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Team Penske’s Will Power was fastest in the two-hour morning session held by IndyCar at the Milwaukee Mile to give its new hybrid powertrains a proper run (161.521mph), and in the one-hour early afternoon outing, his teammate Josef Newgarden went to the top (160.759mph) to lead a Penske 1-2-3.





David Malukas spent most of Tuesday’s two-hour hybrid IndyCar test session at Milwaukee with his new No. 66 Meyer Shank Racing Honda sitting atop the speed chart. The Illinois native’s debut for the team also served as his first outing in an IndyCar for many months after injuring his left hand and wrist in a cycling accident just prior to the season-opener in March.






Agustin Canapino will return to the No. 78 Juncos Hollinger Racing Chevy at the next NTT IndyCar Series race at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca and complete the season in the car.


The decision comes after the Argentinian was removed from the No. 78 prior to last Friday’s opening practice session at Road America in the wake of recent issues and replaced by rookie driver Nolan Siegel.






The NTT IndyCar Series is headed to FOX in 2025 as part of a new multiyear broadcast deal.


Every race will be aired on FOX’s primary network, with all 17 of the newly announced dates being featured on the same channel that carries the NFL, NASCAR, and MLB.





Following a new trend set by IMSA, which announced its 2025 racing calendar in March, the NTT IndyCar Series has revealed next year’s schedule at the earliest point in memory. It features 17 races with no additions or deletions to 2024’s venues, and includes the return of The Thermal Club, but as a standard points-paying event.


The shortened 182-day championship carves one week out of the current calendar, which starts one week earlier on March 2 at St. Petersburg and ends two weeks sooner on Saturday, August 31, at Nashville Speedway.


Kompletan kalendar: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/06/25_NICS_SCH_PRINTABLE-2.pdf





Legendarna Laguna Seka ove godine je umesto finala sezone dobila mesto tacno u sredini kalendara. Prosle godine obnovljena podloga imala je vremena da "sazri" pa nema razloga da trkanje ne bude na najvisem nivou kvaliteta. Sladokuscima stazu ne treba posebno predstavljati - klasik starog kova sa velikim visinskim razlikama, atraktivnim krivimama i cuveni "vadicep".

Nakon solidne trke na granpri konfiguraciji staze u Indijanapolisu na kojoj je pobedio Palu u Penskiju, uzbudljivog Indi 500 (Njugarden u Penskiju), totalni cirkus u Detroitu (Dikson za Ganasi) i onda solidnu trku na Elkart Lejku (Penski 1-2-3 sa Pauerom na celu). Da li ce se trend nastaviti i ovde sa pobedom za nekog od Ganasijevaca? Trenutno na tabeli sampionata vodi Pauer sa minimalnom prednoscu ispred Palua koji ima istu takvu prednost ispred Diksona koga nakon malo veceg zaostatka prati O'Vord za dlaku ispred poravnatih Mekloklina, Kirkvuda i Herte. Na pola sezone apsolutno je nemoguce prognozirati kome ce otici titula!


Buka oko ponasanja Kanapinovih fanova po drustvenim medijima se sva je prilika stisala. Kanapino se vraca u JHR bolid nakon sto se javno izvinio zbog lajkovanja i podrske "izjavama za koje sada shvata da su neprhvatljive" pozivajuci se na kulturne i civilizacijske razlike izmedju Argentine i SAD kojih nije bio svestan...


I to bi manje-vise bilo to!

Satnica vikenda ovde: https://www.indycar.com/Schedule/2024/IndyCar-Series/Laguna-Seca#schedule

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Trka je od 18:15 lokalno... to je vremenska razlika od 8 ili 9 sati jel tako? Zapadna obala. Drugim rečima u Srbiji je to već ponedeljak kad krene.

5 hours ago, Juan Pablo Montoya said:

Trka je od 18:15 lokalno... to je vremenska razlika od 8 ili 9 sati jel tako? Zapadna obala. Drugim rečima u Srbiji je to već ponedeljak kad krene.


To je u Eastern Time (istocna obala vreme), ne Pacific Time (zapadna obala). Znaci standardnih +6 sati.


Na zvanicnom vebsajtu se sva vremena daju po Indijanapolisu a to je istocna obala vremenska zona.

  • Thanks 1

Sigel u Meklarenu #6 umesto Porsera, potpisan za do kraja naredne godine!




Nolan Siegel is getting the opportunity of his young lifetime with Arrow McLaren.


The 19-year-old from California, who is stepping into the No. 6 Chevy and just won the LMP2 class at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, has been signed to a multi-year deal. The development with Siegel in the No. 6 also closes one of the high-profile openings on the grid.


Porser je uskocio kao zamena za povredjenog Malukasa dok je Sigel bio jedan od kandidata za ovo mesto za 2025. i dalje. Sad je to ubrzano...





Arrow McLaren’s season of turmoil and changes with its No. 6 entry continues and potentially ends this weekend as promising Frenchman Theo Pourchaire, the reigning Formula 2 champion who impressed the team in his handful of starts, has been replaced in favor of Nolan Siegel.


The late decision came as a shock to the 20-year-old, whose post to X on Monday of, “Man I can’t believe I’m gonna race on the legendary Laguna Seca this weekend. Can’t wait to be there for the Grand Prix of Monterey” was liked more than 2100 times before he was informed that the team has changed its mind on having him complete the rest of the season in the No. 6 car in order to launch a new multiyear arrangement with Siegel.



FP1, Mekloklin ispred Herte i Palua:





Scott McLaughlin led opening practice for the Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey, the eighth round of the 2024 NTT IndyCar Series season, at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.


Rezultati: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/06/indycar-results-p1_9424bb.pdf






Colton Herta of Andretti Global set the pace in IndyCar’s second practice at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, two-tenths ahead of Team Penske’s Will Power, after a session interrupted by three red flags.


Rezultati: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/06/indycar-results-p2_565708.pdf







Alex Palou left his rivals breathless in the Fast Six battle to claim pole for the Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.


Grid za sutra: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/06/indycar-results-quals_660432.pdf


Dobio Palu, trku sam propustio zbog obaveza moracu da naknadno pogledam 🙂





Alex Palou won the Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey, beating Colton Herta after a torrid 95 laps of the 2.238-mile WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca and has moved into the lead of the championship on a day when Will Power finished seventh.






Colton Herta was the fastest driver during Thursday’s overcast and contact-laden hybrid NTT IndyCar Series test at Iowa Speedway. The Andretti Global driver’s No. 26 Honda turned an unofficial best of 16.954s around the 0.875-mile oval, which recently underwent a repaving in the corners. It compares favorably to the pole time of 17.725s set last year by Team Penske’s Will Power on the old surface and in a non-hybrid car that weighed approximately 100 pounds less.



Cao Radoje, posto sam newcomer u Kanadi, red je da se gleda i Indy u Torontu. 🙂 


Gledam karte i za tribine tamo na poslednjij krivini, a mozda i Pit pass, ali me prvenstveno zanima da li znas kakav ne dozivljaj sa General Admission? Volim kad imam slobodu da idem od krivine do krivine 🙂 


GA je dovoljan. Uzmi padok pas obavezno (pit pas moze samo sa tribinom). Tokom celog vikenda muvaj se po Indy padoku dok su na stazi pratece serije (osim ako bas hoces da i njih ispratis) a kad voze Indy setaj oko staze. Imas pristup sa spoljne strane od izlaska is boksova do prve krivine, s unutrasnje od negde 1/3 pravca izmedju druge i trece krivine do ulaska u petu i sa druge strane kompleks 9-10-11 (sam kraj staze). Petkom su sve tribine (osim VIP) otvorene svakako pa mozes i njih da overis cisto da vidis kako je, za sledeci put. Mada meni su tribine malo truba jer ubija sunce. Inace najbolja mi je ona na krivini 10 (odmah kod boksova, najbliza podijumu). Padok za pratece serije je otvoren bez pasa pa i to vredi obici.

Za trku nadji mesto odakle se vidi neki od velikih ekrana da imas ideju sta se dogadja na celoj stazi, ako bude jako toplo udji u Honda sator - i tamo ima ekran, a ima i klima. 2-3 kruga pre kraja kreni prema podijumu i gledaj ako je moguce da se naguras do same sipke. Posle trke ce padok biti zatvoren ali se moze ufurati na kvarnjaka (ja to svake godine radim) dok nas policija ne istera sve. 🙂 



Nisam mogao traziti bolji odgovor! To sam bas hteo da mi neko potvrdi, da je GA tamanica, uz onda padock pass! Hvala ti puno!


Kopiram odgovor u notes, da mi ostane! :))




Staza kod Leksingtona u Ohaju bice narednog vikenda popriste istorijske trke bez obzira sta se bude dogodilo, jer bicemo svedoci debija hibridnog pogona u Indikar sampionatu. Nakon dosta peripetije i odlaganja KERS sistem planiran da debituje jos prosle sezone konacno je dovoljno "sazreo". Za razliku od F1, Indikar nece koristiti baterije za skladistenje engergije nego novo fizicki manje i lakse resenje sa kondenzatorima i kompletan sistem je smesten u kuciste menjaca. Pored ocigledne funcije omogucavanja dodatne snage (koristice se poput dodatnog PtP sistema, ovaj sadasnji sa turbo bustom ostaje nepromenjen) novi hibridni sistem omogucice vozacima da restartuju motore kad se ugase sto bi trebalo da smanji potrebu za "zutim" periodima ili makar da smanji njihovo trajanje.

Kako ce sve to da izgleda u praksi ostaje da se vidi.


Mid-Ohajo je sagradjen pocetkom 60-tih godina za potrebe takmicenja sportskih prototipova. Bolidi jednosedi s otvorenim tockovima prvi put ovde gostuju u formi americkog nacionalnog F5000 sampionata izmedju 1970. i 1976. dok Indikar prvi put nastupa 1980. i uz samo par preskocenih godina ostaje sve do danas. Pravi klasican autodrom starog kova Mid-Ohajo nije toliko poznat kao Roud Amerika, Votkins Glen ili Laguna Seka ali atraktivnoscu ne zaostaje puno za njima. Pobedu od prosle godine brani Aleks Palu a najbrzi krug drzi Vil Pauer sa 1:05.2600s postavljen 2016.

Rekorder po broju pobeda je Skot Dikson sa 6 a u konkurenciji timova Penski i Ganasi su izjednaceni sa po 12.


Satnica vikenda ovde: https://www.indycar.com/Schedule/2024/IndyCar-Series/Mid-Ohio#schedule



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Lundgard umesto Rosija u Meklarenu #7 dogodine:





Christian Lundgaard has been confirmed as the replacement for Alexander Rossi next season in the No. 7 Arrow McLaren Chevy.


The move completes the team’s recent efforts to revamp its NTT IndyCar Series lineup and presents the young Dane with a chance to vie for greater success in one of IndyCar’s top four teams.



Navodno Rahal sprema Vipsa kao zamenu za Lundgarda.

Sa druge strane idu glasine da Prema koja se sprema da udje u Indikar sampionat planira da dovede Logana Sardzenta.





The NTT IndyCar Series’ hybrid era opened with rookie Toby Sowery doing most of the lapping on his own in dry and overcast conditions to start on Friday at Mid-Ohio and ended with Alex Palou on top and rain limiting the running in the final 20 minutes of the 75-minute opening to the Honda Indy 200.


Rezultati FP1: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/07/indycar-results-p1.pdf




Posted (edited)




Saturday morning’s dry and warm 45-minute practice session for the NTT IndyCar Series featured more off-track adventures than any in recent memory as the 27 drivers tried to get a handle on their heavier hybrid cars. Only one of the incidents led to contact.

Due to the rain that prevented teams from making use of the Firestone alternate tires in Friday’s practice session, the series made an exception and allowed the faster rubber to be used in the second session as teams prepared for Saturday afternoon’s qualifying session, and with those red-banded alternates installed, Arrow McLaren’s Pato O’Ward led the field with a 1m05.9862s run in his No. 5 Chevy.


Rezultati FP2: https://racer.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2024/07/indycar-results-p2.pdf







The first pole in IndyCar’s hybrid era belongs to Chip Ganassi Racing and Alex Palou, who secured his second consecutive pole with the No. 10 Honda and the Spaniard’s third of the season.


Grid za sutra:


Edited by Radoye

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