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Posts posted by zoran59

  1. 59 minutes ago, Amigo said:

    Kada okrenem na CNN, prvi je utisak da je to 24/7 ispiranje mozga.

    Tu nema nikakvih vijesti osim napada na Trampa. Cijeli program je samo tome posvecen da je to postao najgori primjer novinarstva u istoriji svijeta.

    Izmisljotine tipa da Tramp nije htio da ide na vojnicko groblje da mu se ne pokvari frizura zbog kise je posljednja stvar.

    Bas me interesuje sta ce biti slijedeca prica, sta ce da se izmisli i koliko daleko moze da se ide u toj sada, moze se slobodno reci konspiraciji.


    Pa onda nemoj da gledas CNN.

    Evo ti FoxNews, desnicarski sajt, koji potvrdjuje "izmisljotinu" :



    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=6187968200001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="https://www.foxnews.com">foxnews.com</a></noscript>


    edit: jbg, ne znam kako da "embedujem".

    No, evo link sa drugog sajta koji pominje FoxNews: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-correspondent-two-top-officials-who-were-on-france-trip-with-trump-confirmed-to-me-key-details-of-atlantic-report/






  2. 3 minutes ago, Slavisa iz Tavankuta said:


    inace sam slikao pejzaze i mrtvu prirodu, akrilnim bojama, naravno bilo je tu i crtanje ugljenim bojama, i obicnom olovkom, pa cak i hemijskom olovkom....


    @zoran59 zasto ne ponudite nekoj galeriji te radove od oca, da izloze, pa ako ima zainteresovanih da neko i kupi.

    (bold moj)


    Stari moj, skeniracu pa ti poslati na PM neke njegove stvari. To i on radi. I interesovale bi me tvoje - sta cu, volim likovnu umetnost.


    Stari je bio kod nas vise puta na duzi rok, imao vise izlozbi. Najuspesnija je bila u Carnegie Art Center u Dodge City. U Kansasu je jednu sliku prodao za 2500 $. Ali to su sve retke i sporadicne pizdarije.


    Danas, on Srbin u Hrvatskoj (red flag by default), a u USA niko ne zna za ulje na staklu.

    Mozda bi neko strucan znao bolje, ali ja nisam niti znam gde da nadjem takvog.



    • Like 1
  3. Moj omiljeni pesnik i svasta, Jim Morrison, je jednom rekao..


    (inace, imam sve ploce/albume Doorsa i sve knjige koje sam o njima nasao - sta cu, dete sam te ere)


    "I am especially interested in human actvities that make no sense"


    Citat je po secanju (valjda ima negde i video ili film) pa me nemoj drzati za rec, mozda sam pogresio u nekom detalju.


    Moj medijum je crtez, olovka i papir. Imam toga par tona, a vec par pari sam spalio...

    A moj tast je slikar, ulje na staklu, i imam nekoliko stotina toga (on je jedva ziv, 88 godina). Dobio je neka priznanja na medjunarodnim izlozbama, licni rekord mu je kad je '70-ih prodao sliku za 10 000 tadasnjih nemackih maraka. Clan ULUPUH-a ("udruzenje likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti Hrvatske") do raspada YU, onda su ga odjebali kao Srbina. Imam nekoliko kataloga sa raznih njegovih izlozbi.


    Ne znam sta cemo s tim. Zena kaze da sacuvamo najlepse (ipak je to njen otac) a ostalo prodamo bud-zasto. A ja ne znam kome da ponudim ili kako da nadjem zainteresovanu galeriju.

    Valjda ce nekad nasa cerka to dati nekom staklaru kad ostruze farbu, ima tu par sto kila stakla.

    • Like 3
  4. Nadam se da je ovo odgovarajuca tema.


    Mislim da je trajni ban Yoyogiju preteran.

    On i Denis se preganjaju vec godinama. To je ponekad dosadno, ali ponekad i zabavno.


    Licno, imao sam sukobe, ali i slaganja sa obojicom. To je forum, (polu)anonimna zajebancija.

    Yoyo svakako doprinosi na Kulinarstvu, Dijaspori i nekim drugim temama.

    Pa, ako bas morate, banujte ga sa Politike ali ga ostavite na forumu.

    Valjda ima i ona opcija "moderatorsko odobravanje postova" ili kako se vec zove. Pa mu pustajte ili ne postove na politici, a ostavite drugde.


    Covek je zanimljiv.



    • Like 7
    • Thanks 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Angelia said:


    Hoces da mi kazes da te Obamacare nije ostetio?


    Oprosti, zaboravih da odgovorim na ovo pa kasnim s odgovorom.




    Evo, tvoji i moji postovi bas lepo pokazuju kako potezi vlade i propisi uticu na razne "demografske segmente" (u nedostatku boljeg izraza).


    Ti si poslodavac i vodis firmu (ili barem jedan deo iste), pa si osetila stetu i uticaj na "bottom line".


    A ja sam (relativno) mladi penzioner.

    Jos uvek placam zdravstveno osiguranje iz dzepa, malo sam preko 61. Tek sledece godine cu moci da idem na Medicare (za neupucene, ako ovo citaju, to je drzavno starosno zdravstveno osiguranje).

    I to cu morati da placam (da ti ovde ne pricam da Medicare ima Part A, B, C i D) jer je tek nakon 65 besplatno, a i onda samo Part A.

    Srecom, ima i dodatno osiguranje preko AARP.


    Dalje, zivim od IRA (opet, za neupucene, Individual Retirement Account - privatno penziono osiguranje) i od sledece godine cu poceti da vucem i Social Security. Primeticu razliku jer sam pristojno zaradjivao i placao poreze i SSI, pa ce mi SS biti lep dodatni prihod.

    A prema onome sto citam i samo delimicno razumem jer nisam ekonomista, neke Trumpove ideje oko resavanja ekonomske krize (koja je posledica virusne) bi mogle dovesti do inflacije i manjka para u SS budzetu. Oboje bi negativno uticalo na moj zivot.


    Zato, ti si pametna, dobra i lepa i ja te volim koliko je internetski moguce - ali ovde smo na suprotnim (ekonomskim) polovima i nikako se necemo sloziti. :classic_biggrin:





  6. 15 minutes ago, Down With The Sickness said:


    Naravno da predsednik Trump nije "licno zaposljavao i osnivao firme", niti sam ja bilo sta slicno rekao/napisao, znaci i komunjarski podmeces. Ali jeste svojim stimulusima poslodavcima "zaposljavao". Nije neka genijalnost, ali je on to uradio, drugi nisu......................


    Zao mi je sto te Trump "sjebo" (tako si napisao), nadam se da nije nista licno :classic_biggrin:. U tom slucaju bi svakako trebalo da glasas protiv njega. Poremetio ti divne uspomene na radne akcije, druze tito mi ti se kunemo da racunas na nas, zivijo najveci sin n&n. Jes to gadno.



    Prvi pasus:

    Nije on uradio nista. Mozda jeste ostavio neki [organ] bez intervencija, ali nije nista uradio.


    Sta ja to ,citiram, "komunjarski podmeces?" Gde je "komunjarizam" i "podmetanje?" Daj malo direktnije, ja ovako ne razumem. Moze li neki citat?



    Drugi pasus.

    Opet seres, podmeces i to tebi izgleda kao humor, a u stvari je glupost.


    Trump nije ni kriv ni zasluzan za pandemiju. To bi zadesio bilo koju vladu i uticalo na ekonomiju.

    Ali jeste kriv sto nije bilo odgovarajuce reakcije na federalnom nivou i sto USA ima vecu smrtnost od virusa nego normalne razvijene drzave. Za njegov idiotizam imas citav net i linkove, da ja ovde ne nabrajam.


    Mene jos(?) Trump nije sjeb'o. Direktno. Osim ako dodje do inflacije. Ja u penziji, nisam nista duzan a imam sve sta mi treba.


    Opet, coronavirus response je van njegove kontrole i nije on licno kriv sto nisam mogao u domaju na letovanje. A mozda bih mogao da je stvar bila pod kontrolom na federalnom nivou.


    Ali neke njegove ideje me licno ugrozavaju.

    Pisu neki ekonomisti da bi negovo pretumbabanje budzeta moglo usjebati SSI (Social Security Insurance} i Medicare, a meni kao penzioneru bas te stvari pogoduju.


    Ajde. forumski kolega, ti si objektivniji izvana nego ja emotivno angaziran.


    Pa mi reci, zasto bi MENI bilo bolje da pobedi Trump umesto Bidena.













    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Down With The Sickness said:

    Nisu se zaposlili nego se vratili na posao, tamo gde su radili otkad je Trump postigao  najvecu stopu ZAPOSLENOSTI od maja meseca 1969. godine. Znaci 51-godisnji rekord.

    I da nije bilo kineskog virusa napravio bi najvecu zaposlenost u istoriji USA.


    Laz i glupost.


    Prvo, predsednik i nema bas neki uticaj, Ekonomija ide gore-dole u nekim ciklusima. Ti pises kao da je on licno zaposljavao ljude i osnivao firme, a nema veze sa zivotom.

    Obama je nasledio krizu 2008. pa je krenulo uzbrdo, a Trump je nasledio trend.

    Predsednik ima neki uticaj, kao politika i carine itd. ali je to minorno. I  dobar deo toga treba da odobri Kongres pre nego udje u funkciju.


    Biden je polusenilan starac, nadam se da ce ga naslediti Harris. Trump me moze samo sjebati, licno, ako pobedi. Vec me sjebao.


    Ti si na par mesta napisao da je Trump "genijalan."

    Tvoja i moja definicija genijalnosti se, izgleda, razlikuju. Pogledaj samo izjave o epidemiji. A FactCheck navodi nekoliko desetaka lazi i dezinformacija tokom mandata.


    Sad je zvanicno kandidat za jos jedan mandat.


    Dobio pohvale i  od par forumasa za govor.


    Press: The big no-show at the RNC


    P.T. Barnum would be proud. Only elephants were lacking at last week's Republican National Convention, which gathered together the greatest collection of fakery, flimflam and farceurs seen since Barnum launched the Show of Shows.

    A total of 93 speakers showed up - of whom, according to the Washington Post, 25 were members of the Trump family or Trump administration, and 72 were white, reflecting the 80 percent white membership of the Republican Party. After rounding up every African-American they could find willing to say anything nice about Donald Trump, the RNC featured 12 Blacks at the podium, 13 percent of speakers and four times the percentage of Blacks in the Republican Party.


    Even more interesting than those who showed up, however, were the no-shows. There was nobody named Bush. Nobody named Cheney, not even Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives. Nobody named McCain. No former Republican presidential or vice-presidential candidate. No Mitt Romney, no Paul Ryan. It's like the Republican Party didn't even exist before Donald Trump arrived on the scene.


    But the biggest no-show was none of the above. The biggest no-show at the RNC was someone who's expected to show up at every national convention. The biggest no-show at Donald Trump's national convention was: Mr. Truth. And in Mr. Truth's absence, as fact-checkers duly noted, the Trump machine presented the biggest package of lies ever told to the American people.

    The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler called Trump's acceptance speech a "tidal wave of tall tales," calling out 25 of the biggest ones. On Slate, Fred Kaplan noted that a "fire hose of false or misleading claims" in the first three nights of the convention led to Trump's "volcano of lies" on the final night. USA Today's Jill Lawrence and David Mastio condemned Trump's "fact-challenged and unethical" convention speech.

    Among the biggest lies they cited: ECONOMY. Pre-COVID, Trump repeatedly brags about building the biggest and best economy in history. FALSE! According to Forbes, Obama's last three years were stronger than Trump's first three. While nearly 6.6 million jobs were created during Trump's first three years, for example, 7 million were created during Obama's last three years.


    RACE. "I say very modestly that I have done more for the African-American community than any president since Abraham Lincoln," Trump bragged.

    FALSE! Maybe he forgot that President Lyndon Johnson secured passage of the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Fair Housing Act.


    ENERGY. "Biden has promised to abolish the production of American oil, coal, shale, and natural gas," charged Trump.

    FALSE! Biden has said no such thing. His climate change plan only bans new fracking leases on public lands.


    POLICE REFORM. Trump accuses Biden of supporting defunding police departments.

    FALSE! Biden has repeatedly said: "No, I don't support defunding the police." He's actually proposed $300 million in additional funding for community policing.


    MILITARY. Trump takes credit for rebuilding our "badly depleted military." FALSE! With Biden's support, Obama increased military spending in each of his eight years.


    CORONAVIRUS. The biggest lie of all: that, because of Trump's bold leadership, the pandemic is behind us. Leadership? We all remember Trump's minimizing the virus's threat, promoting phony cures, promising a "miracle," and refusing to wear a mask. COVID-19 is behind us? I'll give you 180,000 reasons why that's not true.

    Sadly, among Trump supporters, the cascade of lies will make no difference. According to the popular social media meme: "George Washington said 'I cannot tell a lie.' Donald Trump can't tell the truth. And his supporters can't tell the difference."

    izvor: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/press-the-big-no-show-at-the-rnc/ar-BB18Ao3T?ocid=msedgdhp


    Biden  je mator. Trum je ZLO. Navijam za Bidena.











    Forumski softver je ni za qrtz. Quote, detalji, to je sve idi mi- dodji mi pa kako ispa'ne.

    • Like 4
  8. 6 hours ago, Vjekoslav said:


    @ironside ti moze odgovoriti na ovo pitanje, po mojim spoznajama nikada EU nije sluzbeno ponudila Jugoslaviji takav aranzman. tu treba razlikovati politicku propagandu i realnost.


    medjutim tema su Srbija i Srbi u Hrvatskoj 1986.-2020. ja mogu odgovoriti na Bertijev post, medjutim nisam zamislio ovaj topic kao moj blog.


    Vjeko, na ovo ti moram odgovoriti u dva dijela, kao sto si i ti podijelio svoj post.


    Prvi dio.

    Imas o tome puno u bibliografiji, mnogim memoarima, pa necu ovdje gnjaviti citatima. Koliko je vjerodostojno, nije moje da procijenim. Ipak, pogledaj (do kraja!) video (ni manje ni vise nego sa drzavne HRT!):





    Drugo,  o temi i razdoblju o kojem pricas, '86-'20.


    Previse se to pojednostavljuje i gleda crno-bijelo. Kao, Hrvati se odcijepili i stvorili nezavisnu drzavu i mrze Srbe, a Srbi se pobunili i napravili RSK.



    Moram se ograniciti i staviti disclaimer: nisam ni politicar ni socolog, pisem samo iz svojeg ograniceg iskustva.


    Iz "mijesane" sam familije, valjda vecinski hrvatske. I moja zena, ali vecinski srpske. Nismo imali "nacionalni osjecaj" (niti ga imamo, ni danas), osim kad su nas tjerali da se izjasnimo - uglavnom na nekim formularima. Izjasnjavao sam se kao Jugoslaven (jer, jebiga, nisam Kinez), a zena kao Srpkinja, po porodicnom automatizmu.

    A pogotovo su njeni preci i rodjaci u selima bili Srbi.


    Dakle, ti meni poznati (bliski, u Zagrebu)  Srbi se nisu izjasnjavali niti ih je itko pitao, sve do valjda '89.

    Tek kad je sestricna moje zene dobila otkaz (inace glavna sestra na jednom odjelu na KBC Rebro), kao i njen muz, shvatili su su Srbi. Objasnili su im kolege Hrvati. Tek kad je njihov sin, tek krenuo u prvi razred osnovne, dosao doma u suzama i rekao (imao je problema sa izgovorom "R") "meni u skoli kazu sa sam Sojbin a ja ne znam sto je to!?" - prodali su sto su imali i odselili za Zemun. Svi pomenuti su rodjeni u Zg, SR Hrvatska.

    A u Zemunu su ih zajebavali jer pricaju ijekavicom.



    Da ne gnjavim daje - imamo svi slicnih prica iz licnog okruzenja. Ne treba generalizirati. Imamo i lijepih primjera.


    Problem se samo vidi kad se stvari gledaju na etnickom/plemenskom nivou.

    Mnogi ljudi ih ne bi tako gledali, ali ih tjera/sili okolina ili radno okruzenje - tj. najglasniji medju njima. A drugi sute i podviju rep.



    Nema napretka ili rjesenja sve dok se stvari postavljaju kao u naslovu teme - "polozaj nacije X u okruzenju Y".

    Samo individualna gradjanska prava nesto vrijede.




    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Angelia said:


    Pa da otprilike kao da si rekao Pekari za Trampa, i onda iz toga izvuces da pekari glasaju za Trampa. Podrzao ga i policijski sindikat, pa?



    Ne, ne, ne. Takve generalizacije pise Denis, kao kad je mene nazvao bikerom.


    Jedino sta sam jasno napisao je se ne radi o FB grupi nego o PAC-u. To jeste relativno mala i beznacajna grupa, ali su glasni.

    To sto postoje i bikers koji nisu za Trumpa ne menja cinjenicu da ovi jesu i za njega i bikers.

    Kao sto moze da ga podrzi sindikat policijaca, ali ne mora i svaki policajac.

    Pretpostavljam i da postoje neke druge grupe sa kontra-stavovima.

  10. 1 hour ago, Darko said:

    Uh, 0.5% je best case scenario. Kad su gledali excess deaths vs test na anti-tela u New York-u, smrtnost je bila oko 1.7% iz sećanja. Naravno, povećana smrtnost je delimično zbog napunjenih bolnica i prosečne debljine Amerikanaca. 


    A i to je nepouzdano.

    Excess mortality model pretpostavlja da je smrtnost od drugih uzroka ista/prosecna, a visak je rezultat epidemije.

    Medjutim, smrtnost od drugih uzroka je manja jer niko ne mrda od kuce - ljudi se manje sudaraju autima ili truju hranom u restoranu, ima manje nesreca na poslu, niko ne gine u padu aviona itd.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, Angelia said:

    FB grupe?


    Nije FB grupa nego PAC (Political Action Committee). Samo koriste FB za razmenu poruka i dogovore.

    Mozes se uclaniti online i poslati donaciju: https://www.bikersfortrumppac2020.com/

    Tamo lepo pise:

    We are here to promote and coordinate Bikers for TrumpTM rallies and events nationwide and to inform voters on issues confronting America. We are patriotic bikers and citizens whose sole purpose is to help re-elect President Donald Trump and pro-Trump candidates in 2020. [/qoute]

    Bas su simpaticni:





    3 hours ago, Down With The Sickness said:


    Boze kakve gluposti se ovde mogu procitati. Eto Zoran59 nije za Trumpa ........doduse, on je verovatno jedini bajker u Americi koji je za socijalizam.


    Sa prvom recenicom citiranog se apsolutno slazem. Evo, ti si u drugoj izvalio dve.

    1. Ja nisam biker. U USA, postoje bikers i motorcyclists. Bikers se loze na "image" i "lifestyle" a motorcyclists voze dvotockase za sport i rekreaciju. I jedni i drugi bi se nasmejali da dodjem negde svojim sportskim BMW-om i cuju te da me nazoves bikerom...

    2. Ponovio si podmetacinu i laz da sam za socijalizam.  Mada, to spada u tvoju detinjastu crno-belu podelu gde neki glasaju za Trumpa, a drugi su "komunjare". :classic_biggrin:




    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Angelia said:

    Opet intervju sa nekom zenom kao zamena za "bikers and rednecks"?

    Ti razumes da ona nije predstavnik bikera?



    Moze li malo cinjenica?

    As midwest coordinator for "Bikers for Trump", a group that boasts more than 350,000 followers on Facebook, she regularly criss-crosses the country to attend Trump-themed events.

    Ok, nije "predstavnik" nego samo "midwest coordinator"...

  13. Meni stvarno idu na nerve ti brojevi - te testirani, te zarazeni, te respiratori itd.

    To je samo priblizna slika realnosti. ko zna koliko toga prodje "ispod radara".


    Samo me zanima opsta smrtnost koju je tesko ili nemoguce sakriti.

    Evo, kaze NYT:

    The True Coronavirus Toll in the U.S. Has Already Surpassed 200,000

    link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/08/12/us/covid-deaths-us.html

    Clanak je pun grafikona itd. pa me mrzelo da ga pastujem. Koga zanima, neka vidi.


    Ni ovde se ne vidi direktna smrtnost od virusa. Neko umre od pneumonije za koju se ni ne zna cime je izazvana (nije testiran) ali je svakako pala smrtnost u saobracaju ili u avionima, jer ljudi ne putuju. Niko se ne truje hranom u restoranu jer su zatvoreni.


    Tacne cifre i speficne uzroke nikada necemo znati.

    Ali je jasno da je povecana smrtnost (broj umrlih u danom periodu, u odnosu na taj isti period u proseku poslednjih pet godina) uzrokovana pandemijom.

    Par testiranih vise-manje ili na respiratoru je ovde statisticki beznacajno.

    • Like 1
  14. Proslo dva dana, a ja jos uvek u soku.


    Imao sam neke "bog te ne heb'o, kako sam preziveo" situacije. Visegodisnji forumasi se mozda secaju mog pisanja,  kako sam sa zenom vozio po recnom ledu na Aljasci kad smo umalo propali.

    Nama je trebao citav dan i noc da nam uopste puls opadne na normalu i da jedva popricamo o iskustvu.


    A Rossi i Vinales za par desetaka minuta nastave da voze, i to na takmicarskom/konkurentnom nivou. Jbt, ja se usr'o samo sto sam gledao na ekranu, a ovi doziveli i nastave.


    To su stvarno nadljudi i heroji, ja im zavidim na kontroli emocija  i racionalnosti jer za tako nesto nisam sposoban.

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, Ruby Rhod (koji lebdi) said:


    I znam da vas uopste ne bi zacudilo ako kazem da ovo dolazi od jedne fakultetski obrazovane osobe, cak bi se moglo reci i intelektualca.

    (bold moj)


    Eh, ovo moram da komentarisem kao poznata picajzla na sto nacina, pa i jezicno.

    Jerbo pokazuje nesavrsenost i deficijenciju jezika. :classic_biggrin:


    "Obrazovati" moze da bude i pasivan i aktivan glagol, zavisno da li ti obrazujes drugoga ili on tebe. Ovde se valjda radi o pasivnom obliku, njega su obrazovali.

    Dalje, moze da bude i trajni i svrseni glagol, pa si nekoga obrazovao godinama i jos ga obrazujes, ili je obrazovanje gotovo - u oba slucaja je obrazovan.


    To ti je isto kao u tucnjavi - ako je neko samo bijen, ne znas ko je pobedio - mozda je bijen pa uzvratio i rasturio protivnika, a mozda i bijen pa su ga na kraju prebili.


    U primeru koji si naveo, ipak bih rekao da je "obrazovan" glagolski pridev izveden iz nesvrsenog glagola. Jesu ga obrazovali (verovatno godinama), ali im nije uspelo - tako da taj jeste obrazovan kao zrtva dugotrajnog obrazovanja, ali nije obrazovan kao neko ko je stekao obrazovanje.


    U drugom glagolu koji sam upotrebio kao primer, bolje bi bilo i za njega i za nas da je bijen, pa i prebijen...


    • Like 3
    • Ha-ha 3
  16. 6 hours ago, christofer said:

    ok, videcu kako to da resim.   ....................


    Kako bi bilo da stavis na neki image hosting site, kao npr. Imgur ili Photobucket, pa odatle prebacis ovamo? Tako slika nije na forumskom serveru koji ogranicava velicinu - nego na Imgurovom gde ogranicenja nema...

    Tako radim kad kacim svoje fotke i nisam imao problema.



    Za prognozu:


    1. Dovizioso

    2. Vinales

    3. Quartararo

  17. 13 hours ago, Slavisa iz Tavankuta said:

    Da , ali kako ce znati da je dovoljno sigurna i pouzdana i do kraja 2020 naprave milijardu vakcina?


    9 hours ago, Don Juan said:

    Zato što je neće proizvoditi ako ne prođe uspešno sve faze.


    Bilo bi premalo vremena da se tako brzo od zavrsetka ispitivanja napravi toliko doza.


    Koliko sam razumeo iz razlicitih izvora, vec je proizvode i skladiste.

    Tako, da parafraziram DJ-ovu recenicu, nece je dati u distribuciju i prodaju ako ne prodje uspesno sve faze.

    Ako ne bude valjala, unistice i baciti.

    Inace se to ne radi jer je skupo, ali je situacija toliko hitna da vlade vise zemalja placaju za to i preuzimaju rizik da nece uspeti.


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  18. Ne znam je li ovo za zajebanciju, a nisam znao gde da okacim.


    Ma, fantazija.

    Ima slucajnih pizdarija koje ti neocekivano obeleze citav zivot ili barem neku fazu  istog, mada tada nisi svestan toka svesti.

    Recimo, ides na more i letovanje godinama, a bas si tada jednom sreo nezaboravnu devojku ili je cak ozenio. Sta su druga leta prema tom jednom?


    Tako je  jedan film ostavio trag na meni,  pa i na mojem (ne)smislu za humor.



    Dan Aykroyd and John Landis: how we made The Blues Brothers



    Dan Aykroyd, actor (played Elwood)

    My original script was called The Return of the Blues Brothers and had two movies in it. John Landis turned it into a manageable 150 pages. He was the keystone of the project – he pulled it all together.

    Landis wrote the “four fried chickens and a coke” scene after seeing John Belushi [who played the other Blues Brother “Joliet” Jake] consume four fried chickens. Elwood’s dry white toast came from when I grew up in Ottawa and moved from my parents’ place – my toaster was a coat hanger on a stovetop. That was an old trick. We were inspired by John Lee Hooker’s House of the Blues record – he had the suit and the shades. Who wouldn’t want to look that cool? We put on a suit and tie and ended up looking like FBI agents. It was a universal look that worked so well.

    I remember coming into the diner with Aretha Franklin’s backup dancers when we were shooting her number, Think. My legs, stomach and solar plexus turned to jelly when she started to sing. Honestly, I didn’t know how I was going to get up from the stool and do the moves.

    We lost John one night. But it wasn’t because he was high, it was because he was hungry and didn’t like what was available to eat on set. I couldn’t find him anywhere. Finally, I saw this path going through a parking lot and into a nearby neighbourhood so I followed it. The neighbourhood was dark except for one house. I knock on the door and say, “Excuse me, we’re shooting a movie and missing one of our actors.” The guy goes, “Oh, Belushi? He came in about an hour ago, raided my fridge and crashed on my couch.”

    At the time, cocaine was a currency. For some of the crew working nights, it was almost like coffee. I never liked it myself but I wasn’t going to police others’ behaviour. We drove John Landis crazy. Sometimes he didn’t know whether we were going to show up for work after the parties, but Belushi was a professional and there was no way he wouldn’t come through.

    Southern cinemas didn’t want to screen the film because of the African American artists but when it became a hit they opened up and people got to see it. It acts as cultural preservation. We made sure the writers of the material kept their publishing rights. John and I took performers’ rights only. Every one of those songs we recorded remunerated the original artists 100% due to album sales. It was an ethical decision and the songwriters today and their estates have benefited from it.

    John Landis, director

    My wife [costume designer Deborah Nadoolman] designed Jake and Elwood’s look. On Saturday Night Live – where the characters had become widely known – they had always worn any old hats and sunglasses but she said, “No – Ray-Bans.” But they’d stopped making them so finding a pair was an epic quest. We’d go into dime stores and search through racks of sunglasses that’d been there for 30 years. We ended up with about 140 pairs and, of course, John used to give them to girls. The director Paul Brickman visited our set and we gave him about 30 pairs. He made Risky Business and Tom Cruise wore those glasses.

    By the time we were shooting, John had become addicted to cocaine. Cocaine makes you drink, and drinking makes you take more cocaine. Strangers would see him and give him drugs. It was difficult to keep them away. He almost died on the movie. For me, the biggest tragedy is that in Animal House he was there 100% for me and himself. In The Blues Brothers at the best moments he’s there 75% – but he’s great, so most people don’t notice.


    Dan Aykroyd, actor (played Elwood)

    My original script was called The Return of the Blues Brothers and had two movies in it. John Landis turned it into a manageable 150 pages. He was the keystone of the project – he pulled it all together.

    Landis wrote the “four fried chickens and a coke” scene after seeing John Belushi [who played the other Blues Brother “Joliet” Jake] consume four fried chickens. Elwood’s dry white toast came from when I grew up in Ottawa and moved from my parents’ place – my toaster was a coat hanger on a stovetop. That was an old trick. We were inspired by John Lee Hooker’s House of the Blues record – he had the suit and the shades. Who wouldn’t want to look that cool? We put on a suit and tie and ended up looking like FBI agents. It was a universal look that worked so well.

    I remember coming into the diner with Aretha Franklin’s backup dancers when we were shooting her number, Think. My legs, stomach and solar plexus turned to jelly when she started to sing. Honestly, I didn’t know how I was going to get up from the stool and do the moves.

    We lost John one night. But it wasn’t because he was high, it was because he was hungry and didn’t like what was available to eat on set. I couldn’t find him anywhere. Finally, I saw this path going through a parking lot and into a nearby neighbourhood so I followed it. The neighbourhood was dark except for one house. I knock on the door and say, “Excuse me, we’re shooting a movie and missing one of our actors.” The guy goes, “Oh, Belushi? He came in about an hour ago, raided my fridge and crashed on my couch.”

    At the time, cocaine was a currency. For some of the crew working nights, it was almost like coffee. I never liked it myself but I wasn’t going to police others’ behaviour. We drove John Landis crazy. Sometimes he didn’t know whether we were going to show up for work after the parties, but Belushi was a professional and there was no way he wouldn’t come through.

    Southern cinemas didn’t want to screen the film because of the African American artists but when it became a hit they opened up and people got to see it. It acts as cultural preservation. We made sure the writers of the material kept their publishing rights. John and I took performers’ rights only. Every one of those songs we recorded remunerated the original artists 100% due to album sales. It was an ethical decision and the songwriters today and their estates have benefited from it.

    Watch Aretha Franklin perform Think

    John Landis, director

    My wife [costume designer Deborah Nadoolman] designed Jake and Elwood’s look. On Saturday Night Live – where the characters had become widely known – they had always worn any old hats and sunglasses but she said, “No – Ray-Bans.” But they’d stopped making them so finding a pair was an epic quest. We’d go into dime stores and search through racks of sunglasses that’d been there for 30 years. We ended up with about 140 pairs and, of course, John used to give them to girls. The director Paul Brickman visited our set and we gave him about 30 pairs. He made Risky Business and Tom Cruise wore those glasses.

    By the time we were shooting, John had become addicted to cocaine. Cocaine makes you drink, and drinking makes you take more cocaine. Strangers would see him and give him drugs. It was difficult to keep them away. He almost died on the movie. For me, the biggest tragedy is that in Animal House he was there 100% for me and himself. In The Blues Brothers at the best moments he’s there 75% – but he’s great, so most people don’t notice.

    It was amazing making the movie but it was complicated. Lots of the wild stories come from the movie itself – you can’t just shoot 42 cars going 110 miles an hour in downtown Chicago. When you see those shots there’s no speeded-up footage. That took so much work and cooperation with the police. We had a 24-hour auto-shop. There are stories that we used hundreds of cars, but no: when you see those pileups, we took the same 20 cars and fixed them. We probably destroyed 25 vehicles by the end of the movie.

    I put the whole “mission from God” thing in as a homage to Dan because he was downright evangelical about the music. It’s hard to believe, but in 1979 rhythm, blues and Motown was in decline and the popular music was disco. People ask: “How did you get all those amazing acts?” We called them up! The whole point of the movie was to showcase these extraordinary artists.

    The Blues Brothers is a testament to John and Dan’s passion for the blues. They took advantage of their celebrity to focus attention on soul music. I’m proud of it, I also think it’s a totally insane film. There’s many reasons to make a movie and you’re successful or not on many different levels. On the level of Dan wanting to proselytise about this music, it was an enormous success. It brought everybody involved with it back with a vengeance.







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  19. 53 minutes ago, zoe Bg said:

    Ako postoji zelja za nosenjem to je verovatno iz prakticnih razloga, stvarno nema nekog zadovoljstva dok ti se lice znoji.



    Malopre se vratih.  Isao biciklom (ponekad mi dodje) u kupovinu, bio u tri prodavnice i presao oko 20 km. Okacio masku (N95) o upravljac, disao fino. Kod svake prodavnice stao da uhvatim vazduha, pa stavio masku, usao, obavio, izasao i skinuo masku pa dalje.

    Ne kosta nista, a mozda pomogne.


    Nosim u dzepu i one dezinfekcione maramice. Cim izadjem iz ducana, ocistim ruke.

    Mozda sam paranoidan, necu se uvrediti ako mi neko kaze da jesam.

    Ali, osetno sam prevalio 60, pusim vec 45, imam i neke sitne hronicne probleme, nemam bas najbolje sanse ako me virus dokaci.


    Ko nece masku, njegov problem. Ali nemoj da mi prilazis ili mi se unosis u lice, postacu nasilan.

    • Like 8
  20. Ovi izbori ni nece biti pravi izbori, u smislu da se bira bplja/pozeljnija opcija.

    Ovo ce u stvari biti vise kao referendum za/protiv Trumpa.

    Biden nema bog zna sta da ponudi, osim da ne nastavi Trumpove gluposti.

    Zato je sad najzanimljivija stvar njegov izbor VP kandidata, jer je sasvim moguce da Biden (ako pobedi) da ostavku zbog zdravlja (bilo fizickog, bilo mentalnog) vec za par godina.

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  21. Opet neki "komunjarski leftisti" (ovaj put Fox News Channel) napadaju genijalnog preCednika...



    Juan Williams:

    We must not become numb to Trump's abnormality

    How about a summer in which Americans are not allowed to travel to Canada or Europe? Seriously. That's due to President Trump's failure to halt the high rate of coronavirus infections in the United States.
    That's not normal.

    Is it normal for an American president to stand in the White House Rose Garden and begin ranting? Trump said if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins this year's election, Biden will do away with the suburbs and windows.

    Yes, he really said that.

    There is so much that is not normal at the Trump White House that Rachel Maddow recently spent an entire segment reading off a stunning list of scandalous acts now accepted as normal in the Trump era.

    Is it normal, she asked, that Trump "put his son's wedding planner in charge of federal housing in the northeastern United States ... fired one inspector general who was investigating the secretary of State ... advertised his wife's jewelry line on the White House website?"

    Any of the Trump scandals, Maddow said, would have amounted to "the biggest scandal to ever afflict any other presidency - but by virtue of the sheer number of scandals that surround [Trump] like flies around a pigpen ... [they] have just become part of what we expect, right?"

    And it keeps going. Here's an example from last week.

    "The Trump Administration lifted a ban on sales of [gun] silencers to private overseas buyers that was intended to protect U.S. troops from ambushes," The New York Times reported.
    And there's an eye-opening kicker to that tale.

    The Times reported the ban was lifted as a result of strenuous lobbying by a lawyer currently working in the Trump White House. That lawyer previously worked for a firearms group. Now, firearms companies might make $250 million a year in potential sales overseas, the story noted.

    That's definitely a huge scandal in any other administration, sure to stir outrage from defenders of the American military.

    It's just another day in the Trump presidency.

    But what about the obvious conflict of interest in that episode?

    Well, it is hard to get attention for that argument.


    As the Times explained, Trump's Cabinet features "a former coal lobbyist as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, a former lobbyist for the defense contractor Raytheon Technologies as defense secretary, a lobbyist for the auto industry at the helm of the Energy Department and a former oil and gas lobbyist as interior secretary."

    This administration is a gusher of conflicts of interest.

    That's why it is easy to become numb to the Trump administration crossing red lines that define normal, ethical behavior by people at the highest level of government.

    At this point you might be scandal fatigued. You might agree that it is bad but excuse it as not the end of the world. But then you find out there is more.

    How about the attorney general pressuring career prosecutors to recommend a lighter sentence for Roger Stone, an old friend of the president who had been convicted of lying to Congress?

    Yes, Attorney General William Barr twisted the arm of federal prosecutors to take it easy on Stone on the basis of "political considerations," according to congressional testimony from an assistant U.S. attorney, Aaron Zelinsky.

    Then Trump took it to the next level. He commuted Stone's sentence.

    Even the conservative editors of National Review couldn't swallow that one. They wrote that "Trump's handling of the matter is indefensible. It is another indication of his perverse, highly personalized view of the criminal justice system."

    "An American president commutes the sentence of a person convicted by a jury of lying to shield that very president," is the way Sen. Mitt Romney (R- Utah) described the astonishing act. He summed it up as an act of "unprecedented, historic corruption."

    While that was taking place, the attorney general also looks to have been trying to help another of the president's friends get out of legal trouble.

    In that case, Barr tried to force out the prosecutor reportedly investigating the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. Barr wanted to install a new U.S. attorney with no experience as a criminal prosecutor.

    Geoffrey Berman, who was the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in Manhattan, told Congress that Barr made him an unseemly offer if he agreed to quit.

    Berman testified that Barr told him he could take over the civil rights division of the Justice Department but really use his time to build up a "book of business," or list of clients that could help him get a big payday when he took a job at a private law firm.

    Now that is a scandal in any other administration. But, again, it is just another day in the Trump presidency.

    After all, this is the attorney general who ordered federal troops to use chemical agents and smoke bombs against Americans protesting police brutality. Why? So, the president could create a photo-op. Really.

    This is not normal.

    Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.





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