessarily for administrative work. And down here in the south of the continent, a lot of help is really needed in the field of education. Why do you actually help with education and not in the area of health or infrastructure? That came from me. I always knew I wanted to do something with children. And not just promotion, but something with a direct encounter. In addition, physical suffering just upsets me too much. I can hardly bear that. So I decided on education. Together with health, it is everything in life. Did you enjoy going to school yourself? Yes, actually, even if I was happy when it was over and I could concentrate on tennis. But I was lucky enough to always have good teachers. And you were a good student too? Mediocre, I would say. But I always tried really hard. Sometimes I just got a little tired from sitting and listening. Then they had to use all their motivational tricks to keep me going. You were regularly on vacation in South Africa during your childhood. What is your earliest memory of it? Difficult to say. My memories are mainly formed by old photos - me in pyjamas on the beach, hours of traveling in a rental car on safari, the endless waiting and the impatient question: when will we finally see the impalas, the zebras? Today is easier because you can see the animals almost on order. An experience that you have already given your children? Not yet, we think they were too young for that. They would not have had the patience yet. South Africa also means tourism. What do you think has to be seen to say that one got to know South Africa? Above all, you have to take your time. I would not only travel to South Africa, but also try to visit countries like Namibia, Botswana or Zimbabwe. Sure, you can't miss a safari, it's unique. And Cape Town is already a global hotspot. Mirka and I will drive to the Cape of Good Hope tomorrow. She has never been to this area. We also want to visit the vineyards. I've never been to Table Mountain by the way. It's a must, so I keep it as a good reason to come back here soon. And on the sporting side, what do you need to know? Rugby, of course! Cricket too, but rugby is a little closer to me. I was extremely happy to meet Siya Kolisi, the captain of the national team, the Springboks, at this event. I also know individual members of the 2007 world championship team, Bryan Habana or Percy Montgomery, from the World Sports Awards in Saint Petersburg. Or the rugby legend Os du Randt. I am very impressed with their athleticism. Are they even more athletic than Roger Federer? Oh man! We did a muscle selfie here at “Match in Africa”, Rafa Nadal, Siya Kolisi and me. How I looked compared to them…. It was the first time that you played competitive tennis in South Africa. A check mark on the sporty bucket list in late autumn of your career? Exactly. I just had to give them that and fulfill my own dream. It was not entirely without risk. Can we really fill such a giant stadium here, or do we disgrace ourselves? I would have played in a smaller stadium. But when the match was sold out within minutes, the relief and pride were huge. I would have loved to organize a second match right away so that all interested South Africans can get a ticket. But that would have been too much of a good thing. So we have the motivation for hopefully getting a second edition of the event down here soon.
  8. Boxy


    Ni meni nije jasno, a ona nikad nije spadala u mrsave teniserke, ali ovde bas ima viska
  9. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Ispasce iz prvih 70, valjda ce da se oporavi do evropske sljake
  10. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    ovaj Alcaraz je onaj klinac sto ima 16 godina, mislim da je kod Nadala na akademiji
  11. Boxy


    zbog onog haosa oko turnira u Madjarskoj, evo kako izgleda zreb za kvalifikacije za Dubai
  12. Boxy

    TV, stream, prenosi

    Pricali smo o prenosima pre par dana, na samom pocetku studija, ova najavila da ce da prenose sve 250, 500, 1000 i W i Govedarica rekao da su prosirili paket. u prvih 3 minuta su to rekli, ako sam ja dobro shvatila
  13. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Siner dobio Gofana, od njega bas ocekujem dobre rezultate ove godine, ima bas nestvarno dobar bh. I Rublev je prosao dalje, on je dobio Bublika, nastavio sa odlicnom sezonom.
  14. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Po trenutnoj formi, Pospisil je tezi protivnik od Danila
  15. Boxy

    Novak Djokovic

    Onaj naslov sto sam ja postovala je pravi, sto je najgore
  16. Boxy

    Novak Djokovic

    OVO ĆE DA BOLI ŠVAJCARCA DOK JE ŽIV Đoković ispoštovao sve, čak i Kirjosa, a Federera "iskulirao" samo tako! Brutalno (VIDEO) link ne stavljam, ali naslov moram
  17. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Ma smarac mali Jos nasla da proziva tenisera, a njima u opisu posla da stalno budu u avionu mozda ce sad i zbog toga da ga napadne
  18. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Ta mala me smara od kad se prvi put pojavila Ali on je skroz dobro odgovorio Speaking to Swiss publication Tages Anzeiger ahead of his charity exhibition match against Rafael Nadal in South Africa, the 38-year-old tennis star sounded more critical of the protest. “When I help one person, I am criticised for not doing it with others. I have reached a point where I have to think carefully about what I am doing,” Federer said. “But I also have to be able to overlook criticism. I can’t be everywhere, I can’t do everything. I am also a father and tennis player. “I am aware that I can make a difference, take the microphone and address certain things. But I can’t do that all the time. “It is important that you choose the right things at the right time and get your message across in a fair way. Not by attacking others. “I know I can make a difference with my popularity. For others, for the planet, for the animals. And I think it’s good what has recently been raised about collective consciousness.”
  19. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    Imao je problem sa desnim ramenom, ali se nije videlo u igri, servirao je lagano oko 200
  20. Boxy

    ATP turniri 250&500

    U jednom trenutku je izgledalo da nece ponovo dobiti mec, gubio je setovima i bilo je 2:0 za Hurkaca u 2.setu i onda je uzeo 12 od narednih 14 gemova.
  21. Boxy

    Smesna strana tenisa

    Nasla sam neke sa Cicipasom i Dimitrovim, ali to ne vredi ni postavljati, sa Nadalom niko ne moze da se meri
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