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There continue to be rumours about the future of the Enstone team, although no-one seems to know anything about it, except that Luca de Meo, the boss of Renault, who thought he understood how to run racing teams, must decide this for himself. Renault has plenty of other challenges and I am sure the PR folk can quite easily come up with a story as to why it makes sense to sell the British end of the operation, as fixing the mess will not be the work of a moment. Nasty people keep bringing up the “100 race” project, first devised in 2021. By the end of this season, the team’s total will hit 90 races, which means that the whole thing looks like a massive cock-up which Renault might wish to move on from. There is no shortage of investors rushing into the sport… So a sale looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece that might fit. Alpine could keep the engine division and use some of the money raised to improve the power units or make the target to win Le Mans instead. Or maybe to enter IndyCar, which is a whole lot cheaper than F1.


  • 3 weeks later...



Da bi se bolje razumeo ovaj pad mora se uzeti u obzir kroz šta je prolazila matična kompanija proteklih godina. 


2018. alijansa Renault-Nissan- Mitsubishi je najveći proizvođač automobila ako se u zbir ubace i LCV. Renault je vlasnik 44% Nissana, a Nissan je sa 36% vlasnik Mitsubishia.  Ghosn planira da spoji kompanije i registruje se nova u Holandiji. Decembra iste godine ga hapse u Japanu.

Nakon "puča " koji su napravili Japanci akcije naglo padaju. Francuska vlada nakon nekoliko meseci pregovora pristaje na egal u akcijama sa po 15%. Kriza je nekako prošla, ali alijansa je samo senka. Svi zajednički razvojni planovi potpuno staju. Brak i dalje postoji, ali se spava u odvojenim sobama.

Onda dolazi Covid. Renault sa milionskom proizvodnjom, velikim brojem fabrika i radnika je direktno na udaru. Država je uletela kao pomoć, prošlo je i to sranje. 

Posle pandemije počinje rat u Ukrajini. Renaultu je rusko tržite preko vlasništva u Ladi najveće nakon domaćeg. U brojkama to je preko 250.000 automobila godišnje. Uvode se sankcije i 30.000 radnika ostaje bez posla, kompanija koja je napokon dovedena u finansijski plus mora da se proda za 1€. Gubitak za Renault u Rusiji je napoleonskih razmera. Niko nije tako najebao u branši

Renault je posle svega ovoga ozbiljno izudaran i ošamućen. Ipak, ustali su što je najvažnije.

Francuska vlada je po prvi put na čelo firme dovodi stranca. De Meov plan oporavka podrazumeva da se sa kvantiteta pređe na skuplje modele i pakete opreme. Tu nastupa Alpine kao najvažniji alat u celoj strategiji pa je ovo gore napisano od strane  Sawarda čista glupost. Iako je novinar kojeg najviše cenim u padoku nije operisan od lupetanja kada je u pitanju Renault. Greška kao i kod svih ostalih, gleda u Enston, a ne u Pariz u kojem se donose sve najvažnije odluke. Kao i ostatak novinara i najpopularnijih sajtova o F1 koji uglavnom dolaze iz Engleske, niko nema čoveka u Parizu ili ih jednostano mrzi da se bave i matičnom kompanijom pa se piše svašta.

Renault 2027. ulazi na američko tržiše i to samo sa Alpine modelima koji će se uskoro pojaviti na tržištu. U ceo posao se ulazi veoma ozbiljno preko jednog od najvećih dilera automobila i delova u Americi - AutoNationa. 
Zašto bi neko pred ovako važan posao ostao bez bisera u marketingu automobila?!?

Šta su rezultati De Meovih poteza? Ukratko, pola prodatih automobila su najskuplje varijante od kojih dosta nosi Alpine znak, kompanija je ušla u finansijski plus i dividende su značajno porasle. Renault je pre par nedelja na berzi  po prvi put postao vredniji od Nissana koji proizvodi skoro duplo više automobila. Ovo je pokazatelj da su investitori namirisali novac. 

Situacija je daleko od boje našeg glavnog sponzora u F1, ali očigledno su na putu oporavka. 


Prošle četiri trke ide jako loše i svi već naveliko prodaju ekipu koja se stvarala godinama. Glupost!

De Meo i ceo upravni odbor će dozvoliti sebi da uđu u istoriju kao ljudi koji su prodali jedini nacionalni tim posle četiri loše trke?!? Malo logike nije na odmet...

Stari Grci su zabavu podelili u dve grupe - komedija i tragedija. Smeh i plač su dve stvari koje ljudi najviše vole da gledaju. Nama trenutno ide loše, novinari su osetili krv i posle četiri trke se stvara tragedija kojom će se kao paraziti hraniti neko vreme. 

Nema nikakve prodaje molim vas ne kaljajte stranicu glupostima


  • Like 3
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The Alpine Formula 1 squad has announced it has appointed David Sanchez to the newly created role of Executive Technical Director.

Sanchez will oversee the technical department at Enstone and will have responsibility for the Performance, Engineering and Aerodynamic areas of the squad.

The Frenchman will start in his role immediately, with the signing occurring just a handful of weeks after his departure from McLaren.



Edited by alpiner

Ne znam sta da mislim o ovome prika, mi smo ga doveli iz Ferarija uz puno pompe, najavljen kao bitan element u restruktuiranju ekipe a na kraju samo protrcao kroz Voking, nije se ljudski ni raspakovao u kancelariji. 😐 



Nije za njega više bilo pravog mesta kod vas nakon dolaska Rob Marshalla. Stella je nakon dogovora sa Sanchezom iskoristio priliku da mazne Marshalla iz Red Bulla i situacija se totalno promenila.


Džentlmenski su se dogovorili da ode na vreme iz McLarena i pronađe sebi pravo mesto.

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Posted (edited)

Izgleda da su u Alpini napravljene sve glavne zamene ljudi koji su otišli iz tima. Interesantno da su svi karijere započeli u Rendži, odnosno Enstonu i sada se vraćaju.


David Sanchez - zamena za Pat Frya i Harmana

Jonathan Wheatley trenutno sportski direktor u Red Bull- zamena za Szafnauera.

Michael Broadhurst jedan od glavnih ljudi za aerodinamiku iz Red Bulla umesto Dirk de Beera. Sa njim dolaze još dvojica aerodinamičara iz Red Bulla kako je najavljeno.



Edited by alpiner

Elsewhere, McLaren’s most recent departing engineer, David Sanchez has turned up at Alpine. This is no great surprise although the team denied it was going to happen. It seems, however, that this was an unfortunately incorrect denial and he is there as Executive Technical Director. The team has also taken on Michael Broadhurst, who has been principal aerodynamicist at Red Bull for the last three year. He is moving to Enstone to become head of aerodynamics. Rumours that Red Bull sporting director Jonathan Wheatley are definitely not true. Who can be spreading such stories?





Sarkazam prika. 


David Sanchez has turned up at Alpine. This is no great surprise although the team denied it was going to happen. It seems, however, that this was an unfortunately incorrect denial and he is there as Executive Technical Director.


  • Like 1

🚨F1-Insider.com reports that Esteban Ocon no longer desires to remain with Alpine, similar to his teammate Pierre Gasly, who also explores other options in the market. 


Ocon is viewed as a potential candidate for the future Audi team if their preferred choice, Carlos Sainz, declines. 


Toto Wolff is reportedly trying to accommodate the Frenchman with Williams, the motor customer team of Mercedes.


Alpine presents a significant opportunity for Mick Schumacher's return to Formula 1 for several reasons. He currently competes for Renault's French sports car subsidiary in the sports car world championship. 


Despite the developmental stage of his car, Bruno Famin, the Team Alpine Boss, is highly impressed by Schumacher's performance, including his upcoming participation in the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans in mid-June.


According to Famin, Mick Schumacher emerges as a potential option for Alpine's future in the premier class. The initial step may involve Schumacher Jr. conducting Formula 1 tests with a two-year-old Alpine. These tests are feasible during the season, as per regulations, with a car that is two years old.


Furthermore, Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo expresses positivity regarding Schumacher's potential involvement, driven partly by marketing interests. 


Given the significance of the German market for Renault, De Meo recalls the successful marketing campaign in 1995 when Mick's father, Michael Schumacher, secured his second World Championship title with a Renault-powered engine. 


This historical success highlights the potential marketing appeal of another Schumacher representing Renault in Germany.


VIA: [F1-insider.com]


Ukratko, nema ništa od toga. Lepo izgleda kao naslov, ali nema istine u tome ni malo.

Prvo, nije uradio ništa posebno u WEC-u. Na prvoj tci je izleteo i sa 8. su pali na 12. mesto. Juče u Spa na kvalifikacijama bio sporiji od Milesia u istom autu. Nije loš, ali daleko od toga da je nešto posebno.








  • 3 weeks later...

Ocon to leave Alpine at end of F1 season

Esteban Ocon and Alpine have announced that they are to part ways at the end of the Formula 1 season.

Jonathan Noble

Jonathan Noble

Jun 3, 2024, 1:05 PM



Esteban Ocon, Alpine F1 Team 

Photo by: Mark Sutton / Motorsport Images


The news comes in the wake of the controversy over Ocon’s collision with team-mate Pierre Gasly at the Monaco Grand Prix that left team management upset.

Although it is understood that the decision is not based entirely on what happened at Monaco, the recent events did play a part in the decision that it would be best for them not to continue into 2025.

Speaking about the decision, Ocon said: “It’s been a significant period of my life to be racing at this team in Formula 1.

“While I’ve been here for five years as a full-time racing driver, my professional career started at Enstone back when I was a teenager, so it will always be a special place for me.

“We have had some great moments together, some tough moments as well, and I am certainly grateful to everyone at the team for these memorable times.

“I will announce my plans very soon but, in the meantime, my full focus is on delivering on track for this team and having a successful remainder of the season.”

More to follow.

Posted (edited)

Samo da se osvrnem na ovo što je Saward pisao:


The big story of the Monaco weekend was basically Alpine F1, not because their drivers are colliding (as usual), not because the team boss said that something must change, but rather because Renault CEO Luca de Meo did not appear and he seems to have given up on the idea of trying to fix his troublesome F1 team that has not achieved what he thought it could. This is largely down to decisions he made, but we can skim over these quickly. There have been rumours for some time that the team might be for sale. These were denied, but in recent days it has emerged that de Meo has been shopping around to secure an engine supply for 2026, which can only mean that he is considering giving up Renault’s own project, which is being developed at Viry-Chatillon. This is not speculation and has been confirmed by two extremely good sources. It is, of course, a very sensitive subject, and it does not mean that Renault will shut down its engine operation but rather that it will be put to other uses but it will no longer build expensive and complicated F1 engines. The team would then sail away on its own and could still go on promoting the Alpine brand, even if sold. The use of the name could be included in any sale although Renault might, of course, choose to keep the team. The business model would be along the lines of that adopted a few years ago by Alfa Romeo (which is owned by Renault rival Stellantis), which paid to get the naming and livery rights to the Sauber and used Ferrari engines but gave the impression that it was an Alfa Romeo factory team. This was F1 on the cheap and while Bernie Ecclestone would not have accepted such a thing in the old days, Liberty Media does not seem overly bothered if it has some sexy brands involved.


Prvo, de Meo se nije pojavio na trci u Monaku zato što je radio mnogo važnije stvari od pojavljivanja sa enturažom na trci. Jbg to je Sawardu odmah dizanje ruku od tima. Tog vikenda je bio u Kini i završio dva izuzetno važna posla za firmu. Prvi je razvoj novog Twinga na struju, koji se prebacuje u Kinu posle neuspešnih pregovora sa evropskom konkurencijom koja nije zainteresovana za zajednička ulaganja. De Meo je predlagao evropskim proizvođačima da se napravi savez, nešto poput Airbusa, kako bi se odgovorilo izazovu jeftinih automobila na struju iz Kine, Jedino je VW bio zainteresovan, ali su i ti pregovori propali nakon samo nekoliko dana. 

Drugi je finalizacija ugovora sa Geelyem


At the same time, Geely has been making noises about getting into F1 and Renault and Geely are partners in a company called Horse. This was announced in March 2023 following the signing of a letter of intent between Aramco, Geely and Renault.

Dok je Saward ovo pisao Horse više nije bio letter of intent  postao je stvarnost i prava kompanija samo mu to njegovi extremely good sources nisu dojavili kao nešto bitno:classic_mellow:


Jebenu štampu da je čitao ne bi pisao ovakve stvari. 


Što se kupovine motora tiče, koliko sam saznao do sada de Meo pokušava za Alipinu da kupi deo koji je struja, a ne sus motor. Do sada nam je struju radio Marelli i jednostavno zaostajemo za konkurencijom. Svi ostali rade to rade "u kući", a mi imamo dobavljača. I ovaj trenutni zaostatak je uglavnom posledica tog strujnog dela. Kada se novim pravilima '26. poveća udeo struje povećaće se i naš zaostatak. Zato de Meo trči okolo i gleda  šta može da se kupi. 



Sawardovi tekstovi imaju sedam pasusa šta je jeo, pio i kako je putovao i tri o F1. Njegovo znanje o F1 niko ne može da ospori, ali kada su kompanije u pitanju puno proseravanja i evidentno neinformisanosti u nekim slučajevima.

Edited by alpiner
1 hour ago, alpiner said:




On je odavno postao glasnogovornik FOM koji preko njega pustaju svoj spin. Ovo ostalo sto pise su samo tracevi i glasine.

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Posted (edited)

Renault CEO: "We will not sell" Alpine F1 team despite struggles


6 June 2024

Luca de Meo says "we are not here to be P16" and "it would be stupid" to back out of Formula 1


Renault Group boss Luca de Meo has vehemently denied that he has any plans to sell the beleaguered Alpine Formula 1 team, either entirely or in part. 

The Oxfordshire-based team has struggled this season and is currently ninth in the constructors’ championship with just two points – courtesy of a pair of 10th-place finishes. That has led to reports in F1 circles that Renault was considering selling the outfit.


But in an exclusive Autocar interview, de Meo says the team’s current difficulties will not bring any kind of ownership rethink. 


“I want to make this very clear. There is no way we are going to give up,” said de Meo. “It’s not my style. We will not sell even a part of this thing. We don’t need the money. I’ve had people making offers left and right, then talking in the press about it. But we’re not interested. It would be stupid and I won’t do it.”

Even so, de Meo refused to minimise the team’s difficulties, acknowledging a number of recent staff changes – including the departure of operations director Rob White after more than 20 years – and ominously suggested that “there will be more”. He agreed that the team has been “improving a little bit” in recent races but believes the root of the problem began three or four years ago, perhaps longer.

“When we began the hybrid era [in 2014], our engine didn’t perform,” he said. “We had been world champions with Red Bull but with hybrid, things went wrong. Even the engine we developed in 2021 had a 0.2sec to 0.5sec disadvantage every lap. And this year we’ve screwed up with the car. If you combine everything, we’re up to 1.5sec from where we need to be.”

De Meo added that he isn’t even sure the recovery plan is securely on track. He compared F1 to the inner workings of a luxury watch: there are 350 intricate elements and any one of them can make a big difference to how the whole thing works. “For this year and 2025, we will try with the current set-up, then push to get things right for the next cycle. That’s the challenge. But we will do everything necessary to be a competitive team.”

Talking about his ultimate expectations, De Meo called for improvement: “I expect a much better performance from the team. We are not here to be P16. We should be in the mix as often as possible. Sometimes you’re second, sometimes you’re fifth, but that should be our level.”

De Meo clearly perceives that the sale of 24% of Alpine’s Enstone facility to an American group, Redwing Capital Partners, in 2023 may have suggested it was about to sell part of the core team, but he explained the deal as a move to gain from the US group’s expertise. 


“These guys are experts at developing sports franchises,” he said. “We’re car people – engineers and technicians – but they know how to take something like the Dallas Cowboys from a value of $1 billion to $8bn in just a few years. They know business and that’s why we need them.”      De Meo insists there are no constraints on investment at Alpine’s technical centres in the UK – where the team is based – and France, where the powertrains are built. “I’ve never said no to investment,” he said. “But the thing is they need to bring good ideas.”

De Meo said he believes winning in F1 involves three elements: “The first is a quality team of top-notch people. The second is racing rage, an obsession to win. The third is collaboration and trust throughout the team, a spirit of cooperation that makes things seem easier.

“Alpine should be one of the teams in F1 with the broadest shoulders, because it has the backing of the Renault Group," de Meo said. "I don’t think we deserve to be a top team at present, but we’re not in F1 to be tourists so we need to work hard. 

“Sure, we’ve made mistakes. It happens. But I think we’re right to put F1 at the core of Alpine, and to paint the car blue to represent a distinctive automotive culture. This brand is totally legitimate because it was always in competition. But it can do much better, and I don’t want to miss the opportunity.”








Sawarde majmunčino tupava i neinformisana! Extremely good sources...kakav spiner. Bruka šta je taj čovek postao

Edited by alpiner
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/4/2024 at 2:43 PM, alpiner said:

Što se kupovine motora tiče, koliko sam saznao do sada de Meo pokušava za Alipinu da kupi deo koji je struja, a ne sus motor. Do sada nam je struju radio Marelli i jednostavno zaostajemo za konkurencijom. Svi ostali rade to rade "u kući", a mi imamo dobavljača. I ovaj trenutni zaostatak je uglavnom posledica tog strujnog dela. Kada se novim pravilima '26. poveća udeo struje povećaće se i naš zaostatak. Zato de Meo trči okolo i gleda  šta može da se kupi.



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