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Everything posted by wwww

  1. NIje da je ne gotivim (postoje igracice za koje to pre mogu reci), samo me je razocarao njen razvoj od kako je osvojila GS. A stoji da je kompletna igracica (mada mislim da jos uvek ponekad zna da zabaguje). Kritikujem ovu Osakinu izjavu kao sto bih i Fedovu iz istog arsenala. Pa kritikovali smo i Serenine izjave slicnog tipa (doduse, proslo je mnogo godina od kako je ona redovno davala takve izjave, Wozniacki ju je pripitomila )
  2. Samo sada da se ne opusti.
  3. gledala sam neki video s iseccima iz ranijih meceva, pa su prikazali i neke poene iz St Petersburga. Setila sam se da sam ga zapravo tamo gledala (mislim protiv Sandgrena) i da je bas ostavio utisak: pored toga sto je igrao u obicnoj beloj majici jer nije imao sponzora, igrao je i bas odlicno. Mozda sam gledala i mec protiv Kacanova, koji je izgubio, ali je mec bio u 3 seta. Sad ga nisam prepoznala jer nosi kacket.
  4. http://live.jokerswidget.org/streamvideo13/djokovic-n-srb-vs-karatsev-a-rus-live-stream-5365811.html
  5. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

    zasluzuje da bude postavljeno ovde: ako je ovo najveci upset u AO istoriji...
  6. Pa jeste u pravu, ali nije to na njoj da kaze. Izgleda vrlo arogantno i potcenjivacki. Sto se Endija tice, jos uvek se veoma cesto moze cuti Big4, retko ko ikada pominje Big5 (gde je i Wawrinka ukljucen)
  7. Slusala sam intervju Taro Daniela (u NCR podcastu s Benom Rhotenbergom) koji je pricao o promeni Osake od stidljive i tihe do hodajuce reklame i PR modelovane osobe posle GS uspeha.
  8. kako vrti PR fraze i fraze za koje zna da ce joj doneti pozitivne poene (meni licno ni malo suptilno)
  9. wwww

    Izvan i iza turnira

  10. Osaka: "niko ne pamti finalistu". kakva izjava!
  11. Muchova, kao Kvitova, ne podnosi vrucinu.
  12. Kakva borba na kraju!
  13. wwww


  14. Nadal : "I'm sad. I missed an opportunity to be in semi. I played my best, had right attitude, stayed positive all the time, fighting, no complaining. It was not enough. And that's it. Another loss here in Australia with importante advantage. I accept." Nadal : "He's one of the best players of the world, I had to be ready for anything. His level changed in the 3rd, he played a very very high level in the 4th and 5th. I have to go back home and practice to be better, that's it." Nadal : "No problems with my back tonight." Nadal: "That's sport. Sometimes things go well or worse. Unfortunaltely, I had more injuries in that tournament than others. I'm not feeling unlucky at all. Everyone has what one deserves. Tennis is a fair sport. I had chances here in Australia and didn't convert." Nadal : "For 20 days I wasn't able to train like expected and couldn't play ATP Cup. Maybe I would have been better physically. But I'm not complaining much. I was not fantastic but not bad, able to fight until the end." Nadal : "The world is living a hard situation. There are two options : stop the tour or keep going. The situation makes the Tour tougher than ever. But if we stop the Tour, why and how will be able to come back. Lot of players live from tennis and would suffer." Nadal : "We need to think a little bit bigger (on the calendar), find solutions and adapt to a situation which is tough, not for us (players) only but for all the world." Nadal : "Why couldn't I practice 20 days the proper way ? I don't know. Maybe the quarantine. Maybe. But I won't complain or find excuses. I accept. I'll never consider myself unlucky, even the injuries. I'm a very lucky person."
  15. wwww

    Teniska statistika

    ATP potvrdio
  16. wwww


  17. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

  18. wwww


    nego, bese i Vezuv sad skoro bio nesto malo aktivan?
  19. Ma, generalno vidis tacno da mu ponekad fale reci, da mozda nesto bukvalno prevodi s grckog. A voli i malo da filozofira. Nego mi bilo interesantno da se nije poredio s Barisnikovim
  20. nego, da li ce AO twiter nalog da sad makne Rafu s bannera?
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