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Član foruma
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Everything posted by Boxy

  1. Ja sam bas o tome i razmisljala, sta ako otkazu skoro sve do RGa i onda rese da RG ne otkazu, kakav ce to slem da bude kad nece imati kontinutet niti pripremne turnire?
  2. Evo, Barselona pod znakom pitanja, tj. nece sutra da imaju prezentaciju turnira
  3. Od svih turnira, ja sam mislila da je IW najsigurniji, mali grad, par hiljada stanvnika u sred pustinje. Kad su ovaj turnir otkazali, sad bukvalno mogu svaki i pitanje je sta ce da se igra ovog proleca.
  4. Meni nije jasno, otkazali su jer se pojavio jedan slucaj korone, a sta bi bilo da se taj slucaj pojavio za par dana, kad vec pocne turnir?
  5. sta se krije iza korone, sad stiglo
  6. Boxy


    @zoe Bg U Muzeju čokolade u Beogradu: Sve o kraljici slatkiša
  7. Treba da zahvalimo nasim moderatorima i njihovoj viziji
  8. I da, nije otkazan, ima dosta predloga da se odrzi posle USO umesto Azijske turneje
  9. To ni meni nije jasno, NBA se igra redovno sa publikom, juce je zavrsen celendzer na istim tim terenima sa publikom, skoro svi igraci su stigli, ovo mi je nekako bas kasna odluka. Ali ipak stoji, zdravlje je na prvom mestu.
  10. Bas me iznenadila vest, bila sam ubedjena da su Majami i IW sigurni, ali da moze da bude problem kad se prebace u Evropu, ali sad ne znam sta da mislim.
  11. Boxy

    Izvan i iza turnira

    Nedostaju Harison i Jang
  12. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Exclusive Roger Federer book extract: Federer’s rock (Part 1) Exclusive Roger Federer book extract: Federer’s rock (Part 2) Sve je vezano za Mirku, najbitnije deo njegovog tima i da bez nje ne bi toliko osvojio, niti bi igrao jos uvek. Doduse, to zna svaki Fed fan, Mirka ovo su neki najzanimljiviji delovi The 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney were ill-fated for Swiss Tennis: the star players Martina Hingis, Patty Schnyder and Marc Rosset had all withdrawn. So the small tennis delegation made up of young Roger Federer, Vavrinec, Emmanuelle Gagliardi and their coach, Peter Lundgren, shared a house in the Olympic Village with four Swiss wrestlers. Nobody had even an inkling of the romance which was to blossom under the Australian sun. Even before the Games, Vavrinec told Swiss journalists that Federer had given her a stomach ache by making her laugh so much. She liked that he wasn’t a bore, but rather a joker who always put everyone in a good mood. But for a long time she didn’t realise that he was interested in her. “I just didn’t get why he wanted to talk to me so much,” she said later. On the court Roger Federer missed two chances at a medal: in the semi-finals against Tommy Haas and in the bronze medal match against Arnaud di Pasquale. But off court he took his shot: on the last day he summoned all his courage and kissed Mirka. She like it but joked: “You’re still so young. A baby.” He had just turned 19, she was already 22. “She’s a little older than me, and women mature earlier anyway. That helped me a lot when we got together,” he says in hindsight. “Our relationship quickly got very serious.” Initially the two were able to keep their romance from the public eye. Even though it was an open secret on the tennis scene in the summer of 2001, at Federer’s request it only became public during the US Open. By then it was also nearly impossible to hide, given that they both eagerly watched each other’s matches from the stands and that Federer’s coach, Peter Lundgren, was also working with Vavrinec. “The cool kid from Basel and the beauty from Thurgau – they share more than net cord, aces and break points. The two play ball off-court too,” revealed the Zurich tabloid, SonntagsBlick. The reporter let his imagination run wild: “She kisses him when he wins, which is often. He comforts her when she loses, which is not so rare. For months now, Roger and Mirka have been making their way through the daily jealousy, resentment and relentless competition of the hectic professional tour together.” Vavrinec offers a quote, saying: “It’s not easy. Thank God there’s phones and texting. Because we only play together at Grand Slam tournaments and in Key Biscayne.” During Wimbledon 2004, she told the Zurich-based Tages-Anzeiger: “When Roger wins, it’s as if I were winning too. I feel it so intensely and I know what it means. He shares everything with me. On some level, Roger gives me back my tennis life. I enjoy being back on tour. And now everything is even more intense than in the time when I played myself, since he’s number one.” These words are quoted often as they come from the last longer personal interview she gave. Whilst in the early days she also worked as Federer’s press manager and had to send a lot of refusals, she later passed the task on to his manager, Tony Godsick, and stopped speaking publicly. Not least on Federer’s recommendation, careful as he is about what his immediate circle say in public. His wife isn’t on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. In 2012 Federer’s coach at the time, Paul Annacone, told The New York Times: “She still plays a huge role and has great input and impact. She understands the big picture extremely well and does a great job in terms of letting us work but also shares invaluable information. This is a tricky balance. She’s been there since day one, so she knows very well what it takes and how to get there.” And she’s not one to shy away from telling her husband what she thinks to his face. Even if it hurts.
  13. Boxy

    Izvan i iza turnira

    Samo sto bih ja ovo uvela za stalno, a ne samo zbog virusa ovog vikenda se igra DC, pa u nekim zemljama klinci ne donose peskire ili kao u Japanu, donose u kutiji ali imaju i rukavice
  14. Ovo je za sad apsolutni pobednik, ja sam morala da izguglam i procitam clanak
  15. Boxy

    Roger Federer

    Ivan dao intervju za svajcarske novine, ali se placa pristup, tako da je ovo samo deo i ono sto je jos bitnije, oporavak odlicno ide
  16. Boxy

    Smesna strana tenisa

    Meni lici na onog iz serije Modern family, sad cu da nadjem sliku
  17. Boxy

    Smesna strana tenisa

    jeste, a koliko sama izguglala, ovo GEL je skracenica za gruzijski lari a izgleda da nepoznati umetnik ima jos 2 kreacije
  18. Boxy

    Smesna strana tenisa

    kao da ga je onaj iz Jagodine pravio
  19. Boxy

    Smesna strana tenisa

    Da, to je ona reklama
  20. Boxy


    Bas sam htela da komentarisem opremu, fila ima mnogo bolje kombinacije, ovo joj bas ne stoji, a iako je logicno da se svi znoje, ovde se bas bas vidi i izgleda skroz bezveze
  21. na istu temu, ali mislim da je ovaj ipak pobedio, sa sve slikom NOVAČE, IMAŠ LI DUŠE?! Đoković ispalio čuvenu Hrvaticu za sve pare, došla na HRT da se žali! Iznela naciji sve što misli o Srbinu
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