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On 3/19/2023 at 5:55 PM, Drago said:

Hoće li najzad da isteraju na te demonstrativne vožnje bolid iz hibridne ere ili će opet onaj star 11-12 godina iz V8 ere?


Hahaha Red Bule i F1, dje vam hibrid? 😄 Slabo će odzvanjati po šumama oko Koblenca pa će terati pravi F1 motor.


Ali bez brige, sipaće u RB7 iz 2011. godine e-fuel da bi pokazali svoju "ekološku svest". 🤔



  • 1 month later...




"We have a contract with Perez until the end of 2024,” Marko told Motorsport-Total.


“He is second in the world championship. What need do we have to take action?


"He has now woken up from his world championship dream. Maybe that will help him to focus again on delivering the best possible performance.



Helmut vratio Čeka na fabrička podešavanja. Izgleda da se glavešinama u Red Bulu nije dopala njegova forma na startu sezone i ugrožavanje Maxove titule. Neverovatan je Perezov strmoglav pad forme od Majamija do danas. I danas kada je uradio ono što tim od njega očekuje tj. da izgubi od Maxa dobijamo izjavu od Marka da je bezbedan do kraja sledeće sezone.


Zbog toga je onomad Rikardo otisao iz RBR, ceo tim je Maksov privatni servis. Doduse, u medjuvremenu je vozio takve krntije da se pokajao, bolje biti Maksova kucka imati siguran podijum i pokupiti po koju mrvicu (pobedu) kada ovom nesto zatrokira nego se vecito boriti za 8-12. mesta...

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Našao negde na internetima:


From another group chat but a very, very interesting read!!!

I'm a mechanic of over 40yrs.. I now teach mechanics to apprentices.. I've been studying the technology of the 48volt KERS ( Kinetic energy recovery system ) and I believe that the redbulls are able to recover more energy in a shorter time. As these honda engines are old technology they are not subject to the same FIA scrutineering as the new engines made by Mercedes and Ferrari etc. Honda produced these engines under specific rules and guidelines nearly 4 years ago and then handed the design plans to redbull to build themselves.. teams can continue to use old technology for about 6 years if it is purely for their own use. But if they distribute their engines... like.mercedes and Ferrari do.. then they are forced to design new engines every year... redbull can have made many changes to those units without having to disclose this information to the FIA as they are deemed already approved and basically obsolete... I believe that the engines have a higher lift extra variable cam that at change down rpms engages and extracts more exhaust gases during the run down at every corner which spools the 48v turbo in the opposite direction turning it from a motor driving the turbo to a generator gathering power.... the turbo operates by 48v and on acceleration the turbo spools to full boost in .02 of a second.. but off the power the exhaust gases spool the turbine wheel of the turbo backwards... when I watch the red light flash on the redbull during recovery mode it flashes for less time than the rest of the field and yet the battery discharge lasts a lot longer... this is where redbull are gaining interesting read!


Svi motori su homologovani na isti nacin i razvoj je zamrznut od momenta kad je Honda "izasla" (pre nego sto se "vratila") na zahtev RBR uz saglasnost svih proizvodjaca. U medjuvremenu su bile dozvoljene izmene jedino u cilju popravljanja pouzdanosti - e sad, ako se uz bolju pouzdanost dobije i kojih 20-tak konja vise, boze moj! 😄


Svaka promena na motoru u odnosu na trenutno homologovanu verziju mora biti prijavljena i proci proces homologacije i tako postati "legalizovana" za upotrebu tokom zvanicnih trkackih vikenda.

Svi proizvodjaci su znacajno unapredili svoje pogonske jedinice od momenta zamrzavanja pa i Honda / RBPT, cak i Reno koji je negde tokom toga ostao da kaska za ostalima, kazu fali im 50-tak konja. To sto lik pise da RBPT ne snabdeva nikog - nije tacno, snabdeva Alfatauri, iako su oba tima pod istom vlasnickom kapom sa stanovista FIA to su dva entiteta i sve sto vazi za musterije Mercedesa i Ferarija vazi i za RBPT-ovu musteriju Alfatauri. Jedini proizvodjac koji nikoga ne snabdeva je - Reno.




A da nesto muljaju, muljaju sigurno. Da li sa motorom ili necim drugim - to ne znam.


Interesantno štivo Askari, no ako me pamćenje služi oni su prošle sezone imali problema sa prilagođavanjem na E-10 gorivo pa su to opravljali a vidim na više artikla da su dobili malo performanse na novom softveru koji je bolje kontrolisao MGUK. Uz bolji motor sa unutrašnjim izgaranjem (opravljen dizajn na konto pouzdanosti) naravno da isti može bolje "hraniti" MGUH koji se spominje. Što me vraća na ono što je i Radoje napisao.


Ljudi su jednostavno razvalili aerodinamiku i sad ubiraju plodove svog rada.


Setite se samo one slike sa predsezonskog testiranja - savrseno opstrujavanje. Sve izgleda onako kako su nacrtali i zamislili.


Max je u maksimalnoj formi, Ceko je tu wingmen po definiciji.


Strategije perfektne. Ekipa utrenirana u pitu.


Melju ljudi. I nastavice tako do neke vece promene pravila.

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  • 2 months later...

Christian Horner admitted Red Bull no longer has a pair of drivers like Formula 1 rivals Mercedes, Ferrari and McLaren as Sergio Perez struggles against Max Verstappen continued in Qatar.


“I think with a car like we have, he's probably putting that pressure on himself,” 


“The most important thing for us is winning both [drivers’ and teams’] championships. We've done that.


“And then, what's the next best thing after that would be to have both your drivers first and second.


“You can see Mercedes have a pair, McLaren have a pair, Ferrari have a pair that are quite tight between the respective drivers.


“I think we've had that at the earlier point in the year. But as the season has gone on it's become more variant.


“We just need to get Checo back to the best form that he's capable of.”


Horner insisted Red Bull is “going to give all the support that we possibly can” to help Perez get his form back.


VIA: [FastestPitStop]

  • 1 month later...

Red Bull Motorsport Advisor Helmut Marko concedes he has 'given up' on discovering a 'new' Max Verstappen as the team unveils Oliver Goethe as its latest junior signing.


“He is a good guy, a German who lives in London and Monte Carlo. He was fast during the test days and next year he will have to prove himself in F3.”


But on whether he can compare to such junior success stories such as Verstappen or Sebastian Vettel, Marko said:


“Maybe he has a bit of that same cheekiness, but I have already given up looking for a new Verstappen. After all, there is no such thing... I will be happy if we find a future GP winner.”


VIA: [RacingNews365]


Jbg presusio bunar kad se iz njega previse vode vuklo.


Toliko su kvalitetnih mladih vozaca rasterali u ekspresnom proguravanju Ferstapena i potrazi za njegovom zamenom da je njihov program prestao da bude atraktivan za nadolazece generacije klinaca koji su sad otisli drugde. Nekad se trcalo u Red Bulov razvojni program a sad se glavom bez obzira bezi od njega, i za to je najveci krivac upravo Dr. Marko.


Mozda sam zlurad ali ne mogu da kazem da mi je mnogo zao.

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