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  • 2 weeks later...




Former Formula 1 driver and team owner Wilson Fittipaldi passed away on Friday at the age of 80.




Vilson je bio Emersonov stariji brat, vise talentovan za biznis nego za voznju. Vozio je F1 od 1971. - 1975. uglavnom za Brabam za koje vreme je skupio 3 boda za sampionat sveta a vrhunac karijere mu je trece mesto na prvoj VN Brazila 1972. koja se tada nije bodovala za sampionat, iza pobednika Karlosa Rojtemana i Ronija Petersona.

Vilson je 1975. osnovao Kopersukar-Fitipaldi tim, te godine je sam vozio jedan od bolida (u drugom je bio Arturo Mercario) da bi vec od naredne sezone ustupio mesto mladjem bratu Emersonu, tada vec dvostrukom prvaku sveta.

I nakon sto je definitivno prestao aktivno da se takmici u F1 Vilson je povremeno tokom 80-tih i 90-tih nastupao na turing, GT i trkama kamiona sa solidnim uspehom. Nakon smrti oca Vilsona seniora, mladji Vilson uspesno preuzima brigu nad porodicnim poslovima.

I njegov sin Kristijan se takmicio u F1 pocetkom 90-tih.

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He won the Targa Florio twice, raced for Scuderia Ferrari, had his own grand prix team, created a car that bore his name and saved Niki Lauda’s life among many other highs and lows. He doesn’t do email, speaks very little English and likes to keep a low profile at his home in Milan.


But with the aid of an interpreter, Arturo Francesco Merzario bravely agrees to ‘meet’ over Skype from restaurant Osteria 1927 Enoteca, just a few yards from the Porta Vedano at Autodromo di Monza, the best place for lunch if you’re heading for the Italian Grand Prix. Monza and Merzario, a full-on, passionate, all-Italian affair. What follows is much gesticulation, intense interruptions, laughter and a few unprintable anecdotes.


  • 3 weeks later...


Kovalainen has open-heart surgery


Heikki Kovalainen says his recent open heart surgery was a success, after he was diagnosed with a heart condition. In a post on social media, the former Renault, McLaren and Caterham driver revealed his surgery in the United States had been successful.


“I was diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm at the end of last year,” Kovalainen said. “Basically, a piece of the ascending aorta that was dilated quite a lot.


“I was actually operated on last week in Tampa at the University Hospital, in the heart hospital unit there. There was a wonderful team of doctors and nurses and assistants that took care of me there. It was an open heart surgery, so I have a [scar] forever now under this shirt on my chest. But the surgery went well and we managed to get done exactly what we were planning to do.


“The outlook is quite good. There is an opportunity to make a full recovery and regain full fitness, but of course time will only tell eventually how it all works out. But so far the estimation is quite good, so I’m very pleased with that.”


Lewis Hamilton, one of his former team mates, told him: “Get well soon Heikki, praying for you.”






Na danasnji dan 1968. godine u udesu na Hokenhajmu smrtno je stradao Dzim Klark, dvostruki prvak sveta i jedan od najvecih majstora volana u istoriji. U nikad konkurentnijoj eri u F1 tokom 1960-tih Klark je bio uzor prema kome su se svi ostali vozaci ravnali, i to ne samo u F1 jer Klark je vozio sve - od britanskog turing sampionata, Indikara, F2, sportskih prototipova...

Tako ga je i smrt zatekla na jednoj revijalnoj F2 trci, kad je na dugackom pravcu od stadiuma prema Ostkurve zbog iznenadnog pucanja gume njegov bolid sleteo u sumu pored staze i udario u drvo. Na tom mestu staza je modifikovana ubacivanjem sikane koja je nosila njegovo ime a podignuto je i spomen-obelezje.



(U medjuvremenu je spomenik promenio lokaciju nakon tilkovanja staze u Hokenhajmu kad je cela nekadasnja sekcija kroz sumu porusena...)

Posted (edited)

Japanski nacionalni F2 sampionat - ono sto je sada SuperFormula - finalna trka sezone 1979. i Suzuka u originalnom izdanju, superbrza 250R krivina umesto Kasio Triangl sikane i Degner kao jedna brza krivina umesto dva lakta. Na stazi buduci svetski sampion Keke Rosberg, pobednik Indi 500 Edi Civer, Didje Pironi, Bepe Gabiano, lokalni heroji Kazujosi Hosino, Masahiro Hasemi, Satoru Nakadjima, Keidji Macumoto...



Edited by Radoye
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Umro Ted Tolman, osnivac i vlasnik istoimenog F1 tima najpoznatijeg po tome sto je lansirao F1 karijeru Aertona Sene. Njegov tim nakon mnogo promena vlasnistva i imena i danas postoji i funkcionise kao Alpin.


Na slici je sa Aertonovim sestricem Brunom.

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Posted (edited)

Fransoa Sever u Alpinovom fabrickom F3 bolidu tokom trke za nacionalni sampionat Francuske na Montleriju 1967:



Edited by Radoye
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  • 2 weeks later...




The great IndyCar driver and race steward Wallace “Wally” Dallenbach Sr. died on Monday at the age of 87. His friends and family say he was able to watch Sunday’s IndyCar race at Barber Motorsports Park and passed the next morning in his sleep. Dallenbach was preceded in death by his wife Anette “Peppy” Dallenbach in June of 2023.

Together, they formed one of the most influential couples in IndyCar history and built one of the sport’s great racing families with decades of championships and wins earned by their sons, from Pikes Peak to the high banks of Daytona.



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