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- Naskarovac Kajl Larson vozice cetvrti Meklaren za 2024 Indi 500 (dakle ne ove vec sledece godine). Larson je poznat po volji da se oproba u sto vise razlicitih disciplina, pored svog primarnog angazmana u Naskaru (gde je 2021. osvojio titulu) on prakticno svakog slobodnog vikenda negde vozi neke druge trke a ima reputaciju najboljeg vozaca danasnjice na ovalima. Ovo ce mu biti prvi pokusaj u Indikar bolidu.



Arrow McLaren will expand to four cars for the Indianapolis 500 in 2024, and it’s well worth the effort as one of the world’s great oval drivers, 2021 NASCAR Cup champion Kyle Larson, will make his NTT IndyCar Series debut with the Chevy-powered team.


Larson will pilot a Dallara-DW12 chassis fielded by Arrow McLaren in partnership with his NASCAR team owner Rick Hendrick and Hendrick Motorsports, and will feature sponsorship from



- Zvanicno potvrdjen Sato u #11 Ganasi bolidu za ovale:



Chip Ganassi Racing and Takuma Sato will join forces to pursue wins at the five oval races on the NTT IndyCar Series calendar. The two-time Indianapolis 500 winner has signed with the defending Indy 500 winners as teammate to rookie driver Marcus Armstrong, who will pilot the No. 11 Honda on road and street courses.



- IMSA veteran Riki Tejlor ce testirati za Andreti Indikar tim:



One of the best sports car drivers of his generation will get another chance to test an Indy car as Wayne Taylor Racing with Andretti Autosport IMSA GTP driver Ricky Taylor is set to get another open-wheel run courtesy of his new team co-owner.


Tejlor je dvostruki sampion u premijernoj IMSA kategoriji prototipova a vec je 2017. testirao Indikar za Penskija u cijem je IMSA timu vozio. Andreti je od ove sezone uleteo kao suvlasnik u WTR, IMSA tim Tejlorovog oca za koji ce Riki voziti, i koji ima fabricku podrsku Akure. Andreti je takodje izrazio zelju da izadje na 24h Lemana, sad kad su propozicije premijernih serija i u WEC i u IMSA izjednacene.


Porodica Tejlor ima vrstan trkacki pedigre, otac Vejn je bio nacionalni F2 sampion Juzne Afrike 1986, dugo se takmicio u trkama sportskih prototipova i GT i ima jednu pobedu u klasi na 24h Lemana 1998. Sinovi Riki i Dzordan se takmice u IMSA sampionatu, Riki ima dve titule u kategoriji prototipova a Dzordan jednu u prototipovima i dve u GT. Tim WTR je nastao na rusevinama fabrickog Rajli tima nakon povlacenja ovog proizvodjaca i donedavno je imao status najjaceg od "privatnika" da bi ove godine dobio fabricku podrsku Akure nakon njihovog razlaza sa Penskijem koji je postao Porseov fabricki tim...

8 hours ago, 033zero330 said:

Ne sećam se tačno, ali zar nije bilo priče, da invalidnost nije trajna ili tako nešto...?


1 hour ago, John Terry said:


To bi bilo bas emotivno. Jel mu noge nisu uopste funkcionalne?


Nije potpuno nepokretan, ima znacajnog napretka u odnosu na pocetno stanje ali se nece nikada 100% oporaviti. Vec neko vreme vozi na rucne komande u turing klasi IMSA sampionata i to sa poprilicnim uspehom.

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Nova putujuca ambulanta za Indikar:



The NTT IndyCar Series spent the off-season working with vendors to finish the outfitting of a new and more expansive medical trailer that will make its operational debut later this week at its Spring Training session held at the Thermal Club.


In working with its medical staff and the local IU Health group on the specifications for the new tractor-trailer, the ‘IndyCar Medical Unit’ provides the series with its first self-contained mobile solution. Prior to the new unit, a combination of mobile IndyCar medical resources and the resources offered at each race track combined to provide shared care solutions.



Dok cekamo pocetak danasnjeg testiranja...



The NTT IndyCar Series is making an alteration to its Leaders Circle program. RACER has learned a change to the prize money-based payout system has been implemented where each contract for 2023 comes with a $150,000 reduction.



Graham Rahal’s most successful years at Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing were authored with the exceptional race engineering talents of Eddie Jones attached to the No. 15 Honda.


Determined to make a return to victory lane for the first time since 2017, Rahal will head into the new NTT IndyCar Series season with Jones — who attempted to retire a few years ago, but soon returned as an engineering consultant — back on his timing stand as his race engineer.



Alexander Rossi sees benefits in the McLaren’s unique combination of Formula 1 and IndyCar programmes, having joined the latter operation for 2023.



27 bolida i vozaca koji ucestvuju na danasnjem testu:




Trenutno pauza za rucak, do sad najbrzi Herta ispred Kirkvuda i Pazenoa, sva trojica Honde. Slede tri Sevroleta - ViKej, Njugarden i Pauer pa opet grupa Hondi predvodjena Grozanom, Armstrongom, Diksonom i Harvijem za top 10...



Top 5 u drugom delu danasnjih testova - Herta, Lundgard, Palu, Grozan, Pauer - svi Honde osim Pauera.

Jedna lasta ne cini prolece pa tako ni jedan dan testova ne cini sezonu, ali deluje da su Honde u prednosti u odnosu na Sevije a i da se Andreti Autosport probudio nakon uzasle sezone 2022. Videcemo kako bude islo dalje...

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