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Posts posted by erwin

  1. Primarni izbori 13. avgusta:

    Milei 7,1 milion glasova, 30%
    Masa 5 miliona glasova, 21,4%
    Drugi kandidat Masine koalicije 1,4 miliona glasova, 5,9%




    Prvi krug izbora 22. oktobra:

    Milei 7,9 miliona glasova, 30%
    Masa 9,6 miliona glasova, 36,7%



    Bloomberg o prvom krugu:


    Not many politicians would stand a chance in an election after overseeing an inflation rate of almost 140%. Yet Massa, who doubles up as economy minister, has used all the tricks in the book to give support to voters who are fearful of losing a cradle of subsidies and social-welfare handouts regardless of Argentina’s unsustainable finances. 

    Days before the vote, Massa’s campaign posted signs in subway stations and train stops showing the difference in fare prices Argentines would pay under him versus Milei: the present 59 pesos, or 6 cents, compared to 700 pesos without the subsidies the current Peronist administration gives. 

    These kind of stunts paid off. Massa gained 3 million votes on Sunday compared to his coalition’s third-place finish in the August primary. Meanwhile, frontrunner Milei lost votes.

    Massa carved a clear path to the presidency by tapping into the entrenched Peronist network of governors, labor unions and social movements. (...)

    Until Sunday, Javier Milei’s disruptive message, including trading insults with his rivals from the pro-business Juntos por el Cambio coalition, was seen as his key asset. But Milei ended up almost seven percentage points behind Massa, showing that his break-it-all-down style has hit a wall with voters who don’t completely buy into the radical changes he’s selling.

    Milei admitted as much in his post-election speech, when he said he was “willing to do tabula rasa” and unite forces with Juntos — whose candidate placed third — to defeat Peronism. That would require toning down some of his rhetoric and more radical proposals to potentially negotiate a common agenda with the more conservative members of Juntos. 

    Milei’s lack of government experience will also come under the spotlight as the results signaled Argentines aren’t as willing to embrace the unknown as initially thought. 

    Martin Rapetti, executive director of Buenos Aires-based consulting firm Equilibra, said that a very important cohort of Juntos voters, as represented by candidate Patricia Bullrich, don’t want Massa to win, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll vote for Milei.

    “What should be clear to markets is that Massa offers more governability than Milei, regardless of preference between candidates,” he said.


  2. CNN i u ovom ratu briljira sa svojim kartama. Beli kružići na koje ukazuju bele strelice su docrtane ispravne lokacije.








  3. Prvi put vidim, a arapski ne znam.



    Evo malo sam potražio, vidim da je prenošeno po tviteru, pojavio se i demanti turskog Centra za borbu protiv dezinformacija pri Erdoganovom predsedničkom Direktoratu za komunikacije u kome se navodi da je prevod falš.

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  4. 1 hour ago, RatzenStadt said:

    MemriTV je bliskoistocni Balkan Info


    Baš obrnuto, Memri TV je hroničar budalaština i ekstremizama koji se pojavljuju u bliskoistočnim medijima, a koji su Izraelci iz sopstvenih interesa osnovali u Vašingtonu da bi skretali pažnju na njih i predstavljali najekstremnije stavove kao opšteprihvaćene.



    The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI; officially the Middle East Media and Research Institute) is a nonprofit press monitoring and analysis organization co-founded by former Israeli military intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., MEMRI publishes and distributes free English-language translations of Arabic, Persian [official language of Iran], Urdu [official language of Pakistan], Pashto [official language of Afghanistan], and Turkish media reports.

    Critics describe MEMRI as a strongly pro-Israel advocacy group that, despite portraying itself as "independent" and "non-partisan", aims to portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light through the production and dissemination of incomplete or inaccurate translations and by selectively translating views of extremists while deemphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.


    • Ha-ha 1
  5. Najtiražnije izraelske novine na današnjoj naslovnici donose članak o krizi poverenja između Netanjahua i vojske. U članku navode da je Netanjahu navodno besan na IDF zbog onoga što se događalo i teško se odlučuje na kopnenu invaziju stalno je odlažući, kao i da je američki paket oružja uvezan sa zahtevom da Izraelci ne napadaju preventivno Liban i obećanjem da će pomoći Izraelcima ako Hezbolah započne rat. Izraelska vojska je juče saopštila da je spremna za napad i time prebacila lopticu u Netanjahuovo dvorište.






  6. 1 pravi ekonomski tigar sa prosečnih 670 € ukupnih mesečnih prihoda po domaćinstvu.



    Prosečni mesečni prihodi u novcu i naturi po domaćinstvu u Srbiji lane su iznosili 78.393 dinara, a izdaci za ličnu potrošnju 78.678, pri čemu su prosečni prihodi u novcu i naturi bili veći za 9,3 odsto, a izdaci za ličnu potrošnju za 9,4 odsto nego 2021. godine, objavio je Republički zavod za statistiku (RZS) u publikaciji "Regioni u Republici Srbiji".


  7. Netanjahu rekao da bi ulazak Hezbolaha u rat predstavljao njihovu najveću grešku i najavio 2. libanski rat i uništenje i Hezbolaha i države Liban u tom slučaju.




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  8. UN kaže da je ovih 20 kamiona što je juče pušteno kap u moru potreba i da je za ono najosnovnije potrebno barem 100 kamiona dnevno. Navodno je pre početka ovog najnovijeg rata u Pojas Gaze stizalo 450 kamiona s humanitarnom pomoći dnevno.







  9. Inače, još jedan Netanjahuov ministar najavio je smanjivanje Pojasa Gaze, ovaj je konkretno najavio i kako: sa severne i istočne strane.




    Ovo je preneo i CNN Brazil.





  10. Najgledanija izraelska televizija Kanal 12 u svojoj emisiji "Olan šiši" (Studio petkom) objavila da su Izraelci imali informacije o pripremi napada i da nisu podigli borbenu gotovost, već su pustili vojnike na granici da spavaju.



    Hours before the murderous terrorist attack: the heads of the security establishment held a discussion on Saturday, October 7 in the early morning where they estimated that a day of battle would develop in the Gaza Strip. The participants in the assessment of the situation believed that the fighting could include kidnapping attempts or infiltration attempts by up to dozens of terrorists into one settlement. Despite this understanding, the Gaza Division did not raise the alert level and did not update the command of the forces, as we revealed for the first time this evening (Friday) in "Olan Shishi".

    The intelligence analysis that was carried out early Saturday morning was conducted as part of a discussion with the participation of the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the head of the Security Forces and other senior officials. The discussion ended with the assessment that there is going to be a day of battle on Saturday, which may include an attempted kidnapping of civilians and soldiers, or an attempted raid and infiltration by a terrorist squad with the aim of taking control of a settlement. However, the assessment of the situation dealt with a scenario of an order of magnitude smaller than what actually existed.

    Following the assessment of the situation, the Shin Bet sent the Tequila team to the south to deal with the possibility of terrorist infiltration. Despite this, the Gaza Division did not raise the alert level and prepared for the possibility of an infiltration - and the soldiers who were in the rooms continued to sleep. 

    The realization that fighting could break out on the same day indicates the magnitude of the failure and raises difficult questions: why were the soldiers in the bases not instructed to prepare for an invasion, why were tanks not moved to forward positions and why were the standby units in the settlements not prepared for a scenario of an attempted takeover. The poor preparation has cost many lives and the full picture will have to become clear in order to learn lessons.

    On the night between Friday and Saturday, signs were collected that indicate the intention of the Hamas terrorists. The fact that it was not vague intelligence information, but concrete and real signs that indicate imminent action in the immediate time frame - illustrates the depth of the failure.

    https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/6361323ddea5a810/Article-5ce074dd01e4b81026.htm (prevod: Google translate)

  11. Quote

    Joint statement by @UNDP, @UNFPA, @UNICEF, @WFP and WHO on humanitarian supplies crossing into Gaza

    A first, but limited, shipment of life-saving humanitarian supplies from the United Nations and the Egyptian Red Crescent entered Gaza today on 20 trucks, passing through the Rafah Crossing.

    It will provide an urgently needed lifeline to some of the hundreds of thousands of civilians, mostly women and children, who have been cut off from water, food, medicine, fuel  and other essentials. But it is only a small beginning and far from enough. More than 1.6 million people in Gaza are in critical need of humanitarian aid. Children, pregnant women and the elderly remain the most vulnerable. Nearly half of Gaza’s population are children.

    With so much civilian infrastructure in Gaza damaged or destroyed in nearly two weeks of constant bombings, including shelters, health facilities, water, sanitation, and electrical systems, time is running out before mortality rates could skyrocket due to disease outbreaks and lack of health-care capacity.

    Hospitals are overwhelmed with casualties. Civilians face mounting challenges in accessing essential food supplies. Health facilities no longer have fuel and are running on small amounts they have secured locally. These are expected to run out in the next day or so. Water production capacity is at 5 per cent of normal levels. Pre-positioned humanitarian supplies have already been depleted. Vulnerable people are at greatest risk and children are dying at an alarming rate and being denied their right to protection, food, water and health care.

    Nearly one-third of the population of Palestine was food insecure before this conflict in Gaza. Today stocks in shops are nearly exhausted and bakeries are closing, while tens of thousands of people are displaced and unable to cook or safely purchase food.

    We call for a humanitarian ceasefire, along with immediate, unrestricted humanitarian access throughout Gaza to allow humanitarian actors to reach civilians in need, save lives and prevent further human suffering. Flows of humanitarian aid must be at scale and sustained, and allow all Gazans to preserve their dignity.

    We call for safe and sustained access to water, food, health – including sexual and reproductive health – and fuel, which is necessary to enable essential services.

    We call for the protection of all civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza, including health-care facilities.

    We call for the protection of humanitarian workers in Gaza who are risking their lives in the service of others.

    And we call for the utmost respect of international humanitarian law by all parties.

    Gaza was a desperate humanitarian situation before the most recent hostilities. It is now catastrophic. The world must do more.



    UNDP = United Nations Development Programme
    UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund, formerly United Nations Fund for Population Activities
    UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund, formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
    WFP =  United Nations World Food Programme
    WHO = United Nations World Health Organization

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  12. Erdogan razgovarao telefonom sa čelnikom Hamasa Hanijeom, onim likom što se iz Katara busa u prsa junačka i rekao da se Turska zalaže za trajni mir.



    Turkish President Erdoğan had a phone call with Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Ismail Haniyeh. During the call, the latest situation and the process in Gaza were discussed. Erdogan stated that Türkiye will continue to struggle for lasting peace in the international arena. He emphasized that Türkiye is making efforts to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches Gaza and that the wounded can be treated in Türkiye if necessary.



  13. Ko se ne evakuiše na jug, biće smatran teroristom, kaže navodno izraelsko ratno vazduhoplovstvo u novim lecima koje baca.



    Urgent warning!


    To the residents of Gaza, your presence to the north of Wadi Gaza is putting your lives at risk. Anyone who chooses not to evacuate from the north of the Gaza Strip to the south of the Gaza Strip may be identified as a partner in a terrorist organization.





    Izvori: twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1715732618128331087



    Mali pregled svih bolnica koje je Izrael gađao u poslednjih 10 godina:






  14. Ne bi Netanjahu i drugari nikad zagovarali etničko čišćenje Palestinaca na Sinaj, divni su oni.





    Njegov ministar (koji je u kabinetu ranije držao fotku lika koji je masakrirao 29 Palestinaca - odraslih i dece - tokom ramazanske molitve) ovih dana sve u 16 deli puške doseljenicima, a prethodno je nazvao herojima one koji su već počeli da ubijaju Palestince, sve to, jasno, da pospeši miroljubivu koegzistenciju.






    Naoružani doseljenici su pobili četvoro ljudi jednog dana, a onda su sledećeg otišli na njihovu sahranu i pobili još dvoje. Još nigde nije objavljena vest da je bilo ko za to uhapšen.



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  15. Quote

    Šef UN-a Antonio Gutereš založio se u subotu za "humanitarni prekid vatre" u ratu između Izraela i militanata Hamasa koji je opustošio veći deo Gaze, zahtevajući "akciju za okončanje ove užasne noćne more".

    https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231021-un-chief-urges-ceasefire-to-end-gaza-s-godawful-nightmare (prevod: Google translate)



    Jordanski kralj Abdulah Drugi osudio je tekuću kampanju izraelskog bombardovanja u Gazi kao čin „kolektivnog kažnjavanja“ i „ratnog zločina“.

    https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/127911/Jordan-King-Israeli-bombing-in-Gaza-collective-punishment-war-crime (prevod: Google translate)



    Tokom svog govora na otvaranju samita mira u Kairu u subotu, predsednik Egipta [Abdel Fatah el-]Sisi je izjavio: „Snažno osuđujemo gađanje mirnih civila i zaprepašćeni smo ćutanjem sveta u vezi sa praksama kolektivnog kažnjavanja u Gazi“.

    https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/127917/Cairo-Peace-Summit-gains-international-arab-media-spotlight (prevod: Google translate)

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