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  1. wwww

    Izvan i iza turnira

    ne znam tacno o kojim velikim titulama govori: on je osvojio 3 500 (Japan, Akapulko i Washington) i 3 250 turnira (Marsej, Atlanta, Brizbejn) i igrao jedno finale mastersa (Sinsinati 2017).
  2. ne pratim vasu politicku scenu (ovo je sad sticajem okolnosti), ali dobila sam utisak da budala imate na sve strane, pa te potpuno razumem sto ne znas za koga da glasas. ono sto m eje sokiralo u onom clanku sto sam prenela je to sto se ide iz jedne krajnosti u drugu, nigde balansa. od toga da je dozvoljeno u zatvorenom praviti ogromnu zurku (naravno bez maski i u doba omikrona) pa do toga da se roditeljima zabranjuje poseta deci u bolnici. pa jos pri stepenu vakcinisanosti koji je u Australiji on bi opet da vas zakljucava . Totalno sizofreno ponasanje.
  3. wwww

    AO 2022

    ona je rano pocela da igra profesionalno i nije mogla da izdrzi pritisak, pa je par godina bila napustila tenis (igrala kriket bese). potom se vratila i polako gradila igru i pela se na listi. i onda iznenadila sve zive osvajanjem RG i jos nekih velikih turnira. celu 2020 nije uopste igrala (nije napustala Australiju), tek prosle godine je nastavila da se takmici. na AO je izgubila od Muchove, koja je odigrala faktasticno. ne mogu sad da se setim kako je izgubila na Wimbldonu od Sorribes Tormo (verovanto ju je ova izludela nekim balonima ili slicno) na USO 2021 ju je Selbi Rogers totalno zbunila promenom taktike u sred meca i bacajuci joj neke balone i Barti se totalno nije snasla u toj situaciji.
  4. wwww

    AO 2022

    Zena je nesposobna da izazove simpatije publike. Mislim na Colins. Totalno antiklimaks intervju na terenu.
  5. wwww

    AO 2022

    Colins ima vece sanse da mentalno istrpi australijsku publiku u finalu od Ige. Cak mislim da ce da je inspirisu sto grdji budu bili.
  6. wwww

    AO 2022

    Lepa Julka kaze da Iga pravi gresku jer sve vreme igra na BH od Collins (koji joj je jaca strana)
  7. https://7news.com.au/news/coronavirus-nsw/nsw-restricts-visits-to-health-facilities-after-recording-highest-covid-19-case-number-ever-c-4982155 New South Wales has restricted visits to health facilities after the state recorded more COVID-19 cases than ever before on Thursday. There were 1742 infections recorded on Thursday, with the highly-transmissible Omicron variant believed to be fueling the escalating case numbers. In a Thursday night statement, NSW Health said it had “not made this decision lightly”. “We have temporarily restricted visitors to healthcare facilities due to increasing transmission rates with the emergence of the Omicron variant,” NSW Health tweeted. “We must always prioritise our vulnerable patients and staff who are arguably the most vital workers needed in a pandemic.” Patients will be allowed visitors for compassionate reasons only and to provide essential needs including palliative care and supporting women in childbirth. All visitors must be fully vaccinated and follow mask-wearing rules. The state’s latest significant cluster emerged from a Taylor Swift-themed dance party in the Sydney CBD on Friday. At least 97 people have tested positive so far, NSW Health said on Thursday evening, with at least some of the cases likely to be the Omicron variant. All 600 people who arrived at the Metro Theatre after 9pm were designated close contacts and forced to isolate for a week. A series of super-spreader events in Newcastle have caused a wave of infections in the Hunter area, which was responsible for 633 of the new cases. It comes after the state relaxed rules for masks and check-ins on Wednesday despite the rising case numbers, with the unvaccinated now able to participate fully in society. While stressing the NSW Government was committed to “living with the virus,” Jobs Minister Stuart Ayres has warned that officials will not hesitate to reimpose restrictions if required. “If we start to see people who are unvaccinated making their way back into hospital because they don’t have those levels of protection, the government will take action to ensure that we protect people and protect our health system,” he told Sunrise on Thursday. “Ultimately, this is all about protecting our health system, so having high case numbers is one thing, but what we’ve really got to do is make sure we’ve got less people presenting to hospital and putting demand on the health system.” As well as a return of QR code check-ins and proof of vaccination, Ayres added that localised lockdowns could also be on the cards. “We’ll keep that option open,” he confirmed. “We’ve always said that as we reopen our economy we have to learn to live with the virus. Part of that is taking localised actions. “If we believe that is the right thing to do, then that is definitely an option on the table.”
  8. wwww

    AO 2022

    The reason they let Kyrgios get away with ‘accidentally’ hitting a child with a ball… because look at the state of this tournament. It’s dead
  9. pa izgleda da po pravilima ne moze i jedno i drugo. Denis je rekao da prosle godine njemu bas to nije bilo dozvoljeno. Medvedevu nije bilo dozvoljeno da u minut i po izmedju setova skokne o "obavi poslic" na brzaka (znaci, u okviru oficijelnog vremena izmedju setova, nikakvo dodatno vreme za wc pauzu), a da mu se ne racuna da je uzeo toalet break. Tokom USO se citava frka bila nadala oko Tsitsipasa i njegovih "toalet pauza" i kako je time izbacio iz ritma "ostarelog" Endija. Dakle, za nekoga vaze pravila, a za nekog drugog ne. A to da sudija treba da namerno ceka 10-15 sekundi, pa da Nadalu ukljuci stopericu takodje govori u prilog tome da se ocekuje da se Nadalu popusta, dok se svim ostalim teniserima ukljucuje stoperica odmah po zavrsetku poena. Nadal u svojoj izjavi jasno i glasno kaze da sudija ne treba da gleda u stopericu (kad je on u pitanju) vec da mu da jos vremena ako se Rafica nije spremio da nastavi igru - kod promene strana posle neparnih gemova. I tako celu karijeru. Svi ostali su se navikli na nova pravila (s stopericom) i postuju ih, samo Rafica ne moze.
  10. kako je Navratilova postala djubriste: Ona bi i silovane zene optuzila da su krive sto su silovane jer su "izazivale" kakva Nadal PR masina!
  11. vec su nasli zamenu za Novaka u podeli uloga za film "Dobar, los i zao"
  12. wwww

    AO 2022

    OI su negde izmedju 500 turnira i mastersa (kad su svojevremeno davani bodovi to je i bilo tako), dakle ne spada bas u "elitne" turnire. OI se ne moze porediti s ostalim turnirima prosto jer "ulaz" na olimpijski turnir nije slobodan za sve tenisere (kao kod ostalih, regularnih turnira) vec je ogranicen maksimalnim brojem igraca koje jedna zemlja moze da posalje (iako npr. po rang listi oni bi trebalo da imaju pravo da igraju). U ovom slucaju su igraci iz velikih teniskih nacija posebno osteceni jer ne moze vise od 4 igraca da ode da se takmici iako ih npr. ima 6 koji bi po renkingu upali na olimpijski turnir. Plus ima uslov da igrac mora da bude u dobrim odnosima s teniskom federacijom svoje zemlje (oni mogu da ga ne pozovu u olimpijski tim, kao sto je npr. Francuska odbila da pozove Pera iako je ovaj po rang listi bio dovoljno visoko plasiran da bude izabran u francuski tim). OI su postale vaznije u teniskom svetu od igara u Pekingu, od kad su Big4 (+ sestre Williams) poceli da ih percipiraju kao bitne. Tenis nije bio deo OI od 1924. do 1988. godine (kad je bio "eksperimentalno" ponovo uvrsten). Pobednici u muskoj konkurenciji od tada su bili: 1988 - MIloslav Mecir 1992 - Marc Rosset 1996 - Agasi 2000 - Kafeljnikov 2004 - Massu 2008 - Nadal 2012 i 2016 - Endi 2020 - Zverev Inace, Endi pored 2 zlata u singlu ima i srebro u miksu. A apsolutni OI GOAT je Venus Viliams s 4 zlata (1 singl i 3 dubl) i 1 srebrom (miks), a odmah iza nje je Serena s 4 zlata (1 singl i 3 dubl). inace, ovo je sajt gde su pokusali da iskombinuju sve relevantne parametre za debatu o GOAT-u: https://www.ultimatetennisstatistics.com/goatList 1. Novak - 969 2. Fed - 936 3. Nadal - 848 - "ubija ga" 2 godine manje na #1 od Feda i 3 od Novaka. 4. Konors - 616 - dosta bodova mu vuce broj titula osvojenih u karijeri (najvise u open eri), kao i sedmice kao #1 (5. u open eri) 5. Lendl - 606 - dosta bodova mu vuce broj sedmice kao #1 (4. u open eri), kao i broj titula osvojenih u karijeri (3. u open eri) 6. Sampras - 523 - tek 9. po ukupnom broju osvojenih titula 7. Mekinro - 514 - dosta bodova mu vuce broj titula osvojenih u karijeri (6. u open eri), kao i sedmice kao #1 (7. u open eri) 8. Borg - 483 - "ubija ga" mnogo manje sedmican kao #1, kao i tek 8. mesto po broju osvojenih titula.
  13. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

    Meanwhile, Tsitsipas after winning his QF match: "My humility helped a lot today (to win a match)." #AusOpen
  14. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    poslednja vest je bila da postuju protokole/pravila u zemlji gde se igra turnir. sto ne znaci da nece preko nocu uvesti nova pravila (a obzirom an to da su Novak i ATP na ratnoj nozi - sve je moguce). No, tu onda ima pravna zvrcka jer onda sigurno moze da ih tuzi (za veliku odstetu) jer mu prakticno brane da obavlja svoj posao. Azarenka je pominjala nesto u tom stilu u vezi WTA i uvodjenja obavezne vakcinacije za svve igracice, a to mu dodje isto.
  15. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    Not only is he tied with Federer and Nadal with a record 20 Grand Slam men’s titles, but Djokovic is also a six-time winner of the Miami Open. Only Andre Agassi has taken home that many men’s trophies from Miami. This is also where Djokovic got his start. Anybody who was in that Crandon Park Stadium Court on April 1, 2007, surely remembers the 19-year-old Serb in the yellow shirt knocking off Guillermo Canas to win his first major tournament without dropping a single set. He was the first man to do that since Ivan Lendl in 1989. Djokovic also became the youngest ever Miami winner. “Tennis has a new star today,” tournament founder Butch Buchholz said, as he handed Djokovic the biggest paycheck of his young career. Within a year, commentators were predicting that Djokovic could one day surpass Federer and Nadal. He is on the verge. Djokovic has won the Australian Open nine times and was favored to win it again this month, which would have given him the record-breaking 21st Grand Slam. Instead, his quest for history is on hold. So is his status for the Miami Open. “We’d love to have him, he’s one of the greatest champions we’ve ever had in the sport,” Blake said. “I believe he will go down as the greatest champion. He still got quite a few more years of being at or near the top of the game. It’s a matter of him figuring out how to navigate this time, the protocols, what’s safe, what isn’t safe?” Blake agreed the situation in Australia was “poorly handled on all fronts” and said he hopes there’s a lot more transparency and communication between federal and local governments and tennis officials leading up to the Miami Open. If Djokovic is welcome to fly into the country, and the ATP allows unvaccinated players to compete, he will be welcome to play at the Miami Open, Blake said. As an unvaccinated player he would have to follow stricter rules and more testing, but he would be welcome. Tens of thousands of fans have attended football games at Hard Rock Stadium over the past year. Hundreds of football players have played on that field. Djokovic should play, too, so long as he plays by the rules.
  16. wwww

    Novak vs State

    Lots of people are down on Novak these days after the visa and deportation fiasco at the Australian Open. No question he deserves a share of the blame. But so do Tennis Australia and the Australian government for their mishandling of a situation that got out of control. It was sad to see TV cameras and paparazzi surrounding Djokovic’s car as he headed to immigration hearings, getting shadowy photos of him in the back seat as if he were a criminal. Look, I strongly disagree with Djokovic’s stance on the COVID vaccine, and his decision to be one of three of the top 100 players to remain unvaccinated deservedly comes with a heavy cost. The once beloved “Djoker,” known for his You Tube Karaoke videos and hilarious spot-on impersonations of fellow players, has tarnished his image in the eyes of many. But he is not a criminal. He is a smart man, one of the most thoughtful interviews on tour, and he must have his reasons. His unvaccinated status was not an issue last year. Nobody made a fuss when he won the Australian Open, French Open and Wimbledon and lost in the U.S. Open final. But once national borders tightened, he ran into problems. As it stands now, he would not be allowed to enter the United States for the tournaments at Indian Wells, California, and Miami because non-citizens are required to be vaccinated. But if the border rules relax and Djokovic agrees to follow all the local and tournament protocols, the Miami Open will be better if he is in the field.
  17. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    evo i Fedove izjave (od pre mnogo godina): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gafbddkpofs jos jedan video: jos jedna relativizacija (pravi se naivan) :
  18. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    evo ga video koji ima i deo gde se Bernardes smeje Nadalu koji je obukao sorts naopako (a sto je silno uvredilo Nadala).
  19. wwww

    ATP turniri 250&500

    mislim da nije imao operaciju, vec da je cekao da prirodno zaleci.
  20. wwww

    Opšte diskusije

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLQjNo8cqEA relativizacija: ne znam da li Shapo ima ovu kolekciju, da uci kako se treba ponasati, po Nadalovom savetu.
  21. wwww

    AO 2022

    i Shapovalov je pre neki dan pominjao da mu je Novak bio inspiracija u mecu, da ne napravi greske.
  22. wwww

    Novak Djokovic

    mislim da je montirano, kombinovano s slicnim skecom od ranije.
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