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- U Kojnovom bolidu #51 za trku na Barberu potvrdjen Luka Gioto, doskorasnji F2 vozac iz Italije a odnedavno vozac u ELMS seriji sportskih prototipova...





ELMS driver and Formula 2 veteran Luca Ghiotto will drive Dale Coyne Racing’s No. 51 entry for the upcoming rounds at Barber Motorsports Park and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway road course.


The 29-year-old Italian spent five full seasons in F2, achieving a best result of third in the championship in 2019 with UNI-Virtuosi Racing. He made his debut in sportscars the following year and currently competes in the ELMS’s LMP2 class with Inter Europol. He was also test and simulator driver for the Nissan Formula E team in 2022-2023.


Edited by Radoye
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Pauer postenjacina, iako je na njegovom bolidu postojao ilegalni PtP on ga jedini medju Penskijevcima nije koristio!




IndyCar noted that Power did not gain any competitive advantage by improper use of push-to-pass while his teammates were determined to have done so, leading to the points penalty rather than a full disqualification for the No. 12. However, the 12 team was also fined $25,000 and forfeited all prize money from the race, as did the team’s other two entries.


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Penskijeva odbrana:





In an intensive 45-minute phone call on Thursday between RACER, Team Penske president Tim Cindric and managing director Ron Ruzewski — the two senior-most leaders of Roger Penske’s IndyCar Series program — explained their side of the push-to-pass (P2P) saga that has brought embarrassment to the team and the series owned by Roger Penske.


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Josef Newgarden has taken responsibility for the irregular usage of push-to-pass (P2P) at IndyCar’s season opener at St. Petersburg last month, which resulted in his victory being disqualified when the issued came to light at Long Beach.


Newgarden was determined to have used the P2P three times during restarts, when it was supposed to have been deactivated. Team Penske teammate Scott McLaughlin, who used it illegally once, was also disqualified from third. Will Power was issued a points deduction for having full-time P2P enabled on his car, although he did not use it.





“I sent that video to Kyle. I was the one that screen recorded it and sent it to Kyle. And this was right after St. Pete. I said, ‘Man, did Chevy really gain this much in the offseason? It looks like he’s on push-to-pass.’” Herta said after watching Newgarden’s press conference Friday morning at Barber Motorsports Park.


“I get a better exit and he still closes up to me. I sent it to Kyle and he’s like, ‘Dude, it looks like he’s on overtake.’ I would have never thought that somebody was doing that. I just thought it was Chevy gains in the offseason and maybe they have some special restart power mix and it’s off the hook.”


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Bura oko skandala sa Penskijevim modifikovanim PtP softverom ne jenjava:





IndyCar president Jay Frye is the commissioner of the series he runs. Penske Entertainment CEO Mark Miles is frequently deployed as voice of the executives, which includes series owner Roger Penske. Together, they met with the press in the Barber Motorsports Park paddock on Friday to share insights and field questions surrounding Team Penske’s push-to-pass (P2P) scandal.


A Grozan se izvinjava za jos jednu 356721 po redu "zutu minutu" na stazi:





Romain Grosjean said he has apologized to Jack Harvey for nudging the Brit off the road late in Friday’s opening NTT IndyCar practice session at Barber.


The incident started when the Juncos Hollinger Racing driver came upon Harvey as the Brit was getting the No. 18 Dale Coyne Racing Honda up to speed after exiting the pits. Grosjean expressed his irritation a few corners later by hip-checking Harvey off the track, almost snaring the trailing car of Alexander Rossi in the process.


Covek ima problem u glavi koji ga sprecava da svoj nesporan vozacki talenat iskoristi do maksimuma. Da je samo 2% normalan vec bi do sada imao i pobeda a mozda i poneku titulu, ovako ce ostati zapamcen kao paljevina kome svako malo pregori licna pa se zakucava u druge vozace na stazi - ili u ogradu... :smiley26:

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6 hours ago, Romantik said:

Kako je Vikeju uspelo da od prvog mesta na treningu dodje do poslednjeg u kvalifikacijama, vise do sekunde sporiji nego na FP2!?


Problemi s elektronikom, nije odvezao reprezentativan krug u kvalifikacijama.

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- Dejvid Malukas dobio otkaz u Meklarenu. On je propustio dosadasnji deo sezone zbog povrede zgloba ruke u padu sa bicikla tokom zimske pauze. Povreda se zakomplikovala, izgleda da je pored loma kosti doslo i do ostecenja zivaca i prognoze su takve da je njegov povratak u bolid dugorocno neizvestan.




David Malukas has been cut by Arrow McLaren.


His release was “due to him being unavailable for the entirety of the season to date, with no confirmed return date, as a result of a left wrist injury, which occurred February 11, in a mountain biking incident,” the team said.

Gre'ota za "Malog Dejva", dobar je momak i talentovan vozac, nadam se da ce uspeti da prevazidje povredu i vrati se aktivnom bavljenju sportom.

Malukasa su do sada menjali Kalum Ajlot i Teo Porser, i jedan i drugi imaju obaveze u drugim sampionatima (Ajlot u WEC, Porser u japanskoj SuperFormuli) i nisu u mogucnosti da pokriju kompletnu sezonu, Porser usput jos nema nikakvo iskustvo na ovalima. Ajlot se namece kao logicno resenje za Indi 500 ali osim toga sve je otvoreno.


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We’re days away from knowing whether it will be 35 cars trying to qualify for 33 starting spots at the Indianapolis 500, or 34 where one unlucky driver will watch the May 26 race from the sidelines.


Abel Motorsports, which cracked the field of 33 last year as a first-time IndyCar entrant, is working hard to get its brand-new Dallara DW12 chassis ready to accept Chevrolet’s 2.2-liter twin-turbo V6 engine ahead of opening practice on May 14, but vehicle readiness for what would be the 35th entry isn’t the issue.

It’s a question of funding at this stage and whether RC Enerson, Abel’s Indy 500 driver from 2023, can lock in the sponsors required to move forward.


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Arrow McLaren brought Pato O’Ward’s second-place trophy from St. Petersburg to give to Team Penske’s Will Power, who was promoted to second after Newgarden and McLaughlin were disqualified. It was meant to be an exchange, with Team Penske handing over Newgarden’s first-place trophy after O’Ward was promoted to first. The exchange didn’t happen. Hopefully O’Ward’s winner’s hardware from St. Pete will turn up at Indy.


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Ostajemo na 34 do sada potvrdjena bolida za Indi, nista od 35.




Bill Abel and his Abel Motorsports team will not take part in the Indianapolis 500, which solidifies the field at 34 cars.


Abel told RACER on Sunday at Barber Motorsports Park that he was giving it another week to see if his 2023 Indy 500 driver RC Enerson could raise the funds to bankroll the effort, but Enerson’s efforts were unsuccessful.


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Arrow McLaren is accelerating Theo Pourchaire’s IndyCar Series education plan by sending the reigning FIA Formula 2 champion to the 1.25-mile World Wide Technology Raceway oval on Monday.


The hope is for the Frenchman to pass his oval rookie test, which would allow him to race the No. 6 Chevy at the ovals following the Indianapolis 500. Callum Ilott, who raced from 28th to 12th at the 2023 Indy 500 while driving for Juncos Hollinger Racing, is tipped to lead the No. 6 entry once official Speedway practice starts on May 14.


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Sledeceg vikenda pocinje Mesec Maj trkom za VN Indijanapolisa na granpri konfiguraciji najcuvenije trkacke staze na svetu:




Staza koja najvise podseca na F1 autodrome od svih na Indikar kalendaru - sto nije cudo jer se tu, na nesto drugacijoj konfiguraciji, nekad vozila F1 VN SAD - obicno nam pruza zanimljivo trkanje i neocekivane rezultate, jer ovde obicno vozaci skolovani u Evropi na F1 stazama bez dzombi i bez zidova tik uz stazu cesto ostvaruju svoje najbolje rezultate sezone.

Indikar padok se jos uvek oporavlja od soka zbog skandala sa ilegalnim PtP softverom na Penskijevim bolidima. I dok je zvanicno stvar legla diskvalifikacijom Njugardena i Mekloklina sa trke u St. Pitu pojedinci traze da istraga ide dublje i da se pronadju odgovorni cijom krivicom se ilegalni softver nasao na bolidima i da im se zabrani dalje ucesce u sportu. E sad, stvar komplikuje to sto je Rodzer Penski em gazda Penski tima, em gazda Indikar sampionata em vlasnik IMS u Indijanapolisu tako da stjuardi koji su vrsili istragu i odredili kazne zapravo rade za njega. Takodje, deluje da je Penski odlucio da sve svali na vozace, posebno na Njugardena, jer "da nisu neprimereno koristili PtP ne bi bio problem to sto softver koji omogucava neprimereno koriscenje postoji na bolidima". Vlasnici ostalih timova bas i nisu ubedjeni u Penskijevu nevinost i kazu da sumnje u neprimerenu upotrebu PtP postoje vec barem dve godine - doduse niko ovo nije voljan javno da izjavi nego samo anonimno oci u oci s novinarima u koje imaju poverenja da nece izdati svoje izvore...

Inace na Barberu smo, nakon diskvalifikacije u St. Pitu i pranja u Long Bicu gde su Ganasi i Andreti Honde uzele ceo podijum videli 1-2 Penskija sa Mekloklinom i Pauerom u glavnim ulogama. Takticka trka u kojoj su na papiru dva stopa uz stednju goriva bila najbrza taktika se zahvaljujuci oportunom "zutom" periodu pretvorila u trku u kojoj dobijaju tri stopa i gas do daske. Videli smo i jedan izuzetno bizaran momenat kad je jedna od umetnickih instalacija pored staze pala sa mosta na koji je bila okacena. Pato O'Vord je imao vikend za zaborav dvaput se okrenuvsi na stazi i posle se sudarajuci sa svime sto mu je stalo na put.

No, to je sve za nama - sve oci su uprte unapred u Mesec Maj. Pobedu na ovoj trci brani Aleks Palu, trka se vozi u subotu da bi se staza prekonfigurisala za Indi 500 sa treninzima koji pocinju u utorak.

Satnica vikenda ovde: https://www.indycar.com/Schedule/2024/IndyCar-Series/Indianapolis#schedule

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