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Elkart Lejk u Viskonsinu je lokacija jedne od najlepsih i najatraktivnijih trkackih staza na svetu, i upravo ce se tu ovog vikenda voziti naredna trka na kalendaru Indikar sampionata. Nakon postapokalipticnih slika iz Detroita dobro ce doci malo osvezenja.

Prosle godine pobednik je bio Aleks Palu, nakon sto je veci deo trke dominirao Kolton Herta osvajac pol pozicije koji je na kraju zavrsio tek peti. Ove godine je stvarno tesko prognozirati jer su rezultati do sada cak i po merilima Indikara haoticni - jedino sto bih se usudio je da ce Skot Dikson verovatno biti pri vrhu. Vremena se menjaju samo je Dikson vecan.

U medjuvremenu glavna vest u Indikaru je ponovno divljanje Kanapinovih navijaca iz Argentine na drustvenim mrezama sa pretnjama smrcu i uvredama upucenim Teu Porseru. Meklaren i JHR timovi su izdali zajednicko saopstenje u kojem se osudjuje ovakvo ponasanje ali je Kanapino stao u odbranu svojih fanova i dolio ulje na vatru. Problem je sto JHR zavisi od Meklarenove tehnicke saradnje mnogo vise nego od Kanapina i podrske njegovih navijaca. Nakon nedavnih kurobecanja Santina Ferucija izgleda da Indikar dobija jos jednog lika u crnom sesiru...


Vest je i to da ce, uz Kastronevesa ponovo umesto Blomkvista u MSR bolidu #66, i u DCR #51 (ponovo) doci do promene vozaca, ovaj put za volanom ce biti Luka Gioto.


Satnica vikenda: https://www.indycar.com/Schedule/2024/IndyCar-Series/Road-America#schedule


(dodati 6 sati)



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I kao sto rekoh...


On 6/4/2024 at 6:19 PM, Radoye said:

U medjuvremenu glavna vest u Indikaru je ponovno divljanje Kanapinovih navijaca iz Argentine na drustvenim mrezama sa pretnjama smrcu i uvredama upucenim Teu Porseru. Meklaren i JHR timovi su izdali zajednicko saopstenje u kojem se osudjuje ovakvo ponasanje ali je Kanapino stao u odbranu svojih fanova i dolio ulje na vatru. Problem je sto JHR zavisi od Meklarenove tehnicke saradnje mnogo vise nego od Kanapina i podrske njegovih navijaca. Nakon nedavnih kurobecanja Santina Ferucija izgleda da Indikar dobija jos jednog lika u crnom sesiru...


Posledice su brze i nemilosrdne:




The Arrow McLaren NTT IndyCar Series team has severed its business relationship with Juncos Hollinger Racing.


Pa neka se posle argentinski fudbaloidi cesu gde ih ne svrbi...

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2 hours ago, Juan Pablo Montoya said:

Ovi Argentinosi opasno podsecaju na nase budale.


To je taj isti mentalitet, samo ne CZV/PAR nego Boca/River. Kadgod se fudbaloidi dohvate auto-sporta to uvek izgleda nakaradno bez obzira odakle su.

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- Malukas u MSR:




David Malukas will make his return to racing later this month at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca as the driver of Meyer Shank Racing’s No. 66 Honda. The Illinois native, who injured his left hand and wrist in a pre-season cycling crash, will complete the season in the car after MSR parked rookie Tom Blomqvist.


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JHR parkirao Kanapina:





Nolan Siegel will drive Juncos Hollinger Racing’s No. 78 Chevy in place of Agustin Canapino for this weekend’s IndyCar race at Road America. The one-race change comes in reaction to death threats made by some of Canapino’s fans towards Arrow McLaren’s Theo Pourchaire after Pourchaire hit Canapino’s car during last weekend’s Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix.


Citing a backlash of his own, the JHR team says Canapino “will be taking a leave of absence for this weekend’s Xpel Grand Prix. The growth of online abuse and harassment resulting from the events of this week have led to a very difficult experience for Agustin, the team and the entire IndyCar fan base, and the safety of Agustin and the rest of the competitors has to be considered first and foremost. Abuse, hatred, and harassment in any form is a detriment to this sport, and we must prioritize the mental and physical well-being of both our drivers and our competition.”


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In need of a big change of fortune, Linus Lundqvist delivered at the perfect time on Saturday as the 2022 Indy NXT champion earned his first pole position for Chip Ganassi Racing. The young Swede was a rocket in the No. 8 Honda as a day of rain—which affected the majority of qualifying—transitioned into sunny and drying close to the Firestone Fast Six session.



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Dobra trka, Penski 1-2-3 na kraju - Njugarden takticki odradio Mekloklina a Pauer takticki odradio Njugardena. Na startu Armstrong torpedovao timskog Lundkvista koji je uzeo pol i izbacio obojicu + Hertu iz konkurencije (Herta se kasnije dovukao do top 10). Kasnije Rasmusen izbacio rukija Simpsona i ukucao ga u zid za kompletno uzasan dan Ganasija koji je jedino izvadilo Paluovo cetvrto mesto - Dikson je zavrsio tek 21.

Grozan danas solidan, imao puno dobrih duela celu trku i na kraju sedmi. Pato osmi, Rosi koji se dugo drzao pri vrhu na kraju izvisio...

U drugim vestima Dzejmi Cedvik (trostruka tj. jedina sampionka pokojne W serije u tri sezone koliko je trajala) uzela pobedu u IndyNXT - prva zenska pobednica jos od 2010. kad je pobedila Pipa Man; Ana (Bia Figueredo) Beatriz ima dve pobede, po jednu 2008. i 2009.

Za vreme podele u Indikar svetu postojala je i konkurentska Atlantik serija u kojoj su pobedjivale Ketrin Leg (3x 2005.) i Simona de Silvestro (1x2008, 4x2009.).


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The opening lap of the XPEL Grand Prix of Road America was a big mess to start as three cautions were required in the first seven laps, but once the 55-lapper in Wisconsin settled into a groove, a huge reversal of fortune saw Chip Ganassi Racing — the king of Saturday’s qualifying — stumble as Team Penske used masterful driving and pit strategy to clinch a 1-2-3 finished led by Will Power.


Rezultati: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/06/indycar-race-results_61c2f4.pdf



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Will Power knows the worst fears a spouse can face. His wife Liz, struck with a blood infection last year, spent the follow-up season to his 2022 NTT IndyCar Series championship won for Roger Penske with his mind and heart thousands of miles away from his wife.


While wanting to be with her — and their young son Beau — as the sepsis nearly turned fatal, Power was gripped with fear and dealt with the distractions at home to the best of his ability. But his mind was often elsewhere, as it should have been, which led to a disappointing championship run that was devoid of his familiar wins and poles.


In breaking that winless streak on Sunday at Road America, Power released more than 12 months of pent-up pressure and professional disappointment, and in an unusually frank conversation, the Australian ace spoke openly about the challenges he and Liz faced throughout her long and life-threatening ordeal.


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Za mene verovatno najlepsa staza u Americi. Odlicna trka, samo mi nisu jasne dve stvari:


1. Da li je Meklaklin pustio Njugardena? Cudan je bio manevar a i gest rukom nakon onako lakog obilazenja. Ako jeste zasto je to uradio, zar nije i on u borni za titulu?

2. Sta je bilo sa Diksonom? On je u poslednjoj trecini delovao kao da je imao bas ozbiljnih tehnickih problema, kao da je gubio snagu motor na momente pa se vracao.

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33 minutes ago, Romantik said:

Za mene verovatno najlepsa staza u Americi. Odlicna trka, samo mi nisu jasne dve stvari:


1. Da li je Meklaklin pustio Njugardena? Cudan je bio manevar a i gest rukom nakon onako lakog obilazenja. Ako jeste zasto je to uradio, zar nije i on u borni za titulu?

2. Sta je bilo sa Diksonom? On je u poslednjoj trecini delovao kao da je imao bas ozbiljnih tehnickih problema, kao da je gubio snagu motor na momente pa se vracao.


Road Amerika je poznata i kao Americka SPA Franchorshamps. Tako da nije samo tebi najlepsa, mnogi je vole.


1. Propustio ga je i nije najjasnije zasto.

2. Dikson je celu trku kuburio sa snagom motora u trecem i cetvrtom stepenu prenosa.

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Juncos Hollinger Racing made the right decision to pull Agustin Canapino from its car for last weekend’s NTT IndyCar Series race in Road America.


Team sources point to the Argentinian reaching an increasingly distracted mental state as the opening practice session drew near at 2:45pm on Friday. Although he was seen in a lighthearted mood in the morning, his disposition darkened in the hours that followed, and with the inherent dangers of racing at 200mph, the team — not IndyCar, but the team — chose to give the 34-year-old Canapino a break. But there was a lot more to the story.


Cela frka oko Kanapina detaljno objasnjena.

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