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Posts posted by erwin

  1. Izraelski doseljenici čine svega otprilike sedminu stanovništva Zapadne Obale, ali Izrael kontroliše 85% vodenih resursa i uz to određuje kako će se ostatak distribuirati (potrebna je njegova dozvola za kopanje bunara i bez problema ih betonira kad proglasi da su nelegalni).




    Dokumentarac o problemima s vodom na palestinskim teritorijama koje Izrael nema:




    Decades of Israeli occupation have left Palestinians struggling to access clean water. Israel controls a majority of the freshwater resources in the occupied West Bank. And in Gaza, its 16-year blockade and military operations have had a devastating effect on the water supply. Monitoring groups say about 97 percent of the water supply in Gaza is contaminated and unfit for human consumption.
    Gaza’s only freshwater source, the Coastal Aquifer, cannot meet demand and has been depleted by overextraction and contaminated by sewage. Rising temperatures and sea levels are only making life more difficult, while in Israel, residents do not have to worry about the taps running dry. People and Power examines this growing disparity.


  2. Prepiska norveške novinarke javnog servisa sa njenim fikserom* iz Pojasa Gaze koji tvrdi da mu je drugi put za 14 godina porušena kuća i da je uništeno 70% kuća u gradiću Beit Hanun na severoistoku Pojasa Gaze:







    *Objašnjenje pojma fikser:


    Ako se ne bavite novinarstvom, možda vam nije poznat izraz "fikser" ili ključna uloga lokalnih novinara u izveštavanju o događajima u njihovim zemljama.
    Oni nisu samo prevodioci sa jezika zemlje u kojoj se nalazimo, već su i oni koji nam objašnjavaju tamošne običaje, sukobe i složenost situacije. Jednako se dobro snalaze i u obezbeđivanju pristupa važnim zvaničnicima i organizovanju susreta sa pobunjeničkim grupama koje vlasti mrze. Strani novinari zavise od lokalnih fiksera naročito kada im je bezbednost ugrožena - jer oni znaju da li je u redu nastaviti snimanje u opasnoj situaciji, a kada je vreme da se gubimo odatle.
    Ukratko, fikseri i drugi frilenseri su ono što daje moć nezavisnom novinarstvu.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Izrael - 6000 bombi na Pojas Gaze za 6 dana (izvor je njihovo ratno vazduhoplovstvo)
    Anti-ISIS koalicija - 2500 bombi mesečno
    Američko bombardovanje Avganistana - 7423 za godinu dana
    NATO bombardovanje Libije - 7600 bombi za celu kampanju


    Izvor ostalih podataka:



    Što bi rekao jedan drugi zločinac: "Raspameti!"

  4. 1 hour ago, wwww said:

    posto se erwin trudi da nadje twitove koji prozivaju Izrael za genocid


    Nažalost ne moram mnogo da se trudim.



    A United Nations Commission of Inquiry said it has been “collecting and preserving evidence of war crimes committed by all sides” since the violence started last week. That evidence could be added to an investigation by the International Criminal Court into possible war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas in past conflicts.
    “Intentional targeting of civilians and civilian objects without a military necessary reason to do so is a war crime, period,” said David Crane, an American international law expert and the founding chief prosecutor of the United Nations’ Special Court for Sierra Leone. “And that’s a standard that both sides are held to under international law.”
    Even Israel’s staunchest ally has sounded a note of caution.
    U.S. President Joe Biden, at a meeting with Jewish leaders Wednesday, said he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “that it is really important that Israel, with all the anger and frustration and just — I don’t know how to explain it — that exists is that they operate by the rules of war — the rules of war. And there are rules of war.”




    - Israeli Air Forces continued to strike also in Khan Younis and other southern areas despite the directive for people in Gaza to move south
    - Water remains a key issue as people will start dying without water


    • Thanks 1
  5. Quote

    Raz Segal, an Israeli expert in modern genocide, calls Israel’s assault on Gaza a textbook case of “intent to commit genocide” and its rationalization of its violence a “shameful use” of the lessons of the Holocaust. Israeli state exceptionalism and comparisons of its Palestinians victims to “Nazis” are used to “justify, rationalize, deny, distort, disavow mass violence against Palestinians,” says Segal.


    Snimak intervjua:




    AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman.

    “A Textbook Case of Genocide: Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?” That’s the headline of a new piece in Jewish Currents by our next guest, Raz Segal. He’s an Israeli historian, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, where he’s also an endowed professor in the study of modern genocide. Raz Segal joins us now from Philadelphia.

    Professor Segal, welcome to Democracy Now! Lay out your case.

    RAZ SEGAL: Thank you for having me.

    I think that, indeed, what we’re seeing now in Gaza is a case of genocide. We have to understand that the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 requires that we see special intent for genocide to happen. And to quote the convention, intent to destroy a group is defined as racial, ethnic, religious or national as such that is collectively, not just individuals. And this intent, as we just heard, is on full display by Israeli politicians and army officers since 7th of October. We heard Israel’s president. It’s well-known what the Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on 9th of October declaring a complete siege on Gaza, cutting off water, food, fuel, stating that “We’re fighting human animals,” and we will react “accordingly.” He also said that “We will eliminate everything.” We know that Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari, for example, acknowledged wanton destruction and said explicitly, “The emphasis on damage and not on accuracy.” So we’re seeing the special intent on full display. And really, I have to say, if this is not special intent to commit genocide, I really don’t know what is.

    So, when we look at the actions taken, the dropping of thousands and thousands of bombs in a couple of days, including phosphorus bombs, as we heard, on one of the most densely populated areas around the world, together with these proclamations of intent, this indeed constitutes genocidal killing, which is the first act, according to the convention, of genocide. And Israel, I must say, is also perpetrating act number two and three — that is, causing serious bodily or mental harm, and creating condition designed to bring about the destruction of the group by cutting off water, food, supply of energy, bombing hospitals, ordering the fast evictions of hospitals, which the World Health Organization has declared to be, quote, “a death sentence.” So, we’re seeing the combination of genocidal acts with special intent. This is indeed a textbook case of genocide.

    AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about the displacement? Israel is saying that the entire northern Gaza — now hundreds of thousands of people have complied — must move south. The northern part of Gaza is the most populated, with Gaza City.

    RAZ SEGAL: Yeah, definitely. I mean, as is well known, this is an impossible order. It’s impossible for specific groups of people — people in hospitals, people defined as disabled, elderly people — many Palestinians who refuse to leave their homes because of their histories and their memories of the Nakba. This is an impossible order. It’s yet another indication of the intent to destroy, the intent to commit genocide.

    It’s also worthwhile to emphasize Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, a new term that he coined, “complete siege.” It seems like a completely new term that really takes what was already a 17-year siege on Gaza, the longest in modern history, which was already a clear violation of international humanitarian law — it takes this siege and now turns it into a complete siege, which really signals the turn to this kind of genocidal destruction that we’re seeing, including with this eviction order.

    It’s also worthwhile to try to explain, I think, why Israel is so explicit in its declaration. We’ve heard Israel’s president talk about evil. We’ve also heard about Biden’s use of the word “evil.” EU leaders describe the Hamas attack as “evil.” And it has to be said, the Hamas attack were clear war crimes, the mass murder of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians, a horrendous war crime that rightfully shocked many Israelis and many, many people around the world. But “evil” is not a term to describe them. “Evil” is a term to decontextualize. “Evil” is a term to demonize and to really enhance the widespread fantasies of Israelis today that they’re fighting Nazis. Actually, former Prime Minister Bennett, Naftali Bennett, said that directly in an interview yesterday: “We are fighting Nazis.” We see this and many, many other indications in Israeli society and politics today. And if we’re fighting Nazis, then everything is permissible.

    AMY GOODMAN: Professor Segal — 

    RAZ SEGAL: No law —

    AMY GOODMAN: I actually wanted to go to the former prime minister, Naftali Bennett, who’s currently in the Israeli army. This is from a few days ago, where he exploded at the Sky News anchor Kamali Melbourne during an interview Thursday, when Melbourne pressed him on Israel’s attacks on Palestinian civilians. This is a part of what he said.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: What about those Palestinians in hospital who are on life support and babies in incubators, whose life support and incubator will have to be turned off because the Israelis have cut the power to Gaza?

    NAFTALI BENNETT: Are you seriously keep on asking me about Palestinian civilians? What’s — what’s wrong with you? Have you not seen what happened? We’re fighting Nazis. We don’t target them. Now, the world can come and bring them anything they want, if you want to bring them electricity. I’m not going to feed electricity or water to my enemies. If anyone else wants, that’s fine. We’re not responsible for them.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: But this is the point —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: But you keep on —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: This is the point —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: You — I want to tell you —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, no, Mr. Bennett, this is the point.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: No. No, listen.


    NAFTALI BENNETT: You listen to me right now.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, you’re raising your voice. And we’re trying —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: I’ve heard you enough.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, no, I understand. We’re trying to have a conversation here.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: I’ve heard a lot of you.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: Listen, this is my program.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: No, you’re not having a —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: This is my show.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: And that’s exactly —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: And I am asking the questions. You’re raising your voice.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: But it’s my country.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: And I’ve asked you. And we’ve already —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: And when people — when people —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: We’ve already — stop, please.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: When people —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: And let me finish. We’ve already distinguished —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: Shame on you, Mister.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: — between Hamas —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: I want to tell you, you — shame on you.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: You’re trying to speak over me.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: Because we are not —


    NAFTALI BENNETT: Shame on you.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: It’s nothing about shame.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: I am the — I was the prime minister.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: We’re trying to have a conversation —

    NAFTALI BENNETT: There is absolutely shame.

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: — about a very serious situation here.

    NAFTALI BENNETT: Because when you just jump —

    KAMALI MELBOURNE: And you are refusing to address it.

    AMY GOODMAN: So, that is the former Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennett, exploding at the Sky News anchor Kamali Melbourne. Professor Segal, you’re an Israeli historian. This is what you’re talking about, when he uses the Nazi analogy and also when he says, “Are you seriously talking about Palestinian civilians?” Your response?

    RAZ SEGAL: That’s exactly what we’re — it’s very important to understand this context, the idea of fighting Nazis, the idea of using Holocaust memory in this way. There is a broad context, a long history, of course, of this shameful use of Holocaust memory, which Israeli politicians have used to justify, rationalize, deny, distort, disavow mass violence against Palestinians. And it has allowed also a view to develop that sees Israel as somehow exceptional, providing it impunity. The truth, however, is that all perpetrators of genocide actually see their victims as dangerous, as vicious, as inhuman, right? That’s how the Nazis saw the Jews. And that’s how today Israelis see Palestinians.

    And that’s why the lessons of the Holocaust, actually, which were never meant to provide cover and rationalize state violence and genocide, but, rather, protect groups, especially stateless and defenseless groups, groups under military occupation and siege, from violent states — the lessons of the Holocaust are now very, very urgent. We need to center the voices of those facing state violence and genocide, and we need to move to prevention as fast as possible. In order to do that, we need to recognize what’s going on around us, what’s unfolding in front of our eyes, which is really a textbook case of genocide, with the rhetoric, with the actions, with everything involved.

    AMY GOODMAN: Raz Segal is associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University and the endowed professor in the study of modern genocide. He is an Israeli historian. His new article for Jewish Currents, we’ll link to, “A Textbook Case of Genocide.” The subtitle, “Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”


  6. Granica nije otvorena za humanitarne konvoje ni strane državljane koji bi da izađu. Što se najavljene vode za južni deo Pojasa Gaze tiče, Hamas tvrdi da je nema, Izrael da ima. Nikakvih potvrda nisam našao.


    Reporterka kanala Al Jazeera English koja se javila u vestima u 13 iz Han Junisa (grad na jugu) rekla je da nije stigla i da su proverili s UNRWA-om i dobili potvrdu od njih da još nema ništa od vode.



    More civil defense workers in Gaza fell victim to Israeli airstrikes as local sources report heavy attacks on civil defense facilities in eastern and southern Gaza – an area that Israeli authorities have declared an evacuation zone. At least seven casualties are confirmed from the recent bombings. 
    Footage shows injured civil defense personnel being rushed to a hospital in Khan Younis. The Ministry of Health in Gaza has condemned Israel's "direct and systematic attacks on ambulances," resulting in the deaths of dozens of medical personnel."

    Izvor: twitter.com/redstreamnet/status/1713710840484929921 (ima snimak)



    US President Biden says Hamas must be eliminated
    US President Biden says Israel would be making a 'big mistake' if it occupied Gaza
    Biden says he is confident that Israel will act in accordance with the laws of war
    Biden says his message to Iran is not to cross the border or escalate the war

    Izvor: twitter.com/spectatorindex

    • Like 1


    Host Jake Tapper asked Herzog if there are any plans for Israel to reoccupy Gaza and if Palestinians who fled the area will be allowed back in. 

    “So, we have no desire to occupy or reoccupy Gaza,” Herzog told Tapper. “We have no desire to rule over the lives of over two million Palestinians.” 
    “And, certainly, we want people to go back to their homes. We’re talking about innocent civilians. And we are doing everything we can to keep them out of harm’s way, while Hamas is doing everything it can to keep them in harm’s way. That’s the situation we are at,” Herzog added. 

    “I think talking about the day after is a bit premature, because crushing the Hamas war machine will require time. The questions you raise are valid, and I think we will have to enter discussions with our partners, with the international community about the day after.”

  10. Quote

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the Biden administration does not support proposals to mass-relocate Palestinians outside of Gaza as Israel broadens its military campaign against Hamas in the Strip.
    “I’ve heard directly from Palestinian Authority President [Mahmoud] Abbas and from virtually every other leader that I’ve talked to in the region, that that idea is a non-starter, and so we do not support it,” Blinken says during an interview with Al Arabiya from Cairo.
    “We believe that people should be able to stay in Gaza, their home,” the secretary adds after being asked about proposals to relocate some of the Gaza residents to the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.
    “But we also want to make sure that they’re out of harm’s way and that they’re getting the assistance they need,” Blinken says.




    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the actions and policies of Islamist group Hamas do not represent Palestinian people, according to official news agency WAFA.
    In a phone call with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Abbas also called the Palestine Liberation Organization the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people," WAFA said.
    "The president affirmed his rejection of the killing of civilians on both sides and called for the release of civilians, prisoners and detainees on both sides," added the news agency.




    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls on Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release all hostages and on Israel to grant “rapid and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid” into the Gaza Strip.
    “Each one of these two objectives is valid in themselves. They should not become bargaining chips and they must be implemented because it is the right thing to do,” he says.
    “Gaza is running out of water, electricity and other essential supplies. The UN has stocks available of food, water, non-food items, medical supplies and fuel, located in Egypt, Jordan, the West Bank and Israel. These goods can be dispatched within hours. To ensure delivery, our selfless staff on the ground, along with NGO partners, need to be able to bring these supplies into and throughout Gaza safely, and without impediment to deliver to those in need,” Guterres adds in a statement.


  11. 50 minutes ago, McLeod said:

    Uskracivanje osnovnih zivotnih potreba, koje su velikodusno davane i pored teroristickih akcija protiv drzave koja jedina moze da im to pruzi je tuzno, ali potpuno normalno i posteno.


    Zlocin je samo ono sto je Hamas uradio.


    Nije zločin što su pretili da će bombardovati kamione s humanitarnom pomoći koji su čekali da uđu na egipatskoj granici pa su oni morali da se okrenu nazad?



  12. Evo kako ne gađaju bolnice i ne prave ratne zločine.





    On Wednesday, four Palestine Red Crescent emergency medical workers were killed when their ambulances were hit in two different incidents. Their colleagues clung to each other afterwards, shaking with sobs, video posted by Palestine Red Crescent showed.




    Doctors Without Borders, (Medecins sans Frontieres, also known by its acronym MSF), said it had counted 16 medical personnel killed since Saturday, 18 ambulances destroyed and eight medical facilities damaged either totally or partially.


  13. Just now, McLeod said:

    Ako pogine nekih 100 hiljada ljudi posle ovakve opsezne akcije mozda dobijete municije za price o genocidu, ratnim zlocinima i slicnim stvarima koje se vec vrte.


    Kolektivno kažnjavanje stanovništva opsadom s uskraćivanjem osnovnih životnih potreba i neselektivnim bombardovanjem jeste ratni zločin, možeš ti da se praviš lud do sutra.

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