Radoye Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Jebiga, kad Red Bul ne ume da napravi sasiju da to iskoristi, inace bi i Gasli bio ispred nas... 😐
Borko Posted June 22, 2019 Author Posted June 22, 2019 Njui je zreo za penziju. Ako Honda ne moze da ih pogura da vrha, znaci da je do njega.
Borko Posted June 22, 2019 Author Posted June 22, 2019 Ej ali Gaslija je Lendo ostavio za 7 desetinki a Karlos za 6.. Okej, Ferstapen je u ovom trenutku bolji vozac od nasih, ali da li je fer reci da je Meklaren danas bio brzi od Red Bula? Ja mislim da jeste. I danas, i u Bahreinu.
Alen13ASC Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Honda neće u dosledno vreme napraviti bolji motor od Ferarija i Mercedesa, stoga ma šta god Njuji napravi od bolida to neće biti dovoljno. RB je zacementiran kao večiti P3 među konstruktorima u ovoj fazi šampionata. Kad bi Njuji prešao u Meklaren, uz Renoovu PJ, oborili bi RB. Btw, ovo je neko moje skromno mišljenje. A to za Gazlija, meh, dečko će možda biti zamenjen do kraja sezone. Kvjat je prava osoba za RB, Albona bi ja lično ostavio još jednu sezonu u RB da se prekali a kasnije bi Kvjata zamenio Albonom.
Radoye Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 10 minutes ago, Borko said: Ej ali Gaslija je Lendo ostavio za 7 desetinki a Karlos za 6.. Okej, Ferstapen je u ovom trenutku bolji vozac od nasih, ali da li je fer reci da je Meklaren danas bio brzi od Red Bula? Ja mislim da jeste. I danas, i u Bahreinu. Jbg jeste se Honda primakla (a i Reno se primakao) ali i dalje njima fali snage, to se dobro vidi. Nakon proslogodisnjeg promasaja sa sasijom sad se vidi da u Meklarenu ipak nisu zaboravili da dizajniraju bolid i sada je vec ocigledno da smo na brzim stazama u laganoj prednosti. Za sada jedino sto drzi RBR iznad vode je Maks, koji je ma koliko ga ne voleo ipak vanserijski talenat, i gluposti Ferarija koje su mu otvorile priliku za podijum. Bez njega bi se RBR utopio u sivilo druge lige. Ali faktor X ove sezone za sve su gume, izgleda da je jako tesko utrefiti im optimalni rezim rada i tu bukvalno od trke do trke neko drugi moze da iskoci napred. Samo je Mecka i u manjoj meri Ferari konstantno jak na gumama, iza njih je vec jako gusto. Vec smo imali situacije gde je Alfa neocekivano iskakala, pa Has, pa STR, pa evo sad mi... Bice tu jos svasta do kraja godine.
momohyoideus Posted June 22, 2019 Posted June 22, 2019 Da je Ron Dennis imao pola grama mozga, Newey nikad ne bi otisao.
Radoye Posted June 25, 2019 Posted June 25, 2019 Quote McLaren will build its own wind tunnel to help development of its Formula 1 car, following a request from team principal Andreas Seidl. Seidl started work at McLaren at the start of May and was asked to identify weaknesses in terms of the team’s set-up in order to direct future investment. The new team principal told McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown that the use of the Toyota wind tunnel in Cologne is not ideal, and although there is a facility at the McLaren Technology Centre that is currently not used by the F1 team, a new wind tunnel at the team’s headquarters would be beneficial. “One of the biggest tasks I get at the moment from Zak and the shareholders – Sheikh Mohammed and Mansour (Ojjeh) – is to clearly point out where I see the deficits or weaknesses in infrastructure, structure and so on, at Woking and here at the track,” Seidl said. “One of the big deficits we have at the moment is clearly not running our own wind tunnel in Woking. For nearly 10 years, we’ve been developing our car remotely at Toyota in Cologne. “So I’m very happy that recently this decision has been made that we install a new wind tunnel and get a new wind tunnel in Woking, which is obviously a great message for everyone inside the team because it also shows how serious Zak and the shareholders are regarding our way back to the front. “It’s great news for everyone inside the team, a big boost for the morale, and simply fits the overall positive direction that everyone is taking at the moment inside the team.” Giving a rough timeframe of two years for the wind tunnel to be completed, Seidl says it is not just the Formula 1 team that will benefit from the development. “I think it’s important to mention that the investment we’re doing in the wind tunnel was not just for our Formula 1 program,” he said. “I think we can share the resources of the wind tunnel with automotive. “We can share with potential other future motorsport projects at McLaren. Zak is working on that. At the same time, I think it’s also possible to rent it out to customers. That is the idea and why we took the decision to make this investment.” McLaren – currently fourth in the constructors’ championship, but without a podium in over five years – will continue to use the Toyota facility until its own wind tunnel is complete.
Borko Posted June 29, 2019 Author Posted June 29, 2019 Hm, sklonjen profil Prodromoua sa sajta Meklarena
Radoye Posted July 3, 2019 Posted July 3, 2019 On 6/29/2019 at 6:41 AM, Borko said: Hm, sklonjen profil Prodromoua sa sajta Meklarena Ode Pet Fraj: Quote Pat Fry, who worked as engineering director on McLaren’s current MCL34 chassis, is to leave the team, RaceFans understands. A former long-term McLaren employee, Fry rejoined to the team in September last year. His return followed the departures of previous technical director Tim Goss and engineering director Matt Morris in the wake of McLaren’s poor start to the season. Fry’s appointment was expected to be on an interim basis while McLaren awaited the arrival of new technical director James Key, who joined them from Toro Rosso in March. When approached for a comment by RaceFans a McLaren spokesperson said the team does not comment on personnel developments as a matter of policy, but did not issue a denial. Possible future destinations for Fry are thought to include Renault or Williams. The latter announced last week it had formally parted ways with former chief technical officer Paddy Lowe. Fry originally worked at McLaren from 1993 to 2010 before taking up an assistant technical director role at Ferrari. He later became engineering director at the team but left at the end of 2014. He rejoined McLaren last year following a brief spell at the Manor team, which collapsed at the end of 2016. RaceFans understands Fry will serve a six-month term of gardening leave following his departure from McLaren. McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown has described Fry as one of two fathers of the MCL34 chassis which has helped turn the team’s performance around last year. McLaren ended 2018 sixth in the world championship but scored just 10 points over the final nine races. It currently holds fourth in the standings.
Radoye Posted July 5, 2019 Posted July 5, 2019 Meni jeste utoliko sto je ovo verovatno kraj za Meklarenove ambicije u Indikaru. Voleo bih kad bi se ukljucili u sampionat i vozili cele sezone, s Alonsom ili bez njega - svejedno. Narocito ce ostati gorak ukus nakon ovogodisnjeg debakla na Indi 500, ako se sad povuku ispasce da su kukavice.
Hertzog Posted July 9, 2019 Posted July 9, 2019 Karlos Sainc i Lando potpisali za McL za 2020. Lep vozacki sastav
Radoye Posted July 10, 2019 Posted July 10, 2019 cistka se nastavlja Quote I hear, by the way, that the team’s CFO John Cooper is on the move, the latest of the old regime to move on.
Radoye Posted July 26, 2019 Posted July 26, 2019 Quote Full-time McLaren IndyCar entry back on the table - Brown Image by LAT By: Chris Medland | 19 minutes ago McLaren Racing CEO Zak Brown says a full-time entry into next year’s IndyCar series is now more likely than a one-off at Indianapolis. Following his team’s failure to qualify for this year’s Indy 500 (pictured), Brown told RACER he felt it could be more sensible to only focus on the same race in 2020 in order to ensure it learns from its mistakes. At the time, Brown described it as “highly unlikely” there would be a full-time entry, but that stance has now changed as he still evaluates McLaren’s future in the United States. “That’s still very much a work in progress,” Brown said at the German Grand Prix. “We learned a lot on what not to do this year in Indy. That was a rude awakening. I made a lot of mistakes in how I put that together. The reasons we want to go to Indy remain. That doesn’t change. “I think when you have a failure you need to learn from it and grow. I think the easy thing is to not get back on the horse, but you can’t do that in life. I think you’ve got to dust yourself off and get back on the horse. So that is under active review. “We would do it differently — needless to say — than we did it this year. And if we did it I’d be more inclined to look to do it on a full-time basis than a one-off. I think having tried that, that’s a pretty tall order. Or certainly to go at it by yourself I think is too tall an order.” Brown (left) with Alonso at Indy. Image by Michael Levitt/LAT. Fernando Alonso drove for McLaren at Indianapolis this year and retains an association with the team, but has previously stated he doesn’t want to do a full season of IndyCar. Brown believes that attitude could also change given the lack of confirmed drives Alonso currently has, and says he would be his first pick to lead such a project. “I think on Fernando, we wanted him to test our Formula 1 car to validate everything that he was giving us feedback on last year. So the only statement we made was we weren’t going to have him test our Formula 1 car anymore and then that got picked up in the wrong way because our relationship is very much intact commercially, contractually — nothing’s changed. “I’d love to have him involved in an IndyCar program if we were to do it and he wants to do it. He’s undecided on what he wants to do next year. I think this is the first time in 17 or 18 years he doesn’t have a calendar filled with racing next year, so I think he needs to take the summer break to reconcile in his own mind what he wants to do. But if we were to go IndyCar racing and he wanted to do it, of course he would be top of our list. “We don’t want to shy away from spotlight. I think Fernando brings a tremendous amount of focus but I think as McLaren so do we. So that doesn’t really factor into our thinking of, ‘Let’s take a driver that doesn’t come with as much pressure.’ If we enter IndyCar it’s going to be to win races; ether that’s with Fernando or another driver. So I don’t think it changes those dynamics.”
Radoye Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 Glasine o Meklarenu u Indikar sampionatu 2020 postaju sve ludje - nakon sto je isplivala prica o pregovorima izmedju Rosija i Andretija za nastavak saradnje ispostavilo se da je i Meklaren bio u kombinaciji ponudivsi velik novac Andretiju za fuziju dva tima (znaci Meklaren Andreti Autosport) sa Rosijem i Alonsom kao okosnicama tima. Ovo bi zahtevalo promenu motora na Sevrolet zbog znamo zasto. Na kraju je ipak presudilo to sto Andreti nije zeleo da rizikuje svoj povlasten status sa Hondom da bi postao Sevroletov B-tim nakon Penskija, a Rosi je ostao lojalan coveku koji mu je pruzio sansu kad ga je F1 odbacila (pored Meklarenove imao je na stolu i ponude Penskija i Gnasija za vece pare nego sto je dobio od Andretija). Sada je navodno aktuelna kombina sa Smit-Pitersonom gde bi Meklaren isfinansirao dovodjenje Koltona Herte i Skota Diksona za komplet sezonu (umesto Hinca i Eriksona, i dugorocno privremeno odsutnog Vikensa) i treci bolid za Alonsa samo za Indi 500, vise dobo upicenih izvora javljaju. Navodno veza je Arrow sponzorstvo, a i ovde je kamen spoticanja Honda mada za razliku od Andretija SPM nema povlasten status a i njihov ugovor za sezonu 2020 je prilicno cvrst pa bi Honda morala mnogo da se iskesira da ga raskine. Sa druge strane i Sem Smit i Rik Piterson poricu bilo kakve pregovore sa Meklarenom i kazu da nisu zainteresovani za prodaju tima ucelo ili delimicno, da su zadovoljni saradnjom sa Hondom i vozacima koje trenutno imaju pod ugovorom i da ne bi nista menjali po tom pitanju. SPM je solidan tim ali ne na nivou Andretija / Penskija / Ganasija tako da ne vidim zasto bi Meklaren insistirao na Hondi kad bi isto to mogli da dobiju recimo i sa Karpenterovim timom koji je vec Sevrolet, gde bi dobili dva ful tajm bolida plus treci za gazda Eda samo na ovalima. Karpenterov tim je jedan od najboljih na Indijanapolisu i to bi bila verovanto najbolja sansa za Alonsa izvan Penskija ili Andretija (cak ni Ganasi nije toliko faktor ovde).
Dzoni_m Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 A mozda je jednostavnije da urade fuziju samo bez Alonsa i onda imaju Hondu. Pa ima toliko talentovanih evropljana koji bi se okusali preko bare. Dovoljno su platili u F1 sto su imali primadonu koja je, da izvinete kakila tamo gde jede, pa “bruka” ove godine na Indiju i sada zatvaranje vrata na svakom mestu gde je Honda. Ne znam cime je on to zasluzio taj status. Ono iz protekle decenije necu ni pominjati. Taj covek debelo kosta reputaciju Meklarena. Ne znam zasto im to uopste treba. Samo ulecu u jos problema. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Radoye Posted July 30, 2019 Posted July 30, 2019 Fora je u tome sto Honda US (HPD) nema nista protiv ni Meklarena ni Alonsa. Sve stopira Honda Japan (HRD) koji nece vise ni Meklaren ni Alonsa pa sve da su jedini na svetu. Zek Braun i Majkl Andreti saradjuju (van Meklarena) u mnogim sampionatima od IMSA preko australijskih V8 i relikrosa, nekako je logicno da se i u Indikaru upare, ali jebiga.
Borko Posted July 31, 2019 Author Posted July 31, 2019 Nakon 11 trka, imamo 70 bodova, jos samo 6 do 76 iz 2016. Sains se nametnuo kao lider tima. Moja očekivanja za ostatak sezone su neskromna - najmanje 150 bodova i Sains na 6. mestu u konkurenciji vozaca. 4. mesto u konstruktorima se podrazumeva, i prakticno je vec osigurano. Jedino sto me brine je pad Norisa kako sezona odmice.
Radoye Posted July 31, 2019 Posted July 31, 2019 Bice tu jos svasta, razlike su strasno male od cetvrtog do devetog u konkurenciji timova, bukvalno od trke do trke neko drugi iskoci. Ima jos puno da se vozi.
Borko Posted July 31, 2019 Author Posted July 31, 2019 Ne slazem se. To je Nemacka malo sada dala pogresnu sliku. Mi smo bez premca najkonstantiji, a uglavnom i najbrzi od povratka u Evropu. Jedino nas je Reno prakticno niotkuda ugrozio u Britaniji.
Radoye Posted July 31, 2019 Posted July 31, 2019 Mi jesmo najkonstantniji, uvek tu pri vrhu druge lige ali na svakoj skoro trci iskoci neki drugi tim - doduse posle ih na sledecoj trci nema nigde. Mislim, nadam se da cemo do kraja sezone zacementirati to cetvrto mesto i imati brzinu na stazi da se potrkamo i sa RBR ali me isto tako ne bi iznenadilo i kad bi nas do kraja pretekao neko. Razlike u vremenima su jako male, zaista sitnice odlucuju ove godine.
Dzoni_m Posted August 1, 2019 Posted August 1, 2019 Momci, bez ljutnje, ali ja zaista mislim da vi drzite sebe u velikoj zabludi i pokusavate da opravdate ocigledno pogresne korake koje je McLaren preuzeo. Imate (imacete) vi vise bodova od 2016-te ali zasto je to bitno? Vi ne mozete da se borite za pobedu. Apsolutno ne mozete. Jedino da oba Mercedesa, Ferrarija i RBR ispadnu. Tek onda. Imate malo vise srece nego pameti. Reno je debelo zahebao stvar ove sezone. Da li mislite da ce doveka tako biti? Vi niste fabricki tim. Lobotomizirani mozak koji je mislio da je dobra ideja biti tim-kupac velikog proizvodjaca vam je zacrtao put i zacementirao to 4 mesto. Vi do 2021 necete videti podijum u normalnim trkackim okolnostima. A onda je pitanje ko ce odskociti, napraviti najbolji paket itd. Pogadjajte da to necete biti vi. Taj motor ce biti optimizovan za fabricki tim. I tajne ce u prvih sezonu-dve znati samo oni. Vi se sa RBR se necete trkati. Oni imaju onog nesrecnog Gaslija koji je kao kuce u liftu izgubljen. Pa samo da stave Kvyata nazad imali bi opasan problem. Ne samo Meklaren nego i svi osim, mozda, Mercedesa. Ja se i dalje nadam da ce se neko tamo dozvati pameti i napraviti fabricki motor. Apsolutno ne vidim razlog zasto ne. Garantujem da finansije nisu problem. Prosto ne razumem, pravite drumske automobile, imaju in-house razvijen motor i hibridne komponente (odakle je ideja i osnovni koncept potekao nije vazno, toliko su upakovali i modifikovali tu ideju da je to potpuno nov motor i hibridna komponenta), i to su uradili opasno dobro. Dakle nije da nemaju znanja. Zamislite dva velika proizvodjaca sportskih automobila Ferrari i Meklaren koji se bore na stazi u F1 i na ulici. PA JEBOTE! Mercedes tu moz' se koprca do jutra i da dominira u F1, lepo je to ali na kraju dana oni prave i Sprinter kombi i male gradske automobile, koliko god su dobri i kvalitetni, ipak su konfekcija, ok premijum, ali konfekcija. Ferrari i Meklaren. Zamislite. Dva tima nastala na stazi, prosirile svoje kapacitete i prave drumske automobile, a mere ciji je veci na stazama sirom sveta. Idi bre. Vlazni san. Jos samo one khm pkm *ckice iz Porsche-a da se ukljuce da pa bude serious shit
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